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Organic Fertilization In A “Tomato – Pea” Rotation In Southern Italy

Rinaldi, Michele; Vonella, Alessandro Vittorio and Garofalo, Pasquale (2007) Organic Fertilization In A “Tomato – Pea” Rotation In Southern Italy. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

[thumbnail of Rinaldi-etal-2007-TomatoPea_Fertilization.pdf] PDF - German/Deutsch


The use of alternative to mineral fertilizers is an important issue in organic systems. A four-year field experiment to evaluate the effects of organic fertilizers on yield and quality of processing tomato and proteic pea in rotation, was carried out in Southern Italy. The fertilization treatments aimed to supply 100 kg ha-1 of N for tomato and 60 kg ha-1 of P2O5 for pea and were: 1) an organic biological fertilizer (BIO); 2) an experimental compost obtained by olive residues, sludge and straw mixture (COMP); 3) a control managed with traditional chemical fertilizers (ammonium nitrate and perphosphate, MIN). At harvest, the main productive and qualitative parameters were assessed.
Tomato fruit yield did not differ among the fertilization treatments, but unripe fruit yield was higher in the MIN and BIO treatment; MIN showed also smaller fruit than BIO and COMP. The N availability during crop cycle influenced the mean fruit weight and maturity date. No difference among treatments was observed for pea in rotation with tomato and, similarly, on the wheat cropped without fertilization following the two crops.
The possibility to use organic fertilizer for processing tomato and proteic pea has been evaluated and the conclusion is that organic fertilization is comparable to mineral one from a productive and qualitative point of view.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Poster
Keywords:Lycopersicon esculentum Mill., Pisum sativum L., fertilization, compost, seed yield, protein yield
Subjects: Farming Systems > Farm nutrient management
Research affiliation: Italy > CRA - National Council of Agricultural Research
International Conferences > 2007: 3rd QLIF Congress > 3 Crop production / soil management
Related Links:http://orgprints.org/10417/
Deposited By: Rinaldi, Dr. Michele
ID Code:10083
Deposited On:11 Mar 2007
Last Modified:12 Apr 2010 07:34
Document Language:English
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed
Additional Publishing Information: The final version of this paper is published in:
Niggli, Urs; Leifert, Carlo; Alföldi, Thomas; Lück, Lorna and Willer, Helga, Eds. (2007) Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems. Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of the European Integrated Project Quality Low Input Food (QLIF). University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20 – 23, 2007. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.http://orgprints.org/10417/
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