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Doftämnen för bekämpning av bladlöss i växthusodling av dill och persilja, pilotförsök

{Project} Doftämnen för bekämpning av bladlöss i växthusodling av dill och persilja, pilotförsök. [Odours for control of aphids in glasshouse production.] Runs 2003 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Pettersson, Jan and Glinwood, Robert, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU .

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Summary in the original language of the document

The aim was to use collaboration with a commercial glasshouse producer of potted herbal spices to test and develop a new concept for aphid control called Mobility – Induced Resistance (the MIR concept). Paraffin pellets containing 10% active substances contributing to aphid mobility and also to induced plant responses counteracting aphid host plant acceptance have been tested at Thorslunda Växthus AB (3.5 ha under glass). The test cocktail has been developed by us under laboratory conditions and is partly based on previous work in the barley crop. The agent is taken up as a commercial agent by a new plant protection company Organox AB which has a patented on it and the product name so far has been Ox54 (Nocoron). It is now accepted for use as a plant vitalising agent by The Chemical Inspectorate in Germany and Austria.
Following progress was made principally during 2003:
- Production of paraffin pellets was improved to a scale corresponding to experiments at a practical/commercial scale
- An experiment was done in Thorslunda Växthus AB where different units of the building were treated with Ox54. The ventilation system caused problems as it was difficult to separate treated and control units. According to estimates based on number of rejected plants there was an economic payback of the action
- An experiment with good separation of treatments was done at FIBL, Switzerland by Dr. Eric Wyss. The results are not published but the control effect in cucumber was over expectations.
Main scientific findings:
- Different crop species respond differently to the applied semiochemicals
- The reducing effect on aphid attack is entirely dependent on the application protocol and the prophylactic strategy has a decisive importance. This has later been confirmed by us in further studies.
The most important conclusions of practical relevance:
- semiochemicals offer a potential as aphid control agents in glasshouse production but further development with regard to which crop/aphid species that are most suitable.
- The application problems can be solved and the costs for the control efforts are competitive with other options. The semiochemicals can be applied as paraffinepellets directly in net tubes or on flat sausages hanging or standing in the crops. However, we also developed a simple fan operated system which can blow the fumes over the crop.

EPrint Type:Project description
Location:Department of Entomology
P.O. Box 7044   
SE-750 07 Uppsala
Keywords:Mobility – Induced Resistance, practical/commercial scale experiments, semiochemicals
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Crop health, quality, protection
Research affiliation: Sweden > Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) > Department of Entomology
Research funders: Sweden > Other organizations Sweden
Sweden > Swedish Farmers' Foundation for Agricultural Research SLF
Project ID:356016
Start Date:1 January 2003
End Date:31 December 2004
Deposited By: Karlsson, Miriam Frida
ID Code:7777
Deposited On:11 Nov 2007
Last Modified:20 Aug 2009 14:31

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