Keyword(s) matches "MEA-Scope" AND Research affiliation matches any of "FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland"1.
Uthes, Sandra; Piorr, Annette; Zander, Peter; Bienkowski, Jerzy; Ungaro, Fabrizio; Dalgaard, Tommy; Stolze, Matthias; Moschitz, Heidrun; Schader, Christian; Happe, Kathrin; Sahrbacher, Amanda; Damgaard, Martin; Toussaint, Verena; Sattler, Claudia; Reinhard, Franz-Josef; Kjeldsen, Chris; Casini, Leonardo and Müller, Klaus
Regional impacts of abolishing direct payments: An integrated analysis in four European regions.
Agricultural Systems, 104, pp. 110-121.