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Apple varieties suitable for organic cultivation in Lithuania (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract)

{Tool} Apple varieties suitable for organic cultivation in Lithuania (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Strazdins, Gints. Issuing Organisation(s): Association of Latvian Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 040. (2022)

[thumbnail of Apple varieties suitable for organic cultivation in Lithuania] PDF - Published Version - English (Apple varieties suitable for organic cultivation in Lithuania)
[thumbnail of Obelų, tinkamų ekologiniam auginimui Lietuvoje, veislės] PDF - Published Version - Lithuanian/Lietuvos (Obelų, tinkamų ekologiniam auginimui Lietuvoje, veislės)

Document available online at: https://orgprints.org/44723

Summary in the original language of the document

The use of the recommended robust apple cultivars can help to control the main diseases and contribute to the reduction of plant protection applications.
Practical recommendation
• Check information about local cultivars tested at research stations and established orchards. Talk to your retailers. Ask yourself the following questions to choose a suitable variety for your context of production:
o Do I want to produce table apples or cider apples?
o Which palette of varieties regarding the taste do I want to offer?
o Which harvesting times do I want to cover?
o Do I want to sell the apples to a retailer or direct marketing? If you want to sell to a retailer, check which varieties they accept before planting. If you want to do direct marketing, consider having a broad palette of varieties covering all taste groups and a long selling period.
o Do I have storage capacities?
• Even cultivars described as scab resistant may develop a scab race that can break down the resistance. Al-ways control apple scab from bud break and at big infections peak in the primary ascospore discharge period.
• Even robust cultivars against apple scab do not significantly reduce the need for treatments. There is always the risk of other diseases, such as sooty blotch.
• List of cultivars for organic apple production suited in Lithuania:
o Summer cultivars: Alemanda, Poema, Pira, Orlov, Izbranica
o Autumn cultivars: Rudenis, Vitos, Sava, Aldas
o Winter cultivars: Skaistis (Picture 1), Freedom, Štaris (Picture 2), Rajka, Rosana, Rubinola, Florina (Picture 3), Pinova, Bosanova (Picture 4)

EPrint Type:Practice tool
What problem does the tool address?:Organic apple production faces many disease and pest control challenges. While the use of direct control measures is limited, indirect control, such as the choice of robust cultivars, is pivotal. However, only a few winter-hardy varieties, mostly local breeds, are available in Central Europe.
What solution does the tool offer?:This practice abstract lists the robust cultivars tolerant to apple scab, powdery mildew, and fire blight that are suitable to the Baltic region.
Type of Practice Tool:Practice abstracts
Keywords:Temperate fruits, Disease prevention
Agrovoc keywords:
temperate fruits
disease prevention
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Production systems > Fruit and berries
Research affiliation: European Union > Horizon 2020 > Biofruitnet
Latvia > Other Organizations Latvia
European Union > Organic Farm Knowledge
Horizon Europe or H2020 Grant Agreement Number:862850
Related Links:https://organic-farmknowledge.org/tool/44723, https://organic-farmknowledge.org/tool/44121, https://biofruitnet.eu
Project ID:ofk
Deposited By: Basler, Andreas
ID Code:44723
Deposited On:09 Dec 2022 17:11
Last Modified:02 May 2024 10:32
Document Language:English, Lithuanian/Lietuvos

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