Items affiliated to " I.11 (CLOGS) Cultivation of organic clover and grass seed"
Number of items at this level: 35. BBoelt, B. (2005) Det sværeste ved hvidkløver er afpudsningen. Agrologisk, pp. 24-25. Boelt, B. (2005) 1.000 kg hvidkløver pr. ha! In: Plantekongres 2005, pp. 260-261. Boelt, B. (2002) Intercropping as solution for organic grass seed production? In: Organic Seed Production and Plant Breeding - strategies, problems and perspectives. [Unpublished] Boelt, B. (2002) Legume seed production and research in Europe. In: Forage Seed, 9 (1), pp. 33-34. Boelt, B. (2001) Afgræsning af frøafgrøder med får. Dansk Frøavl, 8, p. 140. Boelt, B. (2000) Samdyrkning af græs og kløver. Dansk Frøavl, 9, pp. 150-151. Boelt, B.; Clausen, D.; Gislum, R. and Hansen, L.M. (2001) Aktuelt nyt fra Danmarks JordbrugsForskning, 2001. Tidsskrift for Frøavl, 2, pp. 7-10. Boelt, B. and Deleuran, L.C. (2002) Frøgræs på rækker kan høstes i flere år. Agrologisk Tidsskrift, 3, pp. 16-17. Boelt, B. and Deleuran, L.C. (2000) Organic forage seed production. In: Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, p. 228. Boelt, B.; Deleuran, L.C. and Gislum, R. (2002) Nyt fra Danmarks JordbrugsForskning. Tidsskrift for Frøavl, 1, pp. 11-13. Boelt, B.; Deleuran, L.C. and Gislum, R. (2002) Organic forage seed production in Denmark. IHSG Newsletter, 34, pp. 3-4. Boelt, B. and Hansen, L.M. (2006) Dyrkning af hvidkløver til frø. [White clover seed production.] Paper at: NJF seminar 395 Herbage Seed Production, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Research Centre Flakkebjerg, 4200 Slagelse, Denmark, 12-14 June 2006. Boelt, Birte (2003) Produktion af økologisk hvidkløverfrø. Økologisk Jordbrug. Boelt, Birte (2003) Frøproduktion af efter- og grøngødningsafgrøder. Tidsskrift for Frøavl, 1, pp. 7-9. Boelt, Birte (2003) Organic forage seed production. In: Loch, Donald S. (Ed.) Proceedings Fifth International Herbage Seed Conference, Gatton, Australia, 23-26 November 2003. Herbage Seeds in the New Millenium - New Markets, New Products, New Opportunities, pp. 43-47. Boelt, Birte and Gislum, René (2004) What are the limiting factors to seed quality in organic production of grass and clover seed and how to improve yield. In: Lammerts van Bueren, Edith; Ranganathan, Radha and Sorensen, Neil (Eds.) Proceedings of the First World Conference on Organic Seed: Challenges and Opportunities for Organic Agriculture and the Seed Industry, pp. 149-153. Boelt, Birte (2003) Fåreafgræsning af græsfrøafgrøder. Frøavleren, 9, p. 130. DDeleuran, L.C. and Boelt, B. (2002) Forage cuts as a by-product in organic seed production. IHSG Newsletter, 34, pp. 5-7. Deleuran, L.C. and Boelt, B. (2002) Rækkedyrkning af frøgræs. Grøn Viden Markbrug, no. 247. . Deleuran, L.C. and Boelt, B. (2000) Utilization of forage cuts in organic grass seed production. In: Proceedings of the 18th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, pp. 552-554. Deleuran, L.C. and Boelt, B. (2009) Establishment techniques in under-sown prennial ryegrass for seed production. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavia. Section B. Soil and Plant Science, 59 (1), pp. 57-62. Deleuran, L.C.; Gislum, R. and Boelt, B. (2010) Effect of seed rate and row spacing in seed production of Festulolium. Acta Agrculturae Scandinavia. Section B. Soil and Plant Science, 60 (2), pp. 152-156. GGislum, R. and Boelt, B. (2005) Intercropped green manure legumes in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) for organic grass seed production. In: Congress Handbook of 15th IFOAM Organic World Congress, IFOAM Abstracts, p. 51. Gislum, R.; Boelt, B. and Jensen, E.S. (2001) Grøngødningsafgrøder kan medvirke til et højt frøudbytte i økologisk dyrket almindelig rajgræs. Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbrug i Norden, 5, pp. 4-5. HHansen, L.M. (2002) Økologisk hvidkløverdyrkning, kløversnudebillens betydning og bekæmpelsesmuligheder. In: NJF-rapport nr. 341, pp. 87-93. Hansen, L.M. (2002) Snudebillerne er kommet. Dansk Frøavl, 85, p. 6. Hansen, L.M. and Boelt, B. (2006) Så er kløversnudebillerne her igen. Frøavleren, Juni 2006, p. 4. Hansen, L.M. and Boelt, B. (2002) Hvordan dyrker jeg økologisk hvidkløver - uden snudebillerne stjæler udbyttet? Økologisk Rådgivning, 2002, pp. 32-33. Hansen, Lars Monrad and Boelt, Birte (2004) Sen afpudsning begrænser angreb af kløversnudebiller. FØJOenyt (3). Hansen, Lars Monrad and Boelt, Birte (2004) Organic clover seed production: Does intercropping with plant species with at strong scent distract the clover seed weevil and increase seed yield? In: Lammerts van Bueren, Edith; Ranganathan, Radha and Sorensen, Neil (Eds.) Proceedings of the First World Conference on Organic Seed: Challenges and Opportunities for Organic Agriculture and the Seed Industry, p. 180. LLanger, Vibeke and Rohde, Benjamin (2005) Factors reducing yield in organic white clover seed production in Denmark. Grass and Forage Science, 60 (2), pp. 168-174. NNielsen, G.C.; Hansen, L.M. and Boelt, B. (2005) Snudebiller i hvidkløver til frø. Planteavlsorientering nr. 09-718 . RRohde, B. (2001) Tjek bestøvningen. Dansk Frøavl (5). Rohde, B.; Langer, V. and Hansen, L.M. (2000) Økologisk hvidkløver - hvordan kan det lade sig gøre? Dansk Frøavl, 9, pp. 148-149. Rohde, Benjamin; Langer, Vibeke and Hansen, Lars Monrad (2000) Økologisk hvidkløver. Hvordan kan det lade sig gøre? [Organic white clover seeds. How is it possible?] Dansk Frøavl, 2000 (9), pp. 148-149. This list was generated on Sun Feb 16 23:50:48 2025 CET. |