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Items affiliated to " I.14 (StopScab) Control of scab in organic apple growing"

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Bengtsson, M. and Hockenhull, J. (2006) Control of apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) in organic apple growing. StopScab: A Danish research programme for screening substitutes to copper fungicides. IOBC / wprs Bulletin, 29 (1), pp. 1-3.

Bengtsson, M. and Hockenhull, J. (2002) Control of apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) in organic apple growing. StopScab: A Danish research programme for screening substitutes to copper fungicides. Poster at: 6th International IOBC / wprs Workshop of Pome Fruit Diseases, Lindau, Germany, 31.8 -5.9 2002.

Bengtsson, M.; Jørgensen, H.J.L.; Pham, A.; Wulff, E. and Hockenhull, J. (2006) Screening of organically based fungicides for apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) control and a histopathological study of the mode of action of a resistance inducer. IOBC / wprs Bulletin, 29 (1), pp. 123-127.

Bengtsson, M.; Jørgensen, H.J.L.; Pham, A.; Wulff, E. and Hockenhull, J. (2005) Screening of organically based fungicides for apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) control and a histopathological study of the mode of action of a resistance inducer. Poster at: 7th International IOBC/wprs Workshop on Orchard Diseases, Piacenza, Italy, 31 August - 4 September 2005.

Bengtsson, Marianne and Hockenhull, John (2002) Kampen mod frugttrækræft. Frugt & Grønt, April 2002 (4), pp. 158-159.

Bengtsson, Marianne; Wulff, Ednar; Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Paaske, Klaus; Jørgensen, Hans J. Lyngs and Hockenhull, John (2004) New fungicides for apple scab control in organic growing. Newsletter from Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming (3).

Bengtsson, Marianne; Wulff, Ednar; Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Paaske, Klaus; Jørgensen, Hans J.Lyngs and Hockenhull, John (2004) Nye midler til bekæmpelse af skurv i økologiske æbler. [New fungicides for apple scab control in organic growing.] Nyhedsbrev fra Forskningscenter for Økologisk Jordbrug (5).


Hockenhull, John; Bengtsson, Marianne; Jørgensen, Hans J.Lyngs; Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Nørbæk, Rikke and Paaske, Klaus (2003) Bekæmpelse af æbleskurv i økologisk frugtavl - kan planteekstrakter, biologisk bekæmpelse og induceret resistens anvendes? [Control of apple scab in organic apple growing - can plant extracts, biological control and induced resistance be used?] . Online at http://www.foejo.dk/enyt2/enyt/aug03/skurv.html.

Hockenhull, John; Bengtsson, Marianne; Jørgensen, Hans Jørgen Lyngs; Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Nørbæk, Rikke and Paaske, Klaus (2003) Bekæmpelse af æbleskurv i økologisk frugtavl - kan planteekstrakter, biologisk bekæmpelse og induceret resistens anvendes? Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbruk i Norden, July 2003 (2), pp. 26-27.

Hockenhull, John; Bengtsson, Marianne; Wulff, Ednar; Jørgensen, Hans J. Lyngs; Collinge, David B.; Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Nørgaard, Rikke; Larsen, Erik and Paaske, Klaus (2004) Midler til bekæmpelse af skurv i økologiske æbler. [Fungicides for control of apple scab in organic apples.] Forskningscenter for Økologisk Jordbrug .


Jørgensen, Hans J. Lyngs; Bengtsson, Marianne; Wulff, Ednar and Hockenhull, John (2004) Bekæmpelse af æbleskurv ved brug af plantens egne forsvarsmekanismer. [Control of apple scab by use of the plants own defence mechanisms.] Nyhedsbrev fra Forskningscenter for Økologisk Jordbrug (3).

Jørgensen, Hans Jørgen Lyngs; Bengtsson, Marianne; Wulff, Ednar and Hockenhull, John (2004) Control of apple scab by the use of the plants own defence mechanisms. Newsletter from Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming (2).


Kromann Jensen, BSc.stud. Susanne (2003) Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis)and induced resistance. KVL , Department of Plant Biology, Plant Pathology Section.


Lindhard, Hanne; Paaske, Klaus; Bengtsson, Marianne and Hockenhull, John (2004) Alternativ bekæmpelse af æbleskurv i økologisk æbledyrkning. FØJOenyt (2).

Lindhard, Hanne; Paaske, Klaus; Bengtsson, Marianne V. and Hockenhull, John (2004) Alternative fungicides to control apple scab in organic apple production: results of an orchard trial in 2003. DARCOFenews (2).

Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne; Christensen, Lars P.; Bengtsson, Marianne; Paaske, Klaus and Hockenhull, John (2005) Organic field-testing of compounds to control apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) in combination with alleyway cover crops. Poster at: 7th International IOBC/WPRS Workshop on Orchard Diseases, Italy, Aug.-Sept. 2005.

Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne; Paaske, Klaus; Bengtsson, Marianne V. and Hockenhull, John (2004) Orchard testing of new, alternative fungicides against apple scab. DARCOFenews (2), pp. 1-2.

Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne; Sapoukhina, Natalia; Gladieux, Pierre; Durel, Charle-Eric; Lannou, Christian and Le Cam, Bruno (2005) Spatially explicit modeling of pathogen adaptation to hosts with multiple resistance genes. Paper at: International workshop on differential equations in mathematical biology.

Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne; Sapoukhina, Natalia; Gladieux, Pierre and Le Cam, Bruno (2006) Spreading of virulence regarding spatial distribution resistant cultivars inferred from population modeling coupled with genetics. Paper at: VIe rencontres de Phytopathologie/Mycologie, Aussois, France, 16-19 janvier.


Moth-Poulsen, B.Sc.stud. Agnete (2003) Biologisk bekæmpelse af æbleskurv forårsaget af Venturia inaequalis, med særlig fokus på sommerstadiet. [Biological control of apple scab, caused by Venturia inaequalis, with focus on the summer stage.] KVL , Department of Plant Biology, Plant Pathology Section.


Nielsen, B.; Hockenhull, J. and Bengtsson, M.V. (2006) Planteudtræk virksomt mod skurv. [Plant extracts against apple scab.] Økologisk Jordbrug, August 2006 (366), p. 7.


Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Hockenhull, John; Bengtsson, Marianne; Jørgensen, Hans J. Lyngs; Nørbæk, Rikke and Paaske, Klaus (2003) Bekæmpelse af æbleskurv i økologisk frugtavl - kan plantekstrakter, biologisk bekæmpelse og induceret resistens anvendes? Forskningsnytt, 2003 (2), pp. 26-27.

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