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Development of software to plan conversion to organic production (OrgPlan)

Padel, Susanne; Tzilivakis, John; Measures, Mark; Stockdale, Elizabeth and Watson, Christine (2002) Development of software to plan conversion to organic production (OrgPlan). In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 169-172.

[thumbnail of padel_orgplan_conversion_software.pdf] PDF - English

Summary in the original language of the document

This report was presented at the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference. OrgPlan is a computer programme aimed at farmers and advisors assisting with the planning of an organic conversion. The programme is divided into technical modules, supported by a standard enterprise database, a report builder and an advisory section. Through the farm profile builder, rotation, cropping and livestock planner, conversion scenarios over several years can be developed and are evaluated for technical and financial feasibility by calculating farm gate budgets for key resources (forage energy and key nutrients) and financial reports (cash flow budget and profit and loss account). The poster illustrates the basic functioning of the software as well as the underlying rationale for the scenario evaluation.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Paper
Keywords:Colloquium of Organic Researchers; COR; conversion, farm planning, economics; computer programme
Subjects: Knowledge management > Education, extension and communication
Farming Systems > Farm economics
Research affiliation: UK
UK > Organic Research Centre (ORC)
UK > Colloquium of Organic Researchers (COR) > COR 2002
UK > Other organizations United Kingdom
UK > Univ. Aberystwyth > Institute for Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences (IBERS)
UK > Scottish Rural Colleges (SRUC - previously SAC)
Deposited By: Powell, Ms Jane
ID Code:8388
Deposited On:20 Oct 2006
Last Modified:12 Apr 2010 07:33
Document Language:English
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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