{Project} Organochlorbelastete Böden: Bewirtschaftung von organochlorbelasteten Böden. [Safe food production on soils contaminated with organochlorine pesticides.] Runs 2005 - 2008. Project Leader(s): Wyss, Gabriela and Mäder, Paul, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-5070 Frick . {Project} Safe food production: Safe food production on soils contaminated with organochlorine pesticides. [See also Eprint-Nr.: 6276.] Runs 2005 - 2008. Project Leader(s): Wyss, Gabriela and Mäder, Paul, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-5070 Frick . Hilber, Isabel; Voegelin, Andreas; Barmettlet, Kurt and Kretzschmar, Ruben (2007) Plant Availability of Zinc and Copper in Soil after Contamination with Brass Foundry Filter Dust: Effect of Four Years of Aging. Journal of Environmental Quality (36), pp. 44-52. Wyss, Gabriela (2004) Pesticide and mycotoxin contamination of organic products and strategies for prevention. In: Proceedings of the First World Congress on Organic Food. Meeting the Challenges of Safety and Quality for Fruits, Vegetables, and Grains.. Wyss, Gabriela; Nowack, Karin; Koller, Martin and Mäder, Paul (2004) Managing strategies for organochlorine contaminated soils for a safe food production. In: Proceedings of the Working Group 3: Improving nutritional quality and safety of food crops, COST 859.