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The potential impact of set-aside and other farming financial aids on the conversion to organic farming systems in the UK

{Project} The potential impact of set-aside and other farming financial aids on the conversion to organic farming systems in the UK. Runs 1995 - 1996. Project Leader(s): Unspecified, ADAS .

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Summary in the original language of the document

This desk study will consider the financial schemes available for different farming systems in England and Wales, the opportunities for using them in a planned conversion process and the financial consequences of doing so. The results will be considered in terms of possible promotional initiatives to make farmers more aware of the total financial aid that is possible during the conversion process.

EPrint Type:Project description
Keywords:financial schemes, conversion, England, Wales, financial aid
Subjects: Farming Systems > Farm economics
Research affiliation: UK > ADAS
UK > Univ. Aberystwyth > Institute for Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS)
Research funders: UK > Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Project ID:OF0122
Start Date:1 August 1995
End Date:31 March 1996
Deposited By: Defra, R&D Organic Programme
ID Code:9967
Deposited On:13 Dec 2006
Last Modified:20 Aug 2009 14:34

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