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Market barriers to welfare product innovations

Binnekamp, M.H.A. and Ingenbleek, P.T.M. (2006) Market barriers to welfare product innovations. NJAS : Wageningen journal of life sciences / Royal Society for Agricultural Sciences, 2006, 54 (2), 169 - 178.

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Document available online at: https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/groenekennis/1829335

Summary in the original language of the document

New products that are based on higher animal welfare standards encounter several barriers on the road to market acceptance. The authors focus on the Dutch poultry sector and distinguish between retailer and consumer barriers

EPrint Type:Newspaper or magazine article
Keywords:duurzaamheid (sustainability) (nl), sustainability (en), pluimveehouderij (nl), poultry farming (en), scharrelhouderij (nl), free range husbandry (en), dierenwelzijn (nl), animal welfare (en), consumentengedrag (nl), consumer behaviour (en), houding van consumenten (nl), consumer attitudes (en), producentenprijzen (nl), producer prices (en), prijzen (nl), prices (en), marketing voor de detailhandel (nl), retail marketing (en), winkelprijzen (nl), retail prices (en), agrarische productiesystemen (nl), agricultural production systems (en), scharreleieren (nl), free range eggs (en), 608-G Pluimvee (nl), 608-G Poultry (en), 219-A Marketing (algemeen) (nl), 219-A Marketing (General) (en)
Subjects:"Organics" in general
Research affiliation: Netherlands > BioKennisBank
Related Links:https://edepot.wur.nl/21703
Project ID:BKB
Deposited By: Blom, M
ID Code:48866
Deposited On:12 Jun 2023 06:43
Last Modified:12 Jun 2023 06:43
Document Language:English

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