Items affiliated to " III.3 (CRUCIAL) Closing the rural-urban nutrient cycle"
Jump to: English | Danish/Dansk Number of items at this level: 23. EnglishBruun, Sander; Hansen, Trine L.; Christensen, Thomas H.; Magid, Jakob and Jensen, Lars S. (2006) Application of processed organic municipal solid waste on agricultural land - a scenario analysis. Environmantal Modeling and Assessment, 11, pp. 251-265. Færge, Jens; Magid, Jakob and de Vries, Fritz Pennig (2001) Urban nutrient balance for Bankok. Ecological Modelling (139), pp. 63-74. Hansen, Trine L.; Bhander, Gurbakhash S.; Christensen, Thomas H.; Bruun, Sander and Jensen, Lars S. (2006) Life cycle modelling of environmental impacts of application of processed organic municipal solid waste on agricultural land (EASEWASTE). Waste Management and Research, 24, pp. 153-166. Holmqvist, A.; Møller, J. and Dalsgaard, A. (2003) LATRINE COMPOSTING – A HYGIENIC EVALUATION. Poster at: ECOSAN 2end International Symposium on Ecological Sanitation, Lübeck, Germany, 7-11 April, 2003. Larsen, T.; Magid, J.; Krogh, P.H. and Gorissen, A. (2005) Very low uptake of organic N from dual-labelled (13C and 15N) green manure by wheat. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. [Unpublished] Larsen, Thomas (2007) Unravelling collembolan life belowground: Stoichiometry, metabolism and release of carbon and nitrogen. Thesis, Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility Laboratory, University of Copenhagen and Dept. of Terrestrial Ecology, NERI. National Environmental Research Institute . National Environmental Research Institute © University of Aarhus - Denmark. Larsen, Thomas; Krogh, Paul-Henning; Magid, Jakob and Gorissen, Antonie (2006) Dual-labelled (13C/15N) green manure to differentiate between plant uptake of organic and inorganic N. Poster at: Iso Life. Luxhøi, Jesper; Brøgger, Morten; Knudsen, Inge M.B.; Poulsen, Pernille H.B.; Møller, Jacob; Jensen, Birgit; Jensen, Dan F. and Magid, Jakob (2006) Functional Compost. In: The ORBIT 2006 Conference Proceedings publication. Magid, Jakob; Rasmussen, Lasse Dam and Moeller, Jacob (2004) Measuring degradation of transgenic DNA and screening for horizontal gene transfer from GMO-plant material during composting. Poster at: 1st international Conference on SOIL AND COMPOST ECOBIOLOGY, Leon – Spain, September 15th-17th, 2004. [Unpublished] Magid, Jakob (2002) Hard and soft science issues to be negotiated to improve urban metabolism. In: Magid, Jakob; Granstedt, Arthur; Dýrmundson, Ólafur; Kahilouto, Helena and Ruissen, Theo (Eds.) DARCOF report nr. 3, DARCOF. Møller, J.; Bruun, S. and Magid, J. (2005) Three new systems for recycling of urban organic waste to agriculture. DARCOFenews (1). Møller, J.; Forslund, A. and Dalsgaard, A. (2003) REDUCTION OF FAECAL MICROBIOLOGICAL INDICATORS IN DIFFERENT COMPOST TOILETS. Poster at: ECOSAN 2end International Symposium on Ecological Sanitation, Lübeck, Germany, 7-11 April, 2003. Pernin, C.; Ambrosi, J.P.; Cortet, J.; Joffre, R.; Tabone, E.; Torre, F. and Krogh, P.H. (2006) Effects of sewage sludge and copper enrichment on both soil mesofauna community and decomposition of oak leaves (Quercus suber) in a mesocosm. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 43, pp. 39-50. Poulsen, P.H.B; Møller, J. and Magid, J. (2005) Linking microbial genetic- and functional diversity in compost: DGGE-profiling separated different types of compost regarding chitinase activity. Working paper. [Unpublished] Rasmussen, L.D.; Møller, J. and Magid, J. (2004) Composting rapidly degrades DNA from genetically modified plants. DARCOFenews (2). Reeh, U. and Møller, J. (2002) EVALUATION OF DIFFERENT BIOLOGICAL WASTE TREATMENT STRATEGIES. In: Magid, J.; Lieblein, G.; Granstedt, A.; Kahiluoto, H. and Dyrmundsson, O. (Eds.) Urban Areas - Rural Areas and Recycling - The organic way forward?. DARCOF Report, no. 3. Danish Research Centre for Organic Agriculture. Refsgaard, Karen; Jenssen, Petter D. and Magid, Jakob (2006) Possibilities for closing the urban rural nutrient cycles. In: Halberg, N.; Knudsen, M.T. and Kristensen, E.S. (Eds.) Global Development of Organic Agriculture: Challenges and Prospects. CaB International, chapter 7, pp. 181-214. Danish/DanskLindedam, J.; Jensen, K.S.; Luxhøi, J. and Magid, J. (2006) Østrogener fra human urin i miljøet. [Oestrogens from human urine in the environment.] Jord og Vand, 13 (2), pp. 44-46. Magid, Assoc. Prof. Jakob (2002) Byernes affaldshåndtering og næringsstofkredsløb. [Urban waste management and nutrient cycles.] In: Jensen, E.S.; Vejre, H.; Højbjerg Bügel, S. and Emanuelsson, J. (Eds.) Visioner for Fremtidens Jordbrug. Gads forlag, chapter 10, pp. 181-202. Møller, J.; Backlund, A.; Jørgensen, L.T.; Forslund, A. and Dalsgaard, A. (2003) OVERLEVELSE AF INDIKATORORGANISMER OG SMITSTOFFER I KOMPOSTTOILETTER OG VED SIMULERET CENTRALISERET EFTERKOMPOSTERING AF AFFØRING FRA MENNESKER. [SURVIVAL OF INDICATOR ORGANISMS AND PATHOGENS IN COMPOST TOILETS AND DURING SIMULATED CENTRALISED COMPOSTING OF FAECES FROM HUMANS.] Økologisk byfornyelse og spildevandsrensning. KVL , Dept. of Agricultural Sciences. Møller, J.; Backlund, A.; Jørgensen, L.T.; Forslund, A. and Dalsgaard, A. (2002) OVERLEVELSE AF INDIKATORORGANISMER OG SMITSTOFFER I KOMPOSTTOILETTER OG VED SIMULERET CENTRALISERET EFTERKOMPOSTERING AF AFFØRING FRA MENNESKER. Økologisk byfornyelse og spildevandsrensning. The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University , Dept. of Agricultural Sciences. Quitzau, Maj-Britt; Moeller, Jacob and Magid, Jakob (2004) Attitudes towards utilization of composted domestic waste, sludge, urine and faeces as manure in agriculture. National Environmental Research Institute of Denmark, Dept. of Policy Analysis . This list was generated on Sun Dec 22 01:46:56 2024 CET. |