Items affiliated to "VEGQURE - Organic cropping Systems for Vegetable production"
Jump to: English | Danish/Dansk Number of items at this level: 68. EnglishBach, Vibe; Kidmose, Ulla; Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg and Edelenbos, Merete (2015) Eating quality of carrots (Daucus carota L.) grown in one conventional and three organic cropping systems over three years. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63 (44), pp. 9803-9811. Båth, Birgitta; Kristensen, Hanne L. and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2008) Root pruning reduces root competition and increases crop growth in a living mulch cropping system. Journal of Plant Interactions, 3, pp. 211-221. Båth, B.; Kristensen, H.L. and Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2009) Root pruning reduces root competition and increases crop growth in a living mulch cropping system. In: Proceedings from the International Symposium Root Research and Applications. Vienna, Austria, 2-4 Sept. 2009, CD-rom (050-2), pp. 1-2. Båth, B.; Kristensen, H.L. and Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2009) Root pruning reduces root competition in living mulch cropping systems. Poster at: Proceedings from the International Symposium Root Research and Applications, Vienna, Austria, 2-4 Sept. 2009. , Vienna, Austria, 2-4 Sept. 2009. Edelenbos, Merete (2015) Eating Quality of Carrots (Daucus carota L.) Grown in One Conventional and Three Organic Cropping Systems over Three Years. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015 (63), pp. 9803-9811. Eilenberg, Jørgen; Meyling, Nicolai V. and Jensen, Annette B. (2009) Insect pathogenic fungi in biological control: status and future challenges. In: Ehlers, Ralf-Udo; Crickmore, Neil; Enkerli, Jürg; Glazer, Itamar; Lopez-Ferber, Miguel and Tkaczuk, Cezary (Eds.) IOBC wprs Bulletin, International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants, pp. 7-10. Kristensen, H.L. and Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2007) Effects of vertical distribution of soil inorganic nitrogen on root growth and subsequent nitrogen uptake by field vegetable crops. [Betydning af dybdefordeling af uorganisk kvælstof i jorden for rodvækst og kvælstofoptagelse hos grønsagsafgrøder.] Soil Use and Management, 23, pp. 338-347. Kristensen, Hanne L. and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2008) Roots below one meters depth are important for nitrate uptake by annual crops. [Rødder under én meters dybde er vigtige for et-årige afgrøder's optagelse af nitrat.] In: Ma, L.; Ahuja, L.R. and Bruulsema, T.W. (Eds.) Quantififying and understanding plant Nitrogen uptake for systems modeling (ISBN 13:978-1-4200-5295-4). CRC Press, chapter 11, pp. 245-258. Kristensen, Hanne L. and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2006) Roots below one meters depth are important for nitrate uptake by annual crops. [Rødder under 1 meters dybde er vigtige for et-årige afgrøders optagelse af nitrat.] Speech at: The American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meetings, Indianapolis, USA, November 12-16, 2006. Kristensen, Hanne L. and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2006) Roots below one meters depth are important for nitrate uptake by annual crops. [Rødder under 1 meters dybde er vigtige for et-årige afgrøders optagelse af nitrat.] In: CD-rom "The American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meetings, November 12-16, 2006, Indianapolis, USA. No. 205-9., CD-rom "The American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meetings, November 12-16, 2006, Indianapolis, USA., no. Abstract No. 205-9.. Kristensen, Hanne L.; Kidmose, Ulla; Dresbøll, Dorte Bodin and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2011) ARE HARVEST AND SENSORY QUALITY OF LETTUCE AND ONION INFLUENCED BY GROWING CONDITIONS IN A CONVENTIONAL AND THREE ORGANIC CROPPING SYSTEMS? In: Book of abstracts for the First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research. Prague, 18.-20. May 2011, p. 76. Kristensen, Hanne L.; Kidmose, Ulla; Dresbøll, Dorte Bodin and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2011) Vegetable quality in a conventional and three organic cropping systems. Poster at: First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, Prague, 18-20 May 2011. Kristensen, Hanne L. and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2004) Root growth and nitrate uptake of three different catch crops in deep soil layers. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 68, pp. 529-537. Kristensen, Hanne L. and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2004) Uptake of 15N labeled nitrate by root systems of sweet corn, carrot and white cabbage from 0.2-2.5 meters depth. Plant and Soil, 265, pp. 93-100. LOUARN, Sébastien; Jensen, Birgit; NAWROCKI, Arkadiusz and NØRREGAARD JENSEN, Ole (2008) Proteomic analysis of the Mycocentrospora acerina-carrot interaction during storage. Paper at: Proteomlux 2008, Luxembourg, 22 to 25 October 2008. LOUARN, Sébastien; JENSEN, Dan Funck; JENSEN, Birgit; NØRREGAARD JENSEN, Ole and NAWROCK, Arkadiusz (2007) Proteome analysis of stored carrots grown in different cropping systems for evaluating changes in susceptibility to liquorice rot during storage. Poster at: XIII International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction, Sorrento, Italy, July 21-27 2007. [Unpublished] LOUARN, Sébastien; JENSEN, Dan Funck; Knudsen, Inge M.B.; Collinge, David B. and Jensen, Birgit (2011) Development of an infection bioassay to study the interaction between carrots and Mycocentrospora acerina. Working paper. [Completed] LOUARN, Sébastien; Nawrocki, A.; Thorup-Kristensen, K.; Lund, O.S.; Jensen, O.N.; Collinge, D.B. and Jensen, B. (2013) Proteomic changes and endophytic micromycota during storage of organically and conventionally grown carrots. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 76, pp. 23-33. LOUARN, Sébastien; NAWROCKI, Arkadiusz; Edelenbos, Merete; JENSEN, Dan Funck; NØRREGAARD JENSEN, Ole; Collinge, David B. and Jensen, Birgit (2011) The influence of the fungal pathogen Mycocentrospora acerina on the proteome and polyacetylenes and 6- methoxymellein in organic and conventionally cultivated carrots (Daucus carota) during post harvest storage. Journal of proteomics, 75 (3), pp. 962-977. LOUARN, Sébastien; NAWROCKI, Arkadiusz; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian; Søgaard Lund, Ole; NØRREGAARD JENSEN, Ole; Collinge, David B. and Jensen, Birgit (2011) Proteomic and endophytic changes during storage of organically and conventionally grown carrots. Postharvest Biology and Technology, , - . [Completed] Meyling, N.V.; Navntoft, S. and Eilenberg, J. (2010) Organic farming systems benefit biodiversity and natural pest regulation in white cabbage. ICROFS news, February 2010 (1), pp. 4-5. Meyling, Nicolai V. (2010) Distribution, Abundance and Diversity of Fungal Entomopathogens: Foundations for Conservation Biological Control. Speech at: International Mycology Congress IMC9, Edinburgh, UK, 1-6 August 2010. [Completed] Meyling, Nicolai V. (2009) Distribution patterns of fungal entomopathogens in soil habitats: Natural occurrence, diversity and dynamics. Speech at: 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology, Park City, Utah, USA, 16-20 August 2009. [Unpublished] Meyling, Nicolai V. (2008) PCR-based characterisation of entomopathogenic fungi for ecological studies. University of Copenhagen , Department of Agriculture and Ecology. Meyling, Nicolai V. (2008) Ecology of entomopathogenic fungi in agroecosystems. . Online at Meyling, Nicolai V. (2007) Methods for isolation of entomopathogenic fungi from the soil environment - laboratory manual. [Metoder til isolering af insektpatogene svampe fra jorden - en laboratoriemaunal.] Department of Ecology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen . Meyling, Nicolai V. and Eilenberg, Jørgen (2008) Entomopathogenic fungi infecting non-pest insects: Implications for ecosystem services and relevance of behavioural ecology. Speech at: "Role of disease in regulation of non-pest host populations". Symposium at the 41th Annual Meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology, University of Warwick, UK, 4-7 August 2008. Meyling, Nicolai V. and Eilenberg, Jørgen (2007) Ecology of the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae in temperate agroecosystems: potential for conservation biological control. Biological Control, 43, pp. 145-155. Meyling, Nicolai V.; Navntoft, Søren; Philipsen, Holger; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Eilenberg, Jørgen (2013) Natural regulation of Delia radicum in organic cabbage production. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 164, pp. 183-189. Meyling, Nicolai V.; Ormond, Emma; Roy, Helen E. and Pell, Judith K. (2008) Pathogen avoidance by insect predators. Poster at: Biannual workshop of Multitrophic Interactions, Göttingen, Germany, University of Göttingen, Germany, 6-7 March 2008. [Unpublished] Meyling, N.; Navntoft, S.; Philipsen, H. and Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2013) Natural regulation of Delia radicum in organic cabbage production. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment, 164, pp. 183-189. Meyling, Nicolai V.; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Eilenberg, Jørgen (2011) Below- and aboveground abundance and distribution of fungal entomopathogens in experimental conventional and organic cropping systems. Biological Control, 59, pp. 180-186. Navntoft, S.; Thorup-Kristensen, K.; Eilenberg, J.; Kristensen, K. and Meyling, N.V. (2011) Variable effects of organic farming systems on ground beetle abundance and diversity. Crop Protection, NA, pp. 1-30. [Completed] Nawrocki, Arkadiusz; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Nørregaard Jensen, Ole (2008) Proteomics in the backyard: 2DE based comparison of vegetables grown at conventional farming conditions and organic farming conditions. Poster at: From genome to proteome: integration and proteome completion, Siena, Italy. NAWROCKI, Arkadiusz; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Jensen, Ole Nørgaard (2011) Quantitative proteomics by 2DE and MALDI MS/MS uncover the effects of organic and conventional cropping methods on vegetable products. Journal of Proteomics, 74 (12), pp. 2810-2825. Pedersen, Anders; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Jensen, Lars Stoumann (2009) Simulating nitrate retention in soils and the effect of catch crop use and rooting pattern under the climatic conditions of Northern Europe. Soil Use and Management, 25, pp. 243-254. Pedersen, Anders; Zhang, Kefeng; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Jensen, Lars Stoumann (2009) Modelling diverse root density dynamics and deep nitrogen uptake. Plant and Soil, 326 (1-2), pp. 493-510. Stavridou, Eleftheria; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Lauersen, Kristian Holst (2008) Effects of catch crops on the content of sulfur (S) and selenium (Se) in vegetables. Poster at: NJF seminar 415 - Future Field Experiments, Horsens, Denmark, October 2008. Stavridou, Eleftheria (2011) The effects of cropping systems on selenium and glucosinolate concentrations in vegetables. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Horticulture. Aarhus University, Aarslev, Denmark. Stavridou, Eleftheria; Broadley, Martin R.; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Young, Scott D. (2009) Net mineralization rate of selenium from plant material and inorganic salts. In: Banuelos , Gary S.; Lin, Zhiqing and Yin, Xuebin (Eds.) Selenium deficiency toxicity and biofortification for human health, University of Science and Technology of China Press, China, pp. 44-45. Stavridou, Eleftheria; Kristensen, Hanne L.; Krumbein, Angelika and Schreiner, Monika (2012) Effect of differential N and S competition 1 in inter- and sole cropping of Brassica species and lettuce on glucosinolate concentration. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 60 (25), 6268-6278. Stavridou, Eleftheria; Schreiner, Monika; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Krumbein, Angelika (2010) Intercropping affects glucosinolate content in broccoli. In: Abstracts of 28th International Horticultural Congress, II, p. 354. Stavridou, Eleftheria; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Young, Scott D. (2011) Assessment of selenium mineralization and availability from catch crops. Soil Use and Management, 27 (3), pp. 305-311. Stavridou, Eleftheria; Young, Scott D. and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2011) The effect of catch crop species on selenium availability for succeeding crops. Plant and Soil, 351, pp. 149-160. Steinwender, B.M.; Enkerli, J.; Widmer, F.; Bidochka, M.; Eilenberg, J.; Kristensen, H.L. and Meyling, N.V. (2013) Isolation of Metarhizium spp. from root systems of different crops: Are specific genotypes associated with certain plants? , , - . [Unpublished] Steinwender, Bernhardt M.; Enkerli, Jürg; Widmer, Franco; Eilenberg, Jørgen and Meyling, Nicolai V. (2011) Molecular diversity of the Metarhizium anisopliae lineage in an agricultural field. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin, 66, pp. 113-115. Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2009) Model analysis of environmental relations in a vegetable rotation experiment. In: Final report from the QLIF project. , chapter Model analysis of environmental relations in a vegetable rotation experiment. [Unpublished] Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2008) Brassicas in sustainable production and organic farming. In: Programme and Abstract book, 5th ISHS International Symposium on Brassicas and the 16th Crucifer Genetics Workshop, p. 30. Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2008) Nitrogen use efficiency in organic and conventional vegetable rotations.: Measured and model simulated results. In: Acta Horticulturea - Towards ecologically sound fertilization strategies for field vegetable production, p. 71. Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian; Cortasa, Montserrat Salmerón and Loges, Ralf (2009) Winter wheat roots grow twice as deep as spring wheat roots, is this important for N uptake and N leaching losses? Plant and Soil, 322, pp. 101-114. Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian; Dresbøll, Dorte Bodin and Kristensen, Hanne L. (2011) Crop yield, root growth, and nutrient dynamics in a conventional and three organic cropping systems with different levels of external inputs and N re-cycling through fertility building crops. European Journal of Agronomy, 37, 66-82. Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Kristensen, Hanne L. (2010) Comparing conventional and improved organic vegetable rotations, yields and nitrogen husbandry. In: Book of afstracts from the 28th International Horticultural Congress, p. 641. Danish/DanskEilenberg, Jørgen; Jensen, Annette B. and Meyling, Nicolai V. (2008) Hvem gavner hvem i marken? University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Life Sciences . Eilenberg, Jørgen and Jespersen, Jørgen B. (2008) Status og nye udfordringer: Biologisk bekæmpelse af skadedyr. [Biological control of pests: Status and new challenges.] moMentum, Jord og Viden Tema, May 2008, 6 (2), pp. 4-7. Kidmose, Ulla; Edelenbos, Merete; Christensen, Lars Porskjær and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2007) Nyt projekt om sundhed af økologiske grøntsager. Gartner Tidende, 2007, 123 (3), pp. 34-35. Knudsen, Inge M.B.; Jensen, Dan Funck and Jensen, Birgit (2006) Gulerodens farefulde vej fra marken til forbrugeren. NATURENS VERDEN, 7/8/2006, pp. 52-59. Kristensen, Hanne L. (2010) Økologisk kvalitet – fra jord til bord. Økologi og erhverv, 13 August 2010, 460, p. 10. Kristensen, Hanne L. (2010) Økologisk kvalitet i hele produktionskæden. Landbrugsavisen, 6 August 2010, p. 10. Meyling, N.V.; Navntoft, S. and Eilenberg, J. (2010) Økologisk dyrkning af hvidkål fremmer biodiversitet og naturlig regulering af skadedyr. ICROFS nyt, March 2010 (1), pp. 8-9. Meyling, Nicolai V. and Eilenberg, Jørgen (2007) Økologisk dyrkning fremmer den naturlige regulering af skadedyr. FØJOenyt, nyhedsbrev fra FØJO, November 2007. Meyling, Nicolai V. and Eilenberg, Jørgen (2007) Diversitet af insekternes svampesygdomme i økologisk jordbrug - hvorledes kan den øges? [Diversity of insect pathogenic fungi in organic farming - how can it be increased?] Forskningsnytt, 2007 (2), pp. 18-20. Meyling, Nicolai V. and Sigsgaard, Lene (2008) Bevar naturens egen regulering. [Conservation of natural regulation mechanisms.] moMentum, Jord og Viden Tema, May 2008, 6 (2), pp. 19-22. Nielsen, Jeppe Østergaard (2008) Metabolsk aktivitet i gulerødder og sammenhæng til produktkvalitet og holdbarhed. Thesis, Syddansk Universitet/Århus Universitet , Institut for Kemi, Bio- og Miljøteknologi/Institut for Råvarekvalitet. . Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2009) Gulerod, løg, salat og hvidkål i økologiske sædskifter. Frugt og Grønt, 2009, pp. 336-337. Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2008) Beregning af kvælstoftilførsel i sædskiftet. Frugt & Grønt, August 2008, pp. 354-356. Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2008) Udbytte, kvalitet og smag i økologisk grønsagsproduktion. [Yield, quality and taste i organic vegetable production.] Landbrugsavisen, August 2008. Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2007) Bedre sædskifter med dybe rødder. [Better rotations with deep roots.] Økologisk Jordbrug, 2007, 27 (378), p. 10. Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2007) Hvad bestemmer afgrøders roddybde, og hvordan kan vi bruge det til at opnå bedre udnyttelse af kvælstof? [What determines crop rooting detph, and how can we use this to achive improved nitrogen efficiency in rotations?] In: Plantekongress 2007: Sammendrag af indlæg, pp. 62-63. This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 17:44:46 2025 CET. |