Items affiliated to "Department of Biosystems and Technology"
Number of items at this level: 7. AAlsanius, Anna Karin and Rosberg, Beatrix W. (2024) Scenarier för växtföljd i ekologisk växthusproduktion. LTV-fakultetens faktablad, no. 2024:2. SLU, Department of Biosystems and Technology, Lomma. Alsanius, Beatrix W.; Hultberg, Malin and Rosberg, Anna Karin (2024) Bedömning av markens mikroliv. LTV-fakultetens faktablad, no. 2024:1. SLU, Department of Biosystems and Technology, Lomma. CCornu, Marie-Aline; Frick, Rebekka; Chongtham, Iman Raj; Iocola, Ileana; Canali, Stefano; Colombo, Luca; Radzikowski, Pawel; Stalenga, Jarosław; Viguier, Loic; Drexler, Dora; Schneider, Anne; Stilmant, Didier and Vanwindekens, Frederic (2023) Identification and description of relationships between actors involved in crop diversification experiences across Europe. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43 (67), pp. 1-19. GGoglio, Pietro; Trydemann Knudsen, Marie; Van Mierlo, Klara; Röhrig, Nina; Fossey, Maxime; Maresca, Alberto; Hashemi, Fatemeh; Ahmed Waqas, Muhammad; Yngvesson, Jenny; Nassy, Gilles; Broekema, Roline; Moakes, Simon; Pfeifer, Catherine; Borek, Robert; Yanez-Ruiz, David; Quevedo Cascante, Monica; Syp, Alina; Zylowsky, Tomasz; Romero-Helva, Manuel and Smith, Laurence G. (2023) Defining common criteria for harmonizing life cycle assessments of livestock systems. Cleaner Production Letters, 4 (100035), pp. 1-9. RRosberg, Anna Karin and Alsanius, Beatrix W. (2024) Växtföljder vid ekologisk odling i växthus. Landskapsarkitektur, trädgård, växtproduktionsvetenskap: rapportserie, no. 2024:1. SLU, Department of Biosystems and Technology, Lomma. Rosberg, Anna Karin; Will, Lena and Alsanius, Beatrix W. (2021) Insights in interaction between soil biodiversity and root disease suppression in organic production systems - preliminary results. Reports from Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Crop Production Science, no. 2021:6. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp. SSalembier, Chloé; Aare, Ane Kirstine; Bedoussac, Laurent; Chongtham, Imam Raj; de Buck, Abco; Dhamala, Nawa Raj; Dordas, Christos; Finckh, Maria Renate; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Krysztoforski, Marek; Lund, Søren; Luske, Boki; Pinel, Bertrand; Timaeus, Johannes; Virto, Cristina; Walker, Robin; Wendling, Marina and Jeuffroy, Marie-Hélène (2023) Exploring the inner workings of design-support experiments: Lessons from 11 multi-actor experimental networks for intercrop design. European Journal of Agronomy, 144 (126729), pp. 1-18. This list was generated on Thu Feb 13 14:18:22 2025 CET. |