Items affiliated to "PCFruit, Research Station Fruit (Sint-Truiden)"Number of items at this level: 12. BBeliën, Tim (2013) Samen op zoek naar oplossingen voor probleemplagen in de biologische teelt van houtig kleinfruit. [Participatory research on pests and diseases in berries.] CCBT, Belgium. Beliën, Tim and Bangels, Eva (2018) Probleemplagen in de bio pitfruitteelt: alternatieve bestrijdingsmiddelen. [Problem pests in organic fruit orchards: alternative control products.] BIOpraktijk, February 2018, pp. 1-2. EEveraerts, Vicky (2023) Biologische gewasbescherming van ziektetolerante variëteiten. [Biological crop protection of disease-tolerant varieties.] Poster at: [Completed] Everaerts, Vicky (2023) Chemical characterization of must, base wine and finished sparkling wine made from piwi-varieties. . Everaerts, Vicky (2022) Literature research bioactive compounds in grape press cake. . Everaerts, Vicky (2021) Duurzame productie van innovatieve schuimwijn. [Sustainable production of innovative sparkling wine.] Boer & Tuinder, 19 November 2021, pp. 22-23. Everaerts, Vicky (editor): Drönner, Carola and Villegas, Tomas Roman (Eds.) (2021) Consumer research SPiwi-project. . Everaerts, Vicky (2021) Enquête schuimwijnconsumptie in Vlaanderen. [Survey of sparkling wine consumption in Flanders.] Proefcentrum fruitteelt vzw . HHemelrijck, Wendy (2019) Schurft optimaal bestrijden met een minimale hoeveelheid koper. [Optimal control of scabies in pear with minimal Cu input.] BIOpraktijk, February 2019, pp. 1-2. VVercammen, Jef and Gomand, Ann (2016) Vergelijking van verschillende types bemesting in een bio fruitaanplanting van Conference. [Comparison of different types of fertilization in an organic Conference orchard.] BIOpraktijk, 19 January 2016, pp-pp. Vercammen, Jef and Gomand, Ann (2013) Aanpak van herinplantproblemen in de bio fruitteelt. [Tackling apple replant disease in organic tree fruit production.] CCBT, Belgium. WWillekens, Koen and Debode, Jane (2016) Bodemmicrobiologie als indicator voor bodemkwaliteit? [Soil microbiology as an indicator for soil quality?] BIOpraktijk, 17 February 2016, pp-pp. This list was generated on Sat Dec 21 08:05:59 2024 CET. |