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Keyword(s) matches "12OE021 12OE022 12OE023"

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{Project} COBRA: COBRA: Coordinating Organic Plant Breeding Activities for Diversity. Runs 2013 - 2016. Project Leader(s): Pearce, Dr Bruce, The Organic Research Centre .
[thumbnail of COBRA_short_description_Orgprints_2ndCall V1.0.pdf]
{Project} COBRA: Coordinating Organic Plant Breeding Activities for Diversity (Verbundvorhaben). Runs 2013 - 2016. Project Leader(s): Finckh, Prof. Dr. Maria Renate and Brumlop, M.Sc. Sarah, Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften, D-Witzenhausen .
{Project} COBRA: Coordinating Organic Plant Breeding Activities for Diversity (Verbundvorhaben). [Coordinating Organic Plant Breeding Activities for Diversity.] Runs 2013 - 2016. Project Leader(s): Baresel, Dr. Jörg Peter, Technische Universität München, D-Freising .
{Project} COBRA: Screening of wheat cross material and breeding lines in respect of susceptibility for bunt diseases on freshly infested and ecologically farmed fields (Verbundvorhaben). [Screening von Weizenzuchtstämmen und Kreuzungsmaterial auf die Anfälligkeit bzw. Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Brandkrankheiten auf frisch infizierten, ökologisch bewirtschafteten zertifizierten Praxisflächen.] Runs 2013 - 2016. Project Leader(s): Killermann, Dr. Berta and Voit, Benno, Byerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, AG Saatgutuntersuchung/Saatgutforschung, D-Freising .
Pearce, Bruce (2016) Final Report: Coordinating Organic Breeding Activities for Diversity - COBRA. Organic Research Centre, Newbury.
[thumbnail of COBRA final report V1.0.pdf]
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