Darsow, Ulrich (2002) Resistenzzüchtung bei der Kartoffel: Beitrag des genetischen Pflanzenschutzes für einen ökologisch verträglichen Kartoffelanbau [Resistance breeding in potato: Contribution of genetic plant protection to ecologically compatible potato growing]. Paper at: Workshop "Züchtungsforschung, Pflanzenzüchtung und Ökologischer Landbau", Quedlinburg, 22-23 Nov. 2001.
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Summary in the original language of the document
Die Partnerschaft mit der Bundesanstalt für Züchtungsforschung an Kulturpflanzen (BAZ) ermöglicht die Umsetzung des derzeit international höchsten Züchtungsstandes zur Phytophthora-Resistenz. Gegen Rhizoctonia kann Züchtung wenig ausrichten, gegen Schorf sind die Aussichten besser und gegen Viruskrankheiten gut. Jedoch fehlt die Bearbeitungskapazität.
Im Ökolandbau ergibt sich die härteste Praxiserprobung unserer Arbeiten zur Wirtsresistenz. Schon aus diesem Grunde sind wir an der Zusammenarbeit interessiert.
Summary translation
Pathogens and parasites cause losses of one third in conventional or integrated growing systems by reducing the yield, requiring elimination of attacked single tubers or boxes or the whole field because of insufficient quality. In ecological potato growing, Phytophthora infestans, Streptomyces sp., Rhizoctonia solani and virus diseases are most devasting. Breeding for host resistance toward Rhizoctonia solani does not appear promising at present. Breeding for resistance to common scab is difficult but has some potential. In respect to virus resistances, partly good knowledge on resistance mechanisms as well as a wide range of host resistances and long experiences in breeding practice are available. Consequent use of these factors in variety breeding could make increased future contribution to sustainable potato growing. Generally, late blight resistance is of uppermost importance for integrated and ecological potato growing. At the Federal Centre for Breeding Research on Cultivated Plants (BAZ), combining of foliage and tuber blight resistance with second early maturity and specific quality traits has arrived to first success and is intensively continued. A long-term prebreeding programme closely oriented at the requirements of variety breeding is a precondition for the successful transfer of quantitative late blight resistance to novel, marketable varieties. The best cross parents of the institute are steadily offered to be used in variety breeding.
EPrint Type: | Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Type of presentation: | Paper |
Keywords: | Kartoffel, Kartoffelbau, Pflanzenschutz, Resistenzzüchtung, Phytophthora infestans, Kraut- und Braunfäule, Kraut- und Knollenfäule, Rhizoctonia, Streptomyces |
Subjects: | Crop husbandry > Crop health, quality, protection Crop husbandry > Breeding, genetics and propagation Crop husbandry > Production systems > Root crops |
Research affiliation: | Germany > Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants - JKI > Institute for Breeding Research on Agricultural Crops |
Related Links: | http://www.bafz.de/baz99_d/baz_orte/gl/glstart/glstart.htm |
Deposited By: | Darsow, Dr. Ulrich |
ID Code: | 899 |
Deposited On: | 15 Jul 2003 |
Last Modified: | 12 Apr 2010 07:27 |
Document Language: | German/Deutsch |
Status: | Published |
Refereed: | Not peer-reviewed |
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