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Items affiliated to "Peru"

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Number of items at this level: 18.


APERC, APERC (2013) Asociación de Productores Ecológicos de la Región Cajamarca. [Cajamarca's Ecological Producers Association.] APERC, Peru.

Armengot, Laura; Rüegg, Johanna; Schneider, Monika and Tůmová, Barbora (2021) The journey of cocoa from the agroforestry system to chocolate - FiBL’s contribution to sustainable cocoa production. Paper at: Open FiBl Day, virtuell, 27.5.2021. [Completed]


Capoen, Eric and Ugas, Roberto (2021) Understanding The Agroecological Performance Of Smallholder Households In The Peruvian Andes. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Contreras, Catherine (2013) Jovenes Cocineros de Campo. [Young Cooks on the field.] Diario el Comercio, 2 February 2013, p. 17.


Flores, Patricia; Loayza, Sara and Vega , Guido (2014) Testimonios de dos jóvenes rurales del Perú en el Año Internacional de la Agricultura Familiar. [Testimony of two young farmers in a rural area of Peru, in The International Year of Family Farming.] LEISA, December 2014, 29 (4), pp. 1-2.


Lapeña, Isabel (2012) La Propiedad Intelectual sobre las Semillas y sus Implicaciones para la Agricultura Familiar en el Perú. [Intellectual Property of Seeds and its Implications for Family Farming in Peru.] Serie de Politica y Derecho Ambiental, no. 25, Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental .


Orozco-Aguilar, Luis; Lopez-Sampson, Arlene; Cerda, Roland H.; Casanoves, Fernando; Ramirez-Argueta, Oscar; Matute, Javier Diaz; Suarez Salazar, Juan Carlos; Rüegg, Johanna; Saj, Stéphane; Milz, Joaquin; Schneidewind, Ulf; Mora Garces, Argenis; Baez Daza, Eliana; Molina, Jairo Rojas; Suarez, Yeirme Jaimes; Agudelo-Castaneda, Genaro A.; Deheuvels, Olivier; Sosa, Enelvi Brito; Gomez, Jaime Hinojosa; Jaimez, Ramon E.; Espinoza, Sophya Reyes; Bordeaux, Melanie; Vargas, Carlos Caicedo; Tinoco, Leider; Monserrate, Geover Pena; Flores, Julian Perez; Morales, Alfonso Azpeitia; Arevalo-Hernandez, Cesar O.; Gardini, Enrique Arevalo; Pocasangre, Lius E.; Araque, Osmary; Koutouleas, Athina; Magana, Eufemia Segura; Dominguez, Omar; Arens, Paula; Sotopinto, Lorena; Salgado-Mora, Marisela; Gama-Rodrigues, Antonio; Gama-Rodrigues, Emanuela; Holder, Annelle; Ramtahal, Gideon; Umaharan, Pathmanathan; Muller, Manfred Willy; Mendes, Fernando Texeira and Somarriba, Eduardo (2024) CacaoFIT: the network of cacao field trials in Latin America and its contribution to sustainable cacao farming in the region. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8, pp. 1-25.


Piamonte Peña, Rene (2014) Innovation in training processes on organic agriculture. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Piamonte Peña, Rene (2014) Resilience based on the principle of the individual living organism. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Proyecto AGROECO, (2013) Frutos de la tierra, Marca Colectiva para el Desarrollo Rural Agroecologico. [Fruits of the Earth, Collective Mark for Rural Development.] Proyecto AGROECO, Peru.


Quispe, Moisés; Van den Eeckhout, Hannes and Ugás, Roberto (2014) A collective mark for Peruvian non-certified organic products: smallholder market differentiation and product development. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]


Rasmussen, Claus; Lagnaoui, Aziz and Esbjerg, Peter (2003) Advances in the knowledge of quinoa pests. Food Reviews International, 19 (1-2), pp. 61-75.


Ugas, Roberto; Loayza, Sara and Chang, Agusto (2013) 11 Verduras para Diversificar la Dieta Peruana. [11 vegetables to diversify the Peruvian diet.] LEISA, March 2013, 29 (1), pp. 1-6.

Ugas, Roberto and Van den Eeckhout, Hannes (editor): Proyecto AGROECO (Ed.) (2013) Proyecto AGROECO, Informes y Avances en Campo 2011-2012. [AGROECO Project, Field Report 2011-2012.] Proyecto AGROECO, Peru.


Valle, Ricardo; Medrano, Marisol and Quispe, Naida (2012) Fortalecimiento Organizacional. [Organizational Strengthening.] LEISA, October 2012, 28 (3), pp. 9-16.

Van den Eeckhout, Hannes and Carrion, Daniel (2011) Fortaleciendo nuestra Organización Campesina. [Strengthening Farmer's Organization.] LEISA, September 2011, 27 (3), pp. 1-4.

Van den Eeckhout, Hannes; Luján Sánchez, Ángel and Ugas, Roberto (2014) Organic smallholder women supplying the gastronomic sector in Cusco, Peru. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Van den Eeckhout, Hannes; Vega, Guido and Carrion, Daniel (2013) Una Marca Colectiva para el Desarrollo Agroecológico. [A Collective Mark for Agroecological Development.] LEISA, June 2013, 29 (2), pp. 44-47.

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