Items affiliated to "Department of Clinical Sciences"
Jump to: English | Swedish/Svenska Number of items at this level: 34. EnglishAlvåsen, Karin (2021) Costs and benefits of good animal welfare - gains for animals, farmers and society. Speech at: Webinar: Costs and benefits of good animal welfare - gains for animals, farmers and society, Virtual meeting, 2021-10-26. [Completed] Alvåsen, Karin (2021) Economic consequences of cow-calf contact systems. Speech at: Workshop ProYoungStock and Grazy Daisy, Virtual meeting, 2021-09-30. [Completed] Alvåsen, Karin (2021) Keeping dairy cows and calves together – strategies and economic consequences. Speech at: NordCaw online Conference “Improvements of dairy cattle welfare - development of further sustainable agriculture practices” of Nordic Network for Communicating Animal Welfare (NorDCAW), Virtual meeting, 2021-09-30. Alvåsen, Karin; Eriksson, Hanna; Ahmed, Haseeb and Fall, Nils (2021) Assessing economic consequences of cow-calf contact systems in dairy production using a stochastic partial budgeting approach. Needs to be decided. Probably 'Livestock Science', XX, XX-XX. [draft] Alvåsen, Karin; Haskell, Marie J; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Eriksson, Hanna; Bicknell, Kathryn; Fall, Nils and Ahmed, Haseeb (2023) Assessing economic consequences of cow-calf contact systems in dairy production using a stochastic partial budgeting approach. Frontiers in Animal Science, 4, pp. 1-13. Bidokhti, M.R.M.; Tråven, Madeleine; Fall, Nils; Emanuelson, Ulf and Alenius, Stefan (2009) Reduced likelihood of bovine coronavirus and bovine respiratory syncytial virus infection on organic relative to conventional dairy farms in Sweden. veterinary journal, 182, pp. 436-440. Blanco-Penedo, Isabel; Fall, Nils and Emanuelson, Ulf (2012) Effects of turning to 100% organic feed on metabolic status of Swedish organic dairy cows. Livestock Science, 143, pp. 242-248. Blanco-Penedo, Isabel; Höglund, Johan; Fall, Nils and Emanuelson, Ulf (2012) Exposure to pasture borne nematodes affects individual milk yield in Swedish dairy herds. Veterinary Parasitology, 188, pp. 93-98. Emanuelson, Ulf (2007) How can veterinary epidemiology contribute to sustainable animal production? In: van der Honing, Y (Ed.) Book of Abstracts of the 58th Annual Meeting of the EAAP (13), p. 15. Emanuelson, Ulf and Fall, Nils (2007) Claw health in organic and conventional dairy herds. In: Fürll, Prof. Manfred (Ed.) Proceedings 13th International Conference on Production Diseases in Farm Animals, p. 611. Emanuelson, Ulf and Fall, Nils (2007) Vitamins and selenium in bulk tank milk of organic and conventional dairy farms. In: van der Honing, Y (Ed.) Book of Abstracts of the 58th Annual Meeting of the EAAP (13), p. 35. Eriksson, Hanna (2021) Strategies for keeping dairy cows and calves together on European farms. Workshop at: Workshop ProYoungStock and Grazy Daisy, Virtual meeting, 2021-09-30. [Submitted] Eriksson, Hanna; Fall, Nils; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Knierim, Ute; Simantke, Christel; Fuerst-Waltl, Birgit; Winckler, Christoph; Weissensteiner, Roswitha; Pomiès, Dominique; Martin, Bruno; Priolo, Alessandro; Caccamo, Margherita; Sakowski, Tomasz; Spengler Neff, Anet; Bieber, Anna; Schneider, Claudia and Alvåsen, Karin (2021) Strategies for Keeping Cows and Calves Together on 104 European Dairy Farms – a Cross-Sectional Survey Study. Animals, XX, pp. 1-40. [Submitted] Eriksson, Hanna; Fall, Nils; Priolo, Alessandro; Caccamo, Margherita; Michaud, A.; Pomiès, D.; Fuerst-Waltl, Birgit; Weissensteiner, R.; Winckler, Christoph; Spengler Neff, Anet; Bieber, A.; Schneider, Claudia; Sakowski, Tomasz; Stachelek, Magdalena; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Simantke, Christel; Knierim, Ute and Alvåsen, Karin (2021) Strategies for keeping dairy cows and calves together on European farms. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Davos, Switzerland. 30 August - 3 September 2021, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 27, p. 480. Fall, Nils and Emanuelson, Ulf (2009) Milk yield, udder health and reproductive performance in Swedish organic and conventional dairy herds. Journal of Dairy Research, 76 (4), pp. 402-410. Fall, Nils; Forslund, Kristina and Emanuelson, Ulf (2008) Reproductive performance, general health, and longevity of dairy cows at a Swedish research farm with both organic and conventional production. Livestock Science, 118 (1-2), pp. 11-19. Fall, Nils; Gröhn, Yrjö T.; Forslund, Kristina; Essén-Gustafsson, Birgitta; Niskanen, Rauni and Emanuelson, Ulf (2008) An Observational Study on Early-Lactation Metabolic Profiles in Swedish Organically and Conventionally Managed Dairy Cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 91 (10), pp. 3983-3992. Fall, DVM Nils; Emanuelson, Professor Ulf; Martinsson, Kjell and Jonsson, Simon (2008) Udder health at a Swedish research farm with both organic and conventional dairy cow management. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 83 (2), pp. 186-195. Fall, Nils and Emanuelson, Ulf (2011) Fatty acid content, vitamins and selenium in bulk tank milk from organic and conventional Swedish dairy herds during the indoor season. Journal of dairy research, 78, pp. 287-292. Fall, Nils; Emanuelson, Ulf; Martinsson, Kjell and Jonsson, Simon (2008) Udder health at a Swedish research farm with both organic and conventional dairy cow management. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 83, pp. 186-195. Gundersen, Sofia (2020) Strategies for keeping cow and calf together in six European countries. Masters thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Clinical Sciences. SLU Epsilon, Uppsala. Hamilton, C; Hansson, I; Ekman, T; Emanuelson, U and Forslund, K (2002) Health of cows, calves and young stock on 26 organic dairy herds in Sweden. Veterinary Record, 150 (16), pp. 503-508. Hamilton, Cecilia; Emanuelson, Ulf; Forslund, Kristina; Hansson, Ingrid and Ekman, Torkel (2006) Mastitis and related management factors in certified organic dairy herds in Sweden. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 48 (11). Hultén, Fredrik; Wallenbeck, Anna and Rydhmer, Lotta (2006) Ovarian Activity and Oestrous Signs among Group-Housed, Lactating Sows: Influence of Behaviour, Environment and Production. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, Volume 41, Issue 5, Page 448-454, Oct 2006, doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0531.2006.00691.x, 41 (5), pp. 448-454. Pomiès, Dominique; Nicolao, Alessandra; Veissier, Isabelle; Alvåsen, Karin and Martin, Bruno (2022) Stress in dairy calves suckled or not by their dam assessed from cortisol in hair. Speech at: EAAP, Porto, Portugal, 5-9 September 2022. Presto Åkerfeldt, Magdalena; Gunnarsson, Stefan; Bernes, Gun and Blanco-Penedo, Isabel (2020) Health and welfare in organic livestock production systems - A systematic mapping of current knowledge. Organic Agriculture, 11, pp. 105-132. Wolff, Cecilia; Emanuelson, Ulf; Ohlson, Anna; Alenius, Stefan and Fall, Nils (2015) Bovine respiratory syncytial virus and bovine coronavirus in Swedish organic and conventional dairy herds. Acta Veterinaria Scandinavica, 57, pp. 1-7. Swedish/SvenskaEriksson, Hanna (2022) Hålla kor och kalv tillsammans - vad vet vi från de svenska Ko-Kalv-projekten såhär långt? Speech at: Veterinärkongressen, Online, 2022-11-07. [Completed] Eriksson, Hanna (2020) Mjölkproduktion med ko och kalv tillsammans - så funkar det! [Milkproduction with cow and calf together - this is how it works!] Speech at: Alnarps mjölkdag, Alnarp and virtual meeting, 2020-11-10. [Completed] Eriksson, Hanna (2020) Aktuell forskning om KoKalv-hållning inom mjölkproduktionen i Sverige. [On-going research about Cow-Calf-contact systems in Swedish milk production.] Speech at: Forskning och utveckling inom ekologisk produktion, 2020-10-15. [Completed] Fall, Nils; Forslund, Kristina; Niskanen, Rauni and Emanuelson, Ulf (2005) Ekomjölk – djurhälsa i ekologiska mjölkbesättningar. [Organicmilk - animal health in organic dairy herds.] In: Ekologiskt lantbruk konferens 22-23 november 2005. Ultuna, Uppsala. Sammanfattningar av föredrag och postrar. SLU. Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk., SLU. Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk, p. 283. Fall, PhD-student Nils and Emanuelson, Professor Ulf (2006) Pågående svenskt projekt: Djurhälsa i ekologiska mjölkbesättningar. [Ongoing Swedish project: Animal health in organic dairy farms.] Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbruk i Norden (1), p. 15. Jannerman, Karin (2021) Ko och kalv tillsammans i mjölkproduktion - fältförsök på två ekologiska gårdar. [Cow and calf together in dairy production - a field study on two organic farms.] Masters thesis, ProYoungStock, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - Veterinary programme , Clinical Sciences. , Uppsala. [draft] Jonsson, Karin (2019) Inventering av uppfödningssystem som tillåter ko-kalvkontakt i svenska mjölkbesättningar Inventory of young stock rearing systems allowing cow-calf contact in Swedish dairy farms. Masters thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Clinical Sciences. Master thesis in Veterinary Medicine, no. EX0869 2019. SLU, Uppsala. This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 19:53:35 2025 CET. |