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Genome sequence of a European Diplocarpon coronariae strain and in silico structure of the mating-type locus

Richter, Sophie; Kind, Sabine; Oberhänsli, Thomas; Schneider, Michael; Nenasheva, Natalia; Hoff, Katharina; Keilwagen, Jens; Yeon, Il-Kweon; Philion, Vincent; Moriya, Shigeki; Flachowsky, Henryk; Patocchi, Andrea and Wöhner, Thomas (2024) Genome sequence of a European Diplocarpon coronariae strain and in silico structure of the mating-type locus. Frontiers in Plant Science, 15, pp. 1-16.

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Document available online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/plant-science/articles/10.3389/fpls.2024.1437132/full

Summary in the original language of the document

Diplocarpon coronariae is a fungal pathogen that is prevalent in low-input apple production. Over the past 15 years, it has become increasingly distributed in Europe. However, comprehensive insights into its biology and pathogenicity remain limited. One particular aspect is the rarity of the sexual morph of this pathogen, a phenomenon hitherto unobserved in Europe. Diplocarpon coronariae reproduces through a heterothallic mating system requiring at least two different mating types for sexual reproduction. Genes determining the mating types are located on the mating-type locus. In this study, D. coronariae strain DC1_JKI from Dresden, Germany, was sequenced and used to unravel the structure of the mating type locus. Using short-read and long-read sequencing methods, the first gapless and near-complete telomere-to-telomere genome assembly of D. coronariae was achieved. The assembled genome spans 51.2 Mbp and comprises 21 chromosome-scale contigs of high completeness. The generated genome sequence was used to in silico elucidate the structure of the mating-type locus, identified as MAT1-2. Furthermore, an examination of MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 frequency across a diverse set of samples sourced from Europe and Asia revealed the exclusive presence of MAT1-2 in European samples, whereas both MAT loci were present in Asian counterparts. Our findings suggest an explanation for the absence of the sexual morph, potentially linked to the absence of the second mating idiomorph of D. coronariae in European apple orchards.

EPrint Type:Journal paper
Keywords:genomics, pathogenic fungi, apple blotch, D. coronariae, Malus, genome sequence, short reads, long reads, mating types
Agrovoc keywords:
pathogenic fungi
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Crop health, quality, protection
Research affiliation: Canada
Switzerland > Agroscope > ACW - Research Centre Wädenswil
Switzerland > FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland > Crops > Seeds and breeding > Plant breeding
Germany > Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants - JKI > Institute for Plant Protection in Fruit Crops and Viticulture
Germany > Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants - JKI > Institute for Breeding Research on Horticultural and Fruits Crops
Germany > University of Greifswald
Germany > University of Hannover - LUH
Deposited By: Schneider, Dr Michael
ID Code:54431
Deposited On:06 Dec 2024 09:01
Last Modified:06 Dec 2024 09:01
Document Language:English
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted

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