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Proceedings of XIII SEAE CONGRESS. SPANISH SOCIETY FOR ORGANIC FARMING "Agroecological food systems and Climate Change"

Spanish Society of Organic Farming, SEAE, SEAE (Ed.) (2018) Proceedings of XIII SEAE CONGRESS. SPANISH SOCIETY FOR ORGANIC FARMING "Agroecological food systems and Climate Change". . Proceedings of XIII SEAE CONGRESS. SPANISH SOCIETY FOR ORGANIC FARMING "Agroecological food systems and Climate Change", Logroño (La Rioja) SPAIN, 14-17th november 2018.

[thumbnail of actas-xiii-congreso-vd.pdf.pdf] PDF - English


The biannual congresses organized by SEAE since 1994 have become spaces for interdisciplinary dialogue between researchers, technicians, advisors, farmers, processors, consumers, schools, teachers, cooks, marketers, distributors and Administration. They are all relevant actors of the food chain to analyze and discuss problems, challenges, advances and innovations happening for the improvement of the people quality of life.
This year it is celebrated in Logroño, the capital of La Rioja. This region is well known for its production of good wines and it also has an important production of traditional extensive livestock, to emphasize that it is necessary think and rethink the food systems that integrate agriculture, trees, animals and people regarding new models of production, distribution and consumption.

Summary translation

Los congresos bianuales que organiza SEAE desde 1994, se han convertido en espacios de diálogo interdisciplinar
entre investigador@s, técnic@s, asesor@s, agricultor@s, elaborador@s, consumidor@s, colegios, educador@
s, cociner@s, comercializadoras, distribuidores y administración, tod@s actor@s relevantes de la cadena
agroalimentaria, para analizar y debatir los problemas, retos, avances e innovaciones que se van produciendo
para la mejora de la calidad de vida de la gente.
Este año se celebra en Logroño, capital riojana conocida mundialmente por su producción de buen vino, y
que cuenta también con una importante huerta tradicional, ganadería extensiva, para enfatizar que es necesario
pensar y replantear los sistemas alimentarios que integren agricultura, árboles, animales y personas cuando
hablamos de modificar modelos de producción, distribución y consumo.

EPrint Type:Proceedings
Keywords:producción ecológica, agroecología, desarrollo rural, sistemas agroalimentarios, cambio climático
Subjects:"Organics" in general
Farming Systems
Research affiliation: Spain > SEAE - Spanish Society of Organic Farming
Deposited By: Moreno, Jose Luis
ID Code:35452
Deposited On:28 May 2019 08:09
Last Modified:28 May 2019 08:09
Document Language:Spanish/Español

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