Items affiliated to "SP 2: Sheep"
Number of items at this level: 25. Journal paperDevincenzi, T.; Delfosse, O.; Andueza, D.; Nabinger, C. and Prache, S. (2014) Dose-dependent response of nitrogen stable isotope ratio to proportion of legumes in diet to authenticate lamb meat produced from legume-rich diets. Food Chemistry, 152, pp. 456-461. Devincenzi, T.; Prunier, A.; Meteau, K.; Nabinger, C. and Prache, S. (2014) Influence of fresh alfalfa supplementation on fat skatole and indole concentration and chop odour and flavour in lambs grazing a cocksfoot pasture. Meat Science, 98, pp. 607-614. Fleisch, A.; Werne, S.; Heckendorn, F.; Hartnack, S.; Piechotta, M.; Bollwein, H.; Thun, R. and Janett, F. (2012) Comparison of 6-day progestagen treatment with Chronogest® CR and Eazi-breedTM CIDR® G intravaginal inserts for estrus synchronization in cyclic ewes. Small Ruminant Research, 107, pp. 141-146. Gravador, Rufielyn S.; Jongberg, Sisse; Andersen, Mogens L.; Luciano, Giuseppe; Priolo, Alessandro and Lund, Marianne N. (2014) Dietary citrus pulp improves protein stability in lamb meat stored under aerobic conditions. Meat Science, 97 (2), pp. 231-236. Gravador, Rufielyn S.; Luciano, Guiseppe; Jongberg, Sisse; Bognanno, Matteo; Scerra, Manuel; Andersen, Mogens L.; Lund, Marianne N. and Priolo, Alessandro (2015) Fatty acids and oxidative stability of meat from lambs fed carob-containing diets. Food Chemistry, 182, pp. 27-34. Hoste, H. and Torres-Acosta, J.F.J. (2011) Non chemical control of helminths in ruminants: Adapting solutions for changing worms in a changing world. Veterinary Parasitology, 180, pp. 144-154. Inserra, L.; Priolo, A.; Biondi, L.; Lanza, M.; Bognanno, M.; Gravador, R. and Luciano, G. (2014) Dietary citrus pulp reduces lipid oxidation in lamb meat. Meat Science, 96 (4), pp. 1489-1493. Lanza, M.; Scerra, M.; Bognanno, M.; Buccioni, A.; Cilione, C.; Biondi, L.; Priolo, A. and Luciano, G. (2015) Fatty acid metabolism in lambs fed citrus pulp. Journal of Animal Science, 93, pp. 3179-3188. López-Andrés, P.; Luciano, G.; Vasta, V.; Gibson, T.M.; Scerra, M.; Biondi, L.; Priolo, A. and Mueller-Harvey, I. (2014) Antioxidant effects of ryegrass phenolics in lamb liver and plasma. Animal, 8 (1), pp. 51-57. Luciano, G.; Biondi, L.; Pagano, R.I.; Scerra, M.; Vasta, V.; López-Andrés, P.; Valenti, B.; Lanza, M.; Priolo, A. and Avondo, M. (2012) The restriction of grazing duration does not compromise lamb meat colour and oxidative stability. Meat Science, 92, pp. 30-35. Maurer, Veronika and Heckendorn, Felix (2010) Internationale Projekte rund ums Schaf. [Projets internationaux dans le secteur ovin.] forum (5/2010), pp. 16-18. Maurer, Veronika and Heckendorn, Felix (2010) Projets Internationaux Dans Le Secteur ovin. [Internationale Projekte rund ums Schaf.] forum (5/2010), pp. 19-20. Stefanakis, Alexandros and Smaragda, Sotiraki (2011) Characterisation of small ruminant production in Crete. Newsletter of the LowInputBreeds project, 2 (4), pp. 4-6. Vasta, Valentina; Italo Pagano, Renato; Luciano, Guiseppe; Scerra, Manuel; Caparra, Pasquale; Foti, Francesco; Cilione, Caterina; Biondi, Luisa; Priolo, Alessandro and Arvondo, Marcella (2012) Effect of morning vs. afternoon grazing on intramuscular fatty acid composition in lamb. Meat Science, 90 (1), pp. 93-98. Vasta, Valentina; Ventura, Valentina; Luciano, Guiseppe; Andronico, Valeria ; Pagano, Renato ; Scerra, Manuel ; Biondi, Luisa; Arvondo, Marcella and Priolo, Alessandro (2012) The volatile compounds in lamb fat are affected by the time of grazing. Meat Science, Available online 17 September 2011, Online, ---. Werne, S.; Isensee, A.; Maurer, V.; Perler, E.; Drewek, A. and Heckendorn, F. (2013) Integrated control of gastrointestinal nematodes in lambs using a bioactive feed x breed approach. Veterinary Parasitology, 198 (3-4), pp. 298-304. Werne, S.; Perler, E.; Maurer, V.; Probst, J.K.; Hoste, H.; Drewek, A. and Heckendorn, F. (2013) Effect of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) and faba bean(Vicia faba) on the periparturient rise in ewes infected withgastrointestinal nematodes. Small Ruminant Research, 113, pp. 454-460. Conference paper, poster, etc.Bauchart, D.; Oueslati, K.; Thomas, A.; Ballet, J. and Prache, S. (2012) Un mode de conduite biologique et un niveau élevé d'herbe améliorent la qualité nutritionelle des acides gras de la viande chez l'agneau engraisse au pâturage. [Organic production and high level of pasture availability improve the nutritional quality of meat fatty acids in lamb.] In: Viande et produits carnés - La Revue francaise de la recherche en viandes et des produits carnés, no. Hors-Série, pp. 23-24. [Completed] Heckendorn, Felix; Schwery, Moritz; Volken, Herbert; Maurer, Veronika and Simonnet, Xavier (2012) Feeding sainfoin to goats – influence on milk and cheese quality and yield. Speech at: FAO-CIHEAM Network on Sheep and Goats. Sub-Network on Nutrition 14th International Seminar / 2nd Symposium of LowInputBreeds, Hammamet, Tunesia, 15.-18. May 2012. Hoste, Hervé (2011) Improving “Low Input” Sheep Production Systems in Europe. Paper at: First LowInputBreeds Symposium on Ethical Consideration in Livestock Breeding, Wagningen, The Netherlands, March 15 and 16, 2011. [Completed] Prache, S.; Ballet, J.; Meteau, K.; Guy, F.; Musset, M.A. and Vannier, E. (2012) Comparaison des qualités sensorielles de la viande et de la carcasse d’agneaux élevés au pâturage en production biologique ou conventionnelle à deux niveaux de disponibilités en herbe. [Comparison of meat and carcass sensory quality in organically and conventionally pasture-fed lambs at two levels of herbage availability.] Paper at: 14th Meeting of the Sub-Network on Nutrition of the FAO-CIHEAM Network on Sheep and Goat and 2nd LowInputBreeds Symposium, Tunis, Tunisia, 15-18 may 2012. [Completed] Prache, S.; Gatellier, P.; Thomas, A.; Picard, B.; Bauchart, D.; Ballet, J. and Meteau, K. (2012) Qualités de la viande d’agneaux d’herbe produits en élevage biologique ou conventionnel. Poster at: Scientific Seminar of the INRA Animal Physiology and Livestock Farming Systems Division, 31 January -1er February 2012. [Completed] Stefanakis, Alexandros and Sotiraki, Smaros (2011) Subproject 2: Sheep: Ethical Problems and Breeding Goals. Paper at: First LowInputBreeds Symposium on Ethical Consideration in Livestock Breeding, Wagningen, The Netherlands, March 15 and 16, 2011. [Completed] Werne, S.; Maurer, V.; Perler, E.; Amsler, Z.; Probst, J.; Zaugg, C.; Krenmayr, I.; Schwery, M.; Volken, H. and Heckendorn, F. (2012) Sainfoin – New Data on Anthelmintic Effects and Production in Sheep and Goats. In: Rahmann, Gerold and Godinho, Denise (Eds.) Tackling the Future Challenges of Organic Animal Husbandry, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, Landbauforschung Sonderheft 362, pp. 240-245. ProceedingsLeenstra, Ferry; Klint Jensen, Karsten; Butler, Gillian; Baker, Brian; Willer, Helga and Maurer, Veronika (Eds.) (2012) Ethical Consideration in Livestock Breeding. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick, Switzerland. Proceedings of First LowInputBreeds Symposium, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 15-16 March 2011. This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 05:49:17 2025 CET. |