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Restråstoff fra havet – til mat, fôr og gjødsel

Løes, Anne-Kristin (2018) Restråstoff fra havet – til mat, fôr og gjødsel. [Residual materials from the sea - for food, feed and fertiliser.] Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK), Ut mot hav workshop, Kristiansund, Norway.

[thumbnail of Ut mot hav Kr sund 2018.pdf] PDF - English

Summary in the original language of the document

Significant volumes of residual materials from blue value chains may be applied as food, feed and fertilisers. This presentation gioves an overview of projects and activities where NORSØK has been involved, testing materials as fodd feed or fertilisers.

EPrint Type:Teaching resource
Keywords:RESTORX, circular economy, bioøkonomi, gjødsel, fertiliser
Agrovoc keywords:
circular economy
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Composting and manuring
Food systems > Recycling, balancing and resource management
Research affiliation: Norway > NORSØK - Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture
Deposited By: Løes, Anne-Kristin
ID Code:44768
Deposited On:01 Dec 2022 16:05
Last Modified:01 Dec 2022 16:05
Document Language:Norwegian/Norsk

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