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Samarbeid for bedre jordhelse i Norden

Pommeresche, Reidun (2022) Samarbeid for bedre jordhelse i Norden. [Collaboration for better soil-health in the Nordics.] Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk, norsok.no. Online at https://www.norsok.no/en/news/2022/collaboration-for-better-soil-health-in-the-nordics, accessed on: 21 September 2022.

Full text not available from this repository.

Document available online at: https://www.norsok.no/en/news/2022/collaboration-for-better-soil-health-in-the-nordics

Summary in the original language of the document

Et prosjekt ledet av NORSØK har samlet fagfolk fra Danmark, Finland, Norge og Sverige for å dele kunnskap og erfaringer innen evaluering og forbedring av jordhelse i nordisk jordbruksjord.
Prosjektet "Network – Sustain Nordic soil health" (NetSH) har fokusert på enkle metoder for å evaluere og forbedre jordhelse på gårdsnivå.
Disse indikatorene brukes for å vurdere jordhelse:
Aggregater i jorda
Rotvekst og rotdybde
Nitrogenfikserende bakterier (Vokser på røtter hos belgvekster)
Antall og arter meitemark i jorda

Summary translation

Researchers and advisors from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden have shared knowledge and experiences on how to improve and sustain soil health in Nordic agricultural soils.
The project "Network– Sustain Nordic soil health" (NetSH) has focused on sharing low-tech methods for soil-health evaluation and improvement.
A combination of indicators enables the user to rank the soil health:
Soil aggregates
Root-growth and depth
Nitrogen fixating root noodles on legumes
The type and number of earthworms in the soil

EPrint Type:Web product
Keywords:soil health, jordhelse, Jordlappen, NetSH, HelJord, kbep,
Agrovoc keywords:
soil biology
Subjects: Soil > Soil quality
Soil > Soil quality > Soil biology
Research affiliation: Norway > NORSØK - Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture
Deposited By: Pommeresche, Reidun
ID Code:44886
Deposited On:14 Dec 2022 07:58
Last Modified:14 Dec 2022 07:58
Document Language:Norwegian/Norsk

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