Items affiliated to " I.3 Fertility and soil tillage"
Jump to: English | Danish/Dansk Number of items at this level: 23. EnglishBugge Henriksen, Christian; Rasmussen, Jesper and Søgaard, Carsten (2005) Kemink subsoiling before and after planting. Soil & Tillage Research, 80, pp. 59-68. de Jonge, L.W.; Moldrup, P. and Schjønning, P. (2009) Soil Infrastructure, Interfaces & Translocation Processes in Inner Space (“Soil-it-is”): Towards a Road Map for the Constraints and Crossroads of Soil Architecture and Biophysical Processes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 13, pp. 1485-1502. Debosz, K.; Vognsen, L. and Laborioau, R. (2002) Carbohydrates in hot water extracts of soil aggregates as affected by long-term management. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis , 33 (3-4), pp. 623-634. Elmholt, S.; Schjønning, P. and Munkholm, L.J. (2005) Soil aggregation – a matter of proper management. DARCOFenews. Newsletter from Danish Research Centre for Organic Food and Farming (2). Elmholt, S.; Schjønning, P.; Munkholm, L.J. and Debosz, K. (2008) Soil management effects on aggregate stability and biological binding. Geoderma, 144 (3-4), pp. 455-467. Elmholt, Susanne; Munkholm, Lars J.; Debosz, Kasia and Schjønning, Per (2000) Biotic and abiotic binding and bonding mechanisms in soils with long-term differences in management. In: Elmholt, Susanne; Stenberg, Bo; Grønlund, Arne and Nuutinen, V. (Eds.) DIAS report, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, 38, pp. 53-62. Munkholm, L.J. and Schjønning, P. (2004) Structural vulnerability of a sandy loam exposed to intensive tillage and traffic in wet conditions. Soil & Tillage Research (79), pp. 79-85. Munkholm, L.J.; Schjønning, P. and Rasmussen, K.J. (1998) Non-inverting soil tillage as a means of optimising soil tilth. [Ikke-vendende jordbearbejdning til sikring af en bekvem jord.] In: Børresen, T. (Ed.) NJF-UTREDNING/RAPPORT, 124, pp. 26-33. Munkholm, Lars; Schjønning, Per and Kay, Bev D. (2002) Tensile strength of soil cores in relation to aggregate strength, soil fragmentation and pore characteristics. Soil and Tillage Research, 64 (1-2), pp. 125-135. Munkholm, Lars J; Schjønning, Per and Rasmussen, Karl J (2000) Non-inverting Tillage: Early-Stage Effects on Soil Mechanical Behaviour. In: Morrison, J.E. (Ed.) CD-ROM: Proceedings 15th ISTRO Conference, Texas, June 2000, pp. 1-10. [Unpublished] Munkholm, Lars J. (2002) Soil Fragmentation and Friability. Effects of Soil Water and Soil Management. Thesis, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences , Department of Crop Physiology and Soil Science. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences. Munkholm, Lars J. and Kay, Bev D. (2002) Effect of Water Regime on Aggregate-tensile Strength, Rupture Energy, and Friability. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 66, pp. 702-709. Munkholm, Lars J.; Schjønning, Per; Debosz, Kasia; Jensen, Henry E. and Christensen, Bent T. (2002) Aggregate strength and mechanical behaviour of a sandy loam soil under long-term fertilization treatments. European Journal of Soil Science, 53 (1), pp. 129-137. Munkholm, Lars J.; Schjønning, Per and Elmholt, Susanne (2002) Soil structure dynamics: Effects of management and water content. Paper at: Advances in Soil Structure Research workshop, Prince Edward Island, Canada, July 7-9 2002. Munkholm, Lars J.; Schjønning, Per and Petersen, Carsten T. (2001) Soil mechanical behaviour of sandy loams in a temperate climate: case studies on long-term effects of fertilization and crop rotation. Soil Use and Management, 17, pp. 269-277. Munkholm, Lars J.; Schjønning, Per and Rasmussen, Karl J. (2001) Non-inversion tillage effects on soil mechanical properties of a humid sandy loam. Soil and Tillage Research, 62 (1-2), pp. 1-14. Schjønning, P.; Munkholm, L.J.; Elmholt, S. and Olesen, J.E. (2007) Organic matter and soil tilth in arable farming: Management makes a difference within 5-6 years. Agriculture, Ecosytems and Environment, 122, pp. 157-172. Schjønning, P.; Thomsen, I.K. and Christensen, B.T. (1998) Soil porosity as a habitat for microorganisms. [Jordens porer som habitat for mikroorganismer.] In: Børresen, T. (Ed.) NJF-UTREDNING/RAPPORT, 124, pp. 49-56. Schjønning, Per; Elmholt, Susanne; Munkholm, Lars J. and Debosz, Kasia (2002) Soil quality aspects of humid sandy loams as influenced by organic and conventional long-term management. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 88 (3), pp. 195-214. Schjønning, P.; Munkholm, L.J.; Moldrup, P. and Jakobsen, O.H. (2002) Modelling soil pore characteristics from measurements of air exchange: the long-term effects of fertilization and crop rotation. European Journal of Soil Science, 53 (2), pp. 331-339. Danish/DanskMunkholm, L.J. (2001) Jordens smuldreevne har stor betydning. [Soil friability.] Økologisk Jordbrug, 2001 (244), p. 8. Schjønning, P. (2004) Alsidig drift godt for jordens poresystem. [Crop rotation effects on the soil pore system.] Økologisk Jordbrug, 2004 (323), p. 6. Schjønning, Per; Rasmussen, Karl J.; Munkholm, Lars J. and Nielsen, Peter S. (2002) Jordbearbejdning i økologisk jordbrug – pløjedybde og ikke-vendende jordløsning [Soil tillage in organic farming – ploughing depth and non-inversion deep tillage]. DJF Rapport, Markbrug, no. 82. Danish Institute of Agricultural Science , Department of Crop Physiology and Soil Science. This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 06:27:05 2025 CET. |