DARCOF · About Darcof > Knowledge synthesis

Knowledge syntheses

Knowledge syntheses play an important role in the development and communication of research that takes place in DARCOF. A synthesis of knowledge can be a useful tool in the preparation of new research projects, in clarifying particular problems, and for creating a more comprehensive, overall perspective on a specific subject, which draws on both the available scientific knowledge and practical experience.

In short, a knowledge synthesis analyses, discusses and synthesises the existing knowledge on an unclarified, and often disputed, subject in relation to the main points of view. This work takes place in a group of experts from different fields, who represent the different points of view on the subject. It is therefore important to include experts with different backgrounds and different perceptions of the subject.

In such transdisciplinary work, the discussion and clarification of understood perceptions and underlying values forms an important precondition for the more technical discussions. An important aim of the knowledge synthesis is to create mutual understanding among the experts with a view to future research and the development of organic farming. But the process and the results are also communicated widely, for example in workshops and lastly in the form of a report.

In 1998-2000 five knowledge syntheses have been carried out on central issues for organic farming. The issues were nitrogen leaching and balances, groundwater protection, health and welfare in milk production, nature quality, and pig production. In spring 2001 two more knowledge syntheses have been initiated, concerning the production of healthy seed and the consequences of genetically modified crops for organic farming.