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Rohprotein- und Aminosäurengehalte in Körnerleguminosen und Getreide

Böhm, Herwart; Aulrich, Karen and Berk, Andreas (2007) Rohprotein- und Aminosäurengehalte in Körnerleguminosen und Getreide. [Content of protein and amino acids in grain legumes and cereals.] Poster at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

[thumbnail of 9711_Böhm_Poster.pdf] PDF - German/Deutsch

Summary in the original language of the document

In organic farming, the use of synthetically produced amino acids is not permitted and as of the year 2011, EU-Reg. 2092/91 requires the exclusive use of organically pro-duced animal feedstuffs. The amino acids requirements must be satisfied with the protein rich feed components. Therefore, the content of protein and amino acids was determined in different grain legumes such as peas, field beans, white and blue lu-pines and some cereals (oat, barley and wheat). The well-defined material from the years 2002-2005 came from field trials at the experimental farm of the Institute of Organic Farming (FAL) in Trenthorst. The data were compared with standard values from the literature. The deviations of data on protein and amino acids for conven¬tionally and the organically grown feedstuffs were clear. For the calculation of the feed rations in the organic livestock husbandry the standard tabular values are not suffi-cient. But there are also clear deviations to the tabular values of organically produced feedstuffs. The contents of protein and amino acids in the analysed materials were significantly different between the years. A satisfying calculation of feed rations de-mands an exact knowledge of the contents of the feed components. Due to the almost total renunciation of external inputs, it is difficult to reduce the variations between the years, which result from weather conditions, crop rotation or variety.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Poster
Keywords:Tierernährung, Schwein, Geflügel, Rind, Aminosäuren
Subjects: Animal husbandry > Production systems > Poultry
Animal husbandry > Production systems > Dairy cattle
Animal husbandry > Production systems > Pigs
Animal husbandry > Feeding and growth
Research affiliation: Germany > Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries - VTI > Institute of Organic Farming - OEL
International Conferences > 2007: Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture > 2 Livestock > 2.3 Animal nutrition
Deposited By: Böhm, Dr. Herwart
ID Code:9711
Deposited On:14 May 2007
Last Modified:12 Apr 2010 07:34
Document Language:German/Deutsch
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted
Additional Publishing Information:Die endgültige Version des Beitrags ist veröffentlicht in:
S. Zikeli, W. Claupein, S. Dabbert, B. Kaufmann, T. Müller und A. Valle Zárate, Hrsg. (2007)
Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung – 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Deutschland, 20.-23. März 2007, http://orgprints.org/10742/

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