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Differenzierung und Identifizierung von Weizen aus ökologischen und konventionellen Anbausystemen durch die kombinierte Anwendung von drei Bildschaffenden Methoden

Fritz, Jürgen; Athmann, Miriam and Köpke, Ulrich (2007) Differenzierung und Identifizierung von Weizen aus ökologischen und konventionellen Anbausystemen durch die kombinierte Anwendung von drei Bildschaffenden Methoden. [Differentiation and Identification of wheat from organic and conventional pro-duction systems by combined application of three picture forming methods.] Poster at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

[thumbnail of 9568_Fritz_Poster.pdf] PDF - German/Deutsch

Summary in the original language of the document

By combined application of the three picture forming methods biocrystallization ac-cording to Pfeiffer, capillary dynamolisis according to Wala and circular chromatogra-phy according to Pfeiffer encoded food samples from different production systems have been repeatedly differentiated and identified by Dr. Ursula Graf. In the present study we tested whether by using the combined three picture forming methods en-coded food samples from different production systems could also be differentiated and identified in a different laboratory by another trained person. Ten encoded wheat samples each from 2000 and 2005 harvests were taken from the long-term DOK- trial in Oberwil/Switzerland and examined with the pictomorphological methods. The wheat samples derived from the production systems ‘bio-dynamic’, ‘bio-organic’, ‘unfertil-ized’, ‘mineral fertilization’ and ‘conventional’ (mineral fertilization combined with ma-nure application) could be differentiated and identified, with partial differentiation and identification of the two production systems ‘bio-dynamic’ and ‘bio-organic’.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Poster
Keywords:Lebensmittelqualität, Betriebssysteme, Bildschaffende Methoden; food quality, production systems, picture forming methods
Subjects: Food systems > Food security, food quality and human health
Research affiliation: Germany > University of Bonn > Institute of Organic Agriculture > Quality
International Conferences > 2007: Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture > 4 Other subjects > 4.2 Food quality
Deposited By: Fritz, Dr. Jürgen
ID Code:9568
Deposited On:31 May 2007
Last Modified:12 Apr 2010 07:34
Document Language:German/Deutsch
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted
Additional Publishing Information:Die endgültige Version des Beitrags ist veröffentlicht in:
S. Zikeli, W. Claupein, S. Dabbert, B. Kaufmann, T. Müller und A. Valle Zárate, Hrsg. (2007)
Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung – 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Deutschland, 20.-23. März 2007, http://orgprints.org/10742/

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