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Hvordan måle jordhelse?

Pommeresche, Reidun and Rittl, Tatiana (2022) Hvordan måle jordhelse? [How to measure soil health?] Agropub.no. Online at https://www.agropub.no/fagartikler/hvordan-male-jordhelse, accessed on: 1 September 2022.

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Document available online at: https://www.agropub.no/fagartikler/hvordan-male-jordhelse

Summary in the original language of the document

Jordliv og jordhelse er en "snakkis" i landbruket. Frem til nå har det vært både tidkrevende og kostbart å måle og identifisere både de mikroskopiske og de litt større organismene i jorda. Jevnlig kommer det nå enklere tester på markedet for å måle ulike biologiske prosesser i jord som del av jordhelsa. I to prosjekter prøver vi noen slike tester knyttet til jordkarbon, mikrobiologi og aktiviteten til jordlivet. Vi fant mer jordliv enn forventet og vi anbefaler å bruke flere tester samtidig.

Summary translation

Soil life and soil health are "hot topics" in agriculture. Until now, it has been both time-consuming and costly to measure and identify both the microscopic and the slightly larger organisms in the soil. Easier tests are now regularly available on the market to measure various biological processes in soil as part of soil health. In two projects, we are testing some such tests related to soil carbon, microbiology and the activity of soil life. We found more terrestrial life than expected and we recommend using several tests at the same time.

EPrint Type:Web product
Keywords:jordhelsetester, soil health, soil biology, jordbiologi, jordkarbon, soil carbon, soil organic matter, kbep, HelJord
Agrovoc keywords:
soil analysis
Subjects: Soil > Soil quality
Soil > Soil quality > Soil biology
Research affiliation: Norway > NORSØK - Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture
Deposited By: Pommeresche, Reidun
ID Code:44883
Deposited On:14 Dec 2022 07:53
Last Modified:13 Mar 2023 10:09
Document Language:Norwegian/Norsk

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