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Mineralenbelasting van de kippenuitloop : kippenuitloop gezond en groen

Burgt, G.J. Van Der and Bestman, M. (2009) Mineralenbelasting van de kippenuitloop : kippenuitloop gezond en groen. Louis Bolk Instituut, Driebergen, NL.

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Document available online at: https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/groenekennis/1915614

Summary in the original language of the document

Dieren die buiten lopen laten daar ook hun mest vallen. Gezien de hoge dichtheid aan kippen in de uitloop roept dat vragen op over de mineralenbelasting van de uitloop. Aarnink et al. (2005) hebben daar gedetailleerd onderzoek naar gedaan, en de uitkomsten wijzen op hoge belastingen met name nabij de stallen. In dit project is dit vraagstuk in hoofdlijnen op twee manieren benaderd: door metingen in de bodem en door mineralenbalansen op bedrijfsniveau op te stellen. Daarvan wordt hier verslag gedaan

Summary translation

A high input of minerals could be a undesired effect of the chickens’ outdoor run. As part of the project ‘Uitloop Gezond en Groen’ (Outdoor run Healthy and Green), realized in 2006 – 2008, the soil of the outdoor run of four organic poultry farms was analysed on phosphorus, nitrogen and heavy metals. Beside this, absorption of minerals by means of straw in the outdoor run was monitored and the phosphorus balances of two farms were calculated. There indeed is a net input of minerals: close to the stables higher concentrations of phosphorus and heavy metals are found, compared to parts at more distance. Within these two years no increase of phosphorus concentration was measured although it could be expected according to calculations. This will be caused by a combination of factors: the input may be overestimated, soil and minerals might return to the stable sticking to the paws or in the intestines of the chickens, and a structural bias in the sampling may have occurred. Straw could be used to reduce mineral accumulation close to the stable, but several disadvantages are connected to this way of working. Removal of soil is effective, but in conflict with permanent ‘green cover’ . The farm phosphorus balances are unreliable due to unreliable phosphorus calculations of the dung. Both sampling and analysis are source of faults

EPrint Type:Report
Keywords:pluimveehouderij (nl), poultry farming (en), fosfaat (nl), phosphate (en), mineraalovermaat (nl), mineral excess (en), pluimveemest (nl), poultry manure (en), uitloop (nl), outdoor run (en), mineralenboekhouding (nl), nutrient accounting system (en), 113-C-1 Ecologische landbouw (nl), 113-C-1 Organic Farming (en), 603-F Dierhouderij en omgeving (nl), 603-F Animal Husbandry and Environment (en)
Subjects:"Organics" in general
Research affiliation: Netherlands > BioKennisBank
Related Links:https://edepot.wur.nl/10981
Project ID:BKB
Deposited By: Blom, M
ID Code:48180
Deposited On:12 Jun 2023 06:42
Last Modified:12 Jun 2023 06:42
Document Language:Dutch/Nederlands

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