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Items affiliated to "Federal Research Institute of Animal Health - FLI"

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Number of items at this level: 31.


{Tool} Prevent tail biting: watching – thinking – acting. [Schwanzbeissen verhindern: beobachten - erkennen - handeln.] Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Vermeer, Herman and Dippel, Sabine. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, FBN - Farmers Business Network, FLI - Friedrich Löffler Institut, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, CEA-Leti, DTI - Danish Technological Institute. (2017)

{Tool} Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers. Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2015)

Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová , Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara (2015) Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers. FiBL, Bioinstitut, BOKU, CRA-SUI, Aarhus University, Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Institute of Animal Science, INRA and School of Agriculture, CH-Frick, CZ-Olomouc, A-Wien, I-Rom, DK-Aarhus, D-Celle, CZ-Prag, F-Saint-Gilles and UK-Newcastle upon Tyne.

Leeb, C.; Rudolph, G.; Bochicchio, D.; Edwards, S.; Früh, B.; Holinger, M.; Holmes, D.; Illmann, G.; Knop, D.; Prunier, A.; Rousing, T.; Winckler, C. and Dippel, S. (2019) Effects of three husbandry systems on health, welfare and productivity of organic pigs. Animal, online, pp. 1-9.

Leeb, Christine; Butler, Gillian; Bochicchio, Davide; Früh, Barbara; Illmann, Gudrun; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Urban, Jiri and Dippel, Sabine (2015) ProPIG - Farm specific strategies to reduce environmental impact by improving health, welfare and nutrition of organic pigs - Final project report. .

Rudolph, Gwendolyn; Hörtenhuber, Stefan; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Brandhofer, Roland; Dippel, Sabine; Dourmad, Jean Yves; Edwards, Sandra; Früh, Barbara; Meier, Matthias; Prunier, Armelle; Winckler, Christoph; Zollitsch, Werner and Leeb, Christine (2018) Effect of Three Husbandry Systems on Environmental Impact of Organic Pigs. Sustainability, 10 (10), p. 3796.


Aulrich, Karen; Meyer, Ulrike; Fischer, Jenny and Böhm, Herwart (2017) Futterwert von Mais-Bohnen-Silagen: Stangen- und Feuerbohnen im Vergleich. Paper at: 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Campus Weihenstephan, Freising-Weihenstephan, 07.-10. März 2017.

Baldinger, Lisa; Aulrich, Karen; Böhm, Herwart; Höhne, Anja and Rinke, Nadja (2022) Einsatz von behandelten Saatwickenkörnern (Vicia sativa L.) als eiweißreiches Futtermittel für Monogastrier im ökologischen Landbau (Verbundvorhaben). [Treated grains of common vetches (Vicia sativa L.) as protein feed for monogastric farm animals in organic agriculture.] 1. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, D-Braunschweig; 2. Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, D-Braunschweig .

Baldinger, Lisa; Aulrich, Karen; Böhm, Herwart; Höhne, Anja and Rinke, Nadja (2022) Einsatz von behandelten Saatwickenkörnern (Vicia sativa L.) als eiweißreiches Futtermittel für Monogastrier im ökologischen Landbau (Verbundvorhaben). [Treated grains of common vetches (Vicia sativa L.) as protein feed for monogastric farm animals in organic agriculture.] 1. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, D-Braunschweig 2. Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, D-Greisfwald .

Berk, Jutta; Lindenwald, Rebecca; Kaiser, Helen and Maurer, Veronika (2019) Damit es die Hennen weniger juckt. DGS Magazin, 2019 (14), pp. 42-45.

Berk, Jutta and Maurer, Veronika (2019) Der schlimmste Hühner-Plagegeist im Visier. Schweizer Geflügelzeitung, 2019 (5), pp. 14-16.

Böhm, Herwart; Fischer, Jenny; Aulrich, Karen; Barth, Kerstin; Bussemas, Ralf; Büttner, Sinje; Höppner, Frank and Meyer, Ulrich (2021) Verbesserung der Protein- und Energieversorgung bei Wiederkäuern und Monogastriern durch Gemengeanbau von Mais mit Stangen- oder Feuerbohnen. [Improvement of protein and energy supply in ruminants and monogastric animals by mixed cropping of maize with runner or scarlet runner beans.] Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei, Institut für Ökologischen Landbau (TI-OL), D-Trenthorst; Julius Kühn-Institut, Institut für Pflanzenbau und Bodenkunde (JKI-PB), D-Braunschweig; Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Institut für Tierernährung (FLI-TE), D-Braunschweig .

Dippel, Sabine and Leeb, Christine (2015) Gesundheit, Wohlergehen und Umweltauswirkungen von Bioschweinen: Ist Freilandhaltung besser? - Das ProPIG-Projekt. Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit, Institut für Tierschutz und Tierhaltung, D-Celle .

{Tool} Prevent tail biting: watching – thinking – acting. [Schwanzbeissen verhindern: beobachten - erkennen - handeln.] Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Vermeer, Herman and Dippel, Sabine. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, FBN - Farmers Business Network, FLI - Friedrich Löffler Institut, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, CEA-Leti, DTI - Danish Technological Institute. (2017)

Halle, Ingrid (2020) Züchtung und Agronomie neuartiger, Vicin-armer Ackerbohnen und Einsatz als einheimisches Eiweißfutter. [Breeding and agronomy of novel, low-vicine faba beans and adoption as domestic protein feed.] Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit, D-Braunschweig , Institut für Tierernährung.

{Tool} Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers. Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2015)

Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara (2015) Verbesserung der Tiergesundheit und des Tierwohls in der Bioschweinehaltung - Ein Handbuch für Tierhalterinnen und Tierhalter. FiBL, Bioinstitut, BOKU, CRA-SUI, Aarhus University, Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Institute of Animal Science, INRA and School of Agriculture, CH-Frick, CZ-Olomouc, A-Wien, I-Rom, DK-Aarhus, D-Celle, CZ-Prag, F-Saint-Gilles and UK-Newcastle upon Tyne.

Leeb, Christine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Zollitsch, Werner and Winckler, Christoph (2015) Wohlergehen von Bioschweinen und Umweltwirkungen – (k)ein Widerspruch? Haltungssysteme der Bio-Schweine in Europa im Vergleich. [Welfare of organic pigs and environmental impact - (no)contradiction? Husbandry systems of organic pigs in Europe - a comparison.] In: Tagungsband der Freilandtagung, Wien.

Rudolph, Gwendolyn; Dippel, Sabine; Leeb, Christine and Winckler, Christoph (2014) Was erkunden Bioschweine in Freiland- und Stallhaltung? In: Freiland Verband (Ed.) Tierhaltung und Beschäftigung bei Tieren.


{Tool} Prevent tail biting: watching – thinking – acting. [Schwanzbeissen verhindern: beobachten - erkennen - handeln.] Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Vermeer, Herman and Dippel, Sabine. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, FBN - Farmers Business Network, FLI - Friedrich Löffler Institut, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, CEA-Leti, DTI - Danish Technological Institute. (2017)


{Tool} Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers. Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2015)


{Tool} Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers. Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2015)

Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová , Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara (2015) Zlepšování zdraví a životní pohody prasat - Příručka pro ekologické chovatele prasat. FiBL, Bioinstitut, BOKU, CRA-SUI, Aarhus University, Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Institute of Animal Science, INRA and School of Agriculture, CH-Frick, CZ-Olomouc, A-Wien, I-Rom, DK-Aarhus, D-Celle, CZ-Prag, F-Saint-Gilles and UK-Newcastle upon Tyne.


{Tool} Prevent tail biting: watching – thinking – acting. [Schwanzbeissen verhindern: beobachten - erkennen - handeln.] Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Vermeer, Herman and Dippel, Sabine. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, FBN - Farmers Business Network, FLI - Friedrich Löffler Institut, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, CEA-Leti, DTI - Danish Technological Institute. (2017)

{Tool} Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers. Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2015)


Berk, Jutta and Maurer, Veronika (2019) La pire nuisance de la volaille dans le collimateur. Aviculture Suisse, 2019 (5), pp. 10-11.

{Tool} Prevent tail biting: watching – thinking – acting. [Schwanzbeissen verhindern: beobachten - erkennen - handeln.] Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Vermeer, Herman and Dippel, Sabine. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, FBN - Farmers Business Network, FLI - Friedrich Löffler Institut, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, CEA-Leti, DTI - Danish Technological Institute. (2017)

Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara (2015) Améliorer le bien-être et la santé des porcs - Un livret pour les éleveurs de porcs biologiques. [Improving health and welfare of pigs.] FiBL, Bioinstitut, BOKU, CRA-SUI, Aarhus University, Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Institute of Animal Science, INRA and School of Agriculture, CH-Frick, CZ-Olomouc, A-Wien, I-Rom, DK-Aarhus, D-Celle, CZ-Prag, F-Saint-Gilles and UK-Newcastle upon Tyne.

{Tool} Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers. Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2015)


{Tool} Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers. Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2015)

Serbian/српски језик

{Tool} Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers. Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2015)

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