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Items affiliated to " VI.3 (TOPRO) Tool for protection against contamination by GMO"

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Number of items at this level: 9.

Journal paper

Damgaard, Christian and Kjellsson, Gösta (2005) Gene flow of oilseed rape (Brassica napus)according to isolation distance and buffer zone. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (108), pp. 291-301.

Damgaard, Christian; Kjellsson, Gösta and Haldrup, Christian (2007) Prediction of the combined effect of various GM contamination sources of seed: a case study of oilseed rape under Danish conditions. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant Science, 57 (3), pp. 247-253.

Geels, C.; Løfstrøm, P.; Frohn, L.M.; Brandt, J. and Kjellsson, G. (2004) Wind dispersal of genetically modified pollen from oilseed rape and rye fields. DARCOFenews (2).

Kjellsson, Gösta and Damgaard, Christian (2003) Pollen dispersal of genetically modified oilseed rape to organic fields: Analysis of available data and the possibilities for co-existence. DARCOFenews (3).

Simonsen, Vibeke; Damgaard, Christian and Kjellsson, Gösta (2004) Contamination of oilseed rape varieties by pollen and seeds. DARCOFenews (3).

Working paper

Damgaard, PhD Christian and Kjellsson, PhD Gösta (2003) Gene Flow Between Rapeseed Fields: A Meta-analysis of Available Data. Working paper, Terrestrial Ecology, National Environmental Research Institute . [Unpublished]

Report chapter

Geels, Camilla; Løfstrøm, Per; Frohn, L.M.; Brandt, Jørgen and Kjellsson, Gösta (2004) Model for vindspredning af pollen. [A model of wind dispersal of pollen.] In: Tools for protection against contamination by GMO. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser , pp. 1-47. [Unpublished]

Kjellsson, Gösta (2004) Retningslinier for overvågning af GMP spredning til økologiske marker. In: Tools for protection against contamination by GMO. . [Unpublished]

Simonsen, Vibeke and Kjellsson, Gösta (2004) Metoder til påvisning af uønsket plantemateriale i afgrøder og frøpartier. In: Tools for protection against contamination by GMO. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser , Afd. for Terrestrisk Økologi, pp. 1-30. [Unpublished]

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