Items affiliated to "GUDP"
Jump to: Peer-reviewed and accepted | Not peer-reviewed Number of items at this level: 67. Peer-reviewed and acceptedKristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg and Hefner, M. (Eds.) (2019) Proceedings of the 3rd workshop: EUVRIN fertilisation and irrigation. The 9.-11. Sept. 2019 Pisa University, Italy. Eds. L. INCROCCI, D. MASSA, R. B. THOMPSON, J. ZINKERNAGEL p. 32-33 Abstract: Sustainable Intensification and Nitrogen Management in Organic Vegetable Production. . Proceedings of The 3rd EUVRIN Workshop: fertilisation and irrigation, Pisa University, Italy, , 9.-11. Sept. 2019. Incrocci, L; Massa, D; Thompson, R and Zinkernagel, J (Eds.) (2019) Proceedings of the EUVRIN 3rd workshop fertilisation and irrigation of vegetables. pp. 32-33. Proceedings of EUVRIN, Pisa Italy, 9.-11. Sept. 2019. Afrose, Sadia; Hammershøj, Marianne; Nørgaard, Jan Værum; Engberg, Ricarda M. and Steenfeldt, Sanna (2016) Influence of Blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) and Starfish (Asterias rubens) meals on production performance, egg quality and apparent total tract digestibility of nutrients of laying hens. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 213, pp. 108-117. Beta, Trust; Qiu, Yang; Liu, Qin; Borgen, Anders and Apea-Bah, Franklin Brian (2020) Purple Wheat (Triticum sp.) Seeds. In: Nuts and Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention. Elsevier Inc., ScienceDirect ®, pp. 103-125. Hefner, M.; Labouriau, R.; Nørremark, Michael and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2019) Controlled traffic farming increased crop yield, root growth, and nitrogen supply at two organic vegetable farms. Soil & Tillage Research, 191, pp. 117-130. Holmquist, Dino Demirovic; Buitenhuis, Bart; Nielsen, Niels Henning; Poulsen, Nina Aagaard; Munk, Arne and Kargo, Morten (2019) Where will new techologies take milk recording? Large scale screening of the Danish dairy cattle population for their fatty acid profile. In: ICAR 2019 Proceedings. Holmquist, Dino Demirovic; Buitenhuis, Bart; Nielsen, Niels Henning; Poulsen, Nina Aagaard; Munk, Arne and Kargo, Morten (2018) Large scale screening of milk fatty acid profile: new possibilities for dairy product development. Poster at: World Dairy Summit, Daejeon, South Korea, 15-19 October 2018. Kargo, Morten; Hein, Lisa; Poulsen, Nina Aagaard and Buitenhuis, Albert Johannes (2019) Keeping up with a healthy milk fatty acid profile requires selection. In: Proceedings of the 70th Annual EAAP meeting. Kargo, Morten and Munk, Arne (2018) Aktuel formidling fra SOBcows – Nicheproduktion af oste med særlig fedtsyresammensætning. Workshop at: Statusmøde for Organic RDD og CORE Organic, Middelfart, 14 May 2018. [Unpublished] Nørgaard, J.V.; Petersen, J.K.; Tørring, D.B.; Jørgensen, Henry and Lærke, H.N. (2015) Chemical composition and standardized ileal digestibility of protein and amino acids from blue mussel, starfish, and fish silage in pigs. Animal Feed Science and technology, 205, pp. 90-97. Poulsen, Nina Aagaard; Hein, Lisa; Kargo, Morten and Buitenhuis, Albert Johannes (2020) Realization of breeding values for milk fatty acids in relation to seasonal variation in organic milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 103 (3), pp. 2434-2441. Poulsen, Nina Aagaard; Szekeres, Balasz; Kargo, Morten and Larsen, Lotte Bach (2019) Mineral and fatty acid composition of milk from native Jutland and Danish Red 1970 cattle breeds. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A — Animal Science, 69 (1-2), pp. 131-135. Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Hefner, M.; Labouriau, R.; Trinchera, Alessandra; Willekens, Koen and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2022) Intercropping and fertilization strategies to progress sustainability of organic cabbage and beetroot production. European Journal of Agronomy, 140, pp. 1-14. Slagboom, Margot; Hjortø, Line; Sørensen, Anders Christian; Mulder, H. A.; Thomasen, Jørn Rind and Kargo, Morten (2019) Possibilities for a specific breeding program for organic dairy production. In: Proceedings of the 70th Annual EAAP Meeting. Slagboom, Margot; Kargo, Morten; Sørensen, Anders Christian; Thomasen, Jørn Rind and Mulder, H. A. (2019) Genomic selection improves the possibility of applying multiple breeding programs in different environments. Journal of Dairy Science, 102 (9), pp. 8197-8209. Slagboom, Margot; Wallenbeck, Anna; Hjortø, Line; Sørensen, Anders Christian; Rydhmer, Lotta; Thomasen, Jørn Rind and Kargo, Morten (2018) Simulating consequences of choosing a breeding goal for organic dairy production. Journal of Dairy Science, 101 (12), pp. 11086-11096. Sørensen, P. and Nørgaard, J.V. (2016) Starfish (Asterias rubens) as feed ingredient for piglets. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 211, pp. 181-188. Xie, Yue; Shanmugam, Sindhuja and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2023) Dispersed white roots in red beetroot influence the accuracy of root identification based on colours for intercropping studies. BMC Plant Biology, 23 (416), pp. 1-10. Xie, Yue; Sørensen, Jørn Nygaard; Petersen, Karen Koefoed and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2018) Stepwise incorporation of white clover (Trifolium repens L.)as fertiliser increases nitrogen fixation and improves nitrogen retention when intercropped with leek (Allium porrum L.). Plant and Soil, 422, pp. 541-554. Not peer-reviewedAarhus, University (Ed.) (2018) Dyrkning i planterester gavner udbyttet og agroøkosystemet. DCA Annual report. DCA. Bisgaard, Annemarie (2021) Gartnertidende 2, 2021: Gødning fra ny komposteringsmetode. Gartnertidende, February 2021, 2, pp. 21-22. Blæsbjerg, Laura (2023) Compost quality for cultivation of vegetables. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Food Science. Aarhus University Master Thesis. Aarhus University, Aarhus University. Borgen, Anders (2020) Nyhedsbrev fra Agrologica forår 2020. Argrologica, May 2020, pp. 1-7. Brandt-Møller, Irene (2020) Rådgivning skal øge udbytterne. Økologisk Landbrug, 3 January 2020, p. 23. de Visser, Richard (2021) DoubleCrop og rådgivning. Working paper, HortiAdvice . [Completed] de Visser, Richard and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2021) DOUBLE CROP med højere N-effektivitet. Gartnertidende, 2021, 9, pp. 47-48. Engelbrecht, Anya (2019) Avl kan skabe fremtidens økologiske ko., 16 September 2019, pp. 1-3. Frei, Rachel (2019) Short Term Effects of Crop Intensity, Surface Disturbance and Plant-Based Fertilizers on an Organically Managed Top Soil. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Dept. AgroEcology. Master thesis Aarhus University. Aarhus University, Aarhus University. Hamann, Karen Thorsted and Gylling, M. (2020) Perspektiver for etablering og kommercialisering af økologisk græsprotein i Danmark. Sammenfattende analyse og handlingsplan. [Perspectives for establishing a commercial production of grass protein in Denmark. Summarizing analysis and roadmap.] Instituttet for Fødevarestudier & Agroindustriel Udvikling-IFAU. Hansen, Elly Møller; Sørensen, Jørn Nygaard; Thomsen, Ingrid K.; Jørgensen, Lise Nistrup and Melander, Bo (2020) Tilføjelse af nye arter på listen over godkendte efterafgrøder. DCA report. DCA, Aarhus University. Hefner, M. and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2021) Sustainable intensification improved soil fertility in organic leek and lettuce production. asdfsadf, 0-0. [draft] Hefner, M. and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2020) L2.1 ComCrop: Research plan decided for ComCrop rotation, fertilizer plan adjusted. working paper, Food, Aarhus University . [Completed] Hefner, M.; Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg and Shanmugam, Sindhuja (2020) Soil fertility, nitrogen availability and plant growth in new vegetable production systems. Speech at: Swedish Organic Conference: Forskning och utveckling inom ekologisk produktion, Webinar, 15. Oct. 2020. [Completed] Hefner, M.; Sørensen, Jørn Nygaard; de Visser, Richard and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2021) Sustainable intensification through double-cropping and plant-based fertilisation. Intended for European Journal of Agronomy, ?, 00-00. [draft] Hefner, M.; de Visser, Richard; Sørensen, Jørn Nygaard and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2019) DoubleCrop sædskifte-forsøget: Dobbeltdyrkning og jordens frugt barhed. [DoubleCrop crop rotation trial: Double cropping and soil fertility.] Speech at: [Completed] Hefner, M.; Labouriau, R.; Nørremark, M. and Kristensen, H. L. (2018) Controlled traffic farming increases root growth, crop and soil nitrogen in vegetable cropping systems. In: Proceedings of the 20th Nitrogen Workshop “Coupling C - N - P - S cycles”, pp. 461-462. Hermansen, Nina (2017) Dyrkning direkte i planterester giver mindre ukrudt. Magasinet Mark, December 2017, Dec, p. 15. Jacobsen, Stine K.; Sigsgaard, Lene; Nielsen, Otto; Schwennsen, Trine Ø; Green, Ole; Johannsson, I; Vestergård, Mette; Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg and Nicolaisen, Mogens (2023) Strip cropping –improving biodiversity and crop resilience in organic farming. Poster at: XII European Congress of Entomology, Thessaloniki, Greece, 16-20 October 2023. Jacobsen, Stíne K. (2017) Functional agrobiodiversity for pest control in apple. Danish OIKOS Annual Meeting, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 10/3-11/3, 2017. [Completed] Jacobsen, Stíne K. and Sigsgaard, Lene (2016) Functional agrobiodiversity - a novel approach to optimize pest control in fruit production. Poster at: Seminar: Future of crop protection, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 28-10-2016. Jensen, Asmus Gamdrup (2022) Plantetopmødet med oplæg om korn og freekeh med Landsorten. Speech at: Plantetopmødet, Aarhus, 31. oktober 2022. [draft] Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2023) Flere grøntsager og bælgfrugter for klimaet. Speech at: Debataften i DOMEN Aarhus Festuge, Aarhus C, 29. august 2023. [Completed] Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg; Gebremikael, Mesfin and Shanmugam, Sindhuja (2022) Combination of plant-based fertilisers and compost can replace farmyard manure for nitrogen fertilization- and builds soil fertility in organic vegetable production. In: Abstract_Book_XXI_N_workshop_Madrid 2022, p. 54. Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg; Hefner, M. and Shanmugam, Sindhuja (2021) Anvendelse af kompost i jordbruget. Speech at: DAKOFA webinar, Webinar, 17. March 2021. [Completed] Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg; Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Hefner, M.; Skyum, Birk; Knudsen, Marie Trydeman; Mäkinen, Jonaas; Blande, James; Himanen, Sari and Kivijärvi, Pirjo (2020) PROTEINRIGE PLANTER – DERES ROLLE I MARKENS ØKOLOGI OG DIVERSITET! Speech at: Danish Vegetarian Association Workshop: Potentialer og udfordringer ved flere planteproteiner i Danmark, Copenhagen University, 29. Oct. 2020. [Completed] Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg; Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Xie, Yue and Hefner, M. (2021) Intercropping of vegetables - why does it work or not. Speech at: Seminar at Aarhus University Dept. Food Science, Århus N, 15. Dec. 2021. [Completed] Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2019) Grøntsager er fremtiden - dyrk dem og spis dem! Speech at: Møde med Syddjurs Bæredygtighedsudvalg, Rønde, 12. dec. 2019. [Completed] Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2019) Grøntsager er fremtiden. [Vegetables are the future.] Økologisk Landbrug, 19 August 2019, 647, p. 26. Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg and Hefner, M. (2019) Sustainable Intensification and Nitrogen Management in Organic Vegetable Production. Speech at: The 3rd workshop EUVRIN: fertilisation and irrigation of vegetables, Pisa Italy, 9.-11. Sept. 2019. [Completed] Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg; Hefner, M.; Shanmugam, Sindhuja and Xie, Yue (2019) Any general conclusions to draw on deep roots from the complex effects of cropping systems? Workshop at: Deep Frontier, Copenhagen University, 26. Nov. 2019. [Completed] Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg; Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Sørensen, Jørn Nygaard and Hefner, Margita (2020) Økologiske dyrkningssystemer til grønsager med fokus på jordens mikrobielle aktivitet, rodvækst, kulstof og kvælstof. Keynote presentation at: Norges økologikongres 2020, Oslo, 22. januar 2020. Lynge, Mariane (2020) L2.2. Plan ready for test runs of composter at AU (ComCrop). working paper, Food science, Aarhus University . [Completed] Lynge, Mariane (2019) Evaluering af overvintrende grønsager i økologisk jordbrug. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Dept. Food Science. Master thesis Aarhus University. Aarhus University, Aarhus University. Martinussen, Henrik and Kargo, Morten (2020) Hvad fedtsyrermålinger i mælken fortæller om koen og foderrationen. Speech at: Kvægkongres 2020, MCH Herning. Medrano, Dorian Valentin (2022) New Composting Technology: Evaluation of Compost Quality and its Effects on Soil Fertility. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Food Science. Master thesis. Aarhus University. Nielsen, Stig Feodor (2020) Åbent hus i økogrøntsager. GartnerTidende, 17 September 2020, 11, pp. 36-37. Nielsen, Stig Feodor (2020) L4.1a.Gartnertidende 11, 2020: Åbent hus i økogrønsager. Gartnertidende, 17 September 2020, 11, pp. 36-37. Nielsen, Stig Feodor (2019) Nye muligheder i øko grønsagssædskifter. Gartnertidende, 11 April 2019, 5, pp. 49-50. Olsen, Ditte Køster (0002) Animalsk og plantebaserede gødskningsstrategier i økologisk grønsagsproduktion: Effekter på udbytte, kvælstofdynamik og jordens frugtbarhed. [Animal- and plant-based fertilizer strategies in organic vegetable farming: Effects on yield, nitrogen dynamics and soil fertility.] Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Food Science. Aarhus University, Aarhus. Rystedt, Lotte (2017) Dyrkning i planterester giver mindre ukrudt. �kologi & Erhverv, 1 December 2017, 622, p. 12. Rystedt, Lotte (2017) Dyrkning i planterester giver mindre ukrudt. MASKINBLADET, 21 November 2017, p. 1. Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Gebremikael, Mesfin; Gabard, Sandra; Konnerup, Dennis and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2021) COMPOST FOR FERTILE SOILS AND HIGH QUALITY VEGETABLES. Poster at: Aarhus Food Week 2021, AROS Aarhus, 13-15. Sept. 2021. Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Gebremikael, Mesfin; Hefner, M. and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2023) Effect of compost and plant based fertilizers on growth, nitrogen use efficiency and soil enzyme activities in organic greenhouse cultivation of parsley. Not settled, pp. 1-11. [draft] Sørensen, Jørn Nygaard and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2020) Efterafgrøder og grøngødning. GartnerTidende, 2020, 136 (14), pp. 44-45. Sørensen, Jørn Nygaard and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2020) Tang og grøde som gødning. Gartnertidende, 2020, 136 (12), pp. 44-45. Vesterholt, Lasse Lillevang; Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Hefner, M.; Sørensen, Jørn Nygaard and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2019) Er dine grøntsager veganske? Poster at: Food festivallen Århus, Tangkrogen Århus, 6.-8. Sept. 2019. [Completed] Xie, Yue; Jensen, Andreas; Knudsen, Marie Trydeman and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2023) Comprehensive definitions and indirect estimations: narrowing reasearch-reality gap in quantifying vegetable crop residues N. to come, 1, pp. 1-25. [draft] This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 03:35:25 2025 CET. |