Cabell, Joshua; Binner, Erwin; Ion, Violeta Alexandra; Maroulis, Marios; Molosag, Ailin; Parvulescu, Oana Cristina and Robertson, Jean (2024) Evaluating the quality of marine composts by using humification and spectroscopy: A summary of workshop presentations and learning outcomes from the MARIGREEN_TECB project. NORSØK Report, no. 6, vol 9. NORSØK, Tingvoll, Norway.
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Summary in the original language of the document
This report summarizes the presentations and activities made during a workshop organized under the auspices of the project MARIGREEN_TECB (Training, Exchange, and Capacity Building), which was funded by the third supplementary call of the ERA-NET Cofund on Blue Bioeconomy (BlueBio) program (grant number 346849) .
MARIGREEN_TECB was an extension of MARIGREEN (sustainable exploitation of MARINE resources to promote GREEN plant production in Europe), a project funded by the first supplementary call of the ERA-NET BlueBio program (EU Horizon 2020 grant agreement 817992). MARIGREEN's aim is to valorise poorly utilized residual materials from the blue sector by treating them with suitable technologies such as extraction, composting and biochar impregnation after extraction, and using them in organic agriculture. The project works with available residual material from fishing, the brown algae industry, the mussel industry and organic aquaculture.
The main objective of MARIGREEN_TECB was to improve the understanding of humification during composting of marine raw materials and how to improve the quality of "blue" compost and to gain expertise in FT-IR analysis and spectrum interpretation for humic substances.
MARIGREEN_TECB was a collaboration between NORSØK and USAMV in Bucharest. The workshop was organized by the Research Center for Studies of Food Quality and Agricultural Products at USAMV's campus in Bucharest and was held from 23 to 26 October 2023. The topics for the workshop were chosen because they are directly relevant to the MARIGREEN main project and several of the work packages. However, they also have global relevance. While the focus was on marine-based compost, the methods covered during the workshop are relevant to all types of composts, organic-based fertilizers and soil conditioners. Methods to improve compost quality and improve humification can be applied to compost made with all raw materials. The same applies to evaluation of compost quality by more traditional methods and by FT-IR spectroscopy.
Summary translation
Denne rapporten oppsummerer presentasjonene og aktivitetene gjort under en workshop arrangert i regi av prosjektet MARIGREEN_TECB (Training, Exchange, and Capacity Building), som var finansiert av den tredje tilleggsutlysningen til ERA-NET Cofund on Blue Bioeconomy (BlueBio)-programmet (tilskuddsnummer 346849).
MARIGREEN_TECB var en utvidelse av MARIGREEN (bærekraftig utnyttelse av MARINe-ressurser for å fremme GREEN planteproduksjon i Europa), et prosjekt finansiert av den første tilleggsutlysningen til ERA-NET BlueBio-programmet (EUs Horizon 2020-tilskuddsavtale 817992). MARIGREEN har som mål å verdigjøre dårlig utnyttede restmaterialer fra blå sektor ved å behandle dem med passende teknologier som ekstraksjon, kompostering og biokullimpregnering etter utvinning, og anvende dem i økologisk landbruk. Prosjektet arbeider med tilgjengelig restmateriale fra fiskefangst, brunalgeindustrien, blåskjellindustrien og økologisk havbruk.
Hovedmålet til MARIGREEN_TECB var å forbedre forståelsen av humifisering under kompostering av marine råvarer og hvordan man kan forbedre kvaliteten på "blå" kompost og for å få kompetanse i FT-IR-analyse og spektratolkning for humusstoffer.
MARIGREEN_TECB var et samarbeid mellom NORSØK og USAMV i Bucuresti. Workshopen ble arrangert av Research Center for Studies of Food Quality and Agricultural Products ved USAMVs campus i Bucuresti og ble holdt fra 23. til 26. oktober 2023. Temaene for workshopen ble valgt fordi de er direkte relevante for MARIGREEN-hovedprosjektet og flere av arbeidspakkene. Imidlertid har de også global relevans. Mens fokuset var på marinbasert kompost, er metodene dekket under workshopen relevante for alle typer komposter, organisk-basert gjødsel og jordforbedringsmidler. Metoder for å forbedre kompostkvaliteten og forbedre humifiseringen kan brukes på kompost laget med alle råvarer. Det samme gjelder for evaluering av kompostkvalitet ved mer tradisjonelle metoder og ved FT-IR-spektroskopi.
EPrint Type: | Report |
Keywords: | Compost, spectroscopy, humic substances, marine waste, biostimulant Kompost, biostimulanter, marine restråstoffer Kompost, spektroskopi, humusstoffer, marinavfall, biostimulant |
Agrovoc keywords: | Language Value URI English composts English humic acids English spectroscopy English biostimulants English marine resources |
Subjects: | Food systems > Recycling, balancing and resource management Soil > Nutrient turnover |
Research affiliation: | Greece > The Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Austria > Univ. BOKU Wien Norway > RCN - Research Council of Norway Norway > NORSØK - Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture Romania > USAMV - Univ. of Agron. Sciences and Vet. Medicine |
Horizon Europe or H2020 Grant Agreement Number: | 346849 |
ISBN: | 978-82-8202-184-5 |
Deposited By: | Cabell, Joshua Fenton |
ID Code: | 53254 |
Deposited On: | 25 Apr 2024 08:27 |
Last Modified: | 25 Apr 2024 08:27 |
Document Language: | English |
Status: | Published |
Refereed: | Peer-reviewed and accepted |
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