@misc{orgprints14236, title = {Zulassung von Biocontrol-Organismen (REBECA): Work package 4: 'Botanical and Semiochemicals'}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/14236/}, abstract = {Der Einsatz von nat{\"u}rlichen Feinden ("Biocontrol-Organismen") sch{\"u}tzt Kulturpflanzen wirkungsvoll vor Krankheiten und Sch{\"a}dlingen, bei minimalen Gefahren f{\"u}r Mensch und Umwelt. Bei der Zulassung sind solche Verfahren den synthetischen Pestiziden gleichgestellt, und die Anforderungen sind nicht an ihre Besonderheiten angepasst. Dadurch wird das Zulassungsverfahren unn{\"o}tig verteuert und verlangsamt, was die Markteinf{\"u}hrung dieser Verfahren bremst. Im Rahmen des EU-Projektes 'REBECA' (Regulation of Biological Control Agents) werden Vorschl{\"a}ge f{\"u}r ein angepasstes Verfahren ausgearbeitet, welches eine schnellere und g{\"u}nstigere Zulassung erm{\"o}glicht, ohne Sicherheitsrisiken einzugehen. Das Projekt dauert vom 1.1.2006 bis zum 31.12.2007. Das FiBL leitet workpackage 4 dieses Projektes, in welchem Pflanzenextrakte und Pheromone (Lockstoffe) untersucht werden. Dies sind zwar keine Biocontrol-Organismen, aber auch solche Verfahren werden im Biolandbau h{\"a}ufig eingesetzt und ihre Zulassungsproblematik ist {\"a}hnlich.}, keywords = {Phytopathologie, Pflanzenschutz und Biodiversit{\"a}t, Biocontrol-Organismen ,REBECA, Hilfstoffe} } @misc{orgprints14986, publisher = {Lavoisier, Paris}, title = {R{\'e}glementation et homologation des produits phytopharmaceutiques {\`a} base d'extraits v{\'e}g{\'e}taux dans la l{\'e}gislation de l'Union Europ{\'e}enne (UE) : pr{\'e}sent et perspectives d'{\'e}volution}, journal = {Biopesticides d?origine v{\'e}g{\'e}tale}, year = {2008}, editor = {Catherine Regnault-Roger and Bernard J.R. Philog{\`e}ne and Charles Vincent}, pages = {477--496}, author = {R{\"u}diger Hauschild and Bernhard Speiser and Lucius Tamm and Ralf-Udo Ehlers}, keywords = {Pflanzenschutz, Pflanzenkrankheiten, Hilfsstoffe, Zulassung von Biocontrol-Organismen, EU-Projekt, Regulation of Biological Control Agents, REBECA}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/14986/}, abstract = {R{\'e}glementation et homologation des produits phytopharmaceutiques {\`a} base d'extraits v{\'e}g{\'e}taux dans la l{\'e}gislation de l'Union Europ{\'e}enne (UE) : pr{\'e}sent et perspectives d'{\'e}volution} } @misc{orgprints18798, editor = {Ralf-Udo Ehlers}, author = {Bernhard Speiser and Lucius Tamm and Susan Mattock}, pages = {304--321}, journal = {Regulation of Biological Control Agents}, title = {Proposals for Regulation of Semiochemicals}, publisher = {Springer Science + Business Media B.V.}, address = {Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York}, year = {2011}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/18798/}, abstract = {Semiochemicals are substances that evoke behavioural or physiological responses. Pheromones modify the behaviour of other individuals of the same species, while allelochemicals act on individuals of different species. Pheromones are used in plant protection (i) to interfere with the mating behaviour of pests ('mating disruption'), (ii) to attract pests to insecticidal traps or baits ('attract and kill'), (iii) to trap pests ('mass trapping'), and (iv) to monitor pest populations. Semiochemicals present a particular case among active ingredients used in plant production products, as they are only substances not intended to kill the pest organism directly. The current regulatory system of pesticides is often seen as a major hurdle for the market introduction of new semiochemicals. The EU-funded Specific Support Action project 'REBECA' has held a series of workshops with stakeholder representatives. The following proposals for improvement were elaborated: (1) collective listing of the 'straight-chained lepidopteran pheromones' (SCLPs) in Annex 1 of directive 91/414/EEC; (2) treating SCLPs as 'low risk' substances under the new pesticides legislation; (3)relaxations concerning the identification of impurities; (4) more flexibility in the number of samples to be analysed; (5) facilitations in the risk assessment of SCLPs; (6) a procedure which will lead to in the risk assessment of other semiochemicals in the long term; (7) flexibility in efficacy evaluation; (8) harmonisation of registration requirements. During the final conference of the REBECA project, it was discussed whether the REBECA proposals can be implemented easily, and therefore in a short time-span. Also, the impact on the duration of the registration process and on the costs of registration (for the applicant) was assessed for each proposals. Among the proposals that were evaluated as relatively easy to implement, collective listing of SCLPs, relaxations concerning the identification of impurities and flexibility in efficacy evaluation have the greatest potential impact. All proposals which were evaluated as more difficult to implement have a great potential impact, but harmonisation of registration would reduce costs much more than any other proposals.}, keywords = {Pflanzenschutz und Biodiversit{\"a}t, Hilfsstoffe, REBECA, plant protection, semiochmicals} } @misc{orgprints18739, pages = {289--304}, author = {Lucius Tamm and Bernhard Speiser and Thierry Mercier}, year = {2011}, address = {Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York}, journal = {Regulation of Biological Control Agents}, title = {Proposals for Regulation of Botanicals}, publisher = {Springer Science + Business Media B.V.}, abstract = {Plants and plant extracts, here called 'botanicals', have been used for plant protection for a long time. Quantitatively, the most important botanical is pyrethrum, followed by azadirachtin, rotenone and essential oils. The current regulatory systm for pesticides is often seen as a major hurdle for the market introduction of new botanicals. The EU-funded Specific Support Action project 'REBECA' has held a series of workshops with stakeholder representatives. The following propopsals for improvement were elaborated: (1) development of a specific guidance document for botanicals; (2) adapted requirements concerning the characterisation of the active substance(s); (3) relaxations concerning identification and analytical methods for 'impurities'; (4) adapted requirements concerning the description of manufacturing methods; (5) adapted requirements for risk assessment, taking into account the history of safe use of the substance; (6) adapted requirements concerning efficacy evaluation. During the final conference of the REBECA project, it was evaluated which proposals can be implemented easily (and therefore in a short timespan). Also, the impact on the duration of the registration process and on the costs of registration (for the applicant) were assessed for each proposal. Fenugreek, neem extract/Quassia, lecithine and laminarine were selected as representative botanicals. For these substances, the REBECA proposals would decrease registration costs substantially.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/18739/}, keywords = {botanicals, Biocontrol, Pflanzenschutz und Biodiversit{\"a}t, Hilfsstoffe, REBECA} }