Items affiliated to "Subproject 1: Consumer expectations and attitudes"
Jump to: English | German/Deutsch Number of items at this level: 18. EnglishAyers, N. (2008) Consumption of Organic Foods from a Life History Perspective: An Exploratory Study among British Consumers. Aberystwyth: University of Wales, School of Business and Management . Ayres, N and Midmore, P (2009) Consumption of Organic Foods from a Life History Perspective: An Exploratory Study of British Consumers. Aberystwyth University, UK , School of Management and Business. Denver, Sigrid and Christensen, Tove (2007) Organic consumption in three European countries. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007. Lund, T.B. and O'Doherty Jensen, K. (2008) Consumption of Organic Foods from a Life History Perspective: An Exploratory Study among Danish Consumers. University of Copenhagen, Dept. of Human Nutrition . Midmore, Prof Peter; Ayres, Ms Natasha; Lund, Mr Thomas Bøker; Naspetti, Dr Simona; Zanoli, Prof Raffaele and O'Doherty Jensen, Dr Katerine (2008) Understanding the Organic Consumer through Narratives: an International Comparison. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. Midmore, Prof Peter; Wier, Prof Mette and Zanoli, Prof Raffaele (2006) Consumer attitudes towards the quality and safety of organic and low input foods. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006. Naspetti, Simona; Zanoli, Raffaele and Bracchi, Luca (2008) Consumption of Organic Foods from a Life History Perspective:An Explorative Study among Italian consumers. Università Politecnica delle Marche , Dipartimento di Ingegneria e in formatica Gestionale - DIIGA. Naspetti, Dr Simona; Paladini, Ms Maria Elena; Bteich, Dr Marie Reine and Zanoli, Prof Raffaele (2008) Collaborative relationships in the organic wheat supply chain: a case study on three EU Countries. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. Ness, Mitchell (2007) Development of a Methodology for Modelling Consumers’ Low Input Food Purchases. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007. Oughton , E (editor): Elsgaard, L (Ed.) (2009) Determining consumer expectations and attitudes towards organic/lo-input food quality and safety. QLIF subproject 1: Consumer expectations and attitudes. . Richter, Toralf (2006) Review of organic market development in Europe - from OFCAP to QLIF. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006. Stolz, H.; Stolze, M.; Hamm, U.; Janssen, M. and Ruto, E. (2011) Consumer attitudes towards organic versus conventional food with specific quality attributes. NJAS - Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 58 (3-4), pp. 67-72. Stolz, Hanna; Hamm, Ulrich and Stolze, Matthias (2007) Applicability of analysis techniques to determine consumer behaviour. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007. Stolz, Hanna; Stolze, Matthias; Janssen, Meike and Hamm, Ulrich (2011) Preferences and determinants for organic, conventional and conventional-plus products – The case of occasional organic consumers. Food Quality and Preference, 22 (8), pp. 772-779. Sylvander, Bertil and François, Martine (2006) ORGANIC AND LOW INPUT FOOD CONSUMERS: CONCERNS AND PERSPECTIVES FOR DEVELOPING THE ORGANIC MARKET IN THE FUTURE. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006. Zanoli, R.; François, M.; Midmore, P.; O’Doherty-Jensen, K. and Ritson, C. (2007) Determining consumer expectations, attitudes and buying behaviour towards “low input” and organic foods. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007. Zanoli, Raffaele; GAMBELLI, DANILO and Vairo, Daniela (2012) Scenario of the organic food market in Europe. Food Policy Journal, 37 (1), pp. 41-57. German/DeutschStolz, Hanna and Stolze, Matthias (2009) Bestimmungsgründe für die Präferenz von Bio- und Low-Input- Lebensmitteln. [Determinants of preferences for organic and low-input food.] Paper at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, ETH Zürich, 11. - 13. Februar 2009. This list was generated on Mon Sep 9 08:33:44 2024 CEST. |