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Items affiliated to "COREPIG"

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Number of items at this level: 34.


Bonde, Marianne (2009) CORE Organic pilot project COREPIG - presentation at mid-term: Prevention of selected diseases and parasites in organic pig herds by means of a HACCP based management and surveillance programme. Speech at: Joint meeting of the CORE Organic pilot projects coordinators and CORE Organic Funding Body Network, Rome, Italy, 8 June 2009.

Bonde, Marianne (2011) Store forskelle på økologisk svineproduktion i Europa. Maskinbladet, Svinebrug, August 2011, pp. 32-36.

Bonde, Marianne (2011) Økologisk svineproduktion i Europa:Status på sundhed og velfærd. In: Temamøde om økologisk og konventionel frilandssvineproduktion. Intern Rapport, no. 106. Århus Universitet.

Bonde, Marianne (2009) Forskning skal vise vej til øget velfærd for øko-grise. Økologisk Jordbrug, 12 June 2009, 434, pp. 16-0.

Bonde, Marianne (2008) Økologiske søers sundhedstilstand. Økologisk Jordbrug, 2 May 2008, 408, 0-0.


Dippel, Sabine; Leeb, Christine; Hagmüller, Werner and Winckler, Christoph (2008) CorePig - Prävention ausgewählter Erkrankungen und Parasiten in biologischen Schweinebetrieben durch ein HACCP basiertes Management- und Überwachungssystem. [CorePig - Prevention of selected diseases and parasites in organic pig herds - by means of a HACCP based management and surveillance programme.] Poster at: [Completed]

Dippel, Sabine; Leeb, Christine and Winckler, Christoph (2009) CorePIG- Bischweinehaltung in Europa. [CorePIG- organic pigs in Europe.] Paper at: BioAustria Bauern Informationsabende, November 2009. [Completed]

Dippel, Sabine; Prunier, Armelle and Leeb, Christine (2010) Why observers should train clinical scoring. Poster at: 2010 SVEPM Annual Conference, Nantes, France, 26.-26.03.2010.


Früh, Barbara; Bochicchio, David; Edwards, Sandra; Hegelund, Lene; Leeb, Christine; Heinonen, Mari; Maupertuis, F.; Sundrum, Albert; Werne, Steffen; Wiberg, Sophia; Mejer, Helena; Prunier, Armelle; Roepstorff, Allan; Lubac, Stanislas; Bonde, Marianne; Rousing, Tine; Sundrum, Albert and Lindgren, Kristina (editor): Edwards, Sandra (Ed.) (2011) Knowledge synthesis: Animal health and welfare in organic pig production - Final Report COREPIG. .

Früh, Barbara; Bochicchio, Davide; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Gunnarsson, Stefan; Leeb, Christine; Lindgren, Kristina; Mejer, Helena and Prunier, Armelle (2011) Organic Pig Production in Europe - Health Management in Common Organic Pig Farming. FiBL-Technical Guide. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick.

Früh, Barbara; Dippel, Sabine and Leeb, Christine (2011) HACCP for Parasite Control. Working paper, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH Frick .

Früh, Barbara; Dippel, Sabine and Leeb, Christine (2011) HACCP for Reproduction and Farrowing Problems. Working paper, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH Frick .

Früh, Barbara; Dippel, Sabine and Leeb, Christine (2011) HACCP for Suckling Piglet Mortality. Working paper, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH Frick .

Früh, Barbara; Dippel, Sabine and Leeb, Christine (2011) HACCP for Weaning Diarrhoea. Working paper, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH Frick .

Früh, Barbara; Dippel, Sabine and Leeb, Christine (2011) HACCP für Absetzdurchfall. [HACCP for Weaning Diarrhoea.] Working paper, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH Frick .

Früh, Barbara; Dippel, Sabine and Leeb, Christine (2011) HACCP für Endoparasiten. [HACCP for Parasite Control.] Working paper, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH Frick .

Früh, Barbara; Dippel, Sabine and Leeb, Christine (2011) HACCP Reproduktion und Geburt. [HACCP for Reproduction and Farrowing Problems.] Working paper, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH Frick .

Früh, Barbara; Dippel, Sabine and Leeb, Christine (2011) HACCP-Saugferkelsterblichkeit. [HACCP for Suckling Piglet Mortality.] Working paper, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH Frick .

Früh, Barbara; Gunnarsson, Stefan; Bochicchio, Davide; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Leeb, Christine; Lindgren, Kristina; Mejer, Helena and Prunier, Armelle (2011) Ekologisk Grisproduktion i Europa - Guide för förbättrad djurhälsa i ekologisk grisproduktion. [Organic Pig Production in Europe - Health Management in Common Organic Pig Farming.] FiBL-Teknisk Guide. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick.

Früh, Barbara; Leeb, Christine; Bochicchio, Davide; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Gunnarsson, Stefan; Lindgren, Kristina; Mejer, Helena and Prunier, Armelle (2011) Bioschweinehaltung in Europa - Tierhaltungssysteme und Gesundheitsmanagement. [Organic Pig Production in Europe - Health Management in Common Organic Pig Farming.] FiBL-Merkblatt. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) und Universität für Bodenkultur (BOKU), CH-Frick und A-Wien.

Früh, Barbara; Prunier, A.; Dippel, S.; Edwards, S.; Gunnarsson, S.; Leeb, C.; Lindgren, K.; Mejer, H.; Brillouet, A.; Lubac, S.; Calvar, C. and Maupertuis, F. (2011) La production biologique de porcs en Europe - Gestion de la santé des porcs dans les élevages de production. [Organic Pig Production in Europe - Health Management in Common Organic Pig Farming.] FiBL-Guide Technique. Institut de recherche de l'agriculture biologique (FiBL), INRA-SENAH et InterBioBretagne, CH-Frick, F-Saint-Gilles et F-Rennes cedex.


Knage-Rasmussen, Kristian; Bonde, Marianne and Rousing, Tine (2011) Værktøjer til sundhedsstyring af søer på friland. Landbrugsavisen - Økologi, 3 June 2011, p. 20.


Leeb, Christine; Dippel, Sabine and Winckler, Christoph (2011) COREPIG - Voneinander lernen. BioAustria Journal, 04, p. 11.

Lindgren, Kristina; Gunnarsson, Stefan; Lindahl , Cecilia; Wiberg , Sofia and Roepstorff, Allan (2009) Inälvsparasiter i betesmark och hos grisar i ekologiska besättningar. JTI - Swedish Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Engineering, Uppsala, Sweden.


Mejer, Helena; Leeb, Christine; Heinonen, Mari; Cartaud, Gerald; Prunier, Armelle; Sundrum, Albert; Bochicchio, Davide; Lindgren, Kristina; Wiberg, Sofia; Früh, Barbara; Bonde, Marianne and Roepstorff, Allan (2009) Intercalibration of a concentration McMaster Technique between eight European laboratories. Lecture at: The 22nd International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology, Calgary Canada, 10-13 August 2009. [Submitted]


Prunier, Armelle; Dippel, Sabine; Bodicchio, David; Bourgoin, Aude; Goebel, Amke; Leeb, Christine; Lindgren, Kristina; Wiberg, Sofia; Sundrum, Albert and Bonde, Marianne (2010) Piglet mortality in organic herds. Paper at: Annual meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Heraklion, Greece, 23-27 August 2010.


Rousing, T. (2011) COREPIG. CORE Organic Research Seminar, Paris, France, 29 November 2011. [Submitted]

Rousing, Tine (2011) Samme lov - forskellig tolkning. Food Culture, October 2011 (8), pp. 18-19.

Rousing, Tine (2011) Final report for Project no. 1904. Prevention of selected diseases and parasites in organic pig hreds - by means of HACCP based management and surveillance programme (CorePig). University of Aarhus .

Rousing, Tine; Knage-Rasmussen, Kristian and Bonde, Marianne (2011) Værktøjer til sundhedsstyring i frilandsbesætninger. In: Temadag om økologisk og konventionel frilandssvineproduktion. Intern Rapport, no. 106. Århus Universitet.


Sundrum, Albert; Goebel, Amke; Bochicchio, Davide; Bonde, Marianne; Bourgoin, Aude; Cartaud, Gerald; Dietze, Klaas; Dippel, Sabine; Gunnarsson, Stefan; Hegelund, L.; Leeb, Christine; Lindgren, Kristina; Prunier, Armelle and Wiberg, Sofia (2010) Health status in organic pig herds in Europe. In: Proc. of the 21st Int. Pig Veterinary Society (IPVS) Congress, p. 277.

Sundrum, Albert; Goebel, Amke; Bochicchio, Davide; Bonde, Marianne; Bourgoin, Aude; Cartaud, Gerald; Dietze, Klaas; Dippel, Sabine; Gunnarsson, Stefan; Hegelund, Lene; Leeb, Christine; Lindgren, Kristina; Lubac, Stanislas; Prunier, Armelle and Wiberg, Sofia (editor): Sundrum, Albert (Ed.) (2011) Epidemiological study concerning the characteristics of organic pig farming in selected European countries. .

Sundrum, Albert; Goebel, Amke and Werner, Christina (2010) Diagnostic of post-weaning diarrhoea on the farm level. Poster at: 21st Int. Pig Veterinary Society (IPVS) Congress, Vancouver, Canada, 18.-21. July 2010.

Sundrum, Albert and Werner, Christina (2010) Endoparasite infections and hygiene management in organic fattening herds. Poster at: 21st Int. Pig Veterinary Society (IPVS) Congress, Vancouver, Canada, 18. - 21. July 2010.

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