Quitzau, Maj-Britt (2004) Kultur i badeværelset: om integrationen af kultur, teknologi og samfund. [Culture in the bathroom: On the interplay of culture, technology and society.] NordNytt (90), pp. 135-150.
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Summary in the original language of the document
Denne artikel tager udgangspunkt i ph.d.-projektet ”Kultur i badeværelset – en undersøgelse af kulturelle hindringer og potentialer for recirkulering af urin og fæces”. Teoretiske overvejelser om integration af kultur, teknologi og samfund anvendes som forståelsesmæssig ramme for at identificere og beskrive sociale og kulturelle aspekter i relation til badeværelset og dets teknologier. Empiriske eksempler, baseret på indledende analyser af observationer, reklamer, relevante tekster og historiske beskrivelser, inddrages med henblik på at give nogle indtryk af, hvorledes badeværelset knytter projektets tre kernebegreber, nemlig ”mening”, ”det materielle” og ”det sociale”. Projektet er påbegyndt i december 2002. Det forventes, at artiklens foreløbige konklusioner anvendes som baggrund for kvalitative interviews senere i projektforløbet.
Summary translation
This article has its starting point in the PhD project: "Culture in the bathroom - a study of cultural hindrances and potentials for recycling of urine and faeces". Theoretical considerations on the interplay between culture, technology and society are used as framework in order to identify and describe social and cultural aspects in relation to the bathroom and its technologies. Empirical examples, based on introductory analysis of observations, advertisements, relevant texts and historical descriptions, are used in order to give an impression of how the bathroom knits together the three main concepts of the project: 'meaning', 'the material' and 'the social'. The project was initiated in December 2002. The conclusions from the article will be used as background for qualitative interviews later on in the project.
EPrint Type: | Journal paper |
Keywords: | Bathroom, recycling, culture |
Subjects: | "Organics" in general |
Research affiliation: | Denmark > SOAR - Research School for Organic Agriculture and Food Systems |
Deposited By: | Quitzau, MSc. Maj-Britt |
ID Code: | 3300 |
Deposited On: | 30 Sep 2004 |
Last Modified: | 12 Apr 2010 07:29 |
Document Language: | Danish/Dansk |
Status: | Published |
Refereed: | Not peer-reviewed |
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