relation: title: HealthyGrowth - From niche to volume with integrity and trust subject: Markets and trade subject: Education, extension and communication subject: Produce chain management description: Die Märkte für ökologisch erzeugte Nahrungsmittel unterscheiden sich zwar in den europäischen Ländern. In allen aber ist eine Steigerung des ökologischen Handelsvolumens erwünscht, wobei kleine wie große Vermarkter mit spezifischen Problemen konfrontiert sind. Während kleine Unternehmen oder Initiativen oft an der Verfügbarkeit großer Mengen scheitern, müssen sich große Unternehmen der Herausforderung stellen, den umfassenden Qualitätsanforderungen gerecht zu werden und dem Kunden die Werte ökologisch produzierter Nahrungsmittel glaubhaft zu vermitteln. Das Projekt HEALTHYGROWTH beruht auf der Kooperation von elf Partnern. Das deutsche Team leistet einen Beitrag zu den Arbeitspaketen WP2 bis WP6 und ist verantwortlich für WP7. Die deutschen Fallstudien von mittelgroßen ökologischen Wertschöpfungsketten werden in unterschiedlichen Unternehmen oder Initiativen jeweils mit spezifischen Untersuchungsschwerpunkten stattfinden. Die vergleichende Auswertung der Fallstudien wird thematisch nach Themenfeldern aufgefächert. Diese mehrdimensionale Analyse soll beim Verständnis der Mechanismen wachsender organischer Wertschöpfungsketten helfen. Eine Aufgabe des HNEE-Teams besteht in der Koordination des Transfers von Ergebnissen in Wissenschaft und Praxis. Schlüsselpersonen der Branche werden von Beginn an konsequent eingebunden, um die Praxisrelevanz des Ansatzes und eine effektive Verbreitung der Ergebnisse durch Veröffentlichungen, Seminare usw. zu gewährleisten. Hauptbestandteil der Projektarbeit ist neben den Veröffentlichungen die konsequente Einbindung von Vertretern ökologischer Wertschöpfungsketten. Wissenstransfer und gemeinsame Lernprozesse auf nationaler Ebene und über Ländergrenzen hinweg sind Schwerpunkte im Arbeitspaket WP7, das das deutsche Team leitet. Das deutsche Teilprojekt zielt, ebenso wie das Gesamtprojekt, insbesondere auf den Wissens- und Erfahrungsaustausch ab. Die Verwertung der Ergebnisse besteht vor allem in der Verbreitung von Informationen zu Besonderheiten der Wachstumsprozesse innerhalb der Wertschöpfungskette. Hierzu trägt auch der BLE-Ergebnisflyer bei. HEALTHYGROWTH will Erkenntnisse aus verschiedenen Ländern und Unternehmen bündeln und an die Akteure und ihre Netzwerke weitergeben. Zielgruppen sind nicht nur mittelgroße Bio-Nahrungsmittelhändler, sondern auch Kleinerzeuger und Unternehmen, die sich für neue Formen von Partnerschaften und Kooperationen im ökologischen Nahrungsmittelsektor interessieren. Angaben zur Finanzierung des Projekts finden Sie im Förderkatalog des Bundes unter Bitte geben Sie in das Suchfeld eine 28 plus das Förderkennzeichen (FKZ) des BÖL-Projektes ein, z.B. 2808OE212 für das BÖL-Projekt mit der FKZ 08OE212. type: Project description type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/22775/4/22775.pdf identifier: {Project} HealthyGrowth: HealthyGrowth - From niche to volume with integrity and trust. [Gesundes Wachstum: Aus der Marktnische mit Vertrauen und Integrität.] Runs 2013 - 2016. Project Leader(s): Haering, Prof. Dr. Anna Maria, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde (FH) . relation: title: Innovative Finanzierungsformen entlang der Wertschöpfungskette creator: Braun, Charis Linda creator: Köhler, Gerald creator: Häring, Anna Maria subject: "Organics" in general subject: Farm economics subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management description: Auf der Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau 2015 gab es eine Veranstaltungsreihe "Praxis trifft Wissenschaft". Im Themenfeld "Wertschöpfungskette" zielte der Workshop zur Finanzierung in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft auf die Diskussion der Vor- und Nachteile alternativer Finanzierungsmodelle ab. date: 2015-03-19 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/29857/7/WiTa2015_AlternativeFinanzierungsformen%5B1%5D.pdf format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/29857/1/WS_WiTa_%C3%9Cberblick-Alternat-Finanzen.pdf format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/29857/13/150319_Infografiken_Oekonauten_WiTa1.pdf format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/29857/19/WiTa2015_Konkretisierung_Workshops-03.pdf identifier: Braun, Charis Linda; Köhler, Gerald and Häring, Anna Maria (2015) Innovative Finanzierungsformen entlang der Wertschöpfungskette. [Innovative financing for food enterprises along the value chain.] Workshop at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung - Workshops „Dialog Praxis, Beratung, Wissenschaft“, Eberswalde, 17.-20.3.2015. [Completed] relation: title: Warum stagniert das Angebot regionaler Produkte? – Erfahrungen aus einem Forschungsprojekt zur Untersuchung von Hemmnissen für die öffentliche Beschaffung von regionalen und ökologischen Lebensmitteln für Schulen und Kindergärten creator: Haack, Michaela creator: Häring, Anna Maria creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne subject: Farm economics subject: Markets and trade subject: Education, extension and communication subject: Produce chain management subject: Regulation description: Im Rahmen des europäischen CoreOrganicII Projektes HealthyGrowth analysierte das HNEE-Team die Barrieren für die öffentliche Beschaffung von regionalen Lebensmitteln. Der Beitrag war eine Zuarbeit für die Qualitätsoffensive Schulverpflegung der Brandenburgischen Regierung. Diese Politikempfehlungen flossen in die Arbeitskreissitzung vom 28.9.2016 ein. date: 2016 type: Report type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/30715/1/Input-AK1-regionaleVielfalt.pdf format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/30715/7/AK1-top_2_akteure_antworten-Brdbg.pdf format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/30715/13/TO_1.%20Tafelrunde.pdf format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/30715/19/Impulspapier%20Tafelrunde%202016.pdf identifier: Haack, Michaela; Häring, Anna Maria and Münchhausen, von, Susanne (2016) Warum stagniert das Angebot regionaler Produkte? – Erfahrungen aus einem Forschungsprojekt zur Untersuchung von Hemmnissen für die öffentliche Beschaffung von regionalen und ökologischen Lebensmitteln für Schulen und Kindergärten. [Stagnating offers of regional products: experiences on hampering factors for the public procurement of regional food for school cantines - information for policy makers and public procurement agencies.] . relation: title: Umsetzung des EU-Vergaberechts: eine Chance für ökologische und regionale Lebensmittel in der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung? creator: Haack, Michaela creator: Häring, Anna Maria creator: von Münchhausen, Susanne subject: Social aspects subject: Markets and trade subject: Policy environments and social economy subject: Produce chain management subject: Regulation description: The purchase of food and catering services for public institutions is subject to European rules on public procurement. Basic principles of free movement of goods, nondiscrimination and efficiency restrict contracting entities aiming to procure special qualities like local and organic food. However, the reform of EU public procurement law in 2004 permits to define environmental and social criteria in tender documents. National action plans and guidelines even stress the importance of sustainable procurement practices. By analysing tender calls for school catering in Berlin and Brandenburg, this paper aims to point out the opportunities and challenges that arise by the implementation of procurement laws. Results show several weaknesses in award procedures hampering the purchase of local and organic food. Based on the findings, we make recommendations for public authorities and policy. publisher: Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin contributor: Wolfrum, Sebastian contributor: Heuwinkel, Hauke contributor: Wiesinger, Klaus contributor: Reents, Hans Jürgen contributor: Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen date: 2017-03 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/31511/1/Umsetzung%20des%20EU-Vergaberechts.pdf identifier: Haack, Michaela; Häring, Anna Maria and von Münchhausen, Susanne (2017) Umsetzung des EU-Vergaberechts: eine Chance für ökologische und regionale Lebensmittel in der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung? [Amendment to the Act of EU-public Procurement: Will it be an Opportunity for Organic and Regionally Produced Food in Pubic Catering?] Paper at: 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Campus Weihenstephan, Freising-Weihenstephan, 7. -10. März 2017. relation: title: Bio und Regional in der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung: Die Reform des Vergaberechts als Chance nutzen. creator: Haack, Michaela creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne subject: Social aspects subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management subject: Regulation description: Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte sind bei der Beschaffung von Gütern und Dienstleistungen für immer mehr Kommunen von zunehmender Bedeutung. Im Bereich der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung ist hier insbesondere der Wunsch nach ökologischen und regionalen Lebensmitteln relevant. Eine Vorreiterrolle haben Städte wie Berlin, München oder Nürnberg übernommen, indem sie mit politischen Beschlüssen verbindliche Bio-Mindestanteile in öffentlichen Einrichtungen durchgesetzt haben. date: 2017-09 type: Newspaper or magazine article type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/32384/1/LR-03-2017-Michaela%20Haack%20und%20Dr.%20Susanne%20von%20M%C3%BCnchhausen-Die%20Reform%20des%20Vergaberechts%20als%20Chance%20nutzen.pdf identifier: Haack, Michaela and Münchhausen, von, Susanne (2017) Bio und Regional in der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung: Die Reform des Vergaberechts als Chance nutzen. [Organic and Regional in Public Catering: Taking the Chance of the Amendment of the EU public procurement rules.] Ländlicher Raum, September 2017, 3/2017, pp. 56-59. relation: title: Discrepancy between theory and practice: procurement of local and organic food in public catering systems creator: Haack, Michaela creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria subject: Processing, packaging and transportation subject: Markets and trade subject: Policy environments and social economy subject: Produce chain management description: Research results and local development strategies highlight the procurement of local and organic food products as an instrument that contributes to the improvement of both, the sustainable use of natural resources and the regional economy. Although a number of directives and agreements such as the reform of European legislation on public procurement in 2004 or the European “Green Public Procurement”-criteria enable member states to include environmental and social criteria in award processes, research results point out that the uptake of green and social criteria in tenders does not only vary significantly across the member states, but also across regions and product groups. For the purpose of identifying factors hampering local and organic food purchases in tendering procedures, this paper aims to point out the differences in theory and practice in public procurement processes. The analysis is based on case studies on school catering in Berlin and the Federal State of Brandenburg, which present two different models of procurement policies. date: 2016-07-13 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/30011/7/2016_IFSA_HaackM_ppt-final_SvMuenchhausen.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/30011/13/IFSA2016_Paper_PublicProcurement-Haack_Muenchhausen_Haering.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/30011/1/Abstract_IFSA_2016_WS59_publicprocurement_HaackM.pdf identifier: Haack, Michaela; Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2016) Discrepancy between theory and practice: procurement of local and organic food in public catering systems. In: Social and technological transformation of farming systems: Diverging and converging pathways. relation: title: Managing growth in higher value food chains creator: Knickel, Karlheinz creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Vilija, Girgzdiene creator: Virgilius, Skulskis subject: Farm economics subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management description: Higher value food chains tend to converge either towards rather narrow market segments and niches or towards conventionalisation and loss in added value when volumes and turnover start growing more significantly. In this paper we will present the findings from a set of case studies of growth in agri-food chains implemented during 2014 in ten European countries, including in Eastern Europe and Turkey. The comparative analysis will help to better understand different development pathways with their particular challenges, management strategies and instruments. publisher: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) contributor: Tanic, Stjepan date: 2016 type: Book chapter type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/28231/3/Managing%20growth%20in%20food%20chains_Knickel%20et%20al.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/28231/15/PPT%20K%20Knickel%20FAO%20WS%20Porec.pdf format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/28231/9/FAO-WS-Objective-Agenda.pdf format: application/msword language: en identifier: /id/eprint/28231/1/FAO%20WS%20-%20Knickel%20et%20al.docx identifier: Knickel, Karlheinz; Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Vilija, Girgzdiene and Virgilius, Skulskis (2016) Managing growth in higher value food chains. In: Tanic, Stjepan (Ed.) Enhancing efficiency and inclusiveness of agri-food chains in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, pp. 95-110. relation: title: Vertrauen ist gut, Kontrolle nicht immer besser creator: Kretschmer, Kerstin creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria subject: Farm economics subject: Education, extension and communication subject: Produce chain management subject: Germany description: Vertrauen spielt eine zentrale Rolle in werte-basierten Wertschöpfungsketten der ökologischen Nahrungsmittelwirtschaft. date: 2014-05-05 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/27619/7/27619.pdf identifier: Kretschmer, Kerstin; Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2014) Vertrauen ist gut, Kontrolle nicht immer besser. Poster at: Gewisola-Jahrestagung - "Neuere Theorien und Methoden in den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus", Göttingen, Deutschland, 17.-19.9.2014. [Submitted] relation: title: Aufbau wertebasierter Ketten für Öko-Nahrungsmittel - Herausforderungen, Chancen und Risiken, Ergebnisse des EU-Projektes "HealthyGrowth" creator: Münchhausen, Susanne, von subject: Community development subject: Farm economics subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management description: Merkmale einer höheren Produkt- und/oder Prozessqualität sind für die Vermarkung von Öko-Lebensmitteln wichtig. Sie sind Grundvoraussetzung für die Realisieurng eines ‚Mehrwertes‘ für alle an der Kette beteiligten Unternehmen und für die Konsumenten. In diesem Vortrag nennen wir die so entstehenden Wertschöpfungsketten wertebasiert. Der Beitrag zeigt anhand von drei Fallstudienanalysen, wie sich wertebasierte Wertschöpfungsketten in mittelständischen Strukturen erfolgreich etablieren konnten. Uns interessiert besonders, wie sich Unternehmen – und ganze Ketten – in Zeiten starken Umsatzwachstums verändern. Ein besonderes Augenmerk fällt hierbei auf die Anpassung von Unternehmensstrategien und Organisationsprinzipien sowie die Rolle des Managements innerhalb der Unternehmen und über die Kette hinweg. date: 2015-11-06 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/29515/1/2015_11-G%C3%84A-Vortrag-Langtext.pdf format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/29515/7/2015-12-01%20Einladung%20Seminar%20Betriebswirtschaft.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, Susanne, von (2015) Aufbau wertebasierter Ketten für Öko-Nahrungsmittel - Herausforderungen, Chancen und Risiken, Ergebnisse des EU-Projektes "HealthyGrowth". Paper at: Seminar für Landwirte von GÄA e.V., Gäa e.V., Erfurt, Deutschland, 01. Dezember 2015. [Completed] relation: title: Growth, business logic and trust in organic food chains: an analytical framework and some illustrative examples from Germany creator: Münchhausen, Susanne, von creator: Knickel, Karlheinz subject: Farm economics subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management description: The organic food market in Germany has been growing significantly. While expanding, businesses and food initiatives face many challenges. The paper focuses on the challenge of maintaining the added values of organic farming and consumer trust. Both are key assets in organic food chains, and both are difficult to secure when volumes grow, distribution channels change and when producers, processors, sales businesses and con-sumers are less closely connected which tends to limit direct communication and trans-parency. In the central part of the paper, we present an analytical framework that can be used to better understand these connections. Focus is on changes in business logic, chain organisation and coordination. Three case studies of organic value chains in Germany are used to illustrate the application of the framework. The analyses show that business logics and strategies are implemented through a particular set of management and/or marketing instruments and that these impact on the organisation of the businesses, the linkages between chain partners and the marketing of products. publisher: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut contributor: Rahmann, G. contributor: Aksoy, U. date: 2014-10 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/23863/1/23863_final_MM.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/23863/7/Poster-ISOFAR_HG-Task2.pdf format: application/msword language: en identifier: /id/eprint/23863/13/ISOFAR-Paper-MaintainingTrust_inVC-HNEE.docx identifier: Münchhausen, Susanne, von and Knickel, Karlheinz (2014) Growth, business logic and trust in organic food chains: an analytical framework and some illustrative examples from Germany. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges: Vol.2, Germany - India, Proceedings of the 4th ISOFAR Scientific Conference at the Organic World Congress 2014, 13-15 October 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, Vol 2, Thünen Report, no. 20, pp. 403-406. relation: 10.3220/REP_20_1_2014 identifier: 10.3220/REP_20_1_2014 doi: 10.3220/REP_20_1_2014 relation: title: HealthyGrowth: Wie können Öko-Wertschöpfungsketten wachsen, ohne ihre Höherwertigkeit zu verlieren? creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management subject: Germany description: Growth of values-based food chains holds particular challenges. The objective of this paper is the presentation of preliminary results of the HealthyGrowth project. date: 2016-05 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/30474/1/2016_5-Z%C3%96L-Vortrag.pdf format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/30474/7/Einladung%20HF6_KS.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2016) HealthyGrowth: Wie können Öko-Wertschöpfungsketten wachsen, ohne ihre Höherwertigkeit zu verlieren? [HealthyGrowth: How can value chains for organic food expand without losing their added value?] Paper at: Zukunftsstrategie Ökologischer Landbau "Wertschöpfungsketten und Vermarktung", Kassel, Deutschland, 24. Mai 2016. relation: title: Aufbau wertebasierter Ketten für Öko-Nahrungsmittel – Herausforderungen, Chancen und Risiken creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management subject: Knowledge management description: Growth of values-based food chains holds particular challenges, chances and risks. The objective of this presentation was to show preliminary results of the HealthyGrowth project. The discussion with local stakeholders from the agri-food industry enriched the development of the recommendations of the project in 2016. date: 2016-02 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/30777/7/2016_Jahrestreffen-PPT.pdf format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/30777/1/Einladung-Jahrestreffen-Partnerbetriebe%202016.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2016) Aufbau wertebasierter Ketten für Öko-Nahrungsmittel – Herausforderungen, Chancen und Risiken. [Development of values-based chains for organic food – challenges, chances and risks.] Paper at: Jahrestreffen der Partnerbetriebe, InnoForum Ökolandbau Berlin-Brandenburg, Eberswalde, Deutschland, 08. Februar 2016. [Completed] relation: title: Managementstrategien in der ökologischen Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft?! creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria subject: "Organics" in general subject: Farm economics subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management description: Unternehmen und Initiative, die ökologische Lebensmittel produzieren, verarbeiten oder vermarkten, haben sich häufig aus der Nische heraus entwickelt. Oberste Priorität haben zu Beginn der Geschäftsentwicklung typischerweise die klassischen Werte der biologischen Lebensmittelerzeugung, die auf den Prinzipien Gesundheit, Ökologie, Gerechtigkeit und Sorgfalt im ökologischen Landbaus beruhen. Als Sprecher sind Vertreter aus der Landwirtschaft und der Ernährungswirtschaft eingeladen. Der Workshop beruht auf dem Konzept einer Fishbowl-Diskussion. Nach einer kurzen Einführungsrunde der Experten öffnet sich die Gesprächsrunde für Fragen und Beiträge von Teilnehmern. date: 2015-03-19 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/28587/19/28587.pdf format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/28587/25/28587a.pdf format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/28587/31/28587b.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2015) Managementstrategien in der ökologischen Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft?! [Management Strategies in the organic Agri-Food-Sector?!] Workshop at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung - Workshops „Dialog Praxis, Beratung, Wissenschaft“, Eberswalde, 17.-20.3.2015. relation: title: Evaluating the contribution of innovation networks to resilient farming systems creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria creator: Juister, Evelyn subject: Networks and ownership subject: Education, extension and communication subject: Produce chain management subject: Germany description: Eberswalde University has been establishing an innovation network for organic farming and processing in the Federal State of Brandenburg and the city of Berlin in the north-eastern part of Germany. During the last decade, the network enabled several cross-disciplinary study and research projects. Organic farmers, small and medium-sized organic food processors and trade businesses, research institutes, advisory services as well as governmental and non-governmental organisations contributed to the development of this network. The projects that are jointly implemented focus on strategy development and practical problem solving for organic food value chains. date: 2013-12-01 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/25693/13/25693.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/25693/19/2014_ISEE-Resilience-Farming-Food-Networks_komp.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Juister, Evelyn (2013) Evaluating the contribution of innovation networks to resilient farming systems. Paper at: ISEE 2014 Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, 13.-15. August 2014. [Completed] relation: title: The role of the business logic for growing value chains of organic food - first results of an international case study analysis creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria creator: Kvam, Gunn-Turid creator: Milestad, Rebecka subject: Farm economics subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management description: Values-based food chains link farmers, processors, wholesale and retail traders in a way that the end-consumer receives a product with additional quality attributes such as regionality, fair trade, high animal welfare or nature conservation standards. The transmission of such additional values which are beyond general food standards requires chain specific objectives and well-targeted management strategies. Results show that all studied businesses/initiatives have consistent business logics for their internal organisation and cooperation and communication in the specific chain. The business logic ensures the effective value transmission based on e.g. controlling and information measures. date: 2015-08 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/28588/9/ESRS-final-paper-submission-confirmation-June2015.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/28588/7/ESRS2015_0295_proceedingsversion.docx format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/28588/15/2015_ESRS-Presentation-BusinessLogic.pdf format: application/msword language: en identifier: /id/eprint/28588/1/ESRS%202015-submission-No295.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria; Kvam, Gunn-Turid and Milestad, Rebecka (2015) The role of the business logic for growing value chains of organic food - first results of an international case study analysis. In: European Rural Sociology Society (Ed.) Places of Possibilities? Rural Societies in a Neoliberal World, Aberdeen, Scotland, On-line Proceedings, pp. 197-198. relation: title: Healthy growth: From niche to volume with integrity and trust - working group III at the ESRS-Conference 2013 creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria creator: Noe, Egon subject: "Organics" in general subject: Food security, food quality and human health subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management description: Our working group aims to discuss successful approaches of managing increasing quantities of organic food produce - successful in terms of maintaining product quality, trust, integrity and higher value while at the same time increasing turnover. We will focus on two aspects in particular, firstly, the kinds and quality of cooperation of farmers with processors such as dairies, mills, bakeries or oil presses, and secondly, the successful management of growth in value chains including strategies, communication and limiting and enabling factors. date: 2013-07-30 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/24840/7/24840.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Noe, Egon (2013) Healthy growth: From niche to volume with integrity and trust - working group III at the ESRS-Conference 2013. In: Rural resilience and vulnerability: The rural as locus of solidarity and conflict in times of crisis, 2013, ESRS2013_eProceedings. relation: title: Strategies for medium-sized value-based food chains during growing process with a particular focus on the business logic and management concept creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Schulz, Kristin creator: Häring, Anna Maria creator: Llamas Vacas, Rocio subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management subject: Germany description: Growth of values-based food chains holds particular challenges. The disconnection between producers and consumers require strategies that maintain and communicate values throughout the food chain. The objective of this paper is to analyze strategies organic food businesses have chosen to deal with growth, and in particular, strategies that focus on consumers’ expectations and producers’ business strategies. A literature review on the challenges of growing organic food chains provided the conceptual framework. The analysis of three case studies of organic food businesses shows that the values of food chains and the related business strategies aiming to maintain and transmit these values differ significantly. One case study business is closely linked to the farmers and the chain is characterized by the quality of products and process. The second case study focuses on reliability between chain partners, while the third is based on good cooperation aiming to secure income and employment. publisher: IFSA Europe, Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin contributor: Schobert, Heike contributor: Riecher, Maja-Catrin contributor: Fischer, Holger contributor: Aenis, Thomas contributor: Knierim, Andrea date: 2014-04 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/25694/19/25694.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/25694/25/25694a.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/25694/31/25696.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Schulz, Kristin; Häring, Anna Maria and Llamas Vacas, Rocio (2014) Strategies for medium-sized value-based food chains during growing process with a particular focus on the business logic and management concept. In: Schobert, Heike; Riecher, Maja-Catrin; Fischer, Holger; Aenis, Thomas and Knierim, Andrea (Eds.) Farming systems facing global challenges: Capacities and strategies, IFSA Europe, Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Book of abstracts In:, p. 58. relation: title: HealthyGrowth: Wie können Öko-Wertschöpfungsketten wachsen, ohne ihre Höherwertigkeit zu verlieren? Einführungsvortrag zum Obstbau-Workshop im Obstbauzentrum Jork creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne subject: Markets and trade subject: Fruit and berries subject: Produce chain management subject: Knowledge management description: Growth of values-based food chains holds particular challenges, chances and risks. The objective of this presentation was to show results of the HealthyGrowth project. The workshop was organised by the fruit growing center Esteburg and grouped growers in the area of Hamburg who intent to change from conventionel fruit growing to organic systems. date: 2017-03-15 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/31391/2/2017-Jork-HG-Vortrag.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne (2017) HealthyGrowth: Wie können Öko-Wertschöpfungsketten wachsen, ohne ihre Höherwertigkeit zu verlieren? Einführungsvortrag zum Obstbau-Workshop im Obstbauzentrum Jork. [HealthyGrowth: How can organic value chains grow without losing their added values? - Key note at growers' workshop of the Fruit-Growing Centre Jork.] Paper at: Arbeitsgruppe Intensivberatung Bioumstellung Hamburg in 2017, Jork, Deutschland, 15. März 2017. [Completed] relation: title: HealthyGrowth - From Niche to Volume with Integrity and Trust, FULL CASE STUDY REPORT for the Producer-Consumer-Community Landwege cooperative – Germany creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne subject: Farm economics subject: Processing, packaging and transportation subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management subject: Germany description: Most local organic market chains have inherent problems in moving from niche to volume, and mainstream large-scale market chains have inherent difficulties in securing and advancing organic values. The project “Healthy Growth: From Niche to Volume with Integrity and trust” investigated a range of successful mid-scale organic value chains in order to learn how they are able to combine volume and values, and to use this knowledge to support the further development of organic businesses, networks and initiatives. Research teams from 10 European countries contributed with 19 case studies. Landwege cooperative is one of the German case studies. The organic producer-consumer cooperative has 30 member farms producing local organic food products and around 600 consumer members. Landwege runs 5 modern supermarkets in the city of Lübeck and Bad Schwartau in the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein. The case study report presents the development of the initiative since the 1980s, the related value chain of organic farm products and the stakeholder network around the cooperative. The in-depth analysis focuses on six tasks or perspectives: governance and organisation, business logic, quality and market differentiation, communication of values, transnmission of values and qualities, and risk and resilience. date: 2015-04 type: Report type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/28757/7/28757.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne (2015) HealthyGrowth - From Niche to Volume with Integrity and Trust, FULL CASE STUDY REPORT for the Producer-Consumer-Community Landwege cooperative – Germany. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), Eberswalde, Germany . relation: title: HealthyGrowth - From Niche to Volume with Integrity and Trust. FULL CASE STUDY REPORT for Bohlsener Mühle – Germany creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne subject: Farm economics subject: Processing, packaging and transportation subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management subject: Germany description: Most local organic market chains have inherent problems in moving from niche to volume, and mainstream large-scale market chains have inherent difficulties in securing and advancing organic values. The project “Healthy Growth: From Niche to Volume with Integrity and trust” investigated a range of successful mid-scale organic value chains in order to learn how they are able to combine volume and values, and to use this knowledge to support the further development of organic businesses, networks and initiatives. Research teams from 10 European countries contributed with 19 case studies. Bohlsener Mühle is one of the German case studies. The organic mill and bakery is a medium-size enterprise with around 200 emploayees in the rural area or Lüneburger Heide in Lower Saxony. The case study report presents the development of the mill since the 1980s, the related value chain of organic grain and flour and the stakeholder network around the mill business. The in-depth analysis focuses on six tasks or perspectives: governance and organisation, business logic, quality and market differentiation, communication of values, transnmission of values and qualities, and risk and resilience. date: 2015-04 type: Report type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/28756/7/28756.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne (2015) HealthyGrowth - From Niche to Volume with Integrity and Trust. FULL CASE STUDY REPORT for Bohlsener Mühle – Germany. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), Eberswalde, Germany . relation: title: Vom Hof auf den Teller? Hemmfaktoren und Handlungsansätze für landwirtschaftliche Direktvermarktung creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne subject: "Organics" in general subject: Farm economics subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management description: Welche politischen Hebel stehen dem Bund zur Verfügung, wenn die Nahversorgung von Einzelentscheidungen und bürgerschaftlichem Engagement vor Ort abzuhängen scheint und die Gründe für den Rückzug des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels aus der Fläche vielschichtig sind? Die Landwirtschaft liefert einen Beitrag zur regionalen Wertschöpfung. Der Beitrag befasst sich mit der landwirtschaftlichen Direktvermarktung. Anhand von drei internationalen Beispielen werden Möglichkeiten der landwirtschaftlichen Vermarktung im ländlichen Raum aufgezeigt. date: 2015-03-23 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/28656/13/28656.pdf format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/28656/19/28656a.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne (2015) Vom Hof auf den Teller? Hemmfaktoren und Handlungsansätze für landwirtschaftliche Direktvermarktung. [Hampering and enabling factors for farmers' direct marketing.] Speech at: Fachgespräch‚ Nahversorgung auf dem Land‘. Bundestagsfraktion Bündnis90/Die Grünen, Berlin, 23.3.2015. relation: title: Einflussmöglichkeiten auf die Qualität bei der Vieh- und Fleischvermarktung creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne subject: Farm economics subject: Food security, food quality and human health subject: Beef cattle subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management description: Qualitätsaspekte spielen bei der Öko-Vermarktung eine zentrale Rolle. Standard-Öko ist nicht mehr ausreichend, um Premium-Preise realisieren zu können. Beispiele erfolreicher Unternehmen mit der entsprechenden Geschäftsstrategie zeigen, dass es auch einen 'Mittelweg' gibt zwischen Nischenmärkten und global vernetzten Märkten für Waren ohen "Gesicht". date: 2014-03-18 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/25697/7/25697.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne (2014) Einflussmöglichkeiten auf die Qualität bei der Vieh- und Fleischvermarktung. Paper at: Gäa-Seminar Ökologische Mutterkuhhaltung und Rindermast , Agrargenossenschaft "Oberes Vogtland" in 08626 Adorf, 18.3.2014. relation: title: Healthy Growth of Value Based Organic Food Chains: Management, value communication and perspectives of growing values-based food chains creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Borec, Andreja subject: Farming Systems subject: Specific methods subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management description: Our working group discussed hampering and enabling factors for the management of increasing quantities of organic food produce. Andrea Borec from Maribor University presented the main idea of the Core Organic II Project HealthyGrowth. Susanne von Münchhausen from Eberswalde University, Germany, showed first results of the case study analysis in respect to management issues during expansion. During the discussion, the workshop focused on the development of two Slovenian farmers’ cooperatives. Representatives from the Ekodar label for organic beef and from Planika Dairy highlighted business strategies and the specific challenges the businesses were and are currently facing. date: 2015-06-18 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/28915/49/28915a.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/28915/61/28915b.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/28915/67/28915c.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/28915/73/28915d.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/28915/79/28915e.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/28915/85/28915f.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/28915/91/28915g.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/28915/97/28915h.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Borec, Andreja (2015) Healthy Growth of Value Based Organic Food Chains: Management, value communication and perspectives of growing values-based food chains. Workshop at: Agrimba-Ava Conference, Porec, Croatia, 17.-19. June 2015. [Completed] relation: title: Innovations in the organic sector: New business models of value addition at the local level creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Braun, Charis Linda creator: Anja, Hradetzky creator: Žiga, Drev subject: Farm economics subject: Markets and trade subject: Technology transfer subject: Education, extension and communication subject: Produce chain management description: TP Organics organised the Organic Innovation Days in Brussels. One of the main aims of the event was to demonstrate the innovation potential of the organic food and farming sector. The discussion focused on three thematic fields. One of them was new businessmodels of organic agriculture and beyond. Anja Hradetzky, from Stolze Kuh farm business - a HNEE Innoforum-network partner - was the winner of the call. She presented her farms' innovation and received the price. The HealthyGrowth project team submitted tree proposals to the call of the Organic Innovation Days. One of them, the innovative idea of OrganicTrail (Ziga Drev, Slovenia) has been presented in the EIP-newsletter with the reference to the TP Organics calls for innovations. date: 2015-12-01 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/29853/1/PRESS%20RELEASE%20-%20Organic%20Innovations%20to%20contribute%20to%20societal%20challenges.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/29853/2/TPOrganics_InnovationDays_Agenda-draft.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/29853/13/TPOrganics_InnovationDays_Alternat-Finance-Stolz-Kuh.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/29853/43/Slides%20%C3%96kohof%20Stolze%20Kuh%20small-01-12-2015.pdf format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/29853/33/Innovative%20Finanzierung_%20Auszeichnung%20f%C3%BCr%20HNEE-Alumni-Betrieb%20%E2%80%9EStolze%20Kuh%E2%80%9C%20_%20oekolandbaucampus.pdf format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/29853/49/49_50_Barabanova_zur%20FG-%C3%96uL2016.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/29853/25/TPOrganics_InnovationDays_OriginTrail.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/29853/16/TPOrganics_InnovationDays_Alternat-Finance-Klostersee.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/29853/31/ifoam_eu_newsletter_december_2015.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Braun, Charis Linda; Anja, Hradetzky and Žiga, Drev (2015) Innovations in the organic sector: New business models of value addition at the local level. TO Organics: Organic Innovation Days, Brussels, Belgium, 1-2 December 2015. [Completed] relation: title: HealthyGrowth: Dissemination Targeting Stakeholders, Deliverable 7.2 creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria subject: Farm economics subject: Markets and trade subject: Education, extension and communication subject: Produce chain management description: 'HealthyGrowth' is a CORE Organic II project. This document is Deliverable 7.2. It shows the dissemination activities targeting stakeholders and practitioners in the organic agri-food industry. The documents shows authors, titles and OrganicEprints reference numbers. All teams of the consortium were responsible for the dissemination of project results to stakeholders in national languages. date: 2016-11 type: Other type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/30852/1/Deliverable7.2-Articles-Stakeholders-HG.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2016) HealthyGrowth: Dissemination Targeting Stakeholders, Deliverable 7.2. . [Completed] relation: title: HealthyGrowth: From Niche to Volume with Integrity and Trust. Dissemination Targeting Policy, Deliverable 7.3 creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria subject: Farm economics subject: Markets and trade subject: Policy environments and social economy subject: Produce chain management description: 'HealthyGrowth' is a CORE Organic II project. This document is Deliverable 7.3. It shows the dissemination activities targeting policy and administration responsible for the organic agri-food industry. The documents shows authors, titles and OrganicEprints reference numbers. All teams of the consortium were responsible for the dissemination of project results to decison makers in policy and administration. date: 2016-11 type: Other type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/30853/1/Deliverable7.3-Targeting-Policy-HG.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2016) HealthyGrowth: From Niche to Volume with Integrity and Trust. Dissemination Targeting Policy, Deliverable 7.3. Eberswalde University (HNEE) . [Completed] relation: title: Participation in an organic farm and food network – experiences of HNEE team (Pre-Conference) creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria subject: Farm economics subject: Education, extension and communication subject: Produce chain management subject: Germany description: Eberswalde University has a long-term experience in organising a organic farm and food network in the Berlin-Brandenburg region. This presentations highlights the experiences with the participation in the organic farm network of Thünen-Institute (agri benchmark). date: 2014-10-12 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/27615/1/2014-Organic_Networks_Pre-Conf-ISOFAR-SvM.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2014) Participation in an organic farm and food network – experiences of HNEE team (Pre-Conference). Paper at: Pre-Conference "Understanding Organic Farming Worldwide" at the "Organic World Congress", Istanbul, Turkey, 12.-15.10.2014. [Completed] relation: title: The concept of the business logic for the management of values-based food businesses and chains - Task 2 report, HealthyGrowth WP5 creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria creator: Knickel, Karlheinz subject: Farm economics subject: Specific methods subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management description: The report presents the results of the case study analyses which are based on the application of the business logic concept. This analytical approach represents the second (Task 2)of the six perspectives applied under the umbrella of the multi-perspective analysis of the HealthyGrowth project (WP5). The analysis focuses on business goals, strategies and management instruments identified in the case studies of the European research project HealthyGrowth - from niche to volume with integrity and trust. date: 2016 type: Report type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/30694/1/Task2%20Report_version3.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Knickel, Karlheinz (2016) The concept of the business logic for the management of values-based food businesses and chains - Task 2 report, HealthyGrowth WP5. . relation: title: HealthyGrowth: How can organic supply chains grow without losing their added value? Results and recommendations creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria creator: Knickel, Karlheinz subject: Farm economics subject: Markets and trade subject: Education, extension and communication subject: Produce chain management description: The HealthyGrowth Project’s goal was the analysis of growth processes in the organic food sector. It examined how to safeguard the integrity and transparency of the value chain despite the increasing ‘distance’ between the producer and the consumer. It examined businesses and food initiatives that succeed in balancing growth, maintaining value added products and convincing the consumer that a higher price is justified. The recommendations for entrepreneurs and policy makers aim to emphasise the potential to promote values-based growth processes in the organic sector in a more comprehensive way. date: 2016 type: Report type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/30759/7/HealthyGrowth-Recommendations-en-11-2016.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Knickel, Karlheinz (2016) HealthyGrowth: How can organic supply chains grow without losing their added value? Results and recommendations. . relation: title: „Beim Fleisch läuft’s immer etwas anders!“ Perspektiven zum Aufbau wertebasierter Wertschöpfungsketten creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria creator: Knickel, Karlheinz subject: Community development subject: Farm economics subject: Markets and trade subject: Health and welfare subject: Produce chain management description: Konventionelle Fleisch- und Wurstwaren halten den Anforderungen vieler Verbrauchergruppen bzw. gesellschaftlicher Initiativen oft nicht mehr stand. Manche Unternehmer stellen deshalb Merkmale einer höheren Produkt- und/oder Prozessqualität heraus. Sie realisieren damit im Optimalfall einen ‚Mehrwert‘ – für sich selbst, für alle an der Kette Beteiligten und für die Konsumenten. In diesem Beitrag beschreiben wir die so entstehenden Wertschöpfungsketten als wertebasiert. Der Beitrag zeigt anhand von acht Fallstudienanalysen aus sechs europäischen Ländern, wie sich wertebasierte Wertschöpfungsketten für Fleisch in mittelständischen Strukturen erfolgreich etablieren konnten. Uns interessiert besonders, wie sich Unternehmen – und ganze Ketten – in Zeiten starken Umsatzwachstums verändern. Ein besonderes Augenmerk fällt hierbei auf die Anpassung von Unternehmensstrategien und Organisationsprinzipien sowie die Rolle des Managements innerhalb der Unternehmen und über die Kette hinweg. date: 2015-11-06 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/29435/11/Beim%20Fleisch%20l%C3%A4uft%27s%20anders-final.pdf format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/29435/1/2015_11-Fulda-Fleisch-Vortrag.pdf format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/29435/2/Einladung_Programm_Fleisch_LAS_fin.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Knickel, Karlheinz (2015) „Beim Fleisch läuft’s immer etwas anders!“ Perspektiven zum Aufbau wertebasierter Wertschöpfungsketten. Paper at: Tagung der Sektion Land- und Agrarsoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Hochschule Fulda, Deutschland, 06. - 07. November 2015. [Completed] relation: title: HealthyGrowth German Case Study: Fact Sheet of Bohlsener Mühle GmbH & Co creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria creator: Knickel, Karlheinz subject: Farm economics subject: Processing, packaging and transportation subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management subject: Germany description: Fact Sheet, short presentation of HealthyGrowth case study business: Bohlsener Mühle GmbH & Co. date: 2015-04 type: Other type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/28702/13/28702.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Knickel, Karlheinz (2015) HealthyGrowth German Case Study: Fact Sheet of Bohlsener Mühle GmbH & Co. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), Eberswalde, Germany . relation: title: HealthyGrowth German Case Study: Fact Sheet of Producer-Consumer-Community Landwege e.G. creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria creator: Knickel, Karlheinz subject: Farm economics subject: Processing, packaging and transportation subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management subject: Germany description: Fact Sheet, short presentation of HealthyGrowth case study business: Landwege e.G. date: 2015-04 type: Other type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/28701/7/28701.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Knickel, Karlheinz (2015) HealthyGrowth German Case Study: Fact Sheet of Producer-Consumer-Community Landwege e.G. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), Eberswalde, Germany . relation: title: HealthyGrowth: From niche to volume with integrity and trust creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria creator: Knickel, Karlheinz creator: Haack, Michaela subject: Markets and trade subject: Education, extension and communication subject: Produce chain management description: Unternehmen, die ökologische Lebensmittel produzieren, verarbeiten oder vermarkten haben sich häufig aus Nischen heraus entwickelt. In den ersten Jahren ihrer Entwicklung hatte für viele dieser Unternehmen die Realisierung der klassischen Werte der biologischen Lebensmittelerzeugung oberste Priorität. Insbesondere in Folge raschen Umsatzwachstums, besteht die Tendenz, Kompromisse einzugehen und zumindest einen Teil der ursprünglich für die Unternehmen sehr charakteristischen Werte abzuschwächen. Der Begriff der Höherwertigkeit im Kontext ökologischer Lebensmittel bezieht sich einerseits auf die Produktqualitäten, die sich u.a. auf die Auswahl bestmöglicher Rohwaren zurückführen lassen. Andererseits beruht die Höherwertigkeit auf Prozessqualitäten, die durch Art der Erzeugung und Verarbeitung sowie Maßnahmen zum Umwelt-, Natur- oder Tierschutz bestimmt werden. Die besondere Herausforderung stellt dabei die Gewährleistung der höheren Qualität, und der Transparenz und Vertrauenswürdigkeit entlang der Wertschöpfungskette dar. Die wertebasierten Unternehmen verbindet die Bereitschaft, sich den kritischen Fragen der Verbraucher und der gesellschaftlichen Öffentlichkeit zu stellen. Ziel des Projektes ‚HealthyGrowth‘ war die Analyse von Wachstumsprozessen in der ökologischen Lebensmittelwirtschaft. Hierbei stand die Wahrung der Rechtschaffenheit und Transparenz der Wertschöpfungskette trotz zunehmender ‚Distanz‘ zwischen Erzeuger und Verbraucher im Mittelpunkt. Das europäische Konsortium bestand aus zehn nationalen Forschungsteams, die insgesamt 19 Fallstudien untersucht haben. Diese bilden die Grundlage zur Ableitung von Handlungsansätzen und Empfehlungen für Praxis und Politik. date: 2016 type: Report type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/30904/1/30904-12OE020-hnee-vonmuenchhausen-2016-HealthyGrowth.pdf format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/30904/7/30904-12OE020-hnee-vonmuenchhausen-2016-HealthyGrowth-merkblatt.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria; Knickel, Karlheinz and Haack, Michaela (2016) HealthyGrowth: From niche to volume with integrity and trust. [Wie können Öko-Wertschöpfungsketten wachsen, ohne ihre Höherwertigkeit zu verlieren?] HNE Eberswalde, Fachgebiet Politik und Märkte in der Agrarwirtschaft, D-Eberswalde . relation: title: Understanding ‘healthy’ growth processes in organic food businesses and values-based chains creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria creator: Kvam, Gunn-Turid subject: Farm economics subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management description: Food businesses face specific challenges when they are expanding, and when volumes and turnover start growing significantly. Higher value food chains, such as organic food chains, tend to converge either towards rather narrow market segments and niches or towards conventionalisation and loss in added value. In addition many entrepreneurs in the organic food sector do not possess a formal training in business economics and/or management. However, as businesses grow, increasing management competences are required and this tends to become a constraint. Aiming to better understand different development pathways with their particular challenges, business strategies and management instruments, this paper presents an analysis of 19 case studies in Europe and Turkey with respect to their expansion pathways. date: 2016-08-10 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/30010/13/2016_HG_Workshop-HG-BusinessLogic.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/30010/7/Session58B-Abstracts.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/30010/1/IRSA-Session58-Haering-Muenchhausen-Abstract.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/30010/25/IRSA_World%20Congress%20Presentations_Jan17.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/30010/19/Announcement_XIV_WCRS_Toronto_2016.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Kvam, Gunn-Turid (2016) Understanding ‘healthy’ growth processes in organic food businesses and values-based chains. Paper at: XIV World Congress of Rural Sociology, Toronto, Canada, August 10 – 14, 2016. relation: title: It’s not always about growth! Development dynamics and management in food businesses and chains creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria creator: Kvam, Gunn-Turid creator: Knickel, Karlheinz subject: Farm economics subject: Produce chain management description: Growing small and medium enterprises face specific challenges, especially when they aim to maintain high quality products and processes. While growing, they tend to converge either towards niche markets or mainstream commodity markets, and as a result sacrifice higher quality and value. With this paper, we aim to show more about the growth processes of small and medium size enterprises and their related food supply chains. The focus is on the management of individual businesses, the coordination and cooperation along chains and the required realignment during growth. Particular attention is paid to discontinuities and an identification of the factors that limit or enable the sustainable development of food enterprises and chains. The methodological foundation for this paper is a case study based approach. The business logic concept, which has been developed in the context of a European research project, provides the analytical framework for the analysis of the cases. Central to the business logic concept is the idea that business goals, strategies, management and management instruments ought to be coherent. The business logic approach facilitates the examination of coherence in business and in chain management. It helps to identify the adjustments and realignment needed in times of change. Results show that development paths vary significantly between businesses and chains. Business growth is associated with a variety of challenges that can result in stagnation or even downsizing. Such discontinuities are often linked with phases of internal consolidation when management capacities, structures and processes are adapted to new requirements. Adaptations in business strategies and operational management are often crucial for sustainable development. Adaptations are particularly important when food production, processing and sales aim to maintain higher product and process qualities. Reflexive management practices and continuous learning among the responsible leaders, and the related coaching, are key success factors. date: 2017-09-09 type: Journal paper type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/30735/7/IJSAF-267-Special-Issue-munchhausen_etal.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/30735/1/Paper%20Business%20Growth-SubmittedVersion_9-2016.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria; Kvam, Gunn-Turid and Knickel, Karlheinz (2017) It’s not always about growth! Development dynamics and management in food businesses and chains. International Journal of Sociologgy of Agriculture and food (IJSAF), 24 (1), pp. 37-55. relation: title: Was können wir aus den Fehlern lernen? Empfehlungen für Praxis und Politik zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Unternehmen und Wertschöpfungsketten im ökologischen Lebensmittelsektor creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria creator: Milestad, Rebecka subject: Farm economics subject: Markets and trade subject: Policy environments and social economy subject: Produce chain management description: Wachsenden Unternehmen und Initiativen der ökologischen Nahrungsmittelwirtschaft stellen sich viele Herausforderungen. Die Studie zielt auf die Untersuchung von fördernden und hemmenden Faktoren für die Entwicklung von Unternehmen und WSK ab. Aus der Auswertung der Fallstudienanalysen ergaben sich vielfältige Einzelaspekten und Empfehlungen, die sich an Unternehmen und Initiativen im Wachstum richten. Diese lassen sich den Themen ‚Kooperation und effektive Kommunikation in Öko-Wertschöpfungsketten‘ (I), ‚Unternehmensberatung für das Management in Öko-Unternehmen‘ (II), ‚Weiterbildung für Beschäftigte‘ (III), ‚Öffentliche Beschaffung - Bio-Catering‘ (IV), ‚Rechtlicher Rahmen für Fleischketten mit KMU‘ (V) und ‚Gesellschaftli-che Verankerung von Öko-Wertschöpfungsketten‘ (VI) zuordnen. publisher: Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin contributor: Heuwinkel, Hauke contributor: Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen contributor: Wolfrum, Sebastian contributor: Wiesinger, Klaus contributor: Reents, Hans Jürgen date: 2017 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/31917/1/Was%20k%C3%B6nnen%20wir%20aus%20den%20Fehlern%20lernen.pdf format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/31917/7/2017-Wita-HG-Vortrag.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Milestad, Rebecka (2017) Was können wir aus den Fehlern lernen? Empfehlungen für Praxis und Politik zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Unternehmen und Wertschöpfungsketten im ökologischen Lebensmittelsektor. [Lessons Learned from our Errors. Recommendations for Practice and Policy for the Sustainable Development of Enterprises and Supply Chains in the Organic Food Sector.] Paper at: 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Campus Weihenstephan, Freising-Weihenstephan, 07.-10. März 2017. relation: title: Bedeutung von Managementstrategien in expandierenden Unternehmen und Initiativen der Wertschöpfungsketten für ökologische Nahrungsmittel creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria creator: Rebecka, Milestad subject: Farm economics subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management description: Wachsenden Unternehmen und Initiativen der ökologischen Nahrungsmittelwirtschaft stellen sich viele Herausforderungen. Die Studie zielt auf die Untersuchung von Geschäftsstrategien und Managementinstrumenten ab. Acht Fallstudien in 6 EU-Ländern wurden ausgewählt. Die Erhebung beruhte auf qualitativen und quantitativen Methoden. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Strategien und Instrumente gezielt eingesetzt werden. Je nach Entwicklungsphase der Unternehmen und Initiativen stehen Finanzierungsfragen, Qualitätskontrollen, Produktdifferenzierungen, das Personalmanagement oder die vertrauensbildende Kommunikation im Vordergrund. Diese Strategien und Instrumente ermöglichen gerade den wertebasierten Unternehmen, Initiativen und Wertschöpfungsketten für ökologische Lebensmittel ein erfolgreiches Wachstum. Es ist zu diskutieren: Professionalisierung gegen den Werteverlust durch „Konventionalisierung“? publisher: Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin date: 2015 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: de identifier: /id/eprint/27256/1/27256_von_m%C3%BCnchhausen.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Rebecka, Milestad (2015) Bedeutung von Managementstrategien in expandierenden Unternehmen und Initiativen der Wertschöpfungsketten für ökologische Nahrungsmittel. Paper at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, 17. - 20. März 2015. relation: 27256 identifier: 27256 relation: title: Healthy Growth of Values-Based Organic Food Chains - Managing Major Challenges of Expansion: Business Strategies and Instruments Ensuring the Maintenance of Core Organic Values and Consumers’ Trust creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria creator: Risku-Norja, Helmi subject: Markets and trade subject: Networks and ownership subject: Education, extension and communication subject: Produce chain management description: Our working group aims to discuss successful approaches of managing increasing quantities of organic food produce - successful in terms of maintaining product quality, trust, integrity and higher value while at the same time increasing turnover. The workshop will focus on two particular aspects. Firstly, the business strategies of growing organic businesses and initiatives, and secondly, the specific instruments used in organisation and management that help to meet the diverging objectives related to growth in turnover on the one hand, and organic values, quality, integrity and trust on the other. In the workshop we will look at these challenges and management options from the perspective of practitioners in the agri-food industry. date: 2015-02-11 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/27621/7/2014_Biofach-Workshop-Invitation.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/27621/43/2015_Biofach-Workshop.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/27621/13/Biofach2015_HealthyGrowth_Workshop-HG.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/27621/19/Biofach2015_HealthyGrowth_Workshop-HG.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/27621/25/LANDWEGE%20Biofach%202015.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/27621/1/Biofach2015-Workshop-outline-HG.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Risku-Norja, Helmi (2015) Healthy Growth of Values-Based Organic Food Chains - Managing Major Challenges of Expansion: Business Strategies and Instruments Ensuring the Maintenance of Core Organic Values and Consumers’ Trust. Workshop at: Science Forum at BIOFACH 2015, Nuremberg, Germany, 11.-15.2.2015. [Completed] relation: title: Adaptation strategies and performances of three producer groups during times of change: lessons learned from the application of the Conditions-Strategies-Performances (CSP) concept in three case studies creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Knickel, Karlheinz creator: Lasner, Tobias creator: Milestad, Rebecka subject: Specific methods subject: Markets and trade subject: Policy environments and social economy subject: Produce chain management description: In the analysis, we will - identify the most significant changes over time in relevant market, regulatory, institutional and territorial conditions, - assess the social, economic and other resources available among different groups of primary producers, - relate conditions and resources to the (adaptation) strategies pursued (e.g. regarding the management of the chain and risks), and - explore the (potential) impacts of the resulting (or expected) changes on social, economic and environmental performances. The analysis aims at capturing the interrelationships between external and internal conditions, (adaptation) strategies and (sustainability) performance. A first important step in the analysis is to express conditions, strategies and performances in absolute and/or relative terms, and to relate them to different points in time. This will then allow us to relate the producer groups’ strategies to change in conditions on the one hand and to performances on the other. The three illustrative cases are a grain farmers’ association in Lower Saxony, Germany, a group of carp producers using traditional ponds in Franconia, Germany, and a beef farmers’ association in Uppland, Sweden. In all three cases, attention will also be paid to relate adaptation strategies to decision-making and to identify limitations in available data and check possibilities to overcome them. With our discussion, we aim to highlight the particular challenges. We want to highlight the particular importance of business-level actions and their dynamics as an additional level in the analysis. date: 2016-07-13 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/30009/13/2016-IFSA-ppt-SvM%20final.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/30009/7/IFSA2016_Full-Paper_Workshop5-4_SvM-final.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/30009/19/IFSA%20workshop%205_4.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/30009/1/IFSA_2016-WS_5-4_SvMuenchhausen.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Knickel, Karlheinz; Lasner, Tobias and Milestad, Rebecka (2016) Adaptation strategies and performances of three producer groups during times of change: lessons learned from the application of the Conditions-Strategies-Performances (CSP) concept in three case studies. In: Social and technological transformation of farming systems: Diverging and converging pathways. relation: title: What drives farmers’ sustainability performance? Application of the CSP Modell for the analysis of farmers’ Conditions, adaptation Strategies and sustainability Performances – a case study analysis of German and Swedish producer groups in times of change creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Knickel, Karlheinz creator: Milestad, Rebecka creator: Lasner, Tobias subject: Community development subject: Farm economics subject: Specific methods subject: Markets and trade subject: Policy environments and social economy description: This paper aims to explore farmers' conditions, strategies and performances in a context of multi-dimensional policy requirements, market imperfections and globalisation. The basic assumption sees conditions as drivers for farmers’ strategies that then result in performances of the sector. The methodological approach is based on the Conditions-Strategies-Performances (CSP) model which is used for the analysis of three case studies. The model helps to identify changes in framework conditions over time, resources among relevant groups of primary producers, adaptation strategies and finally, to explore the related social, economic and environmental effects. The analysis is based on three case studies, three farmers’ groups in Germany and Sweden. Results show that the approach provides a suitable conceptual framework. Its particular strength is the holistic nature of the assessment and that it focusses on changes, dynamics, strategic decisions and impacts that matter in societal terms. It helps to identify factors that affect the sustainability of specific farming industries. date: 2016-11-09 type: Journal paper type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/30758/1/Full-Paper_CSP%20Model-StudiesAgEc-draft.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Knickel, Karlheinz; Milestad, Rebecka and Lasner, Tobias (2016) What drives farmers’ sustainability performance? Application of the CSP Modell for the analysis of farmers’ Conditions, adaptation Strategies and sustainability Performances – a case study analysis of German and Swedish producer groups in times of change. Studies of Agricultural Economics, 2017, xx-xx. [Submitted] relation: title: Transition des filières et territoires vers la bio et maintien des valeurs - Résultats des cas d’étude du projet européen "HealthyGrowth" creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Lamine, Claire creator: Haack, Michaela subject: Markets and trade subject: Policy environments and social economy subject: Education, extension and communication subject: Produce chain management description: In various European countries, organic farming acts as a driving factor for small and medium enterprises, cooperations of food businesses or territorial development. Examples for regional development initiatives are ‘Biovallée de la Drôme’ in France, ‘Biodistretti’ in Italy or the ‘Bio-Regionen’ in Austria. Regional development initiatives aspire to create ‘model regions’ for sustainable development in agriculture and in a wider perspective. While the overall objective is similar for all approaches, the outcomes differ between enterprises and regions. However, the regional embeddednes plays always a strategic role. The region can be the key quality criteria of the values-based food chain, the main characteristic of the differentation strategy or just important for the image of the enterprise or organic initiative. For the realisation of the regional embeddedness of organic products excellent business strategies and efficient management tools are crucial for the development of businesses and chains maintaining the value added from field to fork. The territorial embeddedness is a strong quality argument for the marketing of organic products studied in the HealthyGrowth project. date: 2015-09-24 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/29383/14/von%20Munchhausen_2015_%2329383_Oral%20presentation.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/29383/1/2015_Tech%27nBio-Session-Org-Regions-2409.pdf format: application/pdf language: fr identifier: /id/eprint/29383/2/2015-TechnBio-Programme-Organic_Regions_Session.pdf identifier: Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Lamine, Claire and Haack, Michaela (2015) Transition des filières et territoires vers la bio et maintien des valeurs - Résultats des cas d’étude du projet européen "HealthyGrowth". [Transition of Values Chains and Regions towards Organic: How to Maintain Values? - Case Study Results of the European HealthyGrowth project.] Speech at: Tech & Bio 2015, the professional show on organic and alternative farming techniques, Bourg-les-Valence, Drome, Rhone-Apes, France, 23-24 September 2015. [Completed] relation: title: Strengthening organic food value chains in Germany - first results of the EU-project HalthyGrowth – From niche to volume with integrity and trust creator: Schulz, Kristin creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria subject: "Organics" in general subject: Produce chain management subject: Germany description: Our presentation starts with a short overview of the diversity of organic food chains in Germany. We show that several different supply chains coexist. Smaller businesses tend to focus on market niches and particular consumer groups and values. The in-depth analysis identifies the strengths and weaknesses of different types of organic food chains. Exemplarily, we highlight factors that can strengthen value chains for organic food. date: 2013-09-25 type: Conference paper, poster, etc. type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/24922/7/24922.pdf format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/24922/13/2013-Strengthening_Value_Chains_Food-Scapes-Conf.pdf identifier: Schulz, Kristin; Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2013) Strengthening organic food value chains in Germany - first results of the EU-project HalthyGrowth – From niche to volume with integrity and trust. Paper at: FOODSCAPES Conference: Access to Food – Excess of Food, Seggau, Austria, 22.-25.9.2013. relation: title: Organic food marketing in Germany: Moving from small and local to large and anonymous - or different channels converging? M2.1 National report Germany, WP2 "State-of-the-art", HealthyGrowth Project creator: Schulz, Kristin creator: Münchhausen, von, Susanne creator: Häring, Anna Maria creator: Knickel, Karlheinz subject: Markets and trade subject: Produce chain management subject: Germany description: National Reports of WP2, HealthyGrowth project, present an overview of the organic sector in Germany. The report is based on a literature review with a focus on the development of organic food businesses and value-based food chains. date: 2013-08 type: Report type: NonPeerReviewed format: application/pdf language: en identifier: /id/eprint/28266/1/National%20report%20Germany_1908_final.pdf identifier: Schulz, Kristin; Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Knickel, Karlheinz (2013) Organic food marketing in Germany: Moving from small and local to large and anonymous - or different channels converging? M2.1 National report Germany, WP2 "State-of-the-art", HealthyGrowth Project. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), Eberswalde, Germany .