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Keyword(s) matches "FiBL25049" AND Research affiliation matches any of "FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland"

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Boutry, C.; Kelderer, M.; Holtz, T.; Baumgartner, F. and Friedli, M. (2022) Testing the effect of a rainproof protection net on the apple production regarding disease and pest damages. In: FOEKO e.V. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Organic Fruit-Growing, pp. 104-106.
[thumbnail of Abstract] [thumbnail of Presentation]
Boutry, Clémence and Friedli, Michael (2021) Production de pommes bio avec couverture mono-rang. Institut de recherche de l'agriculture biologique FiBL, CH-Frick . Online at https://www.bioactualites.ch/cultures/arboriculture-bio/technique-culturale/general-techniqueculturale/translate-to-franzoesisch-bioapfelanbau-mit-einzelreihen-abdeckung.html, accessed on: 25 January 2022.
[thumbnail of friedli-boutry-2021-bioacualitesch-Pommes-bio-protegees-par-une-couverture-mono_rang.pdf]
Boutry, Clémence and Friedli, Michael (2021) Krankheits- und Schädlingsregulierung im Bioapfelanbau mit Einzelreihen-Abdeckung. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, CH-Frick . Online at https://www.bioaktuell.ch/pflanzenbau/obstbau/produktionstechnik/allgemein/bioapfelanbau-mit-einzelreihen-abdeckung.html, accessed on: 30 June 2021.
[thumbnail of boutry-friedli-2021-bioaktuellch-Bioapfelanbau-mit-Einzelreihen-Abdeckung.pdf]
Boutry, Clémence; Friedli, Michael; Malusa, Eligio; Lepp, Birgit; Zikeli, Sabine; Hristina, Kutinkova; Neri, Davide and Ponzio, Carlo (2021) D2.15- Opzioni Efficaci per una Gestione Integrata del Terreno (project brochure). .
[thumbnail of D2.15_ DOMINO Brochure_IT.pdf]
Boutry, Clémence; Michael, Friedli; Davide, Neri and Carlo, Ponzio (2021) D2.15- Effective Options on Integrated Soil Management (project brochure). DOMINO, Core Organic.
[thumbnail of D2.15_DOMINO_Brochure_integrated_soil_management.pdf]
Boutry, Clémence; Michael, Friedli; Maria-Martha, Fernandez; Sabine, Zikeli; Lepp, Birgit; Hristina, Kutinkova; Malusa, Eligio; Davide, Neri and Carlo, Ponzio (2021) D2.17-Strategic document for policy stakeholders resulting from the DOMINO project (2018-2021). DOMINO, Core Organic.
[thumbnail of D2.17_Strategic document for policy stakeholders.pdf]
Boutry, Clémence; Michael, Friedli; Sabine, Zikeli; Lepp, Birgit; Malusa, Eligio; Fernandez, Maria-Martha; Hristina, Kutinkova; Neri, Davide and Ponzio, Carlo (2021) Report on demonstration and communication activities, and on participatory training delivered (2018-2021). .
[thumbnail of D2.16&D2.18. Report on demo, comm activities, and participatory training.pdf]
Boutry, Clémence; Baumgartner, Fabian and Friedli, Michael (2020) Testing the effect of a rainproof protection net on the apple production regarding disease and pest damages. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing, ecofruit, 17-19 February, 2020, University of Hohenheim, Germany, pp. 95-98.
Boutry, Clémence and Friedli, Michael (2020) Erste Ergebnisse aus dem CORE Organic Projekt DOMINO. Paper at: Bioobstbautagung, Wülfingen, Deutschland, 24. Januar 2020. [Unpublished]
[thumbnail of Boutry-friedli-2020-Bioobstbautagung_DOMINO_24012020.pdf]
Eligio, Malusa; Sabine, Zikeli; Maria-Martha, Fernandez; Davide, Neri; Carlo, Ponzio; Boutry, Clémence; Michael, Friedli and Kelderer, Markus (2021) D6.5 - Final Report on economic and environmental sustainability management practices at farm level. .
[thumbnail of D6.5.Fin Rep on economic and environ sustainability mngm practices at farm level.pdf]
Friedli, Michael and DOMINO, project team (2022) Living mulches in apple orchards: lessons learned from the CORE organic Project DOMINO. Paper at: 2nd Online Seminar - BIOFRUITNET, 10th March 2022. [Completed]
[thumbnail of Friedli-2022-BIOFRUITNET_Online_Seminar_final.pdf]
Kelderer, Markus; Holtz, Thomas; Friedli, Michael; Boutry, Clémence; Maria-Martha, Fernandez; Zikeli, Sabine; Lepp, Birgit; Hristina, Kutinkova; Neri, Davide and Ponzio, Carlo (2021) D5.6 Yearly report of plant physiological status, crops' yield and quality data as influenced by overhead netting and D5.7 Final report on new protection management adopting overhead netting in orchards. .
[thumbnail of D5.6-D5.7.pdf]
Maria-Martha, Fernandez; Sabine, Zikeli; Lepp, Birgit; Boutry, Clémence; Friedli, Michael; Eligio, Malusa; Hristina, Kutinkova; Kelderer, Markus; Holtz, Thomas; Davide, Neri and Ponzio, Carlo (2021) D3.9 - Final report on combined agronomical alternatives of row management (2021). Final report. DOMINO, Core Organic.
[thumbnail of D3.9_Final report on alternative row management.pdf]
Sabine, Zikeli; Lepp, Birgit; Malusa, Eligio; Boutry, Clémence; Friedli, Michael; Dhzuvinov, Vasily; Fumáncyk, Ewa; Holtz, Thomas; Kelderer, Markus; Neri, Davide; Fernandez, Maria-Martha and Ponzio, Carlo (2021) Deliverable 4.9 Guidelines for strategies to improve fertilization in intensive organic apple orchards. .
[thumbnail of Del 4.9 Guidelines for strategies to improve fertil in intensive org apple orc.pdf]
Zikeli, S.; Boutry, C.; Dzhuvinov, V.; Friedli, M.; Furmanczyk, E.; Holtz, T.; Kelderer, M.; Lepp, B. and Malusa, E. (2022) DOMINO – Synthesis of Soil Management Strategies Integrating Plant and Waste Based Alternative Fertilizers. In: FOEKO e.V. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Organic Fruit-Growing, pp. 43-45.
[thumbnail of zikeli-etal-2022-20thEcofruit-Proceeding-Domino-p43-45.pdf]
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