@misc{orgprints17165, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick}, title = {Fachtagung Bioobstbau 2010}, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, year = {2010}, abstract = { }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/17165/}, keywords = {Anbautechnik Pflanzenbau, Bioobstbau, Pflanzenschutz, Sch{\"a}dlinge, N{\"u}tzlinge, Entomologie, Sorten, Anbauempfehlungen} } @misc{orgprints17164, title = {Fachtagung Bioobstbau 2009}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick}, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, year = {2009}, abstract = { }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/17164/}, keywords = {Anbautechnik Pflanzenbau, Bioobstbau, Pflanzenschutz, Sch{\"a}dlinge, N{\"u}tzlinge, Entomologie, Sorten} } @misc{orgprints13153, year = {2008}, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, title = {Fachtagung Bioobstbau 2008}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/13153/}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Pflanzenschutz, Sch{\"a}dlinge, N{\"u}tzlinge, Entomologie, Sch{\"a}dlingsbek{\"a}mpfung} } @misc{orgprints18051, title = {Fachtagung Bioweinbau 2008 }, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau FiBL}, journal = {Fachtagung Bioweinbau 2008, FiBL-Tagungsband}, series = {FiBL Tagungsband}, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, address = {CH-Frick}, year = {2008}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/18051/}, abstract = {T{\"a}tigkeitsbericht Fachkommission Biovin 2007/8. ORWINE EU-Projekt: Schlussfolgerungen aus Richtlinien-Analyse f{\"u}r Bio-Weinbau und erste Vorschl{\"a}ge f{\"u}r Vinifikations-Rechtlinien der EU und Schweizer Bio-Verordnung. Wie und wie weit sollen und k{\"o}nnen wir die SO2 ?Zugaben in Bioweinen reduzieren? Einige Beispielresultate aus den Labor-und On-Farm Versuchen des EU-ORWINE-Projekts. Verwendung von Zusatzstoffen f{\"u}r die Vinifizierung von biologischen Weinen. Verwendung von Zusatzstoffen f{\"u}r biologische Weinbereitung. Aspekte der Mikrobiologie bei der biologischen Weinbereitung. Falscher Rebenmehltau: R{\"u}ckblick Saison 2007 und Suche nach Kupfer-Ersatzmitteln. TOPiwi: Pr{\"u}fung widerstandf{\"a}higer, nachhaltig produzierbarer Rebsorten zur Erzielung erstklassiger Weine mit hoher Kundenakzeptanz. Besorderheiten bei der Kelterung von Piwi-Sorten. Vinifikation von PIWI-Sorten: Erfahrungen.}, keywords = {Anbautechnik Pflanzenbau, Bioweinbau, ORWINE, Piwi, resistente Sorten, Pflanzenschutz} } @misc{orgprints13247, year = {2008}, editor = {Jean-Luc Tschabold}, title = {Forum Arbo Bio Romandie 2008 - R{\'e}sum{\'e}s des interventions}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau, CH-5070 Frick}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/13247/}, abstract = {Contenu 1. Commission t{\'e}chnique fruits de Bio Suisse : situation actuelle 2. Quelle alternative en dehors des fruits {\`a} p{\'e}pins? Potentiel et limites de la production et du march{\'e} 3. Choix des vari{\'e}t{\'e}s de pommes et de poires. R{\'e}sultats d'essais et signaux du march{\'e} 4. Maladies fongiques et bact{\'e}riennes: nouveaux d{\'e}veloppement, homologation. Informations sur le feu bact{\'e}rien. 5. Itin{\'e}raire technique en verger de poiriers bio. Le point de vue du producteur et du technicien 6. Madex Plus et Madex I12 brisent les virus r{\'e}sistants du carpocapse 7. Nouveaux r{\'e}sultats dans la lutte contre le carpocapse des prunes avec gu{\^e}pes parasites Trichogramma 8. Blossom protect 6. Ravageurs: nouveaux d{\'e}veloppement, homologation et recommandations 2008 7. Choix des portes-greffe de pommiers et informations sur les activit{\'e}s arboricoles du FiBL 8. Contr{\^o}le Swiss GAP 9. Recommandations de plantation 2008: pommes et poires bio}, keywords = {Bioobstbau} } @misc{orgprints8723, year = {2008}, editor = {Jean-Luc Tschabold}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick}, title = {Forum Arbo Bio Romandie 2008. R{\'e}sum{\'e}s des interventions}, keywords = {Obstbau, Kompost, Sch{\"a}dlinge, Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Bioweinbau, }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/8723/}, abstract = {Contenu 1. Commission t{\'e}chnique fruits de Bio Suisse : situation actuelle 2. Quelle alternative en dehors des fruits {\`a} p{\'e}pins? Potentiel et limites de la production et du march{\'e} 3. Choix des vari{\'e}t{\'e}s de pommes et de poires. R{\'e}sultats d'essais et signaux du march{\'e} 4. Maladies fongiques et bact{\'e}riennes: nouveaux d{\'e}veloppement, homologation. Informations sur le feu bact{\'e}rien. 5. Itin{\'e}raire technique en verger de poiriers bio. Le point de vue du producteur et du technicien 6. Madex Plus et Madex I12 brisent les virus r{\'e}sistants du carpocapse 56 7. Nouveaux r{\'e}sultats dans la lutte contre le carpocapse des prunes avec gu{\^e}pes parasites Trichogramma 8. Blossom protect 6. Ravageurs: nouveaux d{\'e}veloppement, homologation et recommandations 2008 7. Choix des portes-greffe de pommiers et informations sur les activit{\'e}s arboricoles du FiBL 8. Contr{\^o}le Swiss GAP 9. Recommandations de plantation 2008: pommes et poires bio} } @misc{orgprints10497, year = {2007}, editor = {Andi H{\"a}seli}, title = {Fachtagung Bioobstbau 2007}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick}, series = {FiBL-Tagungsband}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/10497/}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Pflanzenschutz, Sortenempfehlungen, Entomologie} } @misc{orgprints10510, title = {Congr{\`e}s viticulture biologique 2006}, publisher = {Institut de recherche de l'agriculture biologique (FiBL), CH-Frick}, series = {FiBL-Tagungsband}, year = {2006}, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, abstract = {Contributions au congr{\`e}s. Contenu (s{\'e}l{\'e}ction): Nouvelles connaissances sur la biologie de Plasmopara viticola Cons{\'e}quences sur les strat{\'e}gies de traitement, influence du travail du sol sur la r{\'e}sistance de la vigne aux maladies, la s{\'e}lection de c{\'e}pages r{\'e}sistants aux maladies {\`a} Agroscope-Changins-W{\"a}denswil, evaluation interm{\'e}diaire des vari{\'e}t{\'e}s Piwi.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/10510/}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioweinbau, Pflanzenschutz, Bodenbearbeitung, Krankheitsresistenz, Rebsorten, travail du sol, r{\'e}sistance de la vigne, c{\'e}pages r{\'e}sistants} } @misc{orgprints8644, title = {Fachtagung Bioobstbau 2006}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick}, year = {2006}, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/8644/}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Biobeeren, Pflanzenschutz, Entomologie, Sortenempfehlungen, } } @misc{orgprints10509, year = {2006}, editor = {Andi H{\"a}seli}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick}, title = {Fachtagung Biorebbau 2006}, series = {FiBL-Tagungsband}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/10509/}, abstract = {Vollst{\"a}ndige schriftliche Beitr{\"a}ge der Fachtagung Biorebbau 2006 in Olten. Themen (Auswahl): Pflanzenschutzsaison 2005 und Resultate aus der Mittelpr{\"u}fung, Bek{\"a}mpfungsstrategie gegen Plasmopara viticola, Auswirkungen der Bodenbearbeitung auf die Krankheisresistenz von Reben, pilzwiderstandsf{\"a}hige Rebsorten an der Agroscope Changins-W{\"a}denswil, Zwischenbeurteilung von Piwi-Sorten.}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioweinbau, Pflanzenschutz, Bodenbearbeitung, Krankheitsresistenz, Rebsorten} } @unpublished{orgprints13246, editor = {Jean-Luc Tschabold}, year = {2006}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau, CH-5070 Frick}, title = {Forum Arbo Bio Romandie 2006 - R{\'e}sum{\'e}s des interventions}, abstract = {Avec contributions de Claudia Daniel (FiBL), Nicolas Delabays (Agroscope Changins), Jos{\'e} Granado (FiBL), Andi H{\"a}seli (FiBL), Jean Malevez (Topcat), Andi Schmid, Christoph Schmid (CT Arboriculture Bio Suisse), Cornelia Schweizer (Andermatt Biocontrol), Francisco Suter (FiBL), Walter Stadler (Agroscope W{\"a}denswil), Lucius Tamm (FiBL), Franco Weibel (FiBL), Gabriela S. Wyss (FiBL) Contenu 1 L?allelopathie et son utilisation en agriculture biologique 2 Influence du Armicarb (bicarbonate de potassium) sur la tavelure et la maladies des taches de suie de la pomme 3 Evolution de la production et du march{\'e} : fruits traditionnels et vari{\'e}t{\'e}s nouvelles issus de la culture biologique 4 Projet BBC : les baies bio au supermarch{\'e} ? un succ{\`e}s appel{\'e} {\`a} durer ? 5 Gestion des rongeurs et de leurs pr{\'e}dateurs en vergers 6 Lutte par confusion - Essais avec les nouveaux diffuseurs 7 Strat{\'e}gie lutte contre le Carpocapse 8 R{\'e}sum{\'e} des recommandations pratiques actuelles pour l?{\'e}claircissage biologique des pommiers 9 R{\'e}sidus de pesticides dans les fruits: situation en PI et bio cas probl{\'e}matiques et mesures 10 Examens microbiologiques de qualit{\'e} sur une pomme bio 11 Evaluation 2005 des aptitudes des vari{\'e}t{\'e}s r{\'e}sistantes en Arboriculture bio 12 Situation {\'e}conomique du march{\'e} des fruits bio en Suisse}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/13246/}, keywords = {Bioobstbau} } @unpublished{orgprints5018, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau, CH-5070 Frick}, title = {FORUM ARBO BIO ROMANDIE 2005, G{\^i}te rural des Vergers, V{\'e}troz, R{\'e}sum{\'e}s des interventions}, editor = {Jean-Luc Tschabold}, year = {2005}, keywords = {Bioobstbau}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/5018/}, abstract = {Contenu Le d{\'e}veloppement et les l{\^a}chers d?auxiliaires: op{\'e}rations de prestige ou {\'e}l{\'e}ments fondamentaux de la strat{\'e}gie phytosanitaire de l'agriculture biologique? Eric Wyss, Lukas Pfiffner, Claudia Daniel et Katharina B{\"u}rgel (FiBL) S{\'e}lection de vari{\'e}t{\'e}s de fruits au niveau mondial ? Importance pour la production biologique Markus Kellerhals (FAW W{\"a}denswil) Protection des plantes ? r{\'e}sultats d?essais pour des ravageurs arboricoles Eric Wyss et Claudia Daniel (FiBL) NeemAzal-T/S contre le puceron cendr{\'e} du pommier Cornelia Schweizer (Andermatt Biocontrol SA) Lutte par confusion combin{\'e}e contre carpocapse, capua et la petite tordeuse des fruits avec I?Isomate-CLR/OFM Cornelia Schweizer (Andermatt Biocontrol SA) Modifications d?homologation pour Madex ? Cornelia Schweizer (Andermatt Biocontrol SA) Diff{\'e}rence de sensibilit{\'e} des populations de carpocapse face aux virus de la granulose (CpGV) Daniel Zingg (Andermatt Biocontrol SA) Sujets d?essais pour 2005 Daniel Zingg, Cornelia Schweizer (Andermatt Biocontrol AG) Agro Biosol contre le d{\'e}p{\'e}rissement des arbres {\`a} noyaux Cornelia Schweizer (Andermatt Biocontrol SA) RIMpro: nouveaux essais et exp{\'e}riences pratiques. Essais de nouveaux produits contre la suie et la tavelure Lucius Tamm, Hans-Jakob Sch{\"a}rer, Martin Kockerols, Thomas Amsler, Jean-Luc Tschabold (FiBL) R{\'e}trospective RIMpro Romandie 2004 Jean-Luc Tschabold (FiBL) R{\'e}sultats de d{\'e}gustation {\`a} Frick et {\`a} V{\'e}troz en janvier-f{\'e}vrier 2004 Franco Weibel et Jean-Luc Tschabold (FiBL) Evaluation (Situation janvier 2005) des aptitudes des vari{\'e}t{\'e}s r{\'e}sistantes en arboriculture bio Franco Weibel, Andi Schmid, Andi H{\"a}seli, Jean-Luc Tschabold (FiBL) Vari{\'e}t{\'e}s et porte-greffe pour l'arboriculture bio: Flash 2004-2005 Franco Weibel, Andi H{\"a}seli, Francisco Suter, Jean-Luc Tschabold (FiBL) Cr{\'e}ation de la soci{\'e}t{\'e} Biofruits Nouveau centre de prestation Suisse orientale (Ostschweiz) Hans-Ruedi Schmutz (Biofarm) Appel de Paris en faveur d?une agriculture respectueuse de l?environnement Eric Marchand} } @misc{orgprints2857, title = {Bioweinbautagung 2004}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau, Frick, Schweiz}, year = {2004}, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, abstract = {Inhalt Neue Erkenntnisse aus Pflanzenschutzversuchen im In- und Ausland Lucius Tamm, FiBL, Resultate zu neuen Untersuchungen bez{\"u}glich der Hintergrundbelastung und Abdrift Gabriela Wyss, FiBL, Auswirkungen der Begr{\"u}nung auf die Weinqualit{\"a}t Dominique Levite, FiBL Resistenzmechanismen der Rebe Olivier Viret, Agroscope, RAC Changins Dreij{\"a}hrige Erfahrungen mit Freiburger Rotweinsorten in der Westschweiz Jean-Laurant Spring, Agroscope RAC Changins Degustation neuer interspezifischer Sorten Jean-Laurant Spring Weine von Sorten des Weinbauinstitutes Freiburg,Von V. Blattner, Rebz{\"u}chter Soyhi{\`e}res und des FiBL Dominique Levite, Thierry Wins, Agroscope, FAW W{\"a}denswil }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2857/}, keywords = {Anbautechnik Mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioweinbau} } @misc{orgprints4015, title = {Forum Arbo Bio Romandie 2004. R{\'e}sum{\'e}s des interventions}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick}, editor = {Jean-Luc Tschabold}, year = {2004}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/4015/}, keywords = {Bioobstbau, Kompost, Sch{\"a}dlinge} } @misc{orgprints2780, title = {Tagungsband zur FiBL Obstbautagung 28.01.2004 in Frick}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau, Frick}, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, year = {2004}, keywords = {Bioobstbau, Biobeeren, Sandwich-System}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2780/} } @misc{orgprints2646, year = {2003}, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau, Frick, Schweiz}, title = {FiBL Obstbautagung 2003 - Beitr{\"a}ge zur FiBL Obstbautagung 29.01.2003 in Frick}, keywords = {Mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Beratung, }, abstract = {Inhaltsverzeichnis des Tagungsbandes Ausblick der Fachkommission Bioobst Anbau- und Marktentwicklung, Marketingstrategien der BIO-SUISSE Pflanzenschutzmittel: Zulassungsanforderungen im Zust{\"a}ndigkeitsbereich des BAG Das Zulassungsverfahren f{\"u}r Pflanzenschutzmittel in der Schweiz Bewilligungspraxis f{\"u}r Pflanzenschutzmittel im Biolandbau Zulassung von Schwefelkalk ? vorerst ein Ding der Unm{\"o}glichkeit Wirtschaftlichkeit des Bioobstbaus; Resultate aus Versuchs- und Praxiserhebungen der FAW Langj{\"a}hrige Erfahrung im Anbau und Vermarktung von BiO-Obst in Deutschland FiBL-Forschung zur Bek{\"a}mpfung der Apfelkrankheiten Schorf und Regenflecken Aktivit{\"a}ten im Bereich Obstbau-Entomologie 2002 Bek{\"a}mpfung des Birnenblattsaugers mit Anthocoris nemoralis und NeemAzal-T/S Apfelwicklerbek{\"a}mpfung: Strategien mit Verwirrungstechnik und Granulosevirus Sortenwahl: Nicht nur neue Sorten ? auch neue Impulse braucht das Bio-Obstland Sortenempfehlungen f{\"u}r den Bio-Apfelanbau (Stand Januar 2003) Ausd{\"u}nnung beim Apfel: Beim Fadenger{\"a}t l{\"a}sst sich noch einiges herausholen! Beeren-Aktualit{\"a}ten }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2646/} } @misc{orgprints8549, year = {2002}, title = {Fachtagung Bioobstbau 2002}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick}, abstract = {Im Tagungsband sind die Beitr{\"a}ge der Referent*innen der FiBL Fachtqagung Bioobstau 2002 zusammengefasst: {\ensuremath{>}}Entwicklungen im Bioobstbau {\ensuremath{>}} Bioobstbau in der Westschweiz {\ensuremath{>}} Ist-Zustand und Entwicklungsperspektiven im Bioobstbau {\ensuremath{>}} Sortenempfehlungen {\ensuremath{>}} Neue Erkenntnisse zum Apfelschorf {\ensuremath{>}} Versuchsergebnisse im Kern- und Steinobst {\ensuremath{>}} Aktivit{\"a}ten von Firmen im Biopflanzenschutz {\ensuremath{>}} Forschungsschwerpunkte im Bioobstbau}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/8549/}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau} } @misc{orgprints548, title = {Proceedings 6th International Congress on Organic Viticulture}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau (FiBL) und Stiftung {\"O}kologie \& Landbau (S{\"O}L)}, series = {S{\"O}L-Sonderausgabe}, editor = {Helga Willer and Urs Meier}, year = {2000}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/548/}, abstract = {The 6th International Congress on Organic Viticulture, held in Basel, Switzerland from the 25th to 26th of August 2000 in conjunction with the 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, was organised by the Swiss Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau (FiBL), together with Schweizerischer Bioweinbauverein Biovin Suisse, Ecovin and Stiftung {\"O}kologie \& Landbau (S{\"O}L). The Congress had as its theme ?Organic Viticulture - Quality, the key factor to success? and the importance of variety choice, soil management, plant protection and biodiversity for organic wine quality were discussed at this congress. An overview of organic viticulture world-wide was also given. The 6th International Organic Viticulture Congress in Basel is in the tradition of the organic viticulture congresses, the first of which was held in 1985 in Geisenheim (D), organised by the German organic wine growers? association Ecovin. At this congress, the German standards for the production of organic grapes, grape juice, wine and champagne were launched. The 4th congress in W{\"u}rzburg 1994 dealt with marketing, market development and the labelling of organic wine. The fifth congress, held in Bad D{\"u}rkheim 1995, was the first one to be organised by all German organic producer organisations and by Stiftung {\"O}kologie \& Landbau, and it was also the first international organic viticulture congress. It dealt with questions of soil management and wine quality as well as farm management aspects. The proceedings of the 3rd, 4th and 5th conference were published by Stiftung {\"O}kologie \& Landbau. Contents Vorwort Preface Preface of the Editors Session 01 - Marketing Opportunities and Consumer Expectations Chair: Randolf Kauer and Paulin K{\"o}pfer Biowein: Chancen der Vermarktung Thomas Vaterlaus Session 02 - Organic Viticulture World-Wide Chair: Helga Willer Organic Viticulture World-Wide Bernward Geier Uwe Hofmann, Helga Willer Organic Viticulture in Europe Helga Willer \& Raffaele Zanoli Organic Viticulture in Austria Eva Schinnerl Organic Viticulture in Croatia Jasminka Karoglan Kontic, Sonja Karoglan Todorovic, Ranko Tadic {\"O}kologischer Weinbau in der Tschechischen Republik Jiri Sedlo Organic Viticulture in the Czech Republic Jiri Sedlo Organic Viticulture in France Monique Jonis Organic Viticulture in Italy C Bazzocchi, S Tellarini, R Zanoli Organic Viticulture in Georgia Tamaz Tourmanidze {\"O}kologischer Weinbau in Deutschland Paulin K{\"o}pfer und Eva Gehr Organic Viticulture in Germany Paulin K{\"o}pfer und Eva Gehr Organic Viticulture in Greece Marios Dessyllas {\"O}koweinbau in Ungarn L Sz{\~o}ke, K N{\'e}meth- J Mikul{\'a}s Plant Protection in Organic Viticulture in New Zealand Andreas Welte Organic Viticulture in Portugal Ana Firmino Developments in Organic Viticulture in South Africa Rupert van der Merwe Bioweinbau in der Schweiz Andreas H{\"a}seli Organic Viticulture in Switzerland Andreas H{\"a}seli Organic Viticulture in Turkey Ahmet Alt{\'y}ndi?li Traditional Viticulture in Southern East Anatolia: A case study for Siirt, Turkey {\'Y}Y{\'y}ld{\'y}r{\'y}m and ENYard{\'y}m Session 03 - Soil Management ? Care and Quality Chair: Uwe Hofman Comparisons of Chemical Analysis and Biological Activity of Soils Cultivated by Organic and Biodynamic Methods Claude Bourguignon and Lydia Gabucci Function of the Soil in the Expression of the "Terroir" Claude Bourguignon and Lydia Gabbucci Cover Cropping in California Vineyards: Part of a Biologically Integrated Farming System Robert L Bugg, Richard W Hoenisch Plant Biodiversity and Biological Control of Insect Pests in a Northern California Organic Vineyard Clara I Nicholls and Miguel A Altieri Standortgerechte Bodenpflege und die Vitalit{\"a}t und Bonit{\"a}t im Wein- und Obstbau Franz Solar Role of Nature in Soil Management and Quality Anjani Suchde, Deepak Suchde The Use of Recycled Organics Compost in Viticulture- A review of theinternational literature and experience - Johannes Biala Biological Activity of Upper Vaucluse Soils Marc Duplan, Fran{\c c}ois Warlop Dry Stone Walls in Switzerland Martin Lutz, Theodor Schmidt, Gerhard Stoll Soil Microbial Biomass and Soil Quality in Vineyards Stephan Reuter and Roland Kubiak Session 04 - Plant Protection and Quality - New Findings and Future Hazards Chair: Lucius Tamm Principles for Managing the Foliage Diseases of Grapevine with low Input of Pesticides PA Magarey, RD Magarey and RW Emmett Management of Major Arthropod Pests in Organic Viticulture S Kreiter Biodiversity of Phytoseiid Mites and Outbreaks of Tetranychid Mites in Vineyards with Different Protection Management G Bigot and P Zandigiacomo Efficacy Evaluation of Different Low-rate Copper Formulations and Acupric Compounds Against Grapevine Downy Mildew (Plasmopara viticola) in Piedmont (Northwestern Italy) During the Period - D Ferrari, E Bassignana and G Pensabene Contributions to Environmentally Safe Plant Protection Systems in Grapevine Cultivation Dr B Fischer-Trimborn, Prof Dr HC Weltzien, Dr G Schruft Kupferminimierung und Einsatz von Tonerden zur Peronosporabek{\"a}mpfung im {\"o}kologischen Weinbau Dr Uwe Hofmann Plant Protection Strategies Against Downy Mildew in Organic Viticulture Copper Reduction and Copper Replacement - Results and Experiences of Years on Farm Research Dr Uwe Hofmann Investigations on the Effect of Extremely Low Copper Doses and Different Copper Formulations W K Kast Salicylic and Phosphorous Acid ? Possible Alternative of Copper? W K Kast Organic Viticulture Without Sulfur? Years of Experience With Sodiumand Potassiumbicarbonate RKauer , BGaubatz , MW{\"o}hrle , UKornitzer , HRSchultz , BKirchner Reduced Root Damage in Organically Managed Phylloxera-Infested Vineyards in California Donald W Lotter, PhD Controlling Vine Powdery and Downy Mildews with the Urticum Preparation V Roboti{\'c}, R Bosan{\v c}{\'i}{\'c} and M Moji{\'c} Side Effect of Pesticides Used in Organic Viticulture and Based on Copper, Sulphur and Bacillus thuringiensis on the Populations of the Predatory mite Phytoseius finitimus IC Rumbos, PPapaioannou-Souliotis, I Adamopoulos and D Markoyiannaki- Printzioy Use of weather stations in organic viticulture L Tamm, A H{\"a}seli, and D Levite Session 05 - Varietes for Organic Viticulture an Quality Chair: Pierre Basler Pilzwiderstandsf{\"a}hige Rebenneuzuchten -Ein m{\"o}glicher Beitrag zum umweltschonenden Weinbau Dr Norbert Becker The Development of Interspecific Grapevine Hybrids in Ontario, Canada K Helen Fisher Gegen Pilzkrankheiten resistente Traubensorten und ihre Qualit{\"a}t Hajdu, E, - {\'E}sik, E, - Borb{\'a}s, {\'E}, - Pernesz, Gy Testage et s{\'e}lection de c{\'e}pages r{\'e}sistants Groupe suisse pour la s{\'e}lection de vari{\'e}t{\'e}s r{\'e}sistantes aux maladies (not available in the internet version) Results From new Fungus-tolerant Grapevine Varieties for Organic Viticulture A L Schwab, R Knott and W Schottdorf Neue Rebsorten und Sortenkandidaten im umweltschonenden Weinbau L Sz{\H o}ke, P Kozma und K N{\'e}meth The Autochthon Grape ?Shesh? and the Potential for Organic Wine Zigori Vangjel and Zigori Klod Session 06 - Determining Wine Quality Chair: Norbert Drescher Quality of Organic Wines Nicolas Joly Quality is More Than Actual Natural Sciences can Define Hartmut Heilmann Verkn{\"u}pfung von Tradition und Moderne im {\"o}kologischen Weinbau am Beispiel des Mondes - Praktische Umsetzung von l{\"a}ngst genutzten sowie neueren wissenschaftlichen Parametern Frank E Neufing Production of Wine Without Sulphur Dioxide Using Appropriate Processing Technology Franco Battistutta, Emilio Celotti, Roberto Zironi Differentiation of Wines Produced by Organic or Conventional Viticulture According to Their Sensory Profiles and Aroma Composition Isabelle Dupin; Pascal Schlich; Ulrich Fischer {\"O}ko-Weine elektrochemisch betrachtet Hoffmann, M Novel Methods to Characterise Wine Quality -Examinations with Wines from Exact Field Experiments (Organic Viticulture ? Integrated Viticulture) RKauer , HRSchultz , JBolanz Preliminary Results on Contents of Resveratrol in Wine of Organic and Conventional Vineyards D Levite, M Adrian and L Tamm Appendix Conference proceedings of the Organic Viticulture Congresses Sponsors, Steering Committee, Club of Chairpersons, Task Force Wine Tasting }, keywords = {Wine, Viticulture, Plant Protection, Soil, Quality, Soil quality, Fungus Resistance, Varieties, Vinification, Bioweinbau} } @misc{orgprints6202, title = {Aufbau einer Schweizer Bio-Tafeltrauben Produktion }, abstract = {State of the Art: There is an increasing consumer demand for residue-free, thus organic table grapes from regional production. The cultivation of this fruit species, however, is delicate in humid climates and experience to advice growers still lacking. Definition of the problem: Developing and introducing a new culture of table grapes under Swiss climatic and economic conditions. Project aims: Study of the possibility to produce organic Table Grapes under Swiss climate and economical conditions Methodology: On farm trials, consumers taste test, variety testing and plant protection strategies in replicated field trials. Results, conclusion, state of the art: A quality organic production of Muscat Garnier and Muscat de la Birse has been established. However, protection from rain is necessary in order to improve visual quality. However more and different cultivars are needed to cover modern consumer demand. }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/6202/}, keywords = {Table grapes, varieties, production methods, consumer acceptation, Bioobstbau, Biotafeltrauben, cultivar } } @misc{orgprints6207, title = {Baumstreifenpflege im Obstbau}, abstract = {To control weed competition in organic fruit orchards there are only few and expensive devices on the market. Alternatives with mulching methods or weed burners do satisfy only in specific conditions. Tillage systems that provide sufficient, reliable weed competition control over a large range of soil and site conditions and for low costs are still to be developed. In order to ensure a sufficient supply of water and nutrients in orchards it is necessary to regulate weed growth in the in-row strips. In organic fruit growing this is achieved by keeping the soil open with special tillage equipment (very costs intensive), or by mulching with organic material, such as bark, wood shavings and straw (high costs and high deposition of potassium, which increase the risk of bitter pit) or water permeable synthetic ground covers. The mulching systems can considerably increase mice damage and are suited only for specific soil and site conditions. Project aims: i) to develop and validate an alternative system (Sandwich System) that allows a sufficient supply of water and nutrients, but needs a lower input of resources; ii) comparing growth and yields of the trees under Sandwich-System versus usual tillage over the whole width of the tree strip. Methodology: The systems were compared in 7 apple cultivars. Two repetitions in each cultivar. Collected data was yield, trunk perimeter, nutrients contained in fruits and leaves (T-Stage). For the statistical analysis we used the Program JMP 4.02 (SAS incorp.), ANOVA model; variety, System, repetition, variety*system, variety*repetition, system*repetition Results, conclusion, state of the art: - No significant differences in the yields of both systems were observed (annually and accumulated) - The accumulated vegetative growth of the trees was significantly higher under sandwich-system (11\%). - In leaf and fruit analysis for mineral uptake (from 2000 to 2003) there was no consistent tendency to be found that could indicate any better or less optimal nutrient availability between the two systems. From totally 74 data sets, there were 14 significantly different but of a low practical relevance. - Due to its low costs (60 \% cheaper than good usual tillage devices) and its high performance (up to 9 km working speed) the Swiss Sandwich?System is an interesting alternative to the usual tillage devices. - If with the Sandwich System, the establishment of a low growing vegetation in the centre aisle is difficult (as in the case of our investigation), it becomes necessary to mulch the central green strip 1-3 times a year. - Due to passive tools, only, the Sandwich acts very softly to soil structure. - Together with the industry (Santini and Braun, CH-Sulgen) we could develop a now commercially available tillage device for the Sandwich-System Our results show, that with the Sandwich System tree performance is equal to whole-width tillage. The advantages are: i) about 60 \% cheaper than usual good tillage devices, ii) high working speed (6-9 km/h); iii) soft to soil structure due to passive tools, only. }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/6207/}, keywords = {Organic, Fruit Production, Weed control, Soil Management, tillage, device, Sandwich System, Bioobstbau, Sandwich-System} } @misc{orgprints6373, title = {Biologische Behangsregulierung im Kernobstbau}, keywords = {Apple, organic, crop load regulation, thinning, flower, bi-annual bearing, molasses, vinasse, oil, rope machine, Bioobstbau, Behangsregulierung}, abstract = {State of the Art: A partly well working method to thin surplus flowers in spring is the rope machine. However with older trees it doesn?t work sufficiently in the inner parts of the tree. Also the device must be used very softly in order to prevent physical and physiological damages to the trees. Definition of the problem: In several countries organic apple growers can use lime sulphur for flower thinning to regulate the crop load on the apple trees. In Switzerland, however, no spray product is allowed for early crop load regulation to control bi-annual bearing in organic apple growing. This is a key problem for organic apple growers in terms of high labour costs for manual thinning and in terms of high difficulties to achieve good quality fruit every year. Target group: Organic apple growers Methodology: On-Farm trials. Partly, e.g. to check phytotoxic effects in advance, also greenhouse experiments. We are testing different molasse and oil products using not-thinned, rope-thinned and lime-sulphur-thinned treatments as reference standards. Results, conclusion, state of the art: We found good thinning potentials with molasses (vinasse) products and emulgated oils. However, still a lot of optimizations need to be investigated. }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/6373/} } @misc{orgprints6414, title = {Erh{\"o}hung der Ertragssicherheit und Optimierung der Pflegemassnahmen im biologischen Weinanbau}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/6414/}, abstract = {Although different progresses in yield security were achieved, e.g. with an improved plant protection strategy (reducing the amount of copper by clay powder), yield and quality security in organic wine growing is still not on a comparable level as in conventional production. Yield security in organic vine production is not sufficient due to high disease pressure on sensitive cultivars. The reduction of copper applications has a high priority ? also for reasons of consumer acceptance. Additionally different management practices for weed control, plant nutrition; plant formation and vine-making (oenology) are not optimized on a level as it is the case in conventional production. Project aims: Develop or and test plant protection and management strategies to increase yield security of organic vine growing. Improvements in organic oenology techniques. Methodology: Trials in precision trials and on On-Farm level in Switzerland, France, Italy and Spain. Microvinification. Results Different new natural spray products to prevent diseases were tested. Partly with positive effects. Novel prognosis models can contribute efficiently to apply more precisely and less organic fungicides (in particular copper). The application of modern software to predict the infection risk of diseases has been shown to be helpful in terms of better timing of the applications. Consequent leaf-thinning of the grape zone can reduce disease pressure. Some new spray products (clay powder, plant extracts and resistance inducers) are tested. New systems of the alleyway-management with specific cover plants are tested, also for arid zones. }, keywords = {Vine growing, organic, disease, management, vine making, oenology, yield security, plant protection, clay powder, infection model, weed control, Bioweinbau, Ertragssicherheit Biorebbau } } @misc{orgprints6206, title = {F{\"o}rderung von Biofr{\"u}chten und -Beeren }, keywords = {Organic berries, Bioobstbau, Biobeeren, Organic fruit and berries, marked development, support, promotion, whole chain, supermarket }, abstract = {Coop, with its ?Naturaplanfonds?, has the intention to promote organic production in Switzerland. Until 2003 sales of organically produced berries were very low. Also table grapes, pome and stone fruit need support and promotion activities along the whole chain from farm to shelf. The aim of the project is to ensure a continuous delivery for Coop with an attractive assortment of organic fruit and berries. A nation-wide professional producers' network and a logistic system should be established. Between 2002 and 2005 the sales of organic berries at Coop rose by 371 \%. Currently, special attention is given to table grapes, stonefruit and pears.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/6206/} } @misc{orgprints6289, title = {Innere Qualit{\"a}t von Bioobst}, abstract = {State of the Art: Only few data, from samples of trials situated at only one site are available to answer the question above. Definition of the problem: Consumers, retailers, producers and scientists, for different reasons are very interested at the question whether organically grown fruit tastes better and is heathier. Very little comparative data are available. Project aims: To analyse and compare different parameters of inner fruit quality (sensorial and health-related) from conventional and organic commercial fruit production. Methodology: In a field study including 10 commercial orchards that form 5 comparison pairs (conv./org) at 5 different sites in all important fruit growing regions of Switzerland fruit samples of cultivar Golden Delicous were picked and analysed. We measured: sensorial score, standard fruit quality (sugar, firmness, acidity); mineral content, content of polyphenols, vitamins, nutritional fibres. We also applied holistic methods such as picture forming methods, feeding preference tests with rats, self degradation tests. Since 2004 we also test the potential of the so called Gas Discharge Visualisation method (GDV; Kirlian Photography). Results, conclusion, state of the art: Regularly we found increased contents of polyphenols in organic fruit (10-20 \% more). In half of the cases, sensory scores were better for organic fruit, case-wise also fibres and phosphorus content were higher in organic fruit. A ?Vitality?-Index, derived from the picture forming method, was well in line with the standard quality and revealed repeatedly up to 60 \% higher scores for organic fruit. }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/6289/}, keywords = {Organic, fruit, quality, holistic methods, polyphenols, picture forming methods, alternative methods, Bioobstbau, Innere Qualit{\"a}t} } @misc{orgprints6288, title = {Kontrolle der Gloeosporium-F{\"a}ule bei der Lagerung von {\"A}pfeln aus biologischem Anbau }, keywords = {Organic, apple, storage disease, Gloeosporium, fruit, hot water, dipping, electrolyte solution, Anostel, Catostel, Bioobstbau, Lagerung Bioobst}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/6288/}, abstract = {The aim of the project is to find an alternative to hot water immersion. Preliminary research during several years with different oxidative substances and products (H2O2, per-acidic-acid, nitrite) and with Ozone did not reveal sufficient control. Among the variou apple storage diseases, Gloesporium sp. causes extraordinary difficulties with organic fruit compared with conventional fruit. This is due to the fact that organic fungicides sprayed against scab or powdery mildew have no effect on Gloeosporium spores. Thus, infection can cause very severe losses with up to 80-100 \% with sensitive cultivars such as Topaz or Pinova. Currently the Gloeosporium disease can be partly controlled by post-harvest by immersion of the apples in 50-52 Degree Celius hot water. Although this method is approved by the organic standards and reliably prevents the spreading of the disease its disadvantages are i) high equipment costs ii) high energy consumption iii) pre-harvest infestation is not controlled and becomes visible after immersion. The project aim is therefore to develop alternative post- and pre-harvest methods to control Gloeosporium storage disease in organic apple growing. Methods applied are - Pre-harvest treatment with organic fungicides on the varieties Pinova and Topaz. - Post-harvest dipping in cold water electrolyte solutions. Hot water dipping is the reference treatment. Results Since 2004 we have had significant control success with the use of clay powder for pre-harvest control and with dipping in cold water electrolyte-solutions for post-harvest treatments. Both control strategies, pre- and post-harvest have to be verified and optimized. Additionally, the technical equipment for fruit dipping in electrolyte solutions has to be developed for practical conditions.} } @misc{orgprints14211, title = {Organic viticulture and wine-making: development of environment and consumer friendly technologies for organic wine quality improvement and scientifically based legislative framework (EU-ORWINE). Involved in Workpackages 2-5. Lead of WP4: On-farm application and testing on innovative methods}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/14211/}, abstract = {Das Projekt EU-ORWINE befasst sich mit der Entwicklung umwelt- und verbraucherfreundlicher Herstellungsverfahren und rechtlicher Grundlagen. Der biologische Weinbau ist ein bedeutender Zweig der biologischen Landwirtschaft. Dennoch fehlen bislang in der EU Verordnung 2092/91, welche die rechtliche Grundlage des biologischen Landbaus darstellt, Richtlinien f{\"u}r die biologische Weinherstellung und f{\"u}r eine entsprechende Kennzeichnung von biologisch erzeugtem Wein. Dies f{\"u}hrte dazu, dass eine betr{\"a}chtliche Menge biologisch erzeugten Weines konventionell vermarktet werden muss. Dar{\"u}ber hinaus sind die in mehreren EU-L{\"a}ndern von biologischen Anbauverb{\"a}nden entwickelten privaten Standards zur Weinherstellung heterogen hinsichtlich erlaubter Zusatz- und Hilfsstoffe und deren H{\"o}chstmengen. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist es das Ziel des EU-Projektes ORWINE, rechtliche Rahmenbedingung f{\"u}r biologisch erzeugten Wein zu schaffen sowie Produktionsverfahren und Qualit{\"a}t biologischen Weines zu verbessern. Projeklaufzeit: 38 Monate (Kick-off Meeting Februar 2006, Udine) Projektziele: Identifizierung und Evaluierung derzeitiger Verfahren der biologischen Weinherstellung sowie deren Einfl{\"u}sse auf Umwelt und Weinqualit{\"a}t. Identifikation von Nachfragemotiven biologischen Weines und des Marktbedarfs zur Entwicklung bedarfsorientierter Kennzeichnung und Kommunikationsstrategien. Entwicklung innovativer und dem Konzept des Biologischen Landbaus entsprechender Weinherstellungsverfahren unter besonderer Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von Reduzierungsm{\"o}glichkeiten des Schwefeleinsatzes bei der Weinherstellung zur Verbesserung der Qualit{\"a}t von biologischem Wein. Pr{\"u}fung innovativer Weinherstellungsverfahren und deren Umsetzbarkeit auf Betrieben. Entwicklung eines Leitfadens f{\"u}r eine gute fachliche Praxis der biologischen Weinherstellung und von Empfehlungen f{\"u}r eine um Weinherstellungsrichtlinien erweiterte EU Verordnung unter Partizipation von Interessenvertretern. }, keywords = {Vine production, Bioweinbau, ORWINE, Umwelt, Sozio-{\"O}konomie, Konsumentenverhalten, Markt} } @misc{orgprints14258, title = {Pestizidfreie Apfelproduktion dank Systemdesign und Biocontrol (SustainableFruitSystem)}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/14258/}, abstract = {Im biologischen und integrierten Apfelanbau ist in den letzten 10 Jahren eine Intensivierung zu erkennen, sodass heute Produkte auf den Markt kommen, die mit dem einsatz von intensiven Pflanzenschutzesmassnhamen produziert weden. Parallel dazu ist eine gewisse Verw{\"a}sserung der urspr{\"u}nglichen Ideen des Biolandbaus und der Integrierten Produktion zu beobachten. Die Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten verlangen aber immer mehr nach zumindest r{\"u}ckstandsfreien oder besser pestizidfrei produzierten Produkten. Diesem Wunsch nach pestizidfrei produzierten {\"A}pfeln k{\"o}nnte nachgekommen werden, wenn alle systemstabilisierenden Massnahmen ideal kombiniert werden. Daraus resultiert ein Low-Input-Apfelanbau: ideale Standortwahl, resistente Apfelsorten, {\"o}kologische Elemente zur F{\"o}rderung von N{\"u}tzlingen und der additive Effekt von Biocontrolmethoden. Verschiedene Forschergruppen haben bereits zeigen k{\"o}nnen, dass systemstabilisierende Massnahmen grosse Vorteile bringen. In vielen Versuchen zeigte sich jedoch auch, dass die Sch{\"a}dlinge und Krankheiten nicht immer unter die Schadschwelle gedr{\"u}ckt werden k{\"o}nnen. Erg{\"a}nzende Massnahmen sind n{\"o}tig. Die biologische Regulierung (Biocontrol) w{\"u}rde sich in vielen F{\"a}llen anbieten: Blattlausr{\"a}uber gegen Blattl{\"a}use, Granuloseviren gegen Wicklerarten, Bacillus thuringiensis gegen Frostspanner, Bacillus subtilis gegen Feuerbrand, andere Bakterienarten gegen Schorf. Bis anhin wurde aber noch nie gepr{\"u}ft, ob die Systemstabilisierung in Kombination mit Biocontrol zu einer ausreichenden und zuverl{\"a}ssigen Unterdr{\"u}ckung der Schaderreger f{\"u}hrt. Ziel des Versuchs Ziel dieses Versuchs ist es, den zuk{\"u}nftigen Low-Input Apfelanbau ohne Pestizide mit den bestm{\"o}glichen systemstabilisierenden Massnahmen und in Kombination mit den modernen Biocontrolmethoden zu pr{\"u}fen und den Produzenten zu demonstrieren. Der Versuch soll zudem aufzeigen, wo die systemstabilisierenden Massnahmen und Biocontrolmethoden nicht ausreichen. Als Vergleich wird der aktuell g{\"a}ngige High-Input-Bio- und IP-Apfelanbau auf gleichzeitig gepflanzten Parzellen auf Betrieben in verschiedenen Regionen der Schweiz herangezogen. Konzeption des Versuches Ein Kernversuch von rund 1 ha (quadratisch, um Randeffekte zu vermeiden) ist im Winter 2006/07 am FiBL gepflanzt worden. Die Anlage wurde ganzfl{\"a}chig mit den nach neuestem Wissen ausgew{\"a}hlten Elementen der Systemstabilisierung versehen. Damit ist nur ein Systemvergleich und keine Einzelkomponentenanalyse (z.B. Hecken, Einsaaten, Baumstreifenbegr{\"u}nung) m{\"o}glich. In zwei Wiederholungen werden zwei Verfahren getestet (4 Bl{\"o}cke, Verfahren diagonal gegen{\"u}berliegend). Die zwei Verfahren sind: ?Systemstabilisierung? und ?Systemstabilisierung plus Biocontrol?. Als Biocontrolmethoden kommen alle f{\"u}r den Apfelanbau tauglichen Produkte in Frage: Granuloseviren gegen Apfelwickler, Bacillus thuringiensis gegen Raupensch{\"a}dlinge, Marienk{\"a}fer oder Ohrw{\"u}rmer gegen Blattl{\"a}use, Raubmilben gegen Spinmilben etc. Dabei werden die Biocontrolprodukte, wie in der aktuellen Diskussion um deren Zulassung in der EU, nicht als klassische Pestizide definiert. Dank der beiden Verfahren kann der additive Effekt der systemstabilisierenden Massnahmen und der Biocontrolmethoden quantitativ erhoben werden. Dies ist weltweit der erste Versuch dieser Art. Die Referenzparzellen liegen nicht innerhalb Modellanlage, weil sonst eine gegenseitige Beeinflussung nicht ausgeschlossen werden kann. F{\"u}r den quantitativen Vergleich der im Versuch erhobenen obstbaulichen und {\"o}kologischen Daten werden Erhebungen in m{\"o}glichst benachbarten Praxisobstparzellen erhoben.}, keywords = {Pestizidfrei, Apfelproduktion, Low-Input-Apfelanbau, Sustainable fruit system, pesticide-free apple production, SFS, Bioobstbau, Weinbau, Gartenbau} } @misc{orgprints6208, title = {Produktionsaufbau und Qualit{\"a}tssicherung f{\"u}r Bio-Jungb{\"a}ume und Bio-Jungreben}, abstract = {Currently no reliable modern growing methods for high quality plantlets are available for organic fruit tree and grapevine nurseries, suitable for Swiss conditions. Such methods need to be developed. Since 2005 organic fruit and wine producers have to use plantlets from organic nurseries. Currently, prices for these plants are higher and their external quality is lower than that of conventional plants. Therefore organic growers and nurseries have expressed their urgent demand for improved production techniques to reach an ?as-conventional? quality of the organic plantlets. As part of the project on-farm research trials are carried out on: i) different fertilization concepts; ii) substitution of ramification-hormones (manual methods or natural substances); iii) use of mycorrhiza; specific soil bacteria; iv) optimization and innovation of plant protection; methods to improve weed control; and between-row management (cover plants); v) tests on rootstock production; vi) elaboration of quality criteria for organic tree and grapevine plantlets Regular consultation and follow-op of organic tree nurseries are carried out. Results -Fertilization with high levels of nitrogen in the spring did not result in the best quality trees. -Firsts results with soil bacteria products show that it might be possible to work with less nitrogen fertilization. -Use of foliar fertilizers did not improve tree quality. - So far, the best substitute of ramification hormones is the mechanical method (Pleuzen). - Soil management control between rows: Covering the soil with organic material (China straw) or with plastic foil (Mypex) and sowing with annual legumes or Phacelia represent practical possibilities. }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/6208/}, keywords = {Organic, fruit tree, grapevine, nursery, nutrition, fertilization, quality, plantlets, soil, weed management, plant protection, ramification, branching, Bioweinbau, Bioobstbau, Biorebschulen} } @misc{orgprints6291, title = {Sortenpr{\"u}fung Kernobst f{\"u}r den biologischen Anbau}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/6291/}, abstract = {State of the Art: World-wide there is very little cultivar testing of pipfruit under the conditions of organic farming. No rare there appropriate breeding programs on-going. Thus, knowledge is very scare. Definition of the problem: Pipfruit as apple and pears are difficult to produce organically. A key disease is scab (Venturia sp.); but also susceptibility to leaf spot disease, monilia, sooty blotch disease, aphids, insects, biennial bearing, cracking etc. are major problems to overcome with organically approved methods and products. Additionally, also organic pipfruit have to achieve the high and significantly increased expectations in terms of outer and inner quality. Project aims: To find apple and pear cultivars suited for organic production. Methodology: Precision trials are planted at FiBL in Frick (20 cultivars per series in an in-out-system; trees are planted in two blocks: ?very extensive? with 3 x 2 trees and ?with usual care? 2 x 5 trees. Tree-wise we measure yield, tree vigour, disease and aphid damage, standard fruit quality, storage ability. Each year we organize several sensorial blind tests with larger consumer groups. Some advanced cultivars are also under On-Farm observation at 5 sites in organic orchards of all important growing regions of Switzerland. Trials with pears have started in 2005 only (10 cultivars and selections, planted at FiBL and Aubonne, each with two blocks of 5 trees per cultivar). Results, conclusion, state of the art: Regularly we publish a list of recommended apple cultivars suited for organic production and professional retail. New concepts for marketing and variety introduction could be derived from these activities (e.g. the ?Taste-Group Concept?; or the ?Variety Team? concept). Thus, the project had and still has a clear and very direct influence on production and marketing of the organic apple branch in Switzerland. Pear trials were started in 2005. }, keywords = {Organic, fruit, cultivar variety, pipfruit, testing, apple, pear, apricot, Bioobstbau, Biopr{\"u}fung Kernobstsorten} } @misc{orgprints6209, title = {Sortenpr{\"u}fung pilzwiderstandsf{\"a}higer (PIWI) Rebsorten}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/6209/}, abstract = {Today only few commercial vine grape cultivars are commercially cultivated. Their potential is still behind the standard but highly susceptible varieties. Organic viticulture in a humid climate like in Switzerland is difficult to achieve, mainly due to the high disease pressure of Plasmopora viticola and Unicula Necator. Beside improved natural plant protection spray strategies and products, we put emphasis on disease resistant cultivars to overcome the problem. Project aims - To find grape vine cultivars showing at the same time high wine quality and disease resistance. Methodology - At Frick, under 100 \% organic conditions we carry out a ?Top-Ten-Trial? with the 10 most promising cultivars in 4 replicates at 50 vine plants each. Thus, there is enough must available to carry out a proper vinification. In addition to this, we are involved in the evaluation of selections growing in field trials at the Federal Reseach Stations of Agroscope at W{\"a}denswil and Pully. Results, conclusion, state of the art: - From different newer breeding sources in central Europe (Freiburg, Pully, Soyh{\`e}re etc.), there is increasingly very interesting material available. Involved organisations, project partners: Agroscope FAW, W{\"a}denswil; Agroscope RAC, Changins; Arbeitsgruppe PIWI, Pully(CH) }, keywords = {Pilzwiderstandsf{\"a}hige Sorten, Biorebbau, Mehltauanf{\"a}lligkeit, Wein, Bioweinbau, Biopr{\"u}fung Rebsorten, Organic, viticulture, vine, resistance, powdery mildew} } @misc{orgprints6290, title = {Sortenpr{\"u}fung Steinobst f{\"u}r den biologischen Anbau}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/6290/}, abstract = {State of the Art: World-wide there is very little cultivar testing of stone fruit under organic conditions. Neither are there appropriate breading programs on-going. Thus, knowledge is very scare. Stone fruit as cherries, plums and apricots are very difficult to produce organically. A key disease is Monilia sp. Further problems to overcome are susceptibility to leaf spot disease, aphids, insects, cracking etc. Additionally organic stone fruit, too, has to achieve the high and significantly changed market expectations (bigger and crisper fruit). The project aim is to find cherry (sweet and sour) and plum cultivars suited for organic production. Methodology: Precision trials are planted at Stone-Fruit Center Breitenhof of Agroscope W{\"a}denswil at CH-Wintersingen. 15 cultivars of sweet cherry, 8 of sour cherry and 12 plum cultivars; 4 replicates. Some advanced cherry and plum cultivars are also under On-Farm observation. Apricots are evaluated only under On-Farm conditions in commercial organic orchards in canton Vallais. Results \& conclusion: Only few of 15 sweet cherry cultivars (new selections and old traditional varieties) show a potential for organic production (Julka and FAW 1075). Confirmation and On-Farm trials are going to be installed.}, keywords = {Organic, fruit, cultivar variety, stone fruit, testing, cherry, plum, apricot, Bioobstbau, Biopr{\"u}fung Steinobstsorten} } @misc{orgprints6210, title = {Steigerung der Ertragssicherheit im biologischen Steinobstbau}, keywords = {Biokirschenanbau, Monilia, Kirschenfliege, Sorten, Betriebswirtschaft, Vermarktung, Bioobstbau}, abstract = {Pflanzenschutzprobleme und eine zu geringe Ertragssicherheit bewirken, dass die Bioproduzenten bislang kaum in den Steinobstbau investiert haben. Das zu geringe und von Jahr zu Jahr schwankende Fr{\"u}chteangebot verhindert, dass M{\"a}rkte, vor allem Grossverteiler, aufgebaut werden k{\"o}nnen. Projektziele - Verbesserungen in der Krankheits- und Sch{\"a}dlingsregulierung; - Sorteneignung f{\"u}r den Bioanbau; - Optimierung der Bodenpflege (Kontrolle der Unkrautkonkurrenz) und Baumern{\"a}hrung; - Betriebswirtschaftliche Erhebungen zur beratungsrelevanten Dokumentation von Aufwand und Ertrag sowie f{\"u}r Vergleichsm{\"o}glichkeiten mit integriert bewirtschafteten Anlagen; - Optimierung bzw. Aufbau professioneller Vermarktungsstrukturen. Methoden - Aufbau von Pilotbetrieben mit vorbildlichen Anlagen; - Pflanzenschutzversuche mit neuen Mitteln und Verfahren, Sortenpr{\"u}fungen; - Erfassung der {\"o}konomischen Erfolgsgr{\"o}ssen auf den Pilotbetrieben; - Gruppenberatungen, Betriebsbesichtigungen, Fachtagungen und Merkbl{\"a}tter zur Vermittlung der neusten Erkenntnisse und Animation f{\"u}r eine Investition in den modernen Biosteinobstanbau; Ergebnisse, Zusammenfassung, Stand der Dinge - Neue, sicherere Pflanzenschutzmittel und ?verfahren wurden gefunden; - Erste Anlagen mit ausreichender Ertragssicherheit sind vorhanden; - Produktionsausdehnung auf ein paar Betrieben im Gange oder in Planung; - Vermarktungsstrukturen konnten optimiert werden. Beteiligte Organisationen Landwirtschaftsamt Kanton Baselland; Bioberatung Kanton Aargau Literature: H{\"a}seli, Andreas und Weibel, Franco (2004) Krankheitsregulierung im biologischen Kirschenanbau mit neuen Produkten und einer fr{\"u}hzeitigen, vor der Bl{\"u}te installierten {\"U}berdachung [Disease control in organic cherry production with new products and early plas-tic cover of the trees]. Beitrag pr{\"a}sentiert bei der Konferenz: 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing, Germany. D-Weinsberg, 03.-05.02.2004; Ver{\"o}ffentlicht in 11th Conference on Cultivation Technique und Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit Growing. Proceedings to the Conference February 3rd to 5th 2004 at Weinsberg / Germany. D-Weinsberg., Seite(n) pp. 122-130. F{\"o}rdergemeinschaft {\"O}kologischer Obstbau e.V.. H{\"a}seli, Andreas (2004) Vierj{\"a}hrige Versuchserfahrungen zur Regulierung des Zwetschgenrostes [Four years of experience with the control of plum rust in organic production]. Beitrag pr{\"a}sentiert bei der Konferenz: 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing, Germany. D-Weinsberg, 03.-05.02.2004; Ver{\"o}ffentlicht in 11th Conference on Cultivation Technique und Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit Growing. Proceedings to the Conference February 3rd to 5th 2004 at Weinsberg / Germany., Seite(n) pp. 115-121. F{\"o}rdergemeinschaft {\"O}kologischer Obstbau e.V.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/6210/} } @misc{orgprints6205, title = {Torffreier Heidelbeeranbau}, keywords = {Organic blueberry production, peat substitute, Bioobstbau, Biobeeren-Heidelbeeren}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/6205/}, abstract = {Blueberries need acid soils for optimal development and production. Swiss soils are prevalently alkaline, and therefore it is necessary to modify the natural conditions. Traditionally this was done by adding peat. In order to preserve fragile environments, such as peat bogs, the use of peat in organic fiels production is forbidden. Project aims - Evaluate sawdust as a substrate for organic blueberry production in three different cultivation systems and with two different acidification products. Results - It is possible top use sawdust as a substrate for blueberry production in regions with alkaline soils; - The traditional system of digging a fosse and filling it with the substrate (cost intensive) can be replaced with a little fosse, done with a plough and filled with substrate (less cost intensive cost; - Acidification with citric acid does not have good results compared to sulphur applications. } } @misc{orgprints6410, title = {Wirkung biologisch-dynamischer Pr{\"a}parate in Rebbergen}, keywords = {Vine production, bio-dynamic, On-Farm, soil, disease, preparations 500, 501, Bioweinbau, Bio-dyn. Pr{\"a}parate}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/6410/}, abstract = {State of the Art: The majority of vine bio-dynamic growers report positive experiences in terms of plant production but also wine quality. However, quantitative and scientifically proved data are not available. However there is a high interest of the wine growers for appoved data on the efficiency of the bio-dynamic preparations. As in other countries bio-dynamic viticulture is rapidly growing in Switzerland. However, there is very little scientific evidence for the efficiency of the preparations. Thus, science-based recommendations for its use or optimisation cannot be given. Project aims including target group: To show the quantitative effects of bio-dynamic preparations on parameters of plant growth, disease tolerance, soil properties and finally also on vine quality. An additional goal of the project is the management improvement of the bio-dynamic growers participating in the trials. The results may show possibilities to optimize the standard and the specific bio-dynamic management measures of the growers. Methodology: In 2003 the project team that includes 4 bio-dynamic growers installed an On-Farm trial on 4 different sites of bio-dynamic vine farms. At each site 4 different treatment blocks are separated: a) with preparation 500 and with prep. 501; b) with 500 alone; c) with 501 alone; d) no preparations. Several times of the year plant growth and health is assessed. Vine quality is assessed by separated microvinifcation per treatment and site. The management of the 4 vineyards is harmonized. Results, conclusion, state of the art: First results do not show differences in disease incidence. There was a tendency found for more chlorophyll in leaves where prep. 501 is applied. At two sites there was a tendency for improvement of the quality of soil aggregates where 500 is applied.} } @misc{orgprints2880, author = {Lukas Bertschinger and Christian Gysi and Andreas H{\"a}seli and Reto Neuweiler and Werner Pfammatter and Jean-Pierre Ryser and Andi Schmid and Franco Weibel}, year = {2003}, title = {Grundlagen f{\"u}r die D{\"u}ngung der Obstkulturen - Kernobst, Steinobst, Kiwi, Strauchbeeren}, abstract = {Die Anbausysteme im modernen Erwerbsobstbau haben sich ver{\"a}ndert in den letzten Jahren. Das ist der Hauptgrund f{\"u}r eine komplett {\"u}berarbeitete Neuausgabe der bisherigen Richtlinien (Heller et al. 1993; Commission romande de fumure, sous-commission arboricole 1993; Ryser et al. 1995). Der Wandel von Sorten, Veredlungsunterlagen, Anbauformen und Pflanzsystemen beeinflusst die Gesamtmenge an N{\"a}hrstoffen, welche eine moderne Obstanlage braucht, die Aufteilung der N{\"a}hrstoffe auf die verschiedenen Organe der Pflanze und auch die N{\"a}hrstoffmenge, welche mit dem Ernteprodukt die Obstanlage verl{\"a}sst. Damit stellt sich die Frage, wie moderne Anlagen bedarfsgerecht ern{\"a}hrt werden k{\"o}nnen. Die Anbausysteme sind dynamischer geworden, d.h. sie wandeln sich rascher als fr{\"u}her durch die dauernde Anpassung der Erwerbsanbaupraxis an aktuelle Marktbed{\"u}rfnisse, technischen Fortschritt und Standortverh{\"a}ltnisse. Ziel moderner Obstproduzentinnen und -produzenten ist die Erzeugung eines Optimums an Fruchtqualit{\"a}t auf hohem Ertragsniveau unter Vermeidung der Alternanz. Die Baumern{\"a}hrung moderner Obstanlagen muss flexibel an die gegebenen Standortverh{\"a}ltnisse und Anbauziele angepasst sein. Die Gesellschaft verlangt zudem, dass mit den Ressourcen im Anbausystem schonend umgegangen wird.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2880/}, keywords = {Anbautechnik Mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Beratung} } @misc{orgprints17811, author = {Esther Bravin and Daniel Mencarelli Hofmann and Katharina Kockerols and Franco Weibel}, pages = {219--226}, editor = {R.K. Prange and S.D. Bishop}, volume = {873}, year = {2010}, publisher = {ISHS}, journal = {Acta Hort.}, title = {Economics Evaluation of Apple Production Systems}, abstract = {With economic indicators from the full cost account and the cash flow statement it is possible to identify the return-risk profile for the organic and the integrated apple production in Switzerland. The full cost account and the cash-flow time line are composed with the managerial-economical software-tool Arbokost. Due to higher (more than 100\%) prices in the organic production, growing organic satisfies more return-oriented producers than growing certified integrated. However, the higher return in the organic production is bound to a higher risk. With the certified integrated production (IFP), return and risk are lower. ?Arbokost? is an economic farm management software tool for fruit growers. Per orchard it reflects a full cost account, the cash flows collected during 15 years, the earned income for each year and other different key data which are important for certified integrated and organic apple production in Switzerland. Also, the cost differences between Swiss organic and certified integrated apple production can be calculated.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/17811/}, keywords = {full cost account, cash flow, organic, apple production, return-risk profile, comparison organic conventional, integrated production system,sustainability assessment, Anbautechnik Pflanzenbau, Bioobstbau} } @misc{orgprints6415, year = {2005}, series = {Bulletin 35}, number = {2}, publisher = {2005 OEPP/EPPO, Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin}, journal = {Bulletin OEPP/EPPO Bulletin}, title = {Regulatory measures against Erwinia amylovora in Switzerland}, pages = {239--244}, author = {B. Duffy and H.-J. Sch{\"a}rer and M. B{\"u}nter and A. Klay and E. Holliger}, volume = {35}, keywords = {Fireblight, Control measures, Prevention, Eradication, Legal directives, Pflanzenschutzmittel, Bioobstbau, Pflanzenschutzstrategien und Epidemiologie}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/6415/}, abstract = {Switzerland joined the list of fireblight-affected European countries in 1989. Vigorous and systematic steps were taken to limit the impact of the disease on fruit production and amenity plants. These efforts are codified in a Swiss law detailing prevention, eradication, control measures and issues of compensation. As with many Swiss legal directives, there is a defined coordination of federal and cantonal responsibilities and, in the case of fireblight, there is also an emphasis at all levels on personal responsibility of owners of susceptible objects (e.g. nurseries, orchards, host plants). Extension activities have been a key component in achieving compliance with disease management regulations and in obtained public support for control efforts. Agroscope FAW W{\"a}denswil has taken a leading role in this respect through its website} } @misc{orgprints18087, title = {Anbauempfehlungen Biokernobst}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau (FiBL)}, journal = {Sortenliste}, address = {CH-Frick}, year = {2014}, author = { Fachkommission Obstbau Bio Suisse and Andi Haseli and Franco Weibel}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/18087/}, abstract = {Die Anbauempfehlungen sind eine Orientierungshilfe bei der Sortimentsplanung f{\"u}r die Schweizer Bioobstproduzenten, die an den Grosshandel liefern. Im Anschluss an die Empfehlungen sind die Baumschulen mit einem Angebot an Biojungb{\"a}umen gelistet und die Pflanzgutregelung f{\"u}r den Bioobstbau aufgef{\"u}hrt. }, keywords = {Anbautechnik Pflanzenabu, Bioobstbau, Biokernobst, Anbauempfehlungen, Pflanzgutregelung, Obstsorten } } @misc{orgprints17947, volume = {38}, pages = {826--835}, author = {Georgios Fragoulis and Marco Trevisan and Andrea di Guardo and Andrea Scorce and Markus van der Meer and Franco Weibel and Ettore Capri}, doi = {doi: 10.2134/jeq2008.0182}, year = {2009}, address = {Madison}, number = {2}, publisher = {ASA, CSSA, SSSA}, journal = {Journal of Environmental Quality }, title = {Development of a Management Tool to Indicate the Environmental Impact of Organic Viticulture}, keywords = {tool, environmental impact, organic viticulture, indicator, EU, Anbautechnik Pflanzenbau, Bioweinbau, EIOVI, Nachhaltigkeitsanalyse, sustainability assessment}, abstract = {Organic viticulture is an important part of the European Union organic farming sector, and, according to the most recent surveys, 1.5\% of European Union wine originates from organic farms, with an upward trend. This paper describes an environmental impact of an organic viticulture indicator (EIOVI) that can be reliably used in the management of organic vineyards. The EIOVI can be used as a decision support system for farmers and other property managers by evaluating the potential ecological impact of their choices, thus optimizing management options. The tool allows the simulation of vineyard management based on six agricultural and ecological modules. The EIOVI is a fuzzy expert system that calculates the relationship between the modules on the basis of a set of 64 decision rules. Initial testing (validation) has been performed using 20 simulations for six Swiss wine-growing estates. The results of these tests were promising; the EIOVI motivates managers to consider the wine-growing estate as a whole by subsummarizing all aspects of management. The visualization of results is very tangible and clearly shows that the use of this indicator could improve the management of the vineyard. With some improvements, the EIOVI will be a helpful assessment tool for vine growers, consultants, environmental agencies, and scientists.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/17947/} } @misc{orgprints2655, author = {Jacques Fuchs and Lucius Tamm}, pages = {22--23}, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, year = {2003}, journal = {Tagungsband. FiBL Obstbautagung. Beitr{\"a}ge zur FiBL Obstbautagung 29.01.2003 in Frick}, title = {FiBL-Forschung zur Bek{\"a}mpfung der Apfelkrankheiten Schorf und Regenflecken}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau, Frick}, keywords = {Beratung, Mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Apfelanbau, Pflanzenschutzempfehlungen}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2655/}, abstract = {1. Bek{\"a}mpfung des Apfelschorfes Dank Optimierung der Bek{\"a}mpfungsstrategie und der Anwendung von Alternativprodukten (u.a. Tonerdepr{\"a}parate) sowie dem Anbau resistenter Apfelsorten wurden in den letzten Jahren klare Verbesserungen bei der Bek{\"a}mpfung des Apfelschorfes in Bioanlagen erzielt. Bei gr{\"o}sserem Krankheitsdruck ist jedoch der Schutz bei den nicht resistenten Marktsorten immer noch unbefriedigend. Mit dieser Problematik befasst sich das FiBL weiterhin mit folgenden Forschungsrichtungen. 2. Regenfleckenkrankheit Die FiBL-Versuche der letzten Jahre haben gezeigt, dass mit Cocana RF ein guter Schutz der {\"A}pfel gegen die Regenfleckenkrankheit m{\"o}glich ist. Dabei spielt die Applikationstechnik eine entscheidende Rolle. Es ist offensichtlich, dass Verbesserungen bei der Kontrolle dieser Krankheit noch m{\"o}glich sind, was besonders f{\"u}r regenreiche Jahre und schwierige Lagen entscheidend ist. Um dies zu realisieren arbeitet das FiBL auf drei Ebenen.} } @misc{orgprints18088, title = {Recommandations de plantation pour fruits {\`a} p{\'e}pins bio }, publisher = {Institut de recherche de l'agriculture biologique (FiBL)}, journal = {Sortenliste}, pages = {1--8}, author = {Andi Haseli and Franco Weibel}, year = {2010}, address = {CH-Frick}, abstract = {Les listes vari{\'e}tales constituent un guide destin{\'e} {\`a} aider dans le choix de leur assortiment les producteurs suisses de fruits bio qui fournissent les grossistes. En annexe, sont indiqu{\'e}es les p{\'e}pini{\`e}res qui proposent de jeunes arbres bio et la r{\'e}glementation pour la culture d'arbres fruitiers biologiques. }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/18088/}, keywords = {fruits {\`a} p{\'e}pins bio, vari{\'e}t{\'e}s, r{\'e}glementation, Anbautechnik Pflanzenbau, Bioobstbau, Kernobst, Biopr{\"u}fung Kernobstsorten } } @misc{orgprints14782, author = {Andi H{\"a}seli and Franco Weibel and Jean-Luc Tschabold and Francisco Suter and Claudia Daniel}, pages = {11--16}, year = {2006}, title = {Evolution de la production et du march{\'e} : fruits traditionnels et vari{\'e}t{\'e}s nouvelles issus de la culture biologique}, journal = {Forum Arbo Bio Romandie 2006}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Biopr{\"u}fung Kernobstsorten}, abstract = {La culture biologique de fruits {\`a} p{\'e}pins s?est fortement d{\'e}velopp{\'e}e au cours de ces derni{\`e}res ann{\'e}es : les superficies actuellement plant{\'e}es permettent d?obtenir des r{\'e}coltes plus ou moins {\`a} la hauteur de la demande du march{\'e}. Moyennant quelques efforts, il devrait {\^e}tre possible d?augmenter encore cette production, {\`a} tous les niveaux, mais {\`a} un rythme ralenti.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/14782/} } @book{orgprints9374, year = {2005}, address = {CH-Frick}, author = {Andreas H{\"a}seli and Gerhard Vonesch and Josef M{\"u}ller}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau}, title = {Rebenveredelung}, series = {FiBL-Merkblatt}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioweinbau, Rebenveredelung, Veredelungstechniken}, abstract = {Das Merkblatt Rebenveredelung ist eine Anleitung f{\"u}r den Praktiker und die Praktikerin. Es beschreibt ausf{\"u}hrlich und bebildert, in welchen F{\"a}llen eine Rebenveredelung sinnvoll ist, welche Veredelungstechniken es gibt, wie die Edelreiser geschnitten und aufbewahrt werden, wie die Rebst{\"o}cke vorzubereiten sind, wie die Veredelung vorgenommen wird und auf was nach der Veredelung geachtet werden muss. }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/9374/} } @misc{orgprints8577, year = {2005}, publisher = {Stiftung {\"O}kologie und Landbau}, journal = {{\"O}kologie \& Landbau}, title = {{\"U}berdachungen helfen erfolgreich gegen Pilzkrankheiten}, number = {3}, author = {Andreas H{\"a}seli and Franco Weibel and Lucius Tamm}, pages = {39--40}, volume = {135}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/8577/}, abstract = {Auch im Anbau von Bio-Tafelkirschen ist ein deutlicher Trend zum Anbau von gro{\ss}fruchtigen Sorten in Niederstammanlagen erkennbar. Leider sind die meisten dieser Sorten anf{\"a}llig gegen Krankheiten wie Monilia. {\"U}berdachungen aus Plastikplanen k{\"o}nnen den Befall deutlich reduzieren.}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Biokirschenanbau, Pilzkrankheiten, Monilia, Fungizide} } @inproceedings{orgprints2678, author = {Andreas H{\"a}seli and Daniel Zingg}, pages = {22--27}, year = {2004}, publisher = {F{\"o}rdergemeinschaft {\"O}kologischer Obstbau e.V}, title = {Wirkung des Quassiapr{\"a}parates "Quassan" gegen die S{\"a}gewespe}, keywords = {Sawfly, Hoplocampa testudinea, Quassia, Bioobstbau, Beratung}, abstract = {Since reduction in effectivity of the bitter wood preparation Quassan in the years 1999 and 2000, the quality of the product had to be criticised. Quality control has since been improved, in so far as each batch is now tested in a biotest on aphids before dispatch. Parallel to its normal use in the field, the effect of Quassan was also field tested in 2001 against apple sawflies. Quassan was tested in different concentrations per hectare and the effect compared with an untreated control as well as with plots treated with a self-cooked Quassiawood extract. All the methods showed an efficacy of 80\% or more as compared with the control. Differences due to concentration per hectare used were only minimal.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2678/} } @book{orgprints38915, series = {FiBL-Merkblatt}, title = {Pflanzenschutz im Biosteinobstanbau}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau (FiBL)}, author = {Andi Haseli and Patrick Stefani}, address = {CH-Frick}, year = {2020}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Anbautechnik Pflanzenbau, Bioobstbau, Entomologie, Entomologie Obstbau, Abacus, FiBL5533103}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/38915/}, abstract = {Dieses Merkblatt vermittelt die wesentlichsten Informationen f{\"u}r die erfolgreiche biologische Regulierung von Krankheiten und Sch{\"a}dlingen im Anbau von Kirschen, Zwetschgen, Aprikosen und Pfirsichen in der Schweiz. Es erl{\"a}utert im Detail die Regulierungsm{\"o}glichkeiten gegen die wichtigsten Erreger, zeigt auf, wann welche Massnahmen im Kulturjahr f{\"a}llig sind, und gibt einen {\"U}berblick {\"u}ber die verf{\"u}gbaren Mittel und Methoden.} } @misc{orgprints25450, year = {2012}, address = {CH-Frick}, author = {Andreas H{\"a}seli and Claudia Daniel}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau}, title = {Felderhebungsbl{\"a}tter Bioobstbau}, keywords = {Bioobstbau, Felderhebungsbl{\"a}tter, Pflanzenschutz, Entomologie, Bestimmungsf{\"u}hrer, Pheromonfallen, Leimfallen}, abstract = {Die Felderhebungsbl{\"a}tter Bioobstbau enthalten eine Anleitung zur visuellen Kontrolle, vier Bestimmungsf{\"u}hrer mit Abbildungen und zugeh{\"o}rigen Formularen zu vier Kulturstadien sowie Formulare f{\"u}r die Fallenkontrolle und die Pflanzenschutzaufzeichnungen.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/25450/} } @book{orgprints2874, author = {Andreas H{\"a}seli and Franco Weibel and Hans Brunner and Werner M{\"u}ller and Andreas Kranzler and Andreas Spornberger and Georg Schramayr and Karl Waltl}, address = {CH-Frick}, year = {2003}, series = {FiBL-Merkblatt}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau (FiBL)}, title = {Biologischer Obstbau auf Hochst{\"a}mmen}, keywords = {Anbautechnik Mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Beratung}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2874/}, abstract = {Das Merkblatt vermittelt Praktikerinnen und Praktikern alle Informationen, die sie f{\"u}r eine erfolgreiche, {\"o}kologisch und wirtschaftlich abgestimmte Produktion von biologischem Verarbeitungs- und Tafelobst auf Hochst{\"a}mmen brauchen.} } @unpublished{orgprints18207, title = {Biowein in Europa: Trends und Entwicklungen am Weinmarkt}, publisher = {FiBL, ECO-Consult}, author = {Uwe Hofmann and Helga Willer}, address = {CH-Frick, D-Geisenheim }, year = {2010}, abstract = {? Die Biorebfl{\"a}che hat in den letzten Jahren stark zugenommen; 2007/2008 um 21 \%. ? Starke Zuw{\"a}chse erfolgten 2008 in Spanien, (13?000 ha), Frankreich (5?800 ha) und Italien (3?800 ha) ? Zwischen 2004 und 2008 hat die Biorebfl{\"a}che um 68 Prozent zugenommen, und damit mehr als die Biofl{\"a}che insgesamt. ? In vielen L{\"a}ndern nimmt die die Biorebfl{\"a}che mehr als 1 Prozent der Rebfl{\"a}che insgesamt ein; in Griechenland, Oestereich und Italien sind es um 5 Prozent oder mehr. ? Eine Zunahme des Weinangebots ist in den n{\"a}chsten Jahren unter anderem aus Italien, Frankreich und Griechenland zu erwarten (f{\"u}r Spanien liegen keine Angaben zu den Umstellungsfl{\"a}chen vor).}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/18207/}, keywords = {{\"o}kologischer Weinbau, Entwicklung, Konsumentennachfrage, alternative Bewirtschaftung, Bioweinbau} } @misc{orgprints14786, year = {2006}, pages = {31}, author = {Granado Jos{\'e}}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick}, title = {Examens microbiologiques de qualit{\'e} sur une pomme bio}, journal = {Tagungsband Forum Arbo Bio Romandie 2006}, keywords = {Lebensmittelqualit{\"a}t, Qualit{\"a}t Bioprodukte, Mikrobiologie, Bioobstbau, {\"A}pfel, }, abstract = {Les premiers r{\'e}sultats confirment l?hypoth{\`e}se qu?entre les pommes bio et PI, des diff{\'e}rences conditionn{\'e}es par le mode de production existent, tant en ce qui concerne le nombre que la fr{\'e}quence des moisissures et des levures ; ces diff{\'e}rences pourraient s?av{\'e}rer importantes du point de vue nutritionnel et qualitatif. Ainsi, les pommes biologiques ont pr{\'e}sent{\'e} un plus grand nombre d?endophytes, dont en majeure partie des moisissures. C?est l{\`a} un fait important dans la mesure o{\`u} les consommateurs mangent les pommes avec leur peau et que ces fruits sont stock{\'e}s au frais pendant plusieurs mois. Afin d?en savoir davantage sur les microorganismes trouv{\'e}s sur la pomme, un protocole PCR a {\'e}t{\'e} {\'e}tabli sur la base de la r{\'e}gion ITS de l?ADN, afin d?identifier les moisissures et les levures. Cette m{\'e}thode permet de d{\'e}tecter les microorganismes qui sont capables de se d{\'e}velopper sur la pomme, mais qui ne sont pas cultivables, et qui, de ce fait, passeraient inaper{\c c}us avec les seules techniques microbiologiques (env 90\% des microorganismes!)}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/14786/} } @inproceedings{orgprints9107, author = {D. L{\'e}vite and M. Adrian and L. Tamm}, pages = {256--257}, editor = {Helga Willer and Urs Meier}, series = {S{\"O}L Sonderausgabe 77}, journal = {Proceedings 6th International Congress on Organic Viticulture}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau (FiBL) und Stiftung {\"O}kologie und Landbau}, title = {Preliminary Results on Contents of Resveratrol in Wine of Organic and Conventional Vineyards}, year = {2000}, abstract = {Phytoalexins are compounds synthesised by plants in response to various stresses. In grapevines, these compounds belong to the stilbene family. Several studies have shown that resveratrol is usually triggered by infection of berries by Botrytis cinerea. In organic viticulture, grapevines are usually more stressed by attempted or successful infections of various pathogens than in conventionally grown grapevines. Furthermore, crop protection agents such as acidified clays or copper may trigger defence reactions of the plants. The aim of this study was to verify if differences between organically and conventionally produced wines exist. The preliminary results will be used as a starting point for further research of quality aspects of organic grape-vine production.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/9107/}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioweinbau, phytoalexine, stilbene, Bioweinbau} } @inproceedings{orgprints2856, author = {Dominique L{\'e}vite}, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, year = {2004}, journal = {Tagungsband zur Bioweinbautagung 2004 in Olten}, title = {Wirkung verschiedener Bodenbearbeitungssysteme in einem biologischen Weinberg des Zentralwallis}, abstract = {Schlussfolgerungen Der Versuch, der in einem Weinberg bei Siders angelegt wurde, zeigte in Abh{\"a}ngigkeit von der Bodenbearbeitung kleine Unterschiede bei der Mineralstoff-Ern{\"a}hrung und besonders beim Stickstoff. Das {\"a}usserst trockene Klima w{\"a}hrend der Vegetationsperiode 2003 hat wahrscheinlich Mineralstoffe im Boden blockiert, die normalerweise st{\"a}rkere Interaktionen auf die Pflanze aus{\"u}ben. Die tensiometrische TDR-Sonde hat sehr wenig reagiert, das Bodenvolumen, das in den 20 ersten Bodenzentimetern gemessen wurde, hat sehr starke Wasserverdunstungen erlitten. Die getrennte Weinbereitung zeigt bereits Unterschiede, was best{\"a}tigt, dass die Rebe relativ schnell auf das jeweilige Bodenbearbeitungssystem reagiert.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2856/}, keywords = {Anbautechnik Mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioweinbau} } @unpublished{orgprints4863, year = {2003}, author = {D.J. Rogers and J.T.S. Walker and I.C. Moen and F. Weibel and P.L. Lo and L.M. Cole}, title = {Understory influence on leafroller pupunations in Hawke's bay organic apple orchard}, journal = {Proceedings of 56th Conference of The New Zealand Plant Protection Society Incorporated (2003)}, keywords = {leafroller, Tortricidae, parasitism, understorey, apple, Bioobstbau}, abstract = {Leafrollers (Tortricidae) were collected from apple foliage and understorey vegetation in six commercial organic apple orchards in Hawke?s Bay over one season. Assessments were made of plant species present in the understorey at the time of collection. All leafroller larvae were reared to adults on artificial diet to identify leafroller species and parasitoids. Nearly half (47\%) of all leafrollers collected in these orchards were located in the understorey, highlighting the importance of understorey and its management for the control of leafroller. Dock, clover and dandeliontype plants contributed 25\% to the overall understorey, yet hosted 75\% of the leafrollers collected from the understorey. Dolichogenidea sp. was the most abundant parasitoid (79\%) attacking leafrollers found amongst the apple foliage, whereas Glyptapanteles demeter was dominant in the understorey (61\%). Generally the number of leafrollers in an orchard was proportional to the abundance of broadleaf weeds and inversely proportional to parasitis.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/4863/} } @misc{orgprints3001, editor = {K. Korotkov}, year = {2004}, author = {Aleksander Sadikov and Igor Kononenko and Franco Weibel}, title = {Analyzing Coronas of Fruits and Leaves}, journal = {Measuring Energy Fields: State of the Science}, publisher = {Backbone Publishing}, keywords = {Bioobstbau, Innere Qualit{\"a}t, comparison organic and conventional fruit, food quality}, abstract = {We implemented a system GDV Assistant (Gas Discharge Visualisation Technique) for parameterization and visualization of coronas of humans and plants. Besides standard parameters, developed by the team of Prof. Korotkov, the program includes some additional numerical parameters. In last few years in several studies we recorded coronas of apple tree leaves and fruits in order to verify and compare their vitality under different conditions. We used GDV Assistant for preprocessing and for numerical parameterization of coronas and we used various machine learning algorithms for analyzing the databases of parameterized corona pictures. The results of our studies show that coronas of leaves and fruits give useful information about the stress status of plants and about the variety. However, we were not able to differentiate between organically and conventionally grown fruit, which were similar in their standard quality parameters such as fruit flesh firmness and sugar content.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/3001/} } @unpublished{orgprints2170, title = {Sensorische Untersuchung von Apfelsaft aus Behandlungsversuchen mit Biofa Cocana RF }, author = {Hans-Jakob Sch{\"a}rer and Thomas Amsler and Jacques Fuchs and Franco Weibel}, year = {2004}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2170/}, abstract = {Einleitung Das Pflanzenschutzmittel Biofa Cocana RF ist im schweizerischen Bio-Kernobstanbau das einzige zugelassene Mittel zur Bek{\"a}mpfung der Regenfleckenkrankheit. Da es sich bei diesem Produkt um eine Kali-Seifenl{\"o}sung handelt, besteht die M{\"o}glichkeit, dass es nach dessen Einsatz zu einer geschmacklichen Beeintr{\"a}chtigung des Endproduktes Apfelsaft, bzw. S{\"u}ssmost kommen k{\"o}nnte. Eine Untersuchung an der Hochschule W{\"a}denswil mit Apfels{\"a}ften, denen Cocana zugesetzt wurde, kam zum Schluss, dass es einen Zusammenhang zwischen Kaliseife und Fremdgeschmack geben k{\"o}nnte. Um abzukl{\"a}ren, ob unter Praxisbedingungen eine geschmackliche Unterscheidung zwischen Saft aus mit Biofa Cocana RF behandelten Fr{\"u}chten und solchem ohne Einsatz des Mittels er-kannt werden kann, wurden {\"A}pfel aus verschiedenen Einsatzvarianten des Produktes gesam-melt und jeweils separat gemostet. So konnten Proben aus der gleichen Produktion, einmal mit und einmal ohne Einsatz von Biofa Cocana RF, gewonnen werden. Mit f{\"u}nf solcher Probenpaaren und einem spezifisch f{\"u}r den Unterscheidungstest hergestellten Probenpaar ({\"A}pfel in 1\%-Cocana-L{\"o}sung getaucht, abgetropft, dann gemostet, resp. Aepfel gemostet ohne vorheriges tauchen in Cocana-L{\"o}sung) wurde ein einstufiger Dreieckstest durchgef{\"u}hrt, um heraus zu finden, ob ein sensorischer Unterschied festgestellt werden kann. Der Dreieckstest gilt als sehr sensibler Test zur Pr{\"u}fung ob zwei Muster sensorisch unterscheidbar sind. Resultate und Schlussfolgerungen Keines der sechs Probenpaare konnte von den 28 Pr{\"u}fpersonen mit statistisch gesichertem Unterschied richtig erkannt, d.h. zutreffend unterschieden werden. Die Maximalzahl zutreffender Unterscheidungen war 14 von 28 Antworten, resp. 13 von 27. Um eine statistisch gesicherte Aussage zur Unterscheidbarkeit der jeweils zusammengeh{\"o}renden Probenpaare zu machen, m{\"u}ssten bei 28 Pr{\"u}fpersonen mindestens 15 die Proben richtig erkennen, bei 27 mindestens 14 (Irrtumswahrscheinlichkeit {\ensuremath{\alpha}} = 0,05). Bei allen sechs Proben besteht also kein ausreichender Grund zur Annahme, dass ein senso-risch erkennbarer Unterschied besteht zwischen Apfelsaft aus {\"A}pfeln, die mit Biofa Cocana RF behandelt wurden und Apfelsaft, der aus nicht behandelten {\"A}pfeln hergestellt wurde. Bei den insgesamt 76 richtigen Antworten aus allen sechs Proben bevorzugten 39 Saft aus {\"A}p-feln mit Behandlung, 36 bevorzugten den Saft, der aus {\"A}pfeln ohne Behandlung hergestellt wurde, einer konnte sich nicht f{\"u}r eine Bevorzugung entscheiden. Es ist keine klare Tendenz der Bevorzugung f{\"u}r S{\"a}fte mit bzw. ohne Cocana ersichtlich. Innerhalb der richtigen Antworten bevorzugt die gleiche Pr{\"u}fperson einmal Saft aus unbehandelten, einmal aus behandelten {\"A}pfeln. Die f{\"u}nf Apfelsaft-Proben, die aus der Ernte der Feldversuche hergestellt waren, stammen von {\"A}pfeln die gem{\"a}ss Pflanzenschutzempfehlungen mit Biofa Cocana RF behandelt wurden und zwar unter Ber{\"u}cksichtigung von Anwenderschutz, in richtiger Konzentration und korrekt ausgebracht, um einen optimalen Schutz zu erreichen. Die Saison 2003 war sehr trocken. Die Abwaschung von Pflanzenschutzmitteln bei Regenf{\"a}llen war dadurch sicher geringer als in anderen Jahren. Das heisst, dass bei den hier gepr{\"u}ften Proben eher mehr R{\"u}ckst{\"a}nde, die zu geschmacklichen Ver{\"a}nderungen f{\"u}hren k{\"o}nnten, auf den Fr{\"u}chten vorhanden sein k{\"o}nnen. Trotzdem konnte aber kein Unterschied zwischen Saft aus behandelten F{\"u}rchten und solchem aus unbehandelten Fr{\"u}chten festgestellt werden. Praxisgem{\"a}sser Einsatz von Biofa Cocana RF f{\"u}hrt demzufolge nicht zu einer geschmacklich erkennbaren Ver{\"a}nderung von Apfelsaft. }, keywords = {Mittelpr{\"u}fung, Regenfleckenkrankheit, Apfelsaft, sensorische Qualit{\"a}t, Pflanzenschutzmittel, Bioobstbau} } @misc{orgprints28277, journal = {bioaktuell}, title = {Biostrategie gegen Feuerbrand}, pages = {24--25}, author = {Hansjakob Sch{\"a}rer and Lucius Tamm and Andreas H{\"a}seli and Franco Weibel}, year = {2008}, volume = {3/08}, keywords = {Bioobstbau, Feuerbrand, Infektionsdruck, Departement f{\"u}r Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften, Anbautechnik, Pflanzenschutz}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/28277/}, abstract = {Der Bioobstbau ist gewappnet gegen den Feuerbrand ? auch ohne das Antibiotikum-Pr{\"a}parat Streptomycin, das im Biolandbau nicht zugelassen ist. F{\"u}r das laufende Jahr ist mit einem hohen Infektionsdruck zu rechnen, denn der Erreger ist nach dem hohen Befall im letzten Jahr fast {\"u}berall zu finden. Wird eine breit angelegte Strategie sorgf{\"a}ltig umgesetzt, ist die Lage in den Griff zu kriegen.} } @misc{orgprints9174, pages = {137--142}, author = {A. Schmid and H. Hoehn and K. Schmid and F. Weibel and C. Daniel}, volume = {79}, year = {2006}, journal = {Journal of Pest Science}, title = {Effectiveness and side effects of glue-traps to decrease damages caused by Byturus tomentosus in raspberry}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/9174/}, abstract = {Effectiveness and side effects of glue-traps to decrease damages caused by Byturus tomentosus in raspberry.}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, } } @misc{orgprints2779, author = {Andi Schmid}, pages = {52}, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, year = {2004}, journal = {Tagungsband zur FiBL Bioobstbautagung 28.01.2004 in Frick}, title = {Gesucht: Schweizer Biobeeren}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau, Frick}, keywords = {Bioobstbau, Biobeeren}, abstract = {Erdbeeren, Himbeeren, Brombeeren, Johannisbeeren, Stachelbeeren oder Heidelbeeren, die Vielfalt an Schweizer Beeren ist sehr gross. Weniger gross ist hingegen das bisherige Angebot an Schweizer Biobeeren. Doch das ist nun im Begriff sich zu {\"a}ndern. Die Direktvermarktung und die Produktion f{\"u}r die technische Verarbeitung sind und bleiben zwei wichtige, weiter ausbauf{\"a}hige Sektoren der heimischen Biobeerenproduktion. Im Rahmen eines dreij{\"a}hrigen, von Coop finanzierten FiBL-Projekts wird nun ganz gezielt die professionelle Produktion f{\"u}r den Grosshandel gef{\"o}rdert. Coop m{\"o}chte das bis jetzt vor allem auf die Ostschweiz beschr{\"a}nkte Angebot von Schweizer Bio-Tafelbeeren auf die ganze Schweiz ausdehnen und sucht deshalb zus{\"a}tzliche Vertragsproduzenten. }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2779/} } @misc{orgprints2652, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, pages = {42}, author = {Andi Schmid}, year = {2003}, address = {Frick}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau, Frick}, journal = {Tagungsband. FiBL Obstbautagung. Beitr{\"a}ge zur FiBL Obstbautagung 29.01.2003 in Frick}, title = {Beeren-Aktualit{\"a}ten}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2652/}, abstract = {- Botrytisregulierung Erdbeeren - Jungpflanzenproduktion Erdbeeren - Mykorrhizaeinsatz bei Erdbeeren - BioSin (Bio-Sorten-Informationsnetz) - Torffreier Heidelbeeranbau - Sortentests bei Heidelbeeren - Biobeeren in den Supermarkt }, keywords = {Beratung, Mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Erdbeeren, Heidelbeeren} } @book{orgprints2879, publisher = {Bioland Verlags GmbH}, title = {Erdbeeren {\"o}kologisch angebaut}, year = {2003}, author = {Andi Schmid}, abstract = {Von der Planung und Standortwahl bis zur Vermarktung der Fr{\"u}chte ber{\"a}t diese Brosch{\"u}re zu allen Fragen des {\"o}kologischen Erdbeeranbaus. Sie stellt verschiedene Kulturmethoden vor und informiert {\"u}ber Krankheiten und Sch{\"a}dlinge an Erdbeeren. }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2879/}, keywords = {Anbautechnik Mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Biobeeren} } @book{orgprints2878, year = {2003}, author = {Andi Schmid}, publisher = {Bioland Verlags GmbH}, title = {Strauchbeeren {\"o}kologisch angebaut}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2878/}, abstract = {Beginnend mit Empfehlungen zur Planung und Standortwahl {\"u}ber Hinweise zur Kulturf{\"u}hrung, Ernte und Vermarktung bis zur Vorstellung der wichtigsten Schaderreger und Krankheiten befasst sich diese Brosch{\"u}re mit dem {\"o}kologischen Anbau von Strauchbeeren. Auf Besonderheiten der verschiedenen Strauchbeerenarten wie Himbeeren, Brombeeren, Johannisbeeren, Stachelbeeren und Heidelbeeren wird in den Themenkomplexen eingegangen. }, keywords = {Anbautechnik Mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Biobeeren} } @inproceedings{orgprints2698, author = {Andi Schmid and Claudia Daniel}, year = {2003}, title = {Reduced copper treatments in strawberries by cultural methods }, abstract = {Effect of cultural methods on leaf spot (Mycosphaerella fragariae Tul.) and yield in strawberries. The possibilities of reduction of copper input in organic strawberry crops is explored.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2698/}, keywords = {Bioobstbau, Biobeeren, Sch{\"a}dlinge, N{\"u}tzlinge, Erdbeeren, strawberries, organic fruit production, copper reduction, Mycosphaerella fragariae Tul. } } @misc{orgprints6136, author = {Andi Schmid and Claudia Daniel and Franco Weibel}, year = {2004}, series = {Bulletin 27 (4)}, title = {Effect of cultural methods on leaf spot (Mycosphaerella fragariae Tul.) incidence in strawberries}, journal = {IOBC wprs Bulletin}, publisher = {IOBC wprs Bulletin}, keywords = {Fragaria x ananassa Duch.(Rosaceae), leaf spot, Mycosphaerella fragariae Tul., cultural methods, leaf sanitation, fruit weight, yield, Entomologie Obstbau, Bioobstbau, Biobeeren}, abstract = {Introduction: Leaf spot caused by Mycosphaerella fragariae Tul. is one of the most common diseases of strawberry. The control of leaf spot mostly relies on the application of protective fungicides (MAAS 1998). In organic agriculture the use of copper products is effective (VUKOVITS 1980) but this has a negative influence on soil fertility.(BERGMANN 1993).Therefore its use in strawberry crops should also be reduced. }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/6136/} } @misc{orgprints14783, year = {2006}, pages = {17--18}, author = {Andi Schmid and Francisco Suter}, title = {Projet BBC: les baies bio au supermarch{\'e} ? un succ{\`e}s appel{\'e} {\`a} durer?}, journal = {Tagungsband Forum Arbo Bio Romandie 2006}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick}, abstract = {Objectif du projet Organis{\'e} sur trois ans, le projet BBC (Baies bio pour Coop) avait pour objectif d?augmenter les ventes r{\'e}alis{\'e}es par Coop avec des baies bio issues de la production suisse. Le projet visait concr{\`e}tement qu?{\`a} son issue, un r{\'e}seau d?exploitations professionnelles permettrait d?assurer la production biologique de baies, ainsi que l?approvisionnement continu de Coop, gr{\^a}ce {\`a} une logistique {\'e}prouv{\'e}e.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/14783/}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Biobeeren} } @misc{orgprints17948, volume = {74}, author = {Andi Schmid and Francisco Suter and Franco Weibel and Claudia Daniel}, pages = {103--111}, address = {Stuttgart}, year = {2009}, publisher = {Eugen Ulmer KG}, title = {New Approaches to Organic Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) Production in Alkaline Field Soils}, journal = {European Journal of Horticultural Science}, number = {3}, keywords = {bark, citric acid, mulch, pH, sawdust, substrate, sulphur, Anbautechnik Pflanzenbau, Bioobstbau, Biobeeren-Heidelbeeren}, abstract = {Production of Vaccinium corymbosum L. is limited to acidic soils with high organic matter content. This specific soil requirement is limiting the possibilities to cultivate V. corymbosum L. in many regions of Central Europe. The aim of this study was to overcome the limiting production factors occurring under the soil and climate conditions of Switzerland: (1) evaluation of natural growing substrates without peat as required for organic production; (2) adjustment of the optimal pH in the growing substrate; (3) regulation of water issues (water quality and mulching) and (4) development of a suited planting system. Pine sawdust was evaluated to be the best alternative growing substrate compared to peat moss. Optimal pH adjustment in pine sawdust substrate was found to be 3.8 (CaCl2) and 4.2 (H22O). In field cultivation, an amount of 30 g S year-1 plant-1 to lower the pH of the pine sawdust ditches was sufficient for good plant and yield development. This acidification resulted in better growth (+48 \%) and higher yield (+55 \%) when alkaline ground water (357 mg L-1 CaC03) was used for irrigation. Acidification with citric acid gave poor results. A mulch of pine bark on the sawdust ridge increased growth by 59 \% and yield by 25 \%. The newly developed flat ditch system with low sawdust ditches buried partly into the ground was as suitable as the standard planting system with deep ditches lined with plastic film. By integration and application of these new findings, a system for commercial organic blueberry production under Swiss conditions and on alkaline soils was developed.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/17948/} } @misc{orgprints2778, journal = {Tagungsband zur FiBL Bioobstbautagung 28.01.2004 in Frick}, title = {Sandwich-System - die Sache wird konkret}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau, Frick}, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, year = {2004}, author = {Andi Schmid and Franco Weibel and Pius Allemann and Dino Santini}, pages = {41--42}, keywords = {Anbautechnik Mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Baumstreifenpflege Obstbau, Sandwich-System}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2778/}, abstract = {Aus Gr{\"u}nden einer gen{\"u}genden Wasser- und N{\"a}hrstoffversorgung bedarf der Baumstreifen in Niederstammanlagen einer Beikrautregulierung. Erfolgt diese ohne Herbizide wird der Baumstreifen entweder mit organischen Materialien (Baumrinde, Holzh{\"a}cksel, Stroh) oder wasserdurchl{\"a}ssigem Kunststoffgewebe abgedeckt oder durch Hacken mit Spezialger{\"a}ten offen gehalten. Beide Methoden bergen jedoch gewichtige Nachteile in sich. Bei der Abdeckung sind dies die hohen Materialkosten, der z. T. hohe Kalieintrag (Erh{\"o}hung der Stippegefahr) und der erh{\"o}hte M{\"a}usedruck. Das herk{\"o}mmliche Hacken ist zeitintensiv, die Anschaffungs- und Wartungskosten geeigneter Hackger{\"a}te sind hoch. Beim Sandwich-System bleibt ein schmales Band im Zentrum des Baumstreifens unbearbeitet. Links und rechts dieses Bandes werden - im Vergleich zur herk{\"o}mmlichen Baumstreifenbearbeitung - zwei mindestens halb so breite Streifen durch Hacken offen gehalten. Gem{\"a}ss neusten FiBL-Versuchsresultaten l{\"a}sst sich beim Apfel zwischen der herk{\"o}mmlichen Bewirtschaftung und dem Sandwich-System keine Differenz in der Ertragsleistung feststellen. Der Zuwachs des Stammumfangs lag im Sandwich-Verfahren sogar h{\"o}her als bei der herk{\"o}mmlichen Bewirtschaftung. Da beim Hacken Sandwich-Streifen keine Baumst{\"a}mme im Weg sind, l{\"a}sst sich die Arbeit rationeller verrichten. Zu diesem Zweck haben die Firma Santini und Braun gemeinsam mit dem FiBL SANDI entwickelt. Dank den tiefen Anschaffungskosten, der Kombinierbarkeit mit dem Fahrgassenmulchen und der h{\"o}heren Arbeitsleistung lassen sich die Kosten der Baumstreifenbearbeitung deutlich senken. Detailliertere Informationen zu SANDI entnehmen Sie bitte den beiden Flugbl{\"a}ttern der Firma Santini und Braun. } } @misc{orgprints17944, year = {2010}, address = {Osnabr{\"u}ck}, number = {3}, journal = {BIORecht}, title = {Grosse Chance verpasst ? Biowein-Regelung f{\"u}r Europa}, publisher = {Variajura Verlagsgesellschaft mbH}, pages = {170--171}, author = {Otto Schmid and Franco Weibel}, keywords = {Biologische Richtlinien, Weinberatung, EU, Charta, Sozio-{\"O}konomie, Markt, Anbautechnik Pflanzenbau, Bioweinbau, ORWINE, }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/17944/}, abstract = {Die EU Kommission hat im Juni 2010 entschieden, vorerst auf eine EU-weite Regelung f{\"u}r Biowein zu verzichten. Damit wurde eine grosse Chance verpasst f{\"u}r eine einheitliche und konsumentenfreundliche Regelung. Die Regelung h{\"a}tte auch die Wettbewerbsf{\"a}higkeit europ{\"a}ischer {\"O}koweine gegen{\"u}ber Konkurrenzprodukten aus {\"U}bersee verbessert. Was ist passiert, wie geht es nun weiter? Im EU-Forschungsprojekte ORWINE (2006-2009; www.orwine.org) hat ein europ{\"a}isches Konsortium von sieben Forschungsinstituten und unter Einbezug von der Produktion, Handel und Konsumentinnen Grundlagen f{\"u}r die Erarbeitung von Kellerrichtlinien entwickelt. Auf dieser Basis hat die EU Kommission im Dezember 2009 einen Regelungsvorschlag entwickelt. Welches sind die Erkenntnisse von ORWINE?} } @misc{orgprints20304, journal = {HortScience}, title = {Organic Orchard Floor Management Systems for Apple Effect on Rootstock Performance in the Midwestern United States}, year = {2009}, volume = {44}, pages = {263--267}, author = {Dario Stefanelli and Roberto J. Zoppolo and Ronald L. Perry and Franco Weibel}, abstract = {In organic apple production systems, orchard floor management is of prime importance because it determines weed management and soil fertility. In this experiment, we evaluated the response of the cultivar Pacific Gala on three rootstocks of different vigor: M.9 NAKB 337, M.9 RN 29, and Supporter 4 (in respective order of vigor from dwarfing to semivigorous). The rootstocks were also evaluated for the response to three orchard floor management systems (OFMSs): mulching using alfalfa hay, flame burning, and shallow strip tillage using the Swiss sandwich system (SSS). The experiment was conducted in an experimental orchard planted in 2000.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/20304/}, keywords = {?Pacific Gala?, Swiss sandwich system, propane flame burning, mulching, sustainable agriculture, Bioobstbau} } @misc{orgprints17951, year = {2010}, address = {Berlin/ Heidelberg, Germany}, number = {5}, title = {No effect of the farming system (organic/conventional) on the bioavailability of apple (Malus domestica Bork., cultivar Golden Delicious) polyphenols in healthy men: a comparative study }, journal = {European Journal of Nutrition}, publisher = {Springer}, pages = {301--310}, author = {Berenike A. Stracke and Corinna E. R{\"u}fer and Achim Bub and Stephanie Seifert and Franco Weibel and Clemens Kunz and Bernhard Watzl}, volume = {49}, doi = {DOI: 10.1007/s00394-009-0088-9}, abstract = {Background The organic food sales have been increasing during the recent years. It has been hypothesised that organically grown fruits are healthier based on their higher content of phytochemicals. However, data on the bioavailability of phytochemicals from organically or conventionally produced plant foods are scarce. Methods Two human intervention studies were performed to compare the bioavailability of polyphenols in healthy men after ingestion of apples from different farming systems. The administered apples were grown organically and conventionally under defined conditions and characterised regarding their polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity. No significant differences in the polyphenol content and the antioxidant capacity from the organic and conventional farming system were observed. Results In the short-term intervention study, six men consumed either organically or conventionally produced apples in a randomized cross-over study. After intake of 1 kg apples, phloretin (C max 13 {$\pm$} 5 nmol/l, t max 1.7 {$\pm$} 1.2 h) and coumaric acid (C max 35 {$\pm$} 12 nmol/l, t max 3.0 {$\pm$} 0.8 h) plasma concentrations increased significantly (P {\ensuremath{<}} 0.0001) in both intervention groups, without differences between the two farming systems. In the long-term intervention study, 43 healthy volunteers consumed organically or conventionally produced apples (500 g/day; 4 weeks) or no apples in a double-blind, randomized intervention study. In this study, 24 h after the last dosing regime, the apple intake did not result in increasing polyphenol concentrations in plasma and urine compared to the control group suggesting no accumulation of apple polyphenols or degradation products in humans. Conclusion Our study suggests that the two farming systems (organic/conventional) do not result in differences in the bioavailability of apple polyphenols. }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/17951/}, keywords = {Apples, Bioavailability, Organic, Polyphenols, Antioxidant status, Human intervention study, Anbautechnik Pflanzenbau, Bioobstbau, Innere Qualit{\"a}t} } @misc{orgprints17949, year = {2009}, publisher = {American Chemical Society}, journal = {Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry}, title = {Three-Year Comparison of the Polyphenol Contents and Antioxidant Capacities in Organically and Conventionally Produced Apples (Malus domestica Bork. Cultivar `Golden Delicious')}, number = {11}, volume = {57}, author = {Berenike A. Stracke and Corinna E. R{\"u}fer and Franco Weibel and Achim Bub and Bernhard Watzl}, pages = {4598--4605}, doi = {DOI:10.1021/jf803961f}, keywords = {Organic, apples, phytochemicals, antioxidant capacity, Anbautechnik Pflanzenbau, Bioobstbau}, abstract = {The present study was performed to evaluate the polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity of apples (cv. `Golden Delicious') grown under defined organic and conventional conditions. Apples were harvested at five comparable commercial farms over the course of three years (2004?2006). In 2005 and 2006 the antioxidant capacity was 15\% higher (p {\ensuremath{<}} 0.05) in organically produced apples than in conventionally produced fruits. In 2005 significantly higher polyphenol concentrations were found in the organically grown apples. In 2004 and 2006 no significant differences were observed (2004, 304 {$\pm$} 68 {\ensuremath{\mu}}g/g organic vs 284 {$\pm$} 69 {\ensuremath{\mu}}g/g conventional, p = 0.18; 2005, 302 {$\pm$} 58 {\ensuremath{\mu}}g/g organic vs 253 {$\pm$} 41 {\ensuremath{\mu}}g/g conventional, p = 0.002; 2006, 402 {$\pm$} 100 {\ensuremath{\mu}}g/g organic vs 365 {$\pm$} 58 {\ensuremath{\mu}}g/g conventional, p = 0.17). Year-to-year variations in the antioxidant capacity and the polyphenol content of up to 20\% were more significant than the production method found within one year. Finally, flavanols and flavonols were major determinants of the antioxidant capacities in these apples. Overall, the production method had a smaller impact on the variation in the polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity of apples than the yearly climate.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/17949/} } @inproceedings{orgprints13902, author = {Alfred Strasser and Maria Coray}, year = {2009}, title = {Klimaschutz mit pilzresistenten Rebsorten - Fallstudie eines langj{\"a}hrigen Bioweinbaubetriebes}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/13902/}, abstract = {Our biodynamic winery is located near Lake Constance in Switzerland. Since 1989, we have cultivated resistant grape varieties such as Mar{\'e}chal Foch, L{\'e}on Millot, Muscat Bleu, Cabernet Jura, Chancellor and Monarch (red), and Seyval Blanc, Bianca, Solaris, Phoenix and Excelsior (white). As a rule, we avoid applying even organic pesticides, and use solely biodynamic compounds (4 applications/year). The elimination of practically all plant-protection products has enabled us to establish a highly biodiverse organic agro-ecosystem with reduced impact on the environment. In addition, over a 20-year period, this system has resulted in the application of 270 kg less copper over our 4.5-ha surface area, as well as the saving of 18 t of fuel, which can be remarked as the ?non-emission? of 47 t of carbon dioxide. In Switzerland, whose vineyards have a combined surface area of 15?000 ha, the potential annual savings in pesticides and fuel, to the benefit of nature, environment and climate, can be estimated at 225?000kg (225 t) pesticides and 1.5 Mio l (1500 t) fuel respectively, equating to the ?non-emission? of 3.9 Mio kg (3900 t) of carbon dioxide.}, keywords = {Pilzresistente Rebsorten, Klimaschutz, Bioweinbau} } @unpublished{orgprints53199, author = {Thierry Suard}, year = {2023}, title = {Einf{\"u}hrung Bio-Beerenanbau, Teil II, Kulturf{\"u}hrung}, abstract = {Einf{\"u}hrungskurs Bio-Beerenanbau, Teil II, Kulturf{\"u}hrung}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/53199/}, keywords = {Obstbau, Bioobstbau, Beeren, {\"o}kologische Landwirtschaft, Abacus, FiBL5533104} } @unpublished{orgprints53198, title = {Einf{\"u}hrung in den Bioobstbau}, year = {2023}, author = {Thierry Suard and Hanna Waldmann}, keywords = {Obstbau, Bioobstbau, {\"o}kologische Landwirtschaft, Abacus, FiBL5533104}, abstract = {Einf{\"u}hrung in den Bioobstbau}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/53198/} } @unpublished{orgprints2907, author = {L. Tamm and J.G. Fuchs and N. B{\"o}ger and L. M{\"u}hletaler and A. Amsler and D. Levite and A. H{\"a}seli}, pages = {27--36}, year = {2004}, title = {Eigenschaften von Tonerdepr{\"a}paraten: Erfahrungen aus der Schweiz}, keywords = {Viticulture, Bioweinbau, Pflanzenschutzstrategien und Epidemiologie, Pflanzenschutz Pathologie, Kupfer, Kupererstatz, copper, copper replacement, }, abstract = {In der Schweiz stehen f{\"u}r die Bek{\"a}mpfung von P. viticola Kupfer und Tonerdeprodukte wie Myco-San, Myco-Sin, und Ulmasud zur Verf{\"u}gung. Die Praxis hat das Wirkungspotential gezeigt und es werden verschiedene Anwendungsstrategien angewandt. Der Einsatz von Tonerdeprodukten kann allerdings auch zu Phytotoxizit{\"a}t f{\"u}hren, die von der Anwendungsstrategie, Konzentration und Sorte abh{\"a}ngt. In dieser Studie (i) verglich das FiBL verschiedene Anwendungsstrategien mit und ohne Kupfer, (ii) untersuchte das aktive Prinzip und die Wirkungsweise der Tonerdeprodukte, und (iii) beschrieb den Einfluss von Umeltfaktoren wie Niederschlag auf die Wirkung. Die FiBL-Erfahrungen zeigen, dass Tonerdeprodukte wertvolle Kupferersatzprodukte sind in Situationen mit mittleren Niederschlagsintensit{\"a}ten und bei guter Applikationstechnik. Die Wirkungsgrenzen werden unter den Bedingungen in der Schweiz allerdings in den niederschlagsreichen Regionen und bei hohem Befallsdruck wie im Jahre 1999 sichtbar.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2907/} } @misc{orgprints2992, author = {Lucius Tamm and Andreas H{\"a}seli and Jacques G. Fuchs and Franco Weibel and Eric Wyss}, editor = {L. Bertschinger and J.D. Andersson}, year = {2004}, title = {Organic fruit production in humid climates of Europe: Bottlenecks and new approaches in disease and pest control}, publisher = {International Society for Horticultural Science. Leuven, Belgium}, journal = {ISHS Acta Horticulturae 638: XXVI International Horticultural Congress: Sustainability of Horticultural Systems in the 21st Century. Toronto, Canada}, keywords = {apple, cherry, organic, cultivar, scab, brown rot, Bioobstbau, Pflanzenschutzstrategien und Epidemiologie, Pflanzenschutz Pathologie, Entomologie Obstbau }, abstract = {The organic market has grown exponentially in Europe during the last ten years. However, the organic fruit industry has shown the lowest growth rates (1-5\% market share) compared to other commodities. One major reason is the high production risk due to high disease and pest pressure in humid climates. Key pests and diseases in apple and pear include scab, sooty blotch, and fire blight as well as rosy apple aphid, pear sucker, and codling moth. In cherry, damages due to brown rot (Monilinia) and the cherry fruit fly make organic production almost unfeasible. In an ideal organic system, all possible measures that lead to improved stability of the system must be implemented. In fruit production, such measures include (i) use of resistant varieties (scab), (ii) active promotion of predators (rosy apple aphid), (iii) sanitation (cherry monilinia), (iv) microclimate management (planting density, covering trees), and (v) strengthening the plant self-defence system (e.g. building up of soil fertility, bio-dynamic preparations). At present, most organic orchards have been designed for conventional production and, therefore, lack most stabilising components. In consequence, organic fruit production still depends largely on direct pest and disease control methods. These include traditional pesticides such as copper, sulphur, and lime sulphur, pyrethrin, oil and soap preparations. More recently, new pest control compounds and techniques have been developed including neem products, granulosis virus, and mating disruption. New tools for disease control are less spectacular and focus on the replacement of copper (e.g. with clay powders and resistance inducers). The introduction of new equipment, materials, and Decision Support Systems (DSS) will further improve yield stability. However, other limiting factors such as weed competition, crop load regulation, and conventional market demands need innovative solutions. }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2992/} } @inproceedings{orgprints2638, title = {Crop protection strategies in European organic viticulture protection strategies in European organic viticulture}, year = {2003}, author = {Lucius Tamm and Andy H{\"a}seli and Thomas Amsler and Sonia Jim{\'e}nez and Barbara Th{\"u}rig and Doninique L{\'e}vite}, abstract = {Contents - Organic viticulture in Europe - Major bottlenecks and solutions - Crop protection strategies in humid climates - Novel trends in disease control }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2638/}, keywords = {Pflanzenschutz, Pflanzenkrankheiten, Pflanzenschutzstrategien und Epidemiologie, Mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioweinbau} } @misc{orgprints2651, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, author = {Lucius Tamm and Bernhard Speiser}, pages = {15}, address = {Frick}, year = {2003}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau, Frick}, title = {Bewilligungspraxis f{\"u}r Pflanzenschutzmittel im Biolandbau}, journal = {Tagungsband. FiBL Obstbautagung. Beitr{\"a}ge zur FiBL Obstbautagung 29.01.2003 in Frick}, keywords = {Beratung, Mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Pflanzenschutzmittel, Zulassung}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2651/}, abstract = {Damit ein Pflanzenschutzprodukt im Biolandbau verwendet werden darf, m{\"u}ssen verschiedene Anforderungen erf{\"u}llt werden: 1. Zulassung als Pflanzenschutzmittel auf nationaler Ebene. 2. Zulassung des Wirkstoffes auf Ebene Biorichtlinien (Bioverordnung und Annex II der EU Richtlinie 2092/91). 3. Zulassung des Wirkstoffes auf privatrechtlicher Ebene, national bei Bio-Suisse, international bei IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculutural Movements). 4. Zulassung auf Ebene Handelsprodukt. In jedem Jahr werden s{\"a}mtliche Pflanzenschutzprodukte, die im Biolandbau verwendet werden d{\"u}rfen, in der FiBL Hilfsstoffliste aufgef{\"u}hrt. Die Labelinhaber Bio-Suisse und Migros-Bio entscheiden allj{\"a}hrlich {\"u}ber die Aufnahme von Produkten und Wirkstoffkategorien.} } @misc{orgprints17952, journal = {Revue suisse Viticulture, Arboriculture, Horticulture}, title = {Acceptation des vins de c{\'e}pages r{\'e}sistants par les consommateurs - R{\'e}sultats du projet TOPiwi 2007 ? 2008}, number = {2}, volume = {42}, year = {2010}, author = {Markus van der Meer and Franco Weibel and Dominique Levite and Andy H{\"a}seli}, pages = {147--150}, keywords = {vin de c{\'e}pages "piwi" consommateurs, viticulture biologique et int{\'e}gr{\'e}e, maladies fongiques, projet TOPiwi, Anbautechnik Pflanzenbau, Bioweinbau, Biopr{\"u}fung Rebsorten}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/17952/}, abstract = {Pour la viticulture biologique et int{\'e}gr{\'e}e, les c{\'e}pages peu sensible aux maladies fongiques, les ?piwi" sont tr{\`e}s avantageux - non seulement pour leur meilleure s{\'e}curit{\'e} de rendement, mais aussi pour leurs avantages {\'e}cologique. Ces c{\'e}pages n{\'e}cessitent moins de traitements Plant-, peu ou pas de cuivre, ce qui r{\'e}duit le indirectement du sol compactage Ces vari{\'e}t{\'e}s tolerant aux maladies fongiques, m{\^e}me si elles se r{\'e}pandent toujours un peu plus, ont encore peu d'importance en viticulture. En Suisse, leur surface cultiv{\'e}e Precaucion global element 1\% et 8\% en production biologique. Certains anciens ont reussi c{\'e}pages lames {\`a} Perce en d{\'e}pit de certaines Barri{\`e}res l{\'e}gales (Heibertshausen 2009). En Allemagne et en Autriche, quelques-uns d'entre eux ont m{\^e}me d{\'e}j{\`a} {\'e}t{\'e} dans les accept{\'e}s ordonnance r{\'e}glant la production du "quality wine" (Renner 2009). Une autre importante est que la entrave cr{\'e}dibilit{\'e} {\'e}cologique est souvent de ces c{\'e}pages par les producteurs eux times relay{\'e}e-m{\^e}mes (Zellinger 2009). Les consommateurs, de leur c{\^o}t{\'e}, ont une forte conscience et de l'origine du c{\'e}page g{\'e}ographique du vin qu'il consomment (Schumann et Dettweiler 2002). Cette conscience peut {\'e}galement {\`a} l'introduction de nouveaux resister c{\'e}pages, surtout si ceux-ci devient of go{\^u}ts ?classiques? comme le bleu ou le Mar{\'e}chal Foch Muscat. Les p{\'e}pini{\'e}ristes modern recherchent ainsi c{\'e}pages of piwi dont les proches sont Qualit{\'e}s organoleptiques of c{\'e}pages traditionnels. aux approches scientifiques existent Parall{\`e}lement {\'e}valuant culturales et les Qualit{\'e}s organoleptiques de ces c{\'e}pages r{\'e}cemment d{\'e}veloppe (p. ex Rutishauser 2008;. Siegfried et Temperli 2008, Spring 2005), le but du projet est de quantifier l'TOPiwi acceptation par les consommateurs de vins piwi commerciaux afin d'Evalue et de promouvoir leurs chances de succ{\`e}s sur le march{\'e}. Ce projet est une collaboration entre la maison {\`a} Delinat St. Gall, sp{\'e}cialis{\'e}e dans la vente de vins de production et le exclusive management biologique FiBL (Institut de recherche en agriculture biologique, Frick, AG). L'enqu{\^e}te Repr{\'e}sentant des consommateurs portait sur l'apprehension de leur opinion lorsqu'ils comparent directement avec un vin piwi un vin de style traditionnel de c{\'e}page semblable. L'{\'e}valuation pr{\'e}sent{\'e}e dans ce travail sur les r{\'e}sultats obtenus en 2008.} } @misc{orgprints17965, publisher = {F{\"o}rdergemeinschaft Oekologischer Obstbau e.V. (FOEKO)}, title = {Potential and Limits of Pesticide Free Apple Growing by a Self-Regulating Orchard Set-Up: Project Presentation and First Experiences}, journal = {Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing from February 22nd to February 24th}, address = {Weinsberg}, year = {2010}, author = {F.P. Weibel and C. Daniel and A. Hammelehle and L. Pfiffner and E. Wyss}, pages = {292--296}, abstract = {Different research groups have already proven that flowering plants in orchards can enhance beneficial arthropods. Even within the tree rows different beneficial can be supported by selected plant species. In most experimental work done to stabilize the apple production system only single interaction effects were tested. However until now, no research group has quantified the additive effects of multiple measures on systembiodiversity and on the production economy. Our experiment combines all known measures of indirect pest and disease control measures in a near-to practical production model orchard without the use of any pesticide (not even organic ones). The orchard is split in 4 blocks: in two of them bio-control measures e.g. application of Granulosis Virus against codling moth (C. Pomonella) are applied; in the other two blocks no bio-control is applied. Standard commercial organic and integrated orchards with the disease-susceptible cultivar Gala in the vicinity of the model orchard are assessed by the same methods and serve as reference. Our intermediate results reveal that the self-regulating orchard developed already in the 2nd and 3rd leaf a clearly higher flora and fauna biodiversity compared to the reference orchards. The same happened in relation to the specific fruit beneficial e.g. the populations of aphid predators. In the self-regulating orchard they were capable to keep the aphid damages ? in particular of the powdery apple aphid (D. plantaginea) - on trees and fruits under a commercially relevant level although the initial abundance of aphid colonies in spring was by far over the common threshold value. It is planned to continue the experiment until 2016.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/17965/}, keywords = {sustainable, apple, production, biodiversity, self-regulation, Anbautechnik Pflanzenbau, Bioobstbau, SFS} } @misc{orgprints11055, editor = {D.L. Lynch and R.P. Prange}, author = {F.P. Weibel and L. Tamm and E. Wyss and C. Daniel and A. H{\"a}seli and F. Suter}, pages = {163--172}, year = {2007}, title = {Organic Fruit Production in Europe: Successes in Production and Marketing in the Last Decade, Perspectives and Challenges for the Future Development}, journal = {ISHS Acta Horticulturae 737, 1st International Symposium on Organic Apple and Pear}, publisher = {International Society for Horticultural Science}, number = {737}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, fruit growing, production technique, agro-ecological system, apple, pear, cherry, cultivar choice, plant protection, soil management, fruit thinning, weed control, tree nutrition, rootstock, fruit quality }, abstract = {The organic market has grown exponentially in Europe during the last ten years. However, the organic fruit industry in European states still has a relatively low market share of less than 1-5\% compared with organic vegetables, milk and eggs that have achieved market shares of close to 10\% of the total market. As well, conventional fruit growers still hesitate to respond to the generally good organic market demand. A major reason for this behaviour is the continuing high production risk due to less availability of effective management tools for the control of pests, diseases, weed and biennial bearing. The key pests and diseases in apple and pear include scab, sooty blotch, and fire blight as well as rosy apple aphid, pear sucker and codling moth, as well as post-harvest diseases like Gloeosporium rot. Another reason that holds up organic fruit expansion is that in fruit production, in contrast to milk or wheat, new and organic-specific marketing attempts are necessary for organic cultivars, less cosmetic ?beauty?, etc.) but are presently scarce. In an ideal organic production system, all possible measures that lead to improved stability and self-regulation of the agro-ecological system have to be implemented (e.g. resistant cultivars, bio-diversity areas, lower planting densities, measures to avoid inoculum build-up, soil fertility). At present, most organic orchards have almost the same design as found in conventional production and often do not include system stabilising elements. Therefore, organic fruit production still depends largely on direct pest and disease control methods. In the last decade effective compounds and techniques have been developed such as Neem preparations, granulosis viruses, and mating disruption to control pests. Some new plant protection techniques e.g. clay powders, resistance inducers, better spray technique and spray timing models have been introduced. The introduction of new equipment, compounds, cultivars and decision support systems will further improve yield stability. However, for other limiting factors, such as weed competition, crop load regulation and market demands in respect to quality, innovative solutions have to be developed. The challenge for the future is to build up a credible (?true-organic?) and high quality multi-factor oriented organic fruit production that combines single factor solutions to a self-regulating, and possibly even organic pesticide-free, production system. Progress in this direction will lead to innovative organic production and marketing concepts that are clearly different from conventional ones. To achieve these goals, creative efforts along the whole chain involving producers, consumers, retailers, advisory services and researchers are essential.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/11055/} } @misc{orgprints2773, journal = {Tagungsband zur FiBL Bioobstbautagung 28.01.2004 in Frick}, title = {Sortendegustation an der Bioobstbautagung 2003 (29. Jan.) in Frick}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau, Frick}, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, year = {2004}, author = {Franco Weibel}, pages = {43--45}, keywords = {Anbautechnik Mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Apfelanbau, {\"A}pfel}, abstract = {Die Resultate mit den "{\"a}lteren" resistenten Apfelsorten best{\"a}tigen einerseits die bisherigen Erfahrungen; brachten aber auch interessante neue Erkenntnisse: 1. Das Potenzial der resistenten Sorten, um mit nicht-resistenten sensorisch und auch vom {\"A}ussern her mitzuhalten, ist absolut gegeben. 2. Die einzelnen Kandidaten haben ihre bekannten St{\"a}rken und Schwachpunkte (z.B. Ariwa oder Topaz). Dem ist in der Produktion mit sorgf{\"a}ltigem Einhalten der wichtigsten Massnahmen zu begegnen: a) Gen{\"u}gende Ausd{\"u}nnung schon ab Bl{\"u}te bis vor der Ernte, b) korrekter Erntezeitpunkt (Streifindex 029-0.12 bei Ariwa und 0.17-0.10 bei Topaz); c) tadellose Lagerung und fr{\"u}hzeitiger Verkauf. 3. Ecolette konnte mit sehr guten Resultaten im Aussehen und im Geschmack fr{\"u}here Ergebnisse best{\"a}tigen; sie ist damit aus heutiger Sicht zu Recht in den Sortenteam-Anbau aufgenommen worden, wo sie der Sortimentsbereicherung in der s{\"a}urebetonten Geschmacksgruppe dienen soll (siehe dort im Tagungsband). 4. Im {\"A}ussern eher im Mittelfeld, hingegen geschmacklich Top fiel die neue FAW-Selektion 8244 auf. Sie ist in den Exakt- und Ringversuchen integriert und k{\"o}nnte bei dort guten Erfahrungen (insbesondere auch mit der Lagerung) eine Kandidatin f{\"u}r einen baldigen Sortenteam-Anbau werden f{\"u}r den Bereich der w{\"u}rzig-s{\"a}uerlichen Sorten. 5. GoldRush aus dem Wallis hat sehr gut abgeschnitten und best{\"a}tigt damit, dass die stattgefundenen Pflanzungen dort ihre Berechtigung haben. Die in G{\"u}ttingen (Thurgau) angebauten und ebenfalls sehr sp{\"a}t reifenden und nach Z{\"u}chterangaben lang lagerbaren DL-Selektionen wurden hier ganz klar als zu wenig ausgereift beurteilt. Auch sie sind deshalb, wenn {\"u}berhaupt, ein Fall f{\"u}r den Anbau im Wallis. Wir haben eine DL-Serie ab diesem Jahr in die dortigen Ringversuche aufgenommen. }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2773/} } @misc{orgprints9933, volume = {Volume 35}, author = {Franco Weibel}, pages = {77--82}, publisher = {INTERNATIONAL DWARF FRUIT TREE ASSOCIATION}, journal = {THE COMPACT FRUIT TREE}, title = {Organic Fruit Production in Europe}, number = {Number 3}, year = {2002}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/9933/}, abstract = {PART I: SHORT HISTORY OF ORGANIC FARMING The organic fruit production in Europe is not only a matter of statistics, regulations and tables but also has a meaningful historical background. So as an introduction, we can take a brief excursion back to the roots and the evolution of organic farming. (The following text is closely{--}but not entirely{--}based on an overview article of Gunter Vogt, 2000a). Organic farming?s origins in the first decades of the 20th century need to be understood in the context of five main aspects:} } @misc{orgprints2851, year = {2001}, pages = {8--9}, author = {Franco Weibel}, number = {24-25}, journal = {Fr{\"u}chte \& Gem{\"u}se, Fruits \& L{\'e}gumes}, title = {Bioobstbau - in grossen Schritten vorw{\"a}rts gegangen}, keywords = {Anbautechnik Mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau}, abstract = {Der Bioobstanbau der Schweiz ist nach langen Jahren der produktionstechnischen Stagnation seit f{\"u}nf Jahren in einem beachtlichen Aufschwung. Neue, effizientere Hilfsmittel, Forschung und Beratung, der Einstieg der Grossverteiler und die neue Agrarpolitik haben dazu beigetragen.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2851/} } @misc{orgprints4016, year = {2001}, pages = {25--28}, author = {Franco Weibel and Regula Bickel and Susanne Leuthold and Thomas Alf{\"o}ldi and Urs Niggli and Ursula Balzer-Graf}, number = {117}, publisher = {Stiftung {\"O}kologie und Landbau}, title = {Bio{\"a}pfel - besser und ges{\"u}nder? Eine Vergleichsstudie mit Standard- und Alternativmethoden der Qualit{\"a}tserfassung}, journal = {{\"O}kologie \& Landbau}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/4016/}, abstract = {Die am FiBL auf drei Jahre angelegte Vergleichsstudie f{\"u}r {\"A}pfel aus integrierter und biologischer Produktion weist nach dem ersten Versuchsjahr signifikante anbaubedingte Unterschiede nach.}, keywords = {Bioobstbau, Biopr{\"u}fung Kernobstsorten, Qualit{\"a}t, Lebensmittelqualit{\"a}t} } @misc{orgprints2853, year = {2002}, editor = {M. Fischer}, author = {Franco Weibel and Andreas H{\"a}seli}, publisher = {Eugen Ulmer GmbH \& Co, Stuttgart}, title = {{\"U}berblick zum Biologischen Apfelanbau}, journal = {Apfelanbau - integriert und biologisch}, abstract = {Dieses Kapitel beantwortet unter anderem folgende Fragen: ? Was zeichnet den biologischen Obstbau aus ? ? Welches sind die wichtigsten Richtlinienanforderungen und wie werden sie in der Praxis umgesetzt ? ? Welches sind die wichtigsten Anbauprobleme und welche L{\"o}sungsans{\"a}tze bestehen? ? Wie kann ein Betrieb auf Biolandbau umstellen ? ? Aktuelle Statistik des Bioobstbaus: Fl{\"a}chen, Hauptsorten, Vermarktungswege ? Wie wirtschaftlich ist biologischer Obstbau? }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2853/}, keywords = {Anbautechnik Mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau} } @misc{orgprints2775, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau, Frick}, title = {Sortenempfehlungen f{\"u}r den Bio-Apfelanbau 2003}, journal = {Tagungsband zur FiBL Bioobstbautagung 28.01.2004 in Frick}, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, year = {2004}, author = {Franco Weibel and Andreas H{\"a}seli and Andi Schmid}, pages = {46--48}, keywords = {Anbautechnik Mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Apfelanbau, Sortenempfehlungen}, abstract = {Die Apfelsortenpr{\"u}fung ist seit Jahren fester Bestandteil im Programm der FiBL-Obstbauforschung. Die Pr{\"u}fung erfolgt sowohl in einem Exaktversuch in Frick wie auf Praxisbetrieben. Die Versuchsanlage in Frick ist so angelegt, dass die Sorten (mit Schwerpunkt schorfresistente) sowohl unter praxis{\"u}blichen als auch unter Extrembedingungen gepr{\"u}ft werden (ohne L{\"a}usebek{\"a}mpfung, ohne Ausd{\"u}nnung und bei {\"a}lteren B{\"a}umen auch ohne Mehltau- und Regenfleckenbek{\"a}mpfung). Dies erlaubt f{\"u}r den Bioanbau besonders wichtige Aussagen {\"u}ber die L{\"a}useanf{\"a}lligkeit, den Grad der Selbstausd{\"u}nnung und nur im Bio-Anbau problematische Krankheiten zu machen. In den im beigef{\"u}gten Dokument aufgef{\"u}hrten Listen k{\"o}nnen die neuesten Erkenntnisse des FiBL und Praxiserfahrungen {\"u}ber die aktuellsten Sorten (mit Schwerpunkt schorfresistenten) entnommen werden. }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2775/} } @misc{orgprints2777, author = {Franco Weibel and Andreas H{\"a}seli and Andi Schmid and Alfred Leder}, pages = {49--51}, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, year = {2004}, title = {Sorten und -Unterlagen f{\"u}r Bioobstbau: Kurznachrichten 2003/2004}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau, Frick, Schweiz}, journal = {Tagungsband zur FiBL Bioobstbautagung 28.01.2004 in Frick}, keywords = {Bioobstbau, Sortenteams}, abstract = {Hauptziel des Sortenteams, das aus Vertretern von Coop, Abpackbetrieben, Produzenten und des FiBL besteht, ist die m{\"o}glichst effiziente Optimierung des Sortenangebotes von biologischen Fr{\"u}chten nach sensorischen, agronomischen und {\"o}kologischen Kriterien. Das Sortenteam w{\"a}hlt aus bereits vorgepr{\"u}ften Sorten solche aus, die bestehende Sortimentsl{\"u}cken schliessen oder bisherige Sorten verbessern k{\"o}nnten. Diese "Team-Sorte" wird auf 2-4 Bio-Betrieben im Vertragsanbau produziert. Die Gesamtfl{\"a}che ist so gross, dass mit den Ertr{\"a}gen des dritten und vierten Standjahres Testverk{\"a}ufe durchgef{\"u}hrt werden k{\"o}nnen. F{\"u}r die Fr{\"u}chte der Testverk{\"a}ufe erhalten die Produzenten eine vertraglich festgelegte ?Pionierpr{\"a}mie?. Aufgrund der agronomischen Erfahrungen der Pionierbetriebe und den Kundenreaktionen entscheidet anschliessend das Sortenteam gemeinsam, ob die Sorte weitergef{\"u}hrt werden soll oder nicht; und falls ja, mit welchem Mengenziel. Im Falle eines Neins w{\"a}ren f{\"u}r die Produzenten dank den ?Pionierpr{\"a}mien? f{\"u}r die Fr{\"u}chte die Investitionskosten ungef{\"a}hr gedeckt. Das Konzept Sortenteam verbessert somit auch den Zustand, dass zu viele Produzenten unkoordiniert und mit zu hohem finanziellen Risiko auf eigene Faust mit Sorten experimentieren m{\"u}ssen. }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2777/} } @inproceedings{orgprints10134, title = {Consumer Reaction to the ?Flavour Group Concept? to introduce Scab Resistant Apple Varieties into the Market. ?Variety-Teams? as a Further Development of the Concept}, publisher = {F{\"o}rdergemeinschaft {\"O}kologischer Obstbau.e.V. Weinsberg}, journal = {11th Conference on Cultivation Technique und Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit Growing. Proceedings to the Conference February 3rd to 5th 2004 at Weinsberg / Germany. D-Weinsberg}, pages = {196--201}, author = {Franco Weibel and Alfred Leder}, year = {2004}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Sortenteams, Venturia inaequalis, apple, cultivar, resistance, market introduction, flavour group concept, consumer poll, variety team}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/10134/}, abstract = {A tool to ease the market introduction of scab resistant apple varieties in supermarkets, is the so-called ?Flavour Group Concept (FGC; Weibel and Grab, 2000) that has been developed by FiBL and ?Coop? (second biggest supermarket retailer of Switzerland) already in 1995. The FGC is providing to the buyers additional information on the specific flavour direction of that "unknown" apple cultivar in front of them (mild to sweet; spicy-tart; predominantly tart). In 2002 a consumer behaviour study was undertaken by ?IHA/GfK-Switzerland? Institute to evaluate the consumer response to the FGC. The results reveal that 36 \% of the persons interviewed at the point of sale considered additional information on the flavour direction of the apple cultivars as ?important? and 40 \% as ?very important?. Information on flavour direction was considered as the second important information at the shelf (59 \% score), compared to the general presentation of the apples with 78 \% score. On basis of these positive results, Coop introduced the FGC also for conventional apples. One year later, also the biggest supermarket retailer of Switzerland ?Migros?introduced a FGC for organic and conventional apples. To develop further the FGC, in the year 2002, a consortium of the supermarket chain Coop Switzerland, organic apple growers, retailers and FiBL experts joined together in a so called ?Variety Team?. There, in contrast to Variety Clubs, the focus is not a particular variety but the active creation and promotion of an attractive assortment of scab resistant apple varieties in a well co-ordinated and thus for growers and retailers most efficient way. Investments and risks are evenly shared between the Team Partners. The first cultivar promoted is ?Ecolette?.} } @misc{orgprints2649, year = {2003}, address = {Frick}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau, Frick}, title = {Sortenempfehlungen f{\"u}r den Bio-Apfelanbau (Stand Januar 2003)}, journal = {Tagungsband. FiBL Obstbautagung. Beitr{\"a}ge zur FiBL Obstbautagung 29.01.2003 in Frick, Schweiz}, pages = {35--36}, author = {Franco Weibel and Andi Schmid}, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2649/}, abstract = {Die Apfelsortenpr{\"u}fung ist seit Jahren fester Bestandteil im Programm der FiBL-Obstbauforschung. Die Pr{\"u}fung erfolgt sowohl in einem Exaktversuch in Frick wie auf Praxisbetrieben. Die Versuchsanlage in Frick ist so angelegt, dass die Sorten unter praxis{\"u}blichen, wie unter Extrembedingungen gepr{\"u}ft werden k{\"o}nnen (ohne L{\"a}usebek{\"a}mpfung, ohne Ausd{\"u}nnung und bei {\"a}lteren B{\"a}umen auch ohne Mehltau- und Regenfleckenbek{\"a}mpfung). Dies erlaubt - f{\"u}r den Bioanbau besonders wichtige - Aussagen {\"u}ber die L{\"a}useanf{\"a}lligkeit, den Grad der Selbstausd{\"u}nnung und nur im Bio-Anbau problematische Krankheiten zu machen. Beigef{\"u}gter Liste k{\"o}nnen die neuesten Erkenntnisse und Praxiserfahrungen {\"u}ber aktuelle Sorten entnommen werden.}, keywords = {Beratung, Mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Sortenempfehlungen, Apfelanbau} } @misc{orgprints2801, year = {2003}, editor = {J. Janick}, pages = {335--342}, author = {Franco Weibel and Andi Schmid and Andreas H{\"a}seli}, journal = {XXVI International Horticultural Congress ? Genetics and Breeding of Tree Fruits and Nuts}, title = {Efficient Multi-location Testing of Scab Resistant Cultivars for Organic Apple Production in Switzerland}, publisher = {International Society for Horticultural Sience (ISHS)}, keywords = {Bioobstbau, Biopr{\"u}fung Kernobstsorten, Malus {$\times$}domestica, apple cultivar, scab, resistance, testing}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2801/}, abstract = {The market and production of organic apples is growing worldwide. Most of the production occurs on freshly converted orchards with cultivars very sensitive to apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) that in humid conditions need an intensive plant protection program. For the future development of organic fruit growing towards a credibly sustainable production it is necessary to replace these cultivars with scab resistant or tolerant cultivars. Cultivar testing under organic growing conditions is therefore an important task. We describe our testing concept that consists of precision trials where cultivars are tested with an without aphid control and with and without crop load regulation. In parallel, we carry out on-farm trials with the most promising cultivars on up to 10 commercial, certified organic farms in all apple growing regions of Switzerland. Our experience with the concept is mostly positive because recommendations for the organic growers can be made relatively fast and reliably. However the test system is costly and labor intensive.} } @misc{orgprints2650, author = {Franco Weibel and Andi Schmid and Andreas H{\"a}seli}, pages = {31--34}, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, year = {2003}, journal = {Tagungsband. FiBL Obstbautagung. Beitr{\"a}ge zur FiBL Obstbautagung 29.01.2003 in Frick}, title = {Sortenwahl: Nicht nur neue Sorten ? auch neue Impulse braucht das Bio-Obstland}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau, Frick}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2650/}, abstract = {Ziel der Apfel-Sortenpr{\"u}fung des FiBL ist die spezifische Pr{\"u}fung robuster oder resistenter Sorten unter Bedingungen des Bioanbaus aber auch des Biomarktes. Wenn immer m{\"o}glich gilt es, m{\"o}glichst rasch, eine Auswahl an Sorten zusammenzustellen mit denen auch gr{\"o}ssere, auf Tafelobstbau spezialisierte Betriebe sowohl gute Erfolge im Anbau als auch auf dem Markt erzielen k{\"o}nnen. Damit die Resultate der Sortenpr{\"u}fung mit m{\"o}glichst viel Sicherheit auch f{\"u}r unterschiedliche Anbaugebiete und Lagen gelten, pr{\"u}fen wir die Apfelsorten sowohl in Exaktversuchen auf dem Institutsgel{\"a}nde wie auch in einem Ringversuch auf zur Zeit 6 Biobetrieben. Die Pr{\"u}fung von Kirschensorten f{\"u}hren wir in Zusammenarbeit mit der Forschungsanstalt W{\"a}denswil auf dem Steinobstzentrum Breitenhof durch. Eine Erweiterung der dort stattfindenden Versuche um Bio-Zwetschgen- und ?Sauerkirschensorten ist in Planung.}, keywords = {Beratung, Mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Apfelsorten} } @misc{orgprints14787, pages = {32--34}, author = {Franco Weibel and Francisco Suter and Jean-Luc Tschabold and Andi H{\"a}seli}, year = {2006}, journal = {Tagungsband Forum Arbo Bio Romandie 2006}, title = {Evaluation 2005 des aptitudes des vari{\'e}t{\'e}s r{\'e}sistantes en Arboriculture bio}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/14787/}, abstract = {L'{\'e}valuation des nouvelles vari{\'e}t{\'e}s fait partie du programme de recherche du FiBL. Elle se fait dans le cadre d'essais pr{\'e}cis et aussi chez les producteurs. A Frick les essais se font en conditions "extr{\^e}mes", c'est {\`a} dire sans traitement contre les pucerons, sans {\'e}claircissage et sur les arbres plus {\^a}g{\'e}s, sans traitement contre l'o{\"i}dium et la suie. Ces conditions permettent d'appr{\'e}cier les nouvelles vari{\'e}t{\'e}s dans l'environnement difficiles de la production bio. Les remarques des praticiens sont les bienvenues!}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Sortenteams, Resistenz} } @misc{orgprints2772, author = {Franco Weibel and Francisco Suter and Daniel Zingg}, pages = {35--37}, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, year = {2004}, title = {Bek{\"a}mpfung von Gloeosporium auf Apfel mit Nacherntebehandlungen}, journal = {Tagungsband zur FiBL Bioobstbautagung 28.01.2004 in Frick}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau, Frick}, keywords = {Anbautechnik, Mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Gloeosporium, Apfelanbau, Lagerung Bioobst}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2772/}, abstract = {Versuchsanordnung Der Versuch wurde bei {\"A}pfeln der Sorte Pinova durchgef{\"u}hrt. Es handelte sich um die 3. Lese (12. Okt. 2003), da diese erfahrungsgem{\"a}ss am meisten Gloeosporium gef{\"a}hrdet ist. Wir haben alle Behandlungen in einer 200 l Wanne (gef{\"u}llt mit 70 l Wasser) durchgef{\"u}hrt. In der Behandlung mit heissem Wasser wurde die Wassertemperatur durch Nachf{\"u}llen stabil zwischen 51.5 und 52.3?C gehalten. In den Behandlungen mit den Produkten "Jet 5" und Wasserstoffperoxyd haben wir die Produktkonzentrationen nach der Behandlung jeder Repetition durch Analysest{\"a}bchen von Merckoquant kontrolliert und je nach Bedarf mit dem jeweiligen Produkt nachgef{\"u}llt. Es wurden Fruchtkistchen von je 25 Fr{\"u}chten in 6 Wiederholungen pro Verfahren getaucht. Anschliessend wurden die Proben zur Vermeidung von Kontamination {\"u}ber die Luft im Lagerraum in Frischhaltebeutel verpackt. Die Lagerung erfolgte in zuf{\"a}lliger Anordnung der Obstkisten bei 2 ? C und 92 \% rLF. } } @misc{orgprints14784, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick}, title = {R{\'e}sum{\'e} des recommandations pratiques actuelles pour l?{\'e}claircissage biologique des pommiers}, journal = {Tagungsband Forum Arbo Bio Romandie 2006}, year = {2006}, pages = {26--27}, author = {Franco Weibel and Jean-Luc Tschabold and V{\'e}ronique Chevillat and Walter Stadler}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Ausd{\"u}nnversuche, Behangsregulierung Kernobst}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/14784/}, abstract = {Recommandations pratiques r{\'e}sultant des essais d?{\'e}claircissage r{\'e}alis{\'e}s de 2003 {\`a} 2005 I), II).} } @unpublished{orgprints4896, year = {2005}, month = {June}, number = {05/05}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau, CH-5070 Frick; Bio Suisse, CH- 4053 Basel}, journal = {Bioaktuell}, title = {Obstbau - Welche Sorten sind am besten?}, pages = {8--11}, author = {Franco Weibel and Jean-Luc Tschabold and Francisco Suter and Andi H{\"a}seli}, keywords = {Bioobstbau, Sortenteams}, abstract = {Schorfresistente Apfelsorten schmecken immer besser und sind wichtig f{\"u}r einen glaubw{\"u}rdigen Bioobstbau. Im sehr nassen Fr{\"u}hling 2005 zeigte sich, wie schwierig die biologische Schorfbek{\"a}mpfung mit anf{\"a}lligen Sorten sein kann. Diverse Neuentwicklungen an der Z{\"u}chter- und Marktfront geben der Sortenwahl auf Biobetrieben neue Impulse. Der vorliegende Beitrag hilft mit einem {\"U}berblick und neuen Tipps und Fakten.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/4896/} } @misc{orgprints2648, address = {Frick}, year = {2003}, publisher = {Forschungsinstitut f{\"u}r biologischen Landbau, Frick}, title = {Ausd{\"u}nnung beim Apfel: Beim Fadenger{\"a}t l{\"a}sst sich noch einiges herausholen!}, journal = {Tagungsband. FiBL Obstbautagung. Beitr{\"a}ge zur FiBL Obstbautagung 29.01.2003 in Frick}, editor = {Andreas H{\"a}seli}, author = {Franco Weibel and Andrea Walther}, pages = {37--41}, abstract = {Die negativen Nebenwirkungen des Fadenger{\"a}tes lassen sich mit einer Erh{\"o}hung der Fahrgeschwindigkeit erheblich verringern ohne dass es dabei zu einer Verminderung der Ausd{\"u}nnwirkung kommt. Dies erlaubt dem Praktiker zur Erh{\"o}hung und Optimierung der Ausd{\"u}nnwirkung zwei evt. sogar drei Durchg{\"a}nge mit dem Fadenger{\"a}t vorzunehmen (gezielt auf gewisse Bl{\"u}tenstadien wie z.B. die K{\"o}nigsbl{\"u}ten oder die sp{\"a}ten Bl{\"u}ten am 1-j. Holz). Limitierend ist, dass es nicht so einfach ist, mit derart hohen Geschwindigkeiten durch die Anlage zu preschen. H. Gessler hat in der Zwischenzeit ein doppelspindliges Fadenger{\"a}t gebaut, dass bei Normalgeschwindigkeit den selben Effekt erzielt wie das schnellere Fahren. Die Erfahrungen mit Vinasse-Produkten sind sehr interessant, bed{\"u}rfen aber noch einer sehr genauen {\"U}berpr{\"u}fung zumal soeben 2 neue Vinasse Produkte in die BIO-SUISSE Hilfsliste aufgenommen worden sind. Aber auch weil die S{\"u}dtiroler Kollegen uns von schweren Berostungen und nicht befriedigender Wirkung berichten ? auch mit den von uns vermittelten Schweizer Vinassen.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2648/}, keywords = {Beratung, Mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Ausd{\"u}nnung, Apfelanbau, Fadenger{\"a}t} } @misc{orgprints13340, editor = {J. Cooper and U. Niggli and C. Leifert}, pages = {330--352}, author = {Franco P. Weibel and Thomas Alf{\"o}ldi}, journal = {Handbook of organic food safety and quality}, publisher = {Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, England}, title = {Improving the quality and shelf life of fruit from organic production systems}, year = {2007}, address = {Cambridge}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, organic fruit production, food safety, health, nutrition, organic agriculture}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/13340/}, abstract = {Since the mid-1990s important key markets like the EU, USA and Japan have demonstrated a growth in the organic sector of around 20\% per year. This strong growth of organics is underpinned by consumer concern over genetic engineering, food safety, health and nutrition (is it safe and healthy to eat?) and greater awareness of environmental issues (Torjusen, and Sangstad, 2004; Granatstein and Kirby, 2006). For farmers this provides an important opportunity in the ?search for? and ?development of? niche, new and nontraditional premium earning markets. However on-going improvements in conventional food production systems in terms of visible produce quality, but also with respect to environmental criteria, require a clear demonstration of the additional values that organic food can provide for the consumers and for the sustainability of food production and the environment (see Chapter 2). Sound scientific studies quantifying ?added values? play a key role in the marketing of organic produce if appropriately communicated to consumers, but are also important in gaining continued political support for an expansion of organic agriculture. Organic fruit production is one of the most important and challenging areas of organic production for a variety of reasons.} } @misc{orgprints13369, title = {Fruit Thinning in Organic Apple Growing with optimized Strategies including natural Spray Products and Rope-Devices}, journal = {European Journal of Horticultural Science}, year = {2008}, author = {Franco P. Weibel and V{\'e}ronique S. Chevillat and Elena Rois and Jean-Luc Tschabold and Walter Stadler}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, pollen, germination, vinasse, molasses, rope thinner, kitchen salt, lime sulphur, corn oil, Nachhaltigkeitsanalyse}, abstract = {The aim of our study was to find new thinning methods for organic apple production able to fulfil the standards of Bio Suisse, the main label organisation of the organic food sector in Switzerland. The 17 trials reported were carried out during flowering period in the years 2003, 2004 and 2005 on the cultivars ?Pinova?, ?Gala?, ?Maigold?, ?Elstar?, ?Breaburn?, ?Golden Delicious? and ?Otava? at different sites. The results confirm the good efficiency of mechanical thinning with the rope thinner and the thinning potential of vinasse, a by product of molasses. Different vinasse products were tested (K-Vinasse, light-vinasse, N Vinasse; NK-Vinasse) and it was observed that those containing less nitrogen had a minor thinning effect. To avoid phytotoxicity on leaves, the concentration of N-Vinasse should not exceed 10\%. It seems that for ?Gala? higher concentrations are needed, 7.5-10\%, whereas with ?Maigold? the efficacy of N-Vinasse was the same with the 2.5\% concentration as with 5\% and 10\%. On the other hand, partly good results were obtained when N-Vinasse was over-concentrated to 12 or 15\%, applied at warm weather and rinsed with clear water 4-6 hours later to avoid the phytotoxic effect (?burn \& rinse? method). Corn Oil (5\%), a commercial product from New Zealand, gave encouraging results. Lime sulphur (2\%) did not effectuate a significantly better thinning effect. The best method tested with a fruit set reduction by 62\% and 3,05 times higher flower bud set next year was achieved with a combination of rope thinner and N-Vinasse: rope thinner to thin the peripheral branches and to exert a physiological stress; and N-Vinasse to thin the inner parts of the canopy that the ropes can?t reach. Other tested products did not show satisfying effects. Trials also confirmed the importance of applying these thinning agents at least two times, at the appropriate phenological stage of flowering period mainly at F2 (full bloom) and G (= F2 of the one-year old shoots) and in case at F (king flower open). Hitting also the flowers of the one-year old shoots is important to break bi-annual bearing. Pollen tube growth was assessed by fluorescence microscopy. Almost complete inhibition of pollen tube germination was observed with Lime Sulphur and over concentrated N-Vinasse (12\%\%) whereas with N-Vinasse at 5\%\% inhibition was 50\%\% less compared to untreated styles.. Overlooking all trials, combining N-Vinasse and rope thinner was the most efficient strategy for flower thinning. However, after our trials, its efficacy seems to depend strongly on climatic conditions and phenological stages: treatments with N-Vinasse should be carried out at warm and sunny days above 16, better 18-20 deg. C. to maximize desiccation on the styles; whereas the rope thinner should be applied during periods of cold and clouded weather to maximize the thinning effect due to physiological stress and shortage of assimilates to the fruitlets. }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/13369/} } @inproceedings{orgprints9020, pages = {183--197}, author = {Franco P. Weibel and V{\'e}ronique S. Chevillat and Jean-Luc Tschabold and Walter Stadler}, editor = {Markus Boos}, journal = {ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany}, publisher = {F{\"o}rdergemeinschaft {\"O}kologischer Obstbau e.V. (F{\"O}KO)}, title = {Fruit thinning in organic apple growing with optimized timing and combination strategies including (new) natural spray products and mechanical rope-devices }, year = {2006}, address = {Weinsberg, Germany}, keywords = {apple, organic, fruit thinning, blossom, pollen, germination, vinasse, rope thinner molasse, kitchen salt, lime sulphur, corn oil, Gala, Golden Delicious, Pinova, Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Innere Qualit{\"a}t}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/9020/}, abstract = {The aim of our study was to find new thinning methods for organic apple production able to fulfil the standards of Bio-Suisse, the main label organisation of the organic food sector in Switzerland. The 14 trials reported were carried out during flowering period in 2003 and 2004 on the cultivars Pinova, Gala, Maigold, Elstar, Golden Delicious and Otava at different sites. The results confirm the good efficiency of mechanical thinning with the rope thinner and the thinning potential of vinasse, a by-product of molasses. Different vinasse products were tested (K-Vinasse, light-vinasse, N-Vinasse) and it was observed that those containing less nitrogen had a minor thinning effect. To avoid phytotoxicity on leaves, the concentration of N-Vinasse should not exceed 10 \%. It seems that for Gala higher concentrations are needed, 7.5-10\%, whereas with Maigold the efficacy of N-Vinasse was the same with the 2.5 \% concentration as with 5 \% and 10 \%. On the other hand, partly good results were obtained when N-Vinasse was over-concentrated to 12 \%, applied at warm weather and rinsed with clear water 4-6 hours later to avoid the phyto-toxic effect (?burn \& rinse? method). Corn Oil, a commercial product from New Zealand, gave encouraging results. Lime sul-phur didn?t effectuate a significantly better thinning effect. The best method tested (fruit set reduction by 44 \% and 26 \% higher flower bud set next year) was achieved with a combination of rope thinner and N-Vinasse: rope thinner to thin the peripheral branches and to exert a physiological stress; and N-Vinasse to thin the inner parts of the canopy that the ropes can?t reach. Other tested products did not show satisfying effects. Trials also confirmed the importance of applying these thinning agents at least two times, at the appropriate phenological stage of flowering period (F,) F2 (full bloom) and G (= F2 of the one-year old shoots). Hitting also the flowers of the one-year old shoots is important to break bi-annual bearing. Pollen tube growth was assessed by fluorescence microscopy. Almost complete inhibition of pollen tube germina-tion was observed with Lime Sulphur and over-concentrated N-Vinasse (12 \%) whereas with N-Vinasse at 5 \% inhibition was 50 \% less compared to untreated styles. Some contradictory results between different trials we ascribe to the air temperature during and after the treatments. It seems that treatments with N-Vinasse should be carried out at warm and sunny days above 16, better 18-20 deg. C. to maximize phytotoxicity on the styles; whereas we recommend to apply the rope thinner during periods of cold and clouded weather to maximize the thinning effect due to physiological stress and shortage of assimilates to the fruitlets. Concrete practical recommendations are given. } } @misc{orgprints7099, author = {Franco P. Weibel and V{\'e}ronique S. Chevillat and Jean-Luc Tschabold and Walter Stadler}, pages = {183--197}, editor = {F{\"O}KO F{\"o}rdergemeinschaft {\"O}kologischer Obstbau e.V.}, year = {2006}, publisher = {F{\"O}KO, Weinsberg, Germany}, title = {Fruit thinning in organic apple growing with optimized timing and combinations strategies including (new) natural spray products and mechanical rope-divices}, journal = {Proceeedings of the 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing, Weinsberg/Germany, Jan 31 - Feb 2 2006}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/7099/}, abstract = {The aim of our study was to find new thinning methods for organic apple production able to fulfil the standards of Bio-Suisse, the main label organisation of the organic food sector in Switzerland. The 14 trials reported were carried out during flowering period in 2003 and 2004 on the cultivars Pinova, Gala, Maigold, Elstar, Golden Delicious and Otava at different sites. The results confirm the good efficiency of mechanical thinning with the rope thinner and the thinning potential of vinasse, a by-product of molasses. Different vinasse products were tested (K-Vinasse, light-vinasse, N-Vinasse) and it was observed that those containing less nitrogen had a minor thinning effect. To avoid phytotoxicity on leaves, the concentration of NVinasse should not exceed 10 \%. It seems that for Gala higher concentrations are needed, 7.5-10\%, whereas with Maigold the efficacy of N-Vinasse was the same with the 2.5 \% concentration as with 5 \% and 10 \%. On the other hand, partly good results were obtained when N-Vinasse was over-concentrated to 12 \%, applied at warm weather and rinsed with clear water 4-6 hours later to avoid the phyto-toxic effect (?burn \& rinse? method). Corn Oil, a commercial product from New Zealand, gave encouraging results. Lime sulphur didn?t effectuate a significantly better thinning effect. The best method tested (fruit set reduction by 44 \% and 26 \% higher flower bud set next year) was achieved with a combination of rope thinner and N-Vinasse: rope thinner to thin the peripheral branches and to exert a physiological stress; and N-Vinasse to thin the inner parts of the canopy that the ropes can?t reach. Other tested products did not show satisfying effects. Trials also confirmed the importance of applying these thinning agents at least two times, at the appropriate phenological stage of flowering period (F,) F2 (full bloom) and G (= F2 of the one-year old shoots). Hitting also the flowers of the one-year old shoots is important to break bi-annual bearing. Pollen tube growth was assessed by fluorescence microscopy. Almost complete inhibition of pollen tube germination was observed with Lime Sulphur and over-concentrated N-Vinasse (12 \%) whereas with N-Vinasse at 5 \% inhibition was 50 \% less compared to untreated styles. Some contradictory results between different trials we ascribe to the air temperature during and after the treatments. It seems that treatments with N-Vinasse should be carried out at warm and sunny days above 16, better 18-20 deg. C. to maximize phytotoxicity on the styles; whereas we recommend to apply the rope thinner during periods of cold and clouded weather to maximize the thinning effect due to physiological stress and shortage of assimilates to the fruitlets. Concrete practical recommendations are given.}, keywords = {Apple, organic, fruit thinning, blossom, pollen, germination, vinasse, rope thinner molasse, kitchen salt, lime sulphur, corn oil, Gala, Golden Delicious, Pinova, Optimierung des Anbaus, der Sorten und der Pflegemassnahmen f{\"u}r den Bioobstbau, Ausd{\"u}nnversuche, Bioobstbau} } @misc{orgprints7042, journal = {Journ{\'e}es Techniques Fruits \& L{\'e}gumes et Viticulture Biologiques}, title = {Lutte contre Gloeosporium (album et perennans) des pommes biologiques Post-Recolte avec des produits oxidants et des eaux {\'e}lectrolytiques,et Pre-Recolte avec differents produits biologiques entre 2001-2004}, year = {2005}, author = {Franco P. Weibel and Priska Hahn and Susanne Lieber and Andi H{\"a}seli and Thomas Amsler and Daniel Zingg}, pages = {120}, keywords = {Bioobstbau, pommes, biologique, Gloeosporium, thermoth{\'e}rapie, eaux {\'e}lectrolytiques}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/7042/}, abstract = {Dans la production biologiques des pommes les pertes post-r{\'e}colte caus{\'e}es par Gloeospo-rium album et perennans peuvent atteindre, avec des vari{\'e}t{\'e}s sensibles comme Pinova, Topaz ou GoldRush jusqu'{\`a} 80 \%. Il est connue que la thermoth{\'e}rapie (plonger les pommes pendant 2-3 min. dans l?eau chaude de 50-52 deg.) peut supprimer bien le d{\'e}veloppement du pathog{\`e}ne relativement bien. Les d{\'e}savantages de la thermoth{\'e}rapie sont sa consommation d?{\'e}nergie significative, ses hautes co{\^u}ts d?investissement et finalement que les d{\'e}g{\^a}t latentes de G. album prove-nant du champ deviennent visible peu de jours apr{\`e}s le traitement ce qui pouvait d{\'e}valoriser jusqu?{\`a} 30 \% de la r{\'e}colte. Le but de nos {\'e}tudes c?est de trouver des m{\'e}thodes de lutte contre Gloeosporium album et perennans comme alternative {\`a} la thermoth{\'e}rapie. Dans nos essays sur plusieurs ann{\'e}es avec les vari{\'e}t{\'e}s Pinova et Topas ni les produits oxi-dants (Jet5, H2O2, Nitrit, th{\'e} vert, th{\'e} de pr{\`e}le ) ni l?ozone mis {\`a} l?eau (froid, 17 deg.) ont ap-port{\'e} des r{\'e}sultats r{\'e}guli{\`e}rement satisfaisants (pas de diff{\'e}rence compar{\'e} avec les pommes non trait{\'e}es). Les pertes ont atteint 60-80\% apr{\`e}s conservation et justqu?{\`a} 90 \% apr{\`e}s 10 jours de shelf-life de plus. A partir de 2004 nous avons aussi test{\'e} des eaux {\'e}lectrolytiques (Anostel? et Cathostel?), une technique de d{\'e}sinfection qui vient surtout du secteur m{\'e}dicinal. Elle est propre, sans formation des r{\'e}sidus dans les produit ou dans l?environnement. En plongeant les pommes s{\'e}riellement dans ces solutions pendant 5 min. chaque, l?efficacit{\'e} n?{\'e}tait pas aussi bonne qu?avec thermoth{\'e}rapie (75 \% vendable apr{\`e}s conservations) mais beaucoup meilleur (62 \% vendable) qu?avec tout les autres oxidants (48 \% vendable). C?est pourquoi nous essayons d?optimiser la m{\'e}thode des eaux {\'e}lectrolytiques avec des essaies en cours de cette ann{\'e}e. Car l?attaque des Gloeosporium sur champ peut avoir un effet tellement nocif malgr{\'e} des traitements post r{\'e}colte, nous avons aussi test{\'e} des strat{\'e}gie de contr{\^o}le pre-r{\'e}colte {\`a} partir du mois de Juillet avec des produits antagoniste (la levure Aureobasidium pullulans), KBV-Lactop{\'e}roxidase, Calcium-polysulphurique, cuivre, Calcium-Chloride (pour fortifier la cuti-cule) et Mycosin (argile acidifi{\'e}). De tout les produits test{\'e}s pre-r{\'e}colte seulement le Mycosin donnait des r{\'e}sultat satisfaisant, comparable {\`a} la thermoth{\'e}rapie. Aussi nous avons pu prouv{\'e} qu?avec Pinova le savon de coco pour lutter contre la maladie de suie (Cocana) {\`a} un effet significativement aggravant l?incidence de Gloeosporium. Le but de nos {\'e}tudes actuels c?est de d{\'e}velopper des strat{\'e}gies combin{\'e} pre- et post r{\'e}colte (sans thermoth{\'e}rapie) qui n?interf{\`e}rent pas avec la lutte contre les autre maladies (suie, ta-velure, oidium) et qui se compl{\'e}mentent d?une fa{\c c}on id{\'e}ale et {\'e}cologique. } } @misc{orgprints2993, editor = {L. Bertischinger and J.D. Anderson}, pages = {375--385}, author = {Franco P. Weibel and Andreas H{\"a}seli and Otto Schmid and Helga Willer}, journal = {ISHS Acta Horticulturae 638: XXVI International Horticultural Congress: Sustainability of Horticultural Systems in the 21st Century}, publisher = {International Society for Horticultural Science ISHS}, title = {Present Status of Organic Fruit Growing in Europe}, year = {2004}, address = {Leuven, Belgium}, keywords = {fruit, organic, Europe, production, economics, market, Bioobstbau}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2993/}, abstract = {Organic fruit growing in Europe has experienced remarkable growth rates since the mid 1990's. Southern states, especially Italy, Spain and France have the largest land area with organic fruit, are also growing olives, citrus and chestnuts. Mainly increasing interest of supermarket chains is responsible for this buoyancy, but also the availability of better plant protection products e.g. granulosis virus and mating disruption against codling moth, and Neem oil against Rosy Apple Aphid. State subsidies varying from 600 to more than 1600 Euro /ha/y in the EU-countries (15) are less decisive for the conversion of top fruit production. Market share of organic table fruit is only 1 to 2 \%, reaching 4 to 5 \% in Switzerland. For Switzerland, we estimate a market potential of around 12 to 15 \%, which is already achieved with organic vegetables. In order to reach that percentage, better solutions for several key problems have to be found, e.g. control of scab, fire blight, sooty blotch, brown rot, weed management, fertilisation and crop load regulation. Also the assortment of organically produced ?modern-standard? varieties is not satisfactory, in particular with stone fruit. The economics of organic fruit growing is comparatively healthy, however, it depends on receiving a one third higher farm gate price for the product. In Switzerland the benefit of organic orchards is 16 \% higher compared to integrated fruit production; but labour hours exceed those of IFP by 7\%, due to blossom thinning by hand, manual weed control and mice control. Supermarkets have a tendency to just ?substitute? conventional with organic fruit if requiring organic fruit from disease susceptible varieties with no cosmetic blemishes. This can/does feed back to the growers resulting in ?substitutional? production with disease and pest sensitive orchards managed with intensive ?organic? spray and fertilisation programs. This certainly does not correspond with either the original concept of organic farming or with expectations of organic consumers. Thus, still a lot of development - also on the marketing side - has to be undertaken. } } @misc{orgprints13338, volume = {40}, year = {2007}, author = {Franco P. Weibel and Alfred Leder}, number = {2}, publisher = {International Fruit Tree Association}, title = {Experiences with the Swiss (Organic) Method How to Introduce New Apple Varieties Into Retail Market: Flavour Group Concept and Variety Team}, journal = {The Compact Fruit Tree}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, Sortenteams, organic fruit production, apple varieties, marketing}, abstract = {The choice of suitable cultivars is of central importance to successful organic fruit production. Because of the limited options for plant protection, organic fruit production places particularly high demands on disease and pest tolerance or resistance. Additionally, management aspects must be considered such as marketing options, available sites, and the desired farm structure.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/13338/} } @inproceedings{orgprints7002, journal = {Organic Food Quality and Health Association (FQH) (2005): Where we achieved - where we will go. Proceedings of the First Scientific FQH Conference held in Frick, Switzerland. Kassel}, title = {First results with the Gas Discharge Visualisation (GDV) method (Kirlian photography) to assess the inner Quality of apples}, year = {2005}, author = {Franco P. Weibel and Aleksander Saikov and Christoph Bigler}, pages = {77}, keywords = {Bioobstbau, Innere Qualit{\"a}t, GDV technology, Inner Quality of Apples}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/7002/}, abstract = {GDV technology can provide useful information for distinguishing healthy and stressed plants and, in some cases, it can provide useful information for distinguishing different varieties and rootstocks. It can also provide information for distinguishing fruits grown using different fertilization treatments. However, in our cases with fruit of very similar standard quality, we were not able to find complementary information to distinguish organically from conventionally grown apple fruit. Currently we are carrying out two larger and refined studies on just that topic with 5 conventional/ organic comparison pairs from harvests of two years.} } @unpublished{orgprints9100, author = {Franco P. Weibel and Dieter Treutter and Ursula Graf and Andi H{\"a}seli}, year = {2004}, title = {Geschmack- und gesundheitsrelevante Qualit{\"a}t von {\"o}kologisch angbauten {\"A}pfeln: Eine 3j{\"a}hrige Feldvergleichsstudie mit standard- und ganzheitlichen Untersuchungsmethoden}, keywords = {Anbautechnik mehrj{\"a}hrige Kulturen, Bioobstbau, apple, Golden Delicious, organic, conventional, integrated, production, comparative stuty, quality, sensorial, standard, holistic, soil microbial activity, polyphenols, health}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/9100/}, abstract = {In a 3 years lasting field study with the ?Golden Delicious? cultivar, we compared fruits of 5 pairs of organic/integrated fruit farms. The orchards were similar in microclimate, soil conditions and planting system. To assess inner fruit quality we investigated at the beginning and at the end of cold storage: (i) standard parameters (firmness, sugar, malic acid., mineral content); (ii) sensorial quality by panel tests; (iii) health related components (23 phenolic compounds, nutritional fibres; vitamins); and (v) fruit ?vitality quality? by holistic approaches (crystallisation in copper chloride, self degradation tests, feeding preference tests with laboratory rats). The most significant differences were found in year one of the study, and were by tendency confirmed in the following two years. In year one all fruit samples of organic orchards had significantly firmer fruit flesh (14\%), a 10 \% higher index of inner quality (on basis of sugar and malic acid content and fruit flesh firmness), and 15\% higher taste scores than conventional ones. Phosphorus content of the fruit flesh was 31\% higher in organic apples and closely correlated (r2 = 0.93) with the index of inner quality and sensory score (r2 = 0.69). No extraction method of Phosphorus in the soil (water, NH4-EDTA, citric acid, CAL) correlated with the P-content in the fruits. However, P in the fruit flesh correlated by r2 = 0.72 with the microbial activity of the soil expressed as the ratio of microbialbound Nitrogen and Carbon in the soil. With a value of 3.85 the Cmic:Nmic ratio was 44.5 \% lower (thus more favourable) in organic tree strips. Flavanols, with 65.7 \% of the total polyphenol content were the dominant group of polyphenols. The content of flavonols was 22.7 \% higher in organic apples in the first year and 15.6 \% in the average of the three years. The self-degradation test didn't provide significant differences. Laboratory rats, showed a tendency to prefer IP apples probably due to their advanced ripeness. Thus rat behaviour did not correspond with the sensory panel judgement. The picture forming method provided a correct reproducibility with repeated blind samples before and after storage (r2 = 0.83), and distinguished 100 \% correctly organic an IP fruit in the first year. In the second year there was one miss qualification. The average value over three dates of the index for ?vitality quality?, which was especially created for this study, was 44.6 \% higher with organic apples The picture forming methods correlated well with sensory scores and standard quality (r2 = 0.63) in the first year. The study revealed interesting and consumer-relevant differences between organic and integrated apples with standard and holistic methods.} } @inproceedings{orgprints2586, title = {Organic Viticulture in Europe }, journal = {Proceedings of the The 7th international Congress on Organic Viticulture and Wine. August 20-21, Victoria, Canada}, publisher = {Canadian Organic Growers, Victoria, Canada}, author = {Helga Willer and Andreas H{\"a}seli and Dominique Levite and Lucius Tamm}, year = {2002}, editor = {x Canadian Organic Growers}, keywords = {organic viticulture, production, marketing, challenges, Bioweinbau}, abstract = {Introduction Organic agriculture is a thriving sector in Europe, and in some countries 10 \% of the agricultural area is organic. Not so, however, for organic viticulture: the percentage of organic viticulture land compared to all vineyards is lower than for organic agriculture. This is due to several constraints in the sector of production techniques, in marketing, legislation and state support. Material and Methods So far no official data on the current status of organic viticulture in Europe exist. Even though most countries in the Europe collate data on their land under organic management, information on land use patterns is not always available. For this paper several information sources were used including various conference proceedings on the subject and the results of a survey among experts. Results and Discussion According to a FiBL-survey in Europe almost 60 000 hectares of vineyards are managed organically (end 2000); corresponding to ca. 1.6 percent of all vineyards. The main producing countries are Italy, followed by Spain and France. Highest percentages of organic vineyards compared to conventional vine land are reached in Italy and Portugal (both 3.4 \%). Growth of the organic vineyards is, however, not as fast as that of organic land in general. This is due to several factors: ? With the organic cultivation techniques an optimum balance between pest and predators is enhanced and diseases are reduced. Some major problems have, however, remained for the organic wine growers. In all European countries fungus diseases like powdery and downy mildew (Uncinula necator and Plasmopara viticola) and grey mould (Botrytis cinera) pose particular problems to organic wine growers. Research is urgently needed in order to find efficient copper substitutes. ? According to many experts the only long-term solutions to the fungus problems are interspecific hybrids. Several wine (blind) tastings with traditional and fungus tolerant varieties have shown that the sensorial quality of the new varieties can even be higher than that of the traditional varieties. ? The Southern European countries produce organic wine mainly for export. In France for instance, 70 \% of the organic wine is exported. Germany is the biggest market for organic wines in Europe, and here 70 \% of the wines consumed are imported. Even though the market for organic wine is growing, especially in Northern Europe, the information about the quality of organic wines still needs to be improved. In many countries, organic wine producers have successfully taken part in ?conventional? wine tastings. ? In almost all European countries, organic viticulture is subsidised under the various agri-environment programmes. The payments differ however substantially between the countries; the amounts paid per hectare and year ranging between 500 and 900 Euro. These sums cannot cover the extra costs involved in the organic farming system. Also, the differentiation between the subsidies for integrated and organic farming is far too small, and therefore the incentives for wine growers to convert their land is not sufficient. Conclusions Organic viticulture has clearly trigged many innovations in conventional viticulture. Many techniques which were developed by organic viticulture are applied by conventional wine growers. Several challenges, however, need to be tackled in order to increase the organic vine area and attain growth rates similar to those of organic agriculture in general: 1. There are still no satisfactory solutions to various diseases and pests. Fungus diseases are a pan-European problem, and efficient copper replacements still need to be found, and research efforts need to be increased substantially. A solution to the fungus problems are the interspecific hybrids, for which further breeding efforts are urgently needed. 2. State and EU-regulations hindering wine growers to plant these varieties and market the wine derived from their grapes need urgently to be changed. 3. Organic viticulture is not subsidised adequately in any European country. Organic wine growers need higher subsidies in order to compensate lower yields and the higher labour input. The differentiation between integrated farming should be greater in order to provide sufficient organic conversion incentives . 4. The labelling of organic wine is still not satisfactory. It should be possible in all European countries to declare on the label that a wine stems from organic viticulture in order to strengthen consumer confidence. 5. Information on the quality of organic wines should be improved. }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/2586/} } @misc{orgprints17222, pages = {12--14}, author = {Helga Willer and Uwe Hofmann}, volume = {154}, year = {2010}, number = {2/2010}, journal = {{\"O}kologie \& Landbau}, publisher = {Oekom Verlag}, title = {Von den Anf{\"a}ngen bis heute. Bioweinbau in Europa auf dem Vormarsch}, keywords = {{\"o}kologischer Weinbau, Entwicklung, Konsumentennachfrage, alternative Bewirtschaftung, Bioweinbau}, abstract = {Der {\"o}kologische Weinbau kann eine stattliche Entwicklung vorweisen: Waren es zun{\"a}chst die Winzer, die Alternativen suchten und feststellten, dass sich eine naturgem{\"a}{\ss}e Bewirtschaftung auch in der Qualit{\"a}t des Weins widerspiegelt, kommen nun auch immer mehr Konsumenten auf den ?Biogeschmack?.}, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/17222/} } @misc{orgprints20305, title = {Soil properties under different orchard floor management systems for organic apple production}, journal = {Organic Agriculture}, author = {Roberto J. Zoppolo and Dario Stefanelli and George W. Bird and Ronald L. Perry and Franco Weibel}, pages = {11--18}, volume = {3}, year = {2011}, abstract = {Orchard floor management impacts soil conditions and thus tree performance. This research was initiated to investigate the effects of alternative orchard floor management systems compatible with organic production on soil parameters using the?Pacific Gala? apple cultivar (Malus {$\times$} domestica Borkh.) on three rootstocks of varying vigor. Alfalfa hay mulch, propane flame burner, and Swiss sandwich system(combination of resident vegetation and tilled strips)were compared from 2001 to 2005. These treatments were applied to tree rows which provided different vegetation-free areas. Contrasting additions of organic matter were evaluated for their effect on soil organic matter (SOM), C content, nitrate and ammonium availability, moisture, and soil food web through nematode populations. Laboratory incubations to determine C and N mineralization potentials were performed. During this time period, SOM increased under the mulched soil and slightly less under the Swiss sandwich system (SSS) but in this last case without external inputs. Carbon and N pools were not impacted by flame burning (FL) but were enhanced by alfalfa hay mulch (MU) and to a lesser extent by SSS. Nitrate-N content in soil under MU increased between five and ten times compared to SSS and FL. Total number of nematodes was higher for SSS and MU compared with FL treatment; however, SSS had the most structured soil food web, an important sustainability trait, while MU had the least }, url = {https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/20305/}, keywords = {Soil organic matter, Swiss sandwich system, Hay mulch, Propane flaming, Bioobstbau mineralization, Soil food web} }