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Keyword(s) matches "Biobeeren" AND Research affiliation matches any of "FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland"

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Häseli, Andreas (Ed.) (2006) Fachtagung Bioobstbau 2006. [Proceedings of the FiBL Organic Fruit Seminar 2006.] Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick.
[thumbnail of haeseli-etal-2006-tb-1409-obstbautagung-2006.pdf]
Häseli, Andreas (Ed.) (2004) Tagungsband zur FiBL Obstbautagung 28.01.2004 in Frick. [Proceedings of the FiBL fruit seminar, 28.1.2004 in Frick.] Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau, Frick. Proceedings of FiBL Obstbautagung, Frick, 28.01.2004.
[thumbnail of haeseli-2004-bioobstbau-Tagungsband.pdf]
{Project} Organic berry production: Förderung von Biofrüchten und -Beeren. [Promotion of organic fruit and berries.] Runs 2003 - 2009. Project Leader(s): Weibel, Franco; Häseli, Andi; Tschabold, Jean-Luc and Suter, Francisco, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-5070 Frick .
{Project} Blueberries: Torffreier Heidelbeeranbau. [Peat free blueberry production.] Runs 1998 - 2005. Project Leader(s): Schmid, Andi, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-5070 Frick .
Häseli, Andreas (2020) Pflanzenschutzbulletin Bio-Beeren 9/2020. FiBL und Fachstellen der Kantone AG, AG, BE, BL, LU, SG, SO, TG, ZH .
[thumbnail of haeseli-2020-fibl-Bio-Beeren_9_2020-Pflanzenschutzbulletin.pdf]
Häseli, Andreas (2019) Grosse Dynamik bei den Biobeeren. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, CH-Frick . Online at https://www.bioaktuell.ch/aktuell/meldung/grosse-dynamik-bei-den-biobeeren-6-2019.html, accessed on: 2 March 2020.
[thumbnail of haeseli-2019-Grosse-Dynamik-bei-den-Biobeeren.pdf]
Häseli, Andreas (2019) Grosse Dynamic bei den Biobeeren. Schweizer Bauer, 15 June 2019, p. 40.
[thumbnail of haeseli_2019_SchweizerBauer_Grosse-Dynamik-bei-den-Biobeeren_2019-06-15.pdf]
Häseli, Andreas (2018) Pflanzenschutzbulletin Bio-Beeren 8/2019. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) und Fachstellen der Kantone AG, BE, BL, LU, SG, SO, TG, ZH .
[thumbnail of haeseli-2019-pms-bulletin-Bio-Beeren_8-2019.pdf]
Häseli, Andreas (2018) Pflanzenschutzbulletin Bio-Beeren 4/2018. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) und Fachstellen der Kantone AG, BE, BL, LU, SG, SO, TG, ZH .
[thumbnail of Biobeerenbulletin Nr. 4/2018]
Schmid, Andi (2004) Gesucht: Schweizer Biobeeren. [Increased demand for organic berries in Switzerland.] In: Häseli, Andreas (Ed.) Tagungsband zur FiBL Bioobstbautagung 28.01.2004 in Frick. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau, Frick, p. 52.
[thumbnail of schmid-2004-schweizer-biobeeren.pdf]
Schmid, Andi (2003) Erdbeeren ökologisch angebaut. [Cultivation of organic strawberries.] Bioland Verlags GmbH.
[thumbnail of schmid-2003-bioerdbeeren.pdf]
Schmid, Andi (2003) Strauchbeeren ökologisch angebaut. [Organic cultivation of soft fruit.] Bioland Verlags GmbH.
[thumbnail of schmid-2003-strauchbeeren.pdf]
Schmid, Andi and Daniel, Claudia (2003) Reduced copper treatments in strawberries by cultural methods. Poster at: IOBC/WPRS Woking Group "Integrated Plant Protection in Fruit Crops; Sub-group Soft Fruits": Workshop on Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Soft Fruit Crops, Centre d'arboriculture et d'horticulture des Fougeres, CH-1964 Conthey, Switzerland, 14.-16.10.2003.
[thumbnail of schmid-2003-PosterErdbeerenKupfer.pdf]
Schmid, Andi; Daniel, Claudia and Weibel, Franco (2005) Effect of cultural methods on leaf spot (Mycosphaerella fragariae) and gray mold (Botrytis cinerea) damage in strawberries. BioControl, 50 (1), pp. 179-194.
[thumbnail of Daniel-2005-strawberries.pdf]
Schmid, Andi; Daniel, Claudia and Weibel, Franco (2004) Effect of cultural methods on leaf spot (Mycosphaerella fragariae Tul.) incidence in strawberries. IOBC wprs Bulletin.
[thumbnail of Daniel-2004-strawberries.pdf]
Schmid, Andi and Suter, Francisco (2006) Projet BBC: les baies bio au supermarché – un succès appelé à durer? In: Tagungsband Forum Arbo Bio Romandie 2006. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick, pp. 17-18.
[thumbnail of schmid-suter-2006-tb-1416-arbo_bio.pdf]
Schmid, Andi; Suter, Francisco; Weibel, Franco and Daniel, Claudia (2009) New Approaches to Organic Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) Production in Alkaline Field Soils. European Journal of Horticultural Science, 74 (3), pp. 103-111.
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Stefani, Patrick (2019) Endlich: Genug Schweizer Biobeerenpflanzgut. Bioaktuell, 2019 (5), p. 19.
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