Items affiliated to " VI.3 (TOPRO) Tool for protection against contamination by GMO"
Number of items at this level: 9. Damgaard, Christian and Kjellsson, Gösta (2005) Gene flow of oilseed rape (Brassica napus)according to isolation distance and buffer zone. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (108), pp. 291-301. Damgaard, Christian; Kjellsson, Gösta and Haldrup, Christian (2007) Prediction of the combined effect of various GM contamination sources of seed: a case study of oilseed rape under Danish conditions. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B-Soil and Plant Science, 57 (3), pp. 247-253. Damgaard, PhD Christian and Kjellsson, PhD Gösta (2003) Gene Flow Between Rapeseed Fields: A Meta-analysis of Available Data. Working paper, Terrestrial Ecology, National Environmental Research Institute . [Unpublished] Geels, C.; Løfstrøm, P.; Frohn, L.M.; Brandt, J. and Kjellsson, G. (2004) Wind dispersal of genetically modified pollen from oilseed rape and rye fields. DARCOFenews (2). Geels, Camilla; Løfstrøm, Per; Frohn, L.M.; Brandt, Jørgen and Kjellsson, Gösta (2004) Model for vindspredning af pollen. [A model of wind dispersal of pollen.] In: Tools for protection against contamination by GMO. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser , pp. 1-47. [Unpublished] Kjellsson, Gösta (2004) Retningslinier for overvågning af GMP spredning til økologiske marker. In: Tools for protection against contamination by GMO. . [Unpublished] Kjellsson, Gösta and Damgaard, Christian (2003) Pollen dispersal of genetically modified oilseed rape to organic fields: Analysis of available data and the possibilities for co-existence. DARCOFenews (3). Simonsen, Vibeke; Damgaard, Christian and Kjellsson, Gösta (2004) Contamination of oilseed rape varieties by pollen and seeds. DARCOFenews (3). Simonsen, Vibeke and Kjellsson, Gösta (2004) Metoder til påvisning af uønsket plantemateriale i afgrøder og frøpartier. In: Tools for protection against contamination by GMO. Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser , Afd. for Terrestrisk Økologi, pp. 1-30. [Unpublished] This list was generated on Fri Sep 6 22:04:07 2024 CEST. |