Keyword(s) matches " Entomologie Obstbau, Kaolin" AND Research affiliation matches any of "?? Bad Subject: fibl-plant-rotection-pests ??", "Country / Organization / Project"1.
Kaolinbehandlungen gegen Obstschädlinge.
[Kaolin treatments against orchard pests.]
Runs 2003 - 2006.
Project Leader(s): Daniel, Claudia and Wyss, Eric.
Bürgel, K.; Daniel, Claudia and Wyss, Eric
Effects of autumn kaolin treatments on the rosy apple aphid Dysaphis planaginea (Pass.) and possible modes of action.
Journal of Applied Entomology (129 (6)), pp. 311-314.
Daniel, Claudia; Pfammatter, W; Kehrli, P and Wyss, Eric
Processed Kaolin as an alternative insecticide against the European pear sucker, Cacopsylla pyri (L.).
Journal of Applied Entomology (129 (7)), pp. 363-367.
Daniel, Claudia and Wyss, Eric
Wirkung verschiedener Insektizide und Repellentien gegen den Gemeinen Birnenblattsauger (Cacopsylla pyri).
[Efficacy of different insecticides and a repellent against the European pear sucker (Cacopsylla pyri).]
Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V.: 11th Conference on Cultivation Technique und Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit Growing. Proceedings to the Conference February 3rd to 5th 2004 at Weinsberg / Germany. D-Weinsberg.
Daniel, Claudia and Wyss, Eric
Wirkung von Surround gegen den Gemeinen Birnenblattsauger (Cacopsylla pyri) im
praxisnahen Grossversuch.
[Efficacy of Surround® WP against the European pear psyllid (Cacosylla pyri) in
large-scale field trials.]
Mittelprüfung, no. Nr. 04/3e, Mittelprüfung 2004.
Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-5070 Frick , Pflanzenschutz: Schädlinge, Nützlinge.
Daniel, Claudia and Wyss, Eric
Wirkung verschiedener Insektizide gegen die Birnenpockenmilbe (Phytoptus pyri).
[Efficacy of different insecticides against the pear leaf blister mite (Phytoptus pyri).]
Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau Frick .
Wyss, Eric and Daniel, Claudia
Effects of autumn kaolin and pyrethrin treatments on the spring population of Dysaphis plantaginea in apple orchards.
Journal of applied entomology, 128 (2), pp. 147-149.
Wyss, Eric and Daniel, Claudia
Effects of autumn kaolin, pyrethrin, and ladybird larvae (Adalia bipunctata) applications on the spring populations of the rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) in an experimental apple orchard (cv. Glockenapfel).
Product Evaluation (Mittelprüfungsbericht).
FiBL Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Frick .
Wyss, Eric and Daniel, Claudia
Effects of autumn kaolin, pyrethrin, and ladybird larvae (Adalia bipunctata) applications on the spring populations of the rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) in an on-farm apple orchard (cv. Topaz).
Product Evaluation (Mittelprüfungsbericht).
FiBL Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Frick (and Engelhard Co. for Surround) .