Items affiliated to "University of Extremadura"
Jump to: Peer-reviewed and accepted Number of items at this level: 16. Peer-reviewed and acceptedEscribano, A.J. (2016) Beef Cattle Farms’ Conversion to the Organic System. Recommendations for Success in the Face of Future Changes in a Global Context. Sustainability, 8 (6), p. 572. Escribano, A.J.; Gaspar, P.; Escribano, M.; Mesias, F.J. and Pulido, F. (2010) Conversión de sistemas de producción caprinos de áreas desfavorecidas a ganadería ecológica. Poster at: VIII Coloquio ibérico de estudios rurales. Escribano, A.J.; Gaspar, P.; Mesias, F.J. and Escribano, M. (2016) The role of the level of intensification, productive orientation and self-reliance in extensive beef cattle farms. Livestock Science, 193, pp. 8-19. Escribano, A.J.; Gaspar, P.; Mesias, F.J.; Escribano, M. and Pulido, A.F. (2014) Challenges and future perspectives of different organic beef cattle farms of Southern Europe. In: Book of Abstracts of the 65th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, p. 248. Escribano, A.J.; Gaspar, P.; Mesias, F.J.; Escribano, M. and Pulido, A.F. (2014) Competitiveness of extensive beef cattle farms located in the dehesa ecosystem (SW Europe). In: Book of Abstracts of the 65th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. Escribano, A.J.; Gaspar, P.; Mesias, F.J.; Escribano, M. and Pulido, A.F. (2013) Sostenibilidad ambiental de explotaciones ganaderas ecológicas y convencionales en agro-ecosistemas mediterráneos de alto valor ecológico: un estudio comparado basado en indicadores agroambientales. Environmental sustainability of organic and conventional livestock farms in a Mediterranean ecosystem of high ecological value: a comparative study based on agri-environmental indicators. In: Libro de resumenes. VII Congreso de la Red Latinoamericana de Ciencias Ambientales. Escribano, A.J.; Gaspar, P.; Mesias, F.J.; Escribano, M. and Pulido, F. (2010) Evaluación de la sostenibilidad de explotaciones caprinas extremeñas en áreas desfavorecidas como herramienta de apoyo en la conversión hacia explotaciones ecológicas. Paper at: IX Congreso SEAE de Agricultura y Alimentación Ecológica, 2010. Escribano, A.J.; Gaspar, P.; Mesias, F.J.; Pulido, A.F. and Escribano, M. (2014) Environmental, economic and social indicators of rural development in agroforestry areas. In: EURAF Agroforestry European Federation. Escribano, A.J.; Gaspar, P.; Mesias, F.J.; Pulido, A.F. and Escribano, M. (2014) A sustainability assessment of organic and conventional beef cattle farms in agroforestry systems: the case of the dehesa rangelands. ITEA, 110 (4), pp. 343-367. Escribano, A.J.; Gaspar, P.; Mesias, F.J.; Rosas, J.P. and Escribano, M. (2014) Cattle production in agroforestry systems. An analysis on the role of intensification and dependence of subsidies. In: Book of Abstracts. Escribano, A.J.; Gaspar, P.; Pulido, A.F.; Mesias, F.J.; Escribano, M.; Pulido, F. and Rodriguez De Ledesma, A (2012) The role of subsidies in beef cattle farms in SW Spain: a comparison of organic and extensive farms. In: Book of abstracts of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, p. 30. Escribano, A.J.; Mesias, F.J.; Gaspar, P.; Escribano, M. and Pulido, F. (2012) Sustainability of organic and conventional beef cattle farms in SW Spanish rangelands (‘dehesas’): a comparative study. In: Book of abstracts. 10TH European IFSA Symposium. Producing and reproducing farming systems. New modes of organization for sustainable food systems of tomorrow.. Escribano, AJ; Gaspar , P; Mesias, FJ and Escribano, M (2015) The Contribution of Organic Livestock to Sustainable Rural Development in Sensitive Areas. International Journal of Research Studies in Agricultural Sciences (IJRSAS), 1 (1), pp. 21-34. Escribano, AJ; Gaspar , P; Mesias, FJ; Escribano, M and Pulido, F (2015) Comparative Sustainability Assessment of Extensive Beef Cattle Farms. In: Squires, Victor R. (Ed.) Book. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, pp. 65-85. Rico, S; Escribano, B; Granes, JF; Escribano, AJ and Gaspar, p (2013) Comparación de la estructura y rendimientos ganaderos en sistemas de producción tradicional y ecológico de bovino en Extremadura. Comparison of the structure and livestock yields in traditional production systems and ecological bovine Extremadura. Speech at: Sarthou, Jean-Pierre; Choisis, J.-P.; Amossé, A.; Arndorfer, M.; Bailey, D.; Balázs, K.; Balent, G.; Deconchat, M.; Dennis, P.; Eiter, S.; Fjellstad, W.; Friedel, J.K.; Jeanneret, Philippe; Jongman, R.H.B; Kainz , M.; Moreno, G.; Ouin, A.; Paoletti, Maurizio G.; Pointereau, Philippe; Stoyanova, S.; Viaggi, Davide; Vialatte, A.; Wolfrum, S. and Herzog, Felix (2013) Biodiversity indicators in organic and conventional farming systems: main results from the European project BIOBIO. [Indicateurs de biodiversité dans les exploitations agricoles biologiques et conventionnelles des Vallées et Coteaux de Gascogne, cas d’étude français du projet européen BIOBIO.] Innovations Agronomiques, 32, pp. 333-349. This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 00:07:35 2025 CET. |