Items affiliated to "Univ. Innsbruck"
Number of items at this level: 7. {Project} BIO-INCROP: INNOVATIVE CROPPING TECHNIQUES TO INCREASE SOIL HEALTH IN ORGANIC FRUIT TREE CROPS. Runs 2012 - 2015. Project Leader(s): Manici, dr Luisa M... {Project} Drahtwurm: Neue Wege in der Regulation von Drahtwürmern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des biologischen Landbaus. [New approaches to regulate wireworms, with a special emphasis on organic farming.] Runs 2006 - 2009. Project Leader(s): Kromp, Dr. Bernhard, Bio Forschung Austria . Brunner, Michael; Zeisler, Christiane; Neu, Diane; Rotondo, Claire; Rubbmark, Oskar R.; Reinbacher, Lara; Grabenweger, Giselher and Traugott, Michael (2024) Trap crops enhance the control efficacy of Metarhizium brunneum against a soil-dwelling pest. Journal of Pest Science, online, pp. 1-13. Eichert, Christian; Mayer, Evelyn; Engel, Astrid and Weckmann, Joachim (2009) Ethical TradeForum: Fairness and social responsibility trade concepts in the North. Speech at: BioFach Congress 2009, Nuremberg, Germany, February 19-22, 2009. [Unpublished] Furtschegger, Christoph and Schermer, Markus (2014) The perception of organic values and ways of communicating them in mid-scale values based food chains. Paper at: IFSA-Conference, Berlin, 01.04.-04.04.2014. Schermer, Markus (2015) Values Based Supply Chains for Mountain Products. The Example of BioAlpin in Tyrol/Austria. In: Proceedings of the Conference of the Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Society,, pp. 25-37. Schermer, Markus and Furtschegger, Christoph (2013) Value based supply chains to meet the expectations of organic consumers - A case study from Austria. Paper at: XXV ESRS Congress, Florence, Italy, 29.07.-01.08.2013. This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 21:15:23 2025 CET. |