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Items affiliated to " DTU, RISØ - Risø National Laboratory"

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Number of items at this level: 54.

Østergård, H. and Fontaine, L. (Eds.) (2006) Cereal crop diversity: Implications for production and products. ITAB, Paris. Proceedings of COST SUSVAR workshop, La Besse, Paris (FR), 12-15 Jun 2006.

Ambus, Per (2009) Klimavenlig majs ved minimal tilførsel af kvælstof. [Climate change friendly maize with reduced nitrogen applications.] Landbrugsavisen, April 2009.

Ambus, Per (2009) Mindre økologisk lattergas - Økologisk planteavl belaster ikke miljøet i samme grad som konventionel planteavl. Dette udsagn gælder måske også for udslippet af lattergas. [Less organic nitrous oxide - Organic cropping systems have less impacts in the environment compared with conventional cropping systems. Perhaps this statement is true also concerning emissions of nitrous oxide.] Økologisk Jordbrug, February 2009 (426).

Ambus, Per (2007) Økologisk bioenergi og drivhusgasser. [Organic bioenergy and greenhouse gases.] Økologisk Jordbrug, November 2007 (396).

Andersen, Mette Klindt (2005) Competition and complementarity in annual intercrops - the role of plant available nutrients. Thesis, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark , Department of Soil Science. Samfundslitteraur Grafik, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen.

Andersen, Mette Klindt; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Ambus, Per and Jensen, Erik Steen (2004) Biomass production, symbiotic nitrogen fixation and inorganic N use in dual and tri-component annual intercrops. Plant and Soil, 266, pp. 273-287.

Andersen, N.S.; Siegismund, H.R.; Meyer, V. and Jørgensen, R.B. (2005) Low level of gene flow from cultivated beets (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris) into Danish populations of sea beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. maritima (L.) Arcangeli). Molecular Ecology, 14, pp. 1391-1405.

Andersen, Naja Steen (2005) Selvsået raps gav pænt udbytte. [Self-sown oilseed rape gave high yield.] Økologisk Jordbrug, November 2005, 348, p. 10.

Andersen, Naja Steen (2005) Konsekvenser ved sameksistens mellem økologisk raps og GM raps i Danmark. [Consequences of growing genetically modified oilseed rape in coexistence with organic oilseed rape in Denmark.] Working paper.

Backes, Gunter and Østergard, Hanne (2008) Molecular markers to exploit genotype-environment interactions of relevance in organic growing systems. Euphytica, 163 (3), pp. 523-531.

Carter, Mette S.; Albert, Kristian R. and Ambus, Prof. Per (2009) Is organic farming a mitigation option? – A study on N2O emission from winter wheat. Poster at: International Scientific Congress on Climate Change, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10-12 March. [Unpublished]

Carter, Mette S. and Ambus, Per (2009) Greenhouse gas emissions from cultivation of energy crops – is it important? ICROFS news, November 2009, 4, pp. 2-3.

Carter, Mette S. and Ambus, Per (2009) Nødvendig viden om mark-emissioner for valg af biobrændsel. [Necessary knowledge on field emissions to choose between biofuels.] ICROFS nyt, October 2009, 3, pp. 5-6.

Carter, Mette S. and Chirinda, Ngonidzashe (2009) No effect of cropping system on the greenhouse gas N2O. ICROFS news, May 2009, 2, pp. 9-10.

Carter, Mette S.; Johansen, Anders; Haugaard-Nielsen, Henrik and Ambus, Per (2008) Consequences of agro-biofuel production for greenhouse gas emissions. Poster at: EnergyDTU Internal Conference, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, 11 December. [Unpublished]

Carter, Mette S. (2012) Find energien - fremtiden kommer. [Find the energy - the future is coming.] .

Carter, Mette S. (2010) Stor forskel på energiafgrøders udledning af drivhusgas. [Large variation in greenhouse gas emissions from energy crops.] LandbrugsAvisen, 3 December 2010.

Carter, Mette S. (2010) Drivhusgas fra energi-afgrøder. [Greenhouse gas from energy crops.] Økologi & Erhverv, 5 November 2010, 466, pp. 16-17.

Carter, Mette S. (2010) Drivhusgas fra økologiske sædskifter. [Greenhouse gas from organic crop rotations.] Økologi & Erhverv, March 2010, 452, p. 16.

Carter, Mette S.; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Heiske, Stefan; Jensen, Morten; Thomsen, Sune T.; Schmidt, Jens Ejbye; Johansen, Anders and Ambus, Per (2012) Consequences of field N2O emissions for the environmental sustainability of plant-based biofuels produced within an organic farming system. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 4 (4), pp. 435-452.

Carter, Mette S.; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Heiske, Stefan; Thomsen, Sune T.; Jensen, Morten; Schmidt, Jens Ejbye; Johansen, Anders and Ambus, Per (2011) Field emissions of N2O during biomass production may affect the sustainability of agro-biofuels. Speech at: Sixth International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse gases (NCGG-6), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2-4 November 2011. [Completed]

Carter, Mette S.; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Heiske, Stefan; Thomsen, Sune T.; Jensen, Morten; Schmidt, Jens Ejbye; Johansen, Anders and Ambus, Per (2011) Greenhouse gas emissions from cultivation of energy crops may affect the sustainability of biofuels. Speech at: Risø Energy Conference, Roskilde, Denmark, 10-12 May 2011. [Completed]

Carter, Mette S.; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Thomsen, Sune T.; Heiske, Stefan; Jensen, Morten; Schmidt, Jens Ejbye; Johansen, Anders and Ambus, Per (2010) Udledning af drivhusgas ved dyrkning af energiafgrøder - har det nogen betydning? [Emission of greenhouse gases during the cultivation of energy crops – does it make a difference?] Speech at: Seminar om bioenergi i økologisk landbrug, Middelfart, Denmark, 7 December 2010. [Completed]

Carter, Mette S.; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Thomsen, Sune T.; Heiske, Stefan; Jensen, Morten; Schmidt, Jens Ejbye; Johansen, Anders and Ambus, Per (2010) Relating N2O emissions from energy crops to the avoided fossil fuel-derived CO2 – a study on bioethanol and biogas produced from organically managed maize, rye, vetch and grass-clover. Speech at: GHG Europe Workshop on Bioenergy, Dublin, Ireland, 27-29 October 2010. [Completed]

Chastaing, Gaëlle (2009) Meta-Analysis on grain yield effects of cereal-legume intercropping. Second Year’s Training Report. June-August 2009. .

Ingvordsen, Cathrine Heinz (2014) Climate Change Effects on Plant Ecosystems – Genetic Resources for Future Barley Breeding. PhD thesis, DTU , Department of Chemical and Biochemical . .

Ingvordsen, Cathrine Heinz ; Backes, Gunter; Lyngkjær, M.; Peltonen-Sainio, Pirjo; Jensen, Jens D.; Jalli, Marja; Jahoor, Ahmed; Rasmussen, Morten; Mikkelsen, Tesi N.; Stockmarr, A. and Jørgensen, Rikke Bagger (2015) Significant decrease in yield under future climate conditions: Stabilityand production of 138 spring barley accessions. European Journal of Agronomy, 63, pp. 105-113.

Jespersen, Lizzie Melby; Lund Jensen, Kirsten; Strandberg, Beate; Hermansen, John E.; Halsnæs, Kirsten; Fog, Erik; Baggesen, Dorte Lau; Sørensen, Jan Tind and Meldgaard, Mette (2015) Økologiens bidrag til samfundsgoder. 1 edition. Internationalt Center for Forskning i Økologisk Jordbrug og og Fødevaresystemer, Tjele, Danmark.

Johansson, Sheshti; Nielsen, Lars Henrik and Østergård, Hanne (2011) Socio-economic analysis of biogas and biogas combined with ethanol from organic agriculture. Technical University of Denmark , Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy .

Kiær, Lars; Skovgaard, Ib and Østergård, Hanne (2007) Yield of spring barley mixtures as a function of varietal and environmental characteristics. Paper at: Varietal characteristics of cerealsin different growing systems with special emphasis on below ground traits, Velence, Hungary, 29-31 May, 2007.

Kiær, Lars; Skovgaard, Ib and Østergård, Hanne (2006) Meta-analysis is a powerful tool to summarize variety mixture effects - exemplified by grain yield and weed suppression of spring barley. In: Østergård, H. and Fontaine, L. (Eds.) Cereal crop diversity: Implicatons for production and products, ITAB, Paris, France, pp. 49-52.

Kiær, Lars P.; Skovgaard, Ib and Østergård, Hanne (2009) Grain yield increase in cereal variety mixtures: A meta-analysis of field trials. Field Crops Research, 114 (3), pp. 361-373.

Kiær, Lars P.; Skovgaard, Ib M. and Østergård, Hanne (2012) Effects of inter-varietal diversity, biotic stresses and environmental productivity on grain yield of spring barley variety mixtures. Euphytica, 185 (1), pp. 123-138.

Lammerts van Bueren, E.T.; Wilbois, K-P. and Østergård, H. (2007) European perspectives of organic plant breeding and seed production in a genomics era. [European perspectives of organic plant breeding and seed production in a genomics era.] Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development in the Tropics and Subtropics, Organic Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics – Current Status and Perspectives (Supplement 89), pp. 101-120.

Markussen, Mads Ville; Østergård, Hanne; Oleskowicz-Popiel, Piotr; Schmidt, Jens Ejby and Pugesgaard, Siri (2009) Energy and emergy evaluation of potentials for energy self-sufficiency in Danish organic dairy farms by production of biogas and bioethanol. In: Fredriksson, Pelle and Ullvén, Karin (Eds.) Proceedings from 1st Nordic Organic Conference. Towards increased sustainability in the food supply chain. 18-20 May 2009. Gothenburg, Sweden, Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk (CUL), SLU, p. 168.

Nielsen, L.H. and Hjort-Gregersen, K. (2002) Socio-economic Analysis of Centralised Biogas Plants. .

Nielsen, Henrik Bangsø and Angelidaki, Irini (2008) Codigestion of manure and organic waste at centralized biogas plants: Process imbalances and limitations. Speech at: 5th international symposium of anaerobic digestion of solid waste & energy crops, Hammamet, Tunisia, May 25-28, 2008.

Oleskowicz-Popiel, P; Ambus, P; Carter, M.S.; Dalgaard, T.; Hauggaard-Nielsen, H; Johansen, A; Jørgensen, U; Nielsen, A.M; Nielsen, H.B.; Nielsen, L.H; Olesen, J.E.; Roepstorff, A; Skytte, K; Schmidt, J.E.; Thomsen, A.B.; Thomsen, M.H. and Jensen, E.S. (2008) BioConcens: Biomass and bioenergy production agriculture – consequences for soil fertility, environment, spread of animal parasites and socio-economy. Paper at: vth International Symposium on anaerobic digestion of solid wastes and energy crops.

Oleskowicz-Popiel, Piotr; Nielsen, Henrik Bangsø; Schmidt, Jens Ejbye; Thomsen, Anne Belinda and Thomsen, Mette Hedegaard (2008) Characterisation of most relevant feedstock for biogas and bioethanol production in organic farming. Speech at: 5th international symposium of anaerobic digestion of solid waste & energy crops, Hammamet, Tunisia, May 25-28, 2008.

Oleskowicz-Popiel, Piotr; Thomsen, Mette Hedegaard; Nielsen, Henrik Bangsø; Schmidt, Jens Ejbye and Thomsen, Anne Belinda (2008) Characterisation of most relevant feedstock for biogas and bioethanol production in organic farming. In: Proceeding CD.

Thomsen, MH; Tajoacha, N; Wu, C; Hovgaard, S; Houmøller, LP; Holm-Nielsen, JB and Thomsen, AB (2007) Bioethanol from Germinated Grains. Poster at: 29th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals., Denver, USA, 29/4 – 2/5 2007.

Vollmer, J.H.; Østergård, H.; Pinnschmidt, H. and Munk, L. (2005) Vekselvirkning mellem plantesygdomme påvirker sygdomsudviklingen. [Interaction between plant pathogens influences development of disease.] FØJOenyt, 6.

Vollmer, Jeanette Hyldal (2006) Interactions between fungal plant pathogens on leaves. Especially simultaneous development of Rhynchosporium secalis and Drechslera teres on barley. PhD thesis, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University; Risø National Laboratory; Danish Institute of Agricultural Science . Risø National Laboratory.

Østergård, H.; Kristensen, K. and Jensen, J.W. (2005) Prediction of grain yield of spring barley varieties by disease and growth characteristics from VCU testing. In: Köpke, U.; Niggli, U.; Neuhoff, D.; Carnish, P. and Lockeretz, W. (Eds.) Researching Sustainable Systems, pp. 154-157.

Østergård, H. (2005) Composition of variety mixtures in barley and wheat. In: http://www.cost860.dk/activities/workshops/Assessment/default.asp.

Østergård, H. and Backes, G. (2006) Changes in variety composition in spring barley mixtures over years. In: Østergård, H. and Fontaine, L. (Eds.) Proceedings of COST SUSVAR workshop on cereal crop diversity: Implications for production and products., ITAB, France, p. 69.

Østergård, H. and Jensen, J. Willas (2006) Sortsblandingers udbyttestabilitet og udbyttepotentiale. In: Proceedings Plantekongres 2006, Herning 10-11. januar 2006, pp. 340-341.

Østergård, H. and Jensen, J.W. (2005) Increased yield and yield stability in variety mixtures of spring barley. DARCOFenews.

Østergård, H. and Jensen, J.W. (2005) Characteristics of spring barley varieties and crop diversity for organic farming and variety testing. In: Belicka, I. (Ed.) Proceedings from ENVIRFOOD Seminar on “Environmental friendly food production system: requirements for plant breeding and seed production” May 31-June 3, 2005, Talsi, Latvia,, pp. 14-19.

Østergård, H.; Kristensen, K.; Hovmøller, M.S. and Jensen, J.W. (2004) Disease severity and grain yield of spring barley variety mixtures grown under organic and conventional conditions. Paper at: Workshop on Resistance of cereals to biotic stresses., IHAR Radzikóv, Poland, November 28 - December 1, 2004. [Unpublished]

Østergård, H.; Kristensen, K. and Jensen, J.W. (2005) Stability of variety mixtures of spring barley. In: Lammerts van Bueren, E.T.; Goldringer, I. and Østergård, H. (Eds.) Proceedings of the COST SUSVAR/ECO-PB Workshop on Organic Plant Breeding Strategies and the Use of Molecular markers, 17-19 January 2005. Driebergen, The Netherlands, pp. 28-30.

Østergård, H.; Kristensen, K.; Pinnschmidt, H.O.; Hansen, P.K. and Hovmøller, M.S. (2008) Predicting spring barley yield from variety-specific yield potential, disease resistance and straw length, and from environment-specific disease loads and weed pressure. Euphytica, 163, pp. 391-408.

Østergård, Hanne (2011) Biogas i økologisk jordbrug. Økologi & Erhverv, 20 May 2011, 478, - .

Østergård, Hanne (2008) Discussion documents – SUSVAR Visions Workshop, Karrebæksminde, Denmark, April 2008. Working paper. [Unpublished]

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