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La certificación ecológica como instrumento de revalorización de lo local: los Sistemas Participativos de Garantía en Andalucía

Cuéllar Padilla, Mamen (2010) La certificación ecológica como instrumento de revalorización de lo local: los Sistemas Participativos de Garantía en Andalucía. [Organic Certification as a Tool for Empowerment of the Local: Participatory Guarantee Systems in Andalusia.] PH Cuadernos. Patrimonio cultural en la nueva ruralidad andaluza, 2010, 26, pp. 284-295.

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Summary in the original language of the document

The procedures established to build confidence in the organic sector significantly condition its trends, promoting some types of visions while marginalizing or rendering invisible others. Participatory Guarantee Systems are credible mechanisms that break with the established formal logic of certification by a third party. Constructed from networks of production and consumption, they seek to turn the need for credibility into a collective processes of mutual education, group identity and, ultimately, local rural development. The pillars of these processes are established by working on a small scale, by the convergence between production and consumption revitalizing the local economy, and by traditional and endogenous knowledge associated with managing natural resources in an ecological manner. Moreover, and this is an important political proposal, the Participatory Guarantee System also reinvigorates the role of protagonists from rural areas, who have often been disregarded and marginalized in the process of urbanization.

EPrint Type:Newspaper or magazine article
Subjects: Farming Systems > Social aspects
Values, standards and certification > Regulation
Research affiliation: Spain > University of Cordoba
Spain > Other organizations Spain
Deposited By: Cuellar Padilla, Mamen
ID Code:18577
Deposited On:07 Jul 2011 10:00
Last Modified:20 Feb 2012 15:43
Document Language:Spanish/Español

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