Items affiliated to " I. 8 (MPW) Management of perennial weed species in organic farming"
Jump to: English | Danish/Dansk Number of items at this level: 20. EnglishFogelfors, Håkan; Brandsætter, Lars Olav; Graglia, Scientist Enrico; Vanhala, Petri; Salonen, Jukka and Håkansson, Sigurd (2003) Dormancy of vegetative reproduction in some perennial weeds. In: Niemeläinen, Oiva and Topi-Hulmi, Mari (Eds.) Nordic Agriculture in Global Perspective, Tampere University Print, Tampere Finland, p. 97. Graglia, Enrico and Melander, Bo (2005) Mechanical control of Cirsium arvense in organic farming. Paper at: 13. European Weed Research Society Symposium, Bari, Italy, 20-23 June. [In Press] Graglia, Enrico; Melander, Bo; Grøndal, Henrik and Jensen, Rikke K. (2004) Effect of repeated hoeing on growth of Cirsium arvense. In: XII International Conference on Weed Biology, pp. 107-112. Graglia, Enrico; Melander, Bo and Jensen, Rikke (2006) Mechanical and cultural strategies to control Cirsium arvense. Weed Research, 46 (4), pp. 304-312. Hatcher, Lecturer Paul and Melander, Senior scientist Bo (2003) Combining physical, cultural and biological methods: prospects for integrated non-chemical weed management strategies. Weed Research, 43 (5), pp. 303-322. Hatcher, Scientist Paul and Melander, Scientist Bo (2004) Combining physical and cultural weed control with biological methods – prospects for integrated non-chemical weed management strategies. In: Proceedings of the 6th EWRS on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, p. 30. Melander, Bo; Rasmussen, Ilse A and Bertelsen, Inger (2005) Integration of Elymus repens control and post-harvest catch crop growing in organic cropping systems. Paper at: 13th European Weed Research Society Symposium, Bari, Italy, 19 - 23 June 2005. [Unpublished] Melander, Bo; Rasmussen, Ilse A and Bertelsen, Inger (2004) Common Couch-grass control with less tillage. DARCOFenews (4). Melander, Senior Scientist Bo (2003) The importance of crop competition in physical and cultural weed control strategies. In: Proceeding of the workshop, p. 11. Danish/DanskGraglia, Enrico (2004) Erfaringer med tidselbekæmpelse på Flakkebjerg. In: Månedmagasinet Mark, 1, pp. 57-58. Graglia, Enrico (2003) Bekæmpelse af Ager-Tidsel i sædskiftet. Aktuel Økologi, September 2003 (7), pp. 4-5. Graglia, Enrico and Melander, Bo (2004) Regulering af rodukrudt. . Graglia, Dr. Enrico (2003) Ager Tidsel kan bekæmpes uden kemi. Landbrugsavisen, August 2003, p. 28. Graglia, Scientist Enrico (2003) Succesfuld bekæmpelse af Ager-Tidsel - uden kemi. Nyhedsbrevet Danmarks JordbrugsForskning, July 2003 (3), pp. 1-2. Graglia, Scientist Enrico and Melander, Senior Scientist Bo (2003) Tidslerne får det glatte lag. Økologisk Jordbrug, June 2003 (292), p. 15. Grøndal, Henrik; Graglia, Enrico and Jensen, Rikke K. (2003) Har Ager-Svinemælk og Ager-Tidsel skudhvile? In: DJF rapport - Markbrug (89), pp. 357-358. Melander, B. (2005) Rodukrudt skal tackles bedre. Økologisk Jordbrug, December 2005, p. 4. Melander, Bo; Rasmussen, Ilse A and Bertelsen, Inger (2004) Nye strategier til at bekæmpe kvik. DARCOFenews (6). Melander, Bo; Rasmussen, Ilse Ankjær; Holst, Niels and Bertelsen, Inger (2004) Ikke-kemisk ukrudtsbekæmpelse - mekanisk og termisk. In: Ukrudtsbogen. Danmarks JordbrugsForskning, chapter 4, pp. 207-226. Rasmussen, Ilse Ankjær; Holst, Niels; Graglia, Enrico; Hansen, Preben Klarskov; Melander, Bo; Mathiassen, Solvejg Kopp; Kudsk, Per; Jensen, Peter; Boelt, Birte and Madsen, Katrine Hauge (2004) Ukrudtsøkologi og -biologi. In: Ukrudtsbogen. Danmarks JordbrugsForskning, chapter 2, pp. 19-42. This list was generated on Tue Feb 11 05:14:56 2025 CET. |