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Items affiliated to "Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau - FÖKO"

Number of items at this level: 52.

Peer-reviewed and accepted

Eis, Birgit (2006) Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt über Alternativen zu Schwefelkalk bei der Blütenausdünnung in den Jahren 2004 und 2005. [Results of a Research Project about alternatives to lime sulphur for blossom thinning in 2004 and 2005.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 204-212.

Eis, Birgit (2006) Results of a Research Project about the influence of pruning intensity on cost of thinning by hand with the Variety ’Elstar’ in 2004 and 2005. [Ergebnisse aus dem Forschungsprojekt über den Einfluss der Schnittstärke auf den Handausdünnungsaufwand bei der Sorte ‘Elstar‘ in den Jahren 2004 und 2005.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), , Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 198-203.

Fritsch, Eva; Undorf-Spahn, Karin; Kienzle, Jutta; Zebitz, Claus P.W. and Huber, Jürg (2006) Codling moth granulovirus: Variations in the susceptibility of local codling moth populations. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 7-13.

Geipel, Karlheinz and Kreckl, Wolfgang (2006) Ökologischer Anbau von Äpfeln ohne den Einsatz von Pflanzenschutzmitteln. [Organic apple farming without pesticide application.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 133-137.

Grimm-Wetzel, Peter and Schönherr, Jörg (2006) Erfolgreiche Bekämpfung des Apfelschorfs mit Kalziumhydroxid. [Successful control of apple scab with hydrated lime.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 83-86.

Herz, Annette; Köppler, Kirsten; Vogt, Heidrun; Elias, Ellen; Katz, Peter and Peters, Arne (2006) Biological control of the cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis cerasi L. (Diptera, Tephriti-dae) by use of entomopathogenic nematodes: first experiences towards practi-cal implementation. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 67-72.

Hetebrügge, K.; Fieger-Metag, N.; Kienzle, J.; Zebitz, C.P.W. and Zimmer, J. (2006) Biologische Bekämpfung der Blutlaus Eriosoma lanigerum HAUSM. durch den Einsatz der Blutlauszehrwespe Aphelinus mali HALD. [Biological Control of Woolly Apple Aphid (Eriosoma lanigerum HAUSM.) with Aphelinus mali HALD.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 36-42.

Heyne, Peter; Kruse, Petra and Maxin, Peter (2006) Erste Versuchsergebnisse mit Backpulver gegen Apfelschorf. [First experiences with bicarbonate against scab in Hamburg.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 98-100.

Jaastad, G.; Røen, D.; Hovland, B. and Opedal, O. (2006) Kaolin as a possible treatment against lepidopteran larvae and mites in organic fruit production. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 31-35.

Jaastad, G.; Trandem, N.; Hovland, B.; Opedal, O.; Mogan, S.; Røen, D.; Sørum, O. and Bjotveit, E. (2006) Control methods against bugs (Hemiptera; Heteroptera) in organic apple and pear production. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 55-60.

Jehle, Johannes A. and Wahl-Ermel, Britta (2006) What do we (need to) know about low-susceptibility of codling moth against Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV)! In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 14-18.

Kelderer, Markus; Casera, Claudio and Lardschneider, Ewald (2006) Erste Ergebnisse mit dem Einsatz von K-hydrogencarbonat in Südtirol. [First results of the use of potassium bicarbonate against scab in South Tyrol.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 93-97.

Kelderer, Markus; Casera, Claudio and Lardschneider, Ewald (2006) Pflanzenverträglichkeit von verschiedenen Schwefelpräparaten auf Braeburn bei Behandlungen mit dem Sprüher oder mit der Oberkronenberegnung. [Phytotoxicity of different sulphur products applied with the sprayer or with the overheat irrigation system on Braeburn apples.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 228-233.

Kelderer, Markus; Casera, Claudio and Lardschneider, Ewald (2006) Was bringen die derzeit 'verfügbaren' Bioherbizide? [What can we expect from the commercially available bio-herbicides?] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 172-177.

Kelderer, Markus; Lardschneider, Ewald and Casera, Claudio (2006) Thinning effect of lime sulphur applied during blossom with the overhead irrigation system in comparison to the sprayer. [Nebenwirkungen auf den Fruchtansatz der Behandlungen von Schwefelkalk in die Blüte mit der Beregnung bzw. mit dem Sprüher.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO) , Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 234-238.

Kelderer, Markus; Mateazzi, Aldo and Casera, Claudio (2006) Nebenwirkungen auf den Fruchtansatz der Behandlungen von Schwefelkalk in die Blüte mit der Beregnung bzw. mit dem Sprüher. [Effects of the period of application of K-phosphite on residues on apple fruits.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 225-227.

Kellehals, Markus and Duffy, Brion (2006) Use of genetic resources and partial resistances for apple breeding. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 151-156.

Kellerhals, Markus and Eigenmann, Christian (2006) Beurteilung der Fruchtqualität beim Apfel im Rahmen des EU-Projekts Hidras. [Evaluation of apple fruit quality within the EU project Hidras.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 165-171.

Kienzle, J.; Buchleither, S.; Scheer, C. and Zebitz, C.P.W. (2006) Zur Regulierung des Kleinen Fruchtwicklers Grapholita lobarzewskii Ragonot. [Control of the appleseed moth Grapholita lobarzewskii Ragonot in organic fruit growing.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 243-249.

Kienzle, J.; Zimmer, J.; Maxin, P:; Rank, H.; Bathon, H. and Zebitz, C.P.W. (2006) Control of the apple sawfly Hoplocampa testudinea Klug in organic fruit growing. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 25-29.

Kienzle, Jutta and Zebitz, C.P.W. (2006) Codling moth populations less susceptible to CpGV: What about higher concentrations? In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 19-24.

Kienzle, Jutta; Zimmer, J.; Maxin, P.; Rank, H.; Bathon, H. and Zebitz, C.P.W. (2006) Wirkung von Quassiaextrakt auf die Apfelsägewespe Hoplocampa testudinea Klug. [Efficacy of Quassia extract on the apple sawfly Hoplocampa testudinea Klug.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 239-242.

Köhl, Jürgen; Heijne, Bart; Hockenhull, John; Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne; Trapmann, Marc; Eiben, Ute and Tamm, Lucius (2006) Contributions of EU-project REPCO to apple scab control. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 73-76.

Köppler, Kirsten; Storch, Volker and Vogt, Heidrun (2006) „Bait Sprays“ - eine Alternative zur Bekämpfung der Europäischen Kirschfruchtfliege Rhagoletis cerasi ? [Bait sprays - an alternative to control the European cherry fruit fly Rhagoletis cerasi ?] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 61-66.

Kunz, Stefan and Haug, Philipp (2006) Development of a strategy for fire blight control in organic fruit growing. [Entwicklung einer Strategie zur Feuerbrandbekämpfung im ökologischen Obstbau.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 145-150.

Malusa, Eligio; Furmanczyk, Ewa; Tartanus, Małgorzata; Brouwer, Gerjan; Parveaud, Claude-Eric; Warlop, Francois; Kelderer, Markus; Kienzle, Jutta; Alcazar Marin, Evelyne; Dekker, Teun; Vávra, Radek; Verrastro, Vincenzo; Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne; Boutry, Clémence; Friedli, Michael and Schlüter, Marco (2022) Knowledge Networks in Organic Fruit Production across Europe: A Survey Study. Sustainability, 14 (2960), pp. 1-17.

Maxin, Peter; Fieger-Metag, Nicole; Benduhn, Bastian; Kruse, Petra and Heyne, Peter (2006) Hot Water Dipping in Northern Germany- on farm results after four years of scientific work. [Stand der Umsetzung des Heißwassertauchverfahrens nach vierjähriger Versuchsarbeit auf den Obstbaubetrieben in Norddeutschland.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 118-120.

Montag, Jurith; Schreiber, Lukas and Schönherr, Jörg (2006) Die postinfektionelle Wirkung von Calciumhydroxid auf Konidien von Venturia inaequalis. [The post-infection activity of hydrated lime against conidia of Venturia inaequalis.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 77-80.

Montag, Jurith; Schreiber, Lukas and Schönherr, Jörg (2006) Die postinfektionellen Wirkungen von Kupferhydroxid und Kupfersulfat auf Konidien von Venturia inaequalis. [The post-infection activities of copper hydroxide and copper sulfate against conidia of Venturia inaequalis.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 218-224.

Peil, A.; Lesemann, S.; Dunemann, F.; Höfer, M.; Flachowsky, H. and Hanke, V.-M. (2006) Resistenzzüchtung in Dresden-Pillnitz - Der Apfel. [Resistance Breeding at Dresden-Pillnitz - Apple.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 161-164.

Pfeiffer, Barbara (2006) New Results from scab-experiments (treatments on fallen leaves and summer-applications). In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 101-107.

Pfeiffer, Barbara (2006) New Results from scab-experiments (treatments on fallen leaves and summer-applications). In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 101-107.

Pfeiffer, Barbara (2006) Results from an experiment about pruning of the apple variety ‘GoldRush’. [Ergebnisse eines Schnittversuchs bei der Apfelsorte ‘GoldRush’.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 178-182.

Ruess, Franz (2006) Erfahrungen mit neuen feuerbrandresistenten Unterlagen in Süddeutschland. [Experience with new fireblight resistant rootstocks in South Germany.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 157-160.

Scheer, Christian and Trautmann, Martin (2006) Versuch zur Regulierung der Blutlaus mittels Ohrwurmansiedlung. [Trial to control woolly aphid by earwigs.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 43-44.

Scheer, Christian and Trautmann, Martin (2006) Versuche zur Regulierung des Birnenblattsaugers. [Trials to control European pear sucker.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 45-46.

Spornberger, A.; Steffek, R.; Stich, K.; Jetzik, K.; Scheiblauer, J.; Altenburger, J.; Halbwirth, H. and Gosch, C. (2006) Lösungsansätze für Nachbauprobleme durch bodenbürtige Pathogene im biologischen Erdbeeranbau. [Possible solutions for replant problems caused by soil-borne pathogens in organic strawberry production.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 138-144.

Steen, Christiane; Dillmann, Klaus and Ortlieb, Reinhard (2013) Erdbeerblütenstecher (Anthonomus rubi Herbst): Netzabdeckung als Kontrollmöglichkeit in einjährigen Erdbeer-beständen in der späten Sorte Malwina. Paper at: 12. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, 5. bis 8. März 2013.

Tamm, Lucius; Amsler, Thomas; Schärer, Hansjakob and Refardt, Matthias (2006) Efficacy of Armicarb (potassium bicarbonate) against scab and sooty blotch on apples. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 87-92.

Trapman, Marc (2006) Observations on the epidemiology of Sooty Blotch in Organic orchards in the Netherlands. [Beobachtungen zur Epidemiologe der Regenfleckenkrankheit.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 125-132.

Trapman, Marc (2006) Resistance management in Vf apple scab resistant organic apple orchards. [Resistenz Management in Vf Schorf resistente ökologische Apfelanlagen.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 108-112.

Weber, Roland W. S. and Klopp, Karsten (2006) Nectria galligena as the cause of a collar rot disease in organically grown Topaz apple trees. [Nectria galligena als Ursache einer Kragenfäule-ähnlichen Krankheit bei der Apfelsorte Topaz im ökologischen Obstbau.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 121-124.

Weibel, Franco P.; Chevillat, Véronique S.; Tschabold, Jean-Luc and Stadler, Walter (2006) Fruit thinning in organic apple growing with optimized timing and combination strategies including (new) natural spray products and mechanical rope-devices. [Fruchtausdünnung im ökologischen Apfelanbau mit optimiertem Timing und Kombinationen von (neuen) natürlichen Mitteln und mechanischer Ausdünnung mit dem Fadengerät.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 183-197.

Weiss, Armin; Mögel, Gudrun and Kunz, Stefan (2006) Development of "Boni-Protect" - a yeast preparation for use in the control of postharvest diseases of apples. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 113-117.

Not peer-reviewed

Haug, P. and Kunz, S. (2005) Erfahrungen aus zwei Jahren Feuerbrandbekämpfung mit dem Hefepräparat „Blossom Protect“. Öko-Obstbau (3), pp. 13-16.

Kienzle, J.; Haug, P.; Maxin, P.; Künstler, B. and Dillmann, K. (2007) Arbeitsnetz zur Weiterentwicklung der Anbaukonzepte im Ökologischen Obstbau. [Network for advancement in organic fruit growing.] Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V., D-Weinsberg .

Kienzle, Jutta; Haug, Philipp; Dillmann, Klaus and Heyne, Peter (2011) Arbeitsnetz zur Weiterentwicklung der Anbaukonzepte im Ökologischen Obstbau. [Network for advancement in organic fruit growing.] Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V., D-Weinsberg .

Kunz, S.; von Eitzen-Ritter, M.; Schmitt, A. and Haug, P. (2006) Feuerbrandbekämpfung im ökologischen Obstbau - Ergebnisse der Bekämpfungsversuche 2006. Öko-Obstbau (4), pp. 3-7.

Kunz, S.; von Eitzen-Ritter, M.; Schmitt, A. and Haug, P. (2004) Feuerbrandbekämpfung im ökologischen Obstbau - Ergebnisse der Bekämpfungsversuche 2004. Öko-Obstbau (4), pp. 2-7.

Steen, Christiane; Dillmann, Klaus and Ortlieb, Reinhard (2011) Stärkung der Ertragssicherheit und Rentabilität im biologischen Erdbeeranbau durch effektivere Unkrautkontrolle sowie Regulierung des Erdbeerblütenstechers und verschiedener Wurzelfäulen. [Stabilization of yield stability and profitability in organic strawberry cultivation through a more effective weed control management and also through the regulation and control of the strawberry blossom weevil and the Verticillium wilt complex.] Bioland Beratung GmbH, D-Augsburg .

Steen, Christiane; Ortlieb, Reinhard; Dillmann, Klaus and Koch, Sabine (2013) Stärkung der Ertragssicherheit und Rentabilität im biologischen Erdbeeranbau durch effektivere Unkrautkontrolle sowie Regulierung des Erdbeerblütenstechers und verschiedener Wurzelfäulen. [Strengthening the yield guarantee and productivity in organic strawberry production through a more effective weed control management strategy, the control of the strawberry blossom weevil and root rot pathogens.] Bioland Beratung GmbH, D-Augsburg , Forschung und Entwicklung.

Warlop, Francois; Timmermans, B.G.H.; Brouwer, Gerjan; Nybom, Hilde; LATEUR, MARC; Kelderer, Markus; Weibel, Franco; Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne; GARCIN, Alain; Haug, Philipp and DAPENA, ENRIQUE (2014) How to optimize fruit and berry cultivar selection for organic farmers ? A comparison of European approaches. In: ECOFRUIT 2014 proceedings.

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