{Project} Utvärdering av alternativa kontrollåtgärder mot betesburna parasiter hos förstagångsbetande nötkretatur. [Evaluation of non-chemotherapeutic approaches to the control of pasture borne parasites in cattle.] Runs 2002 - 2005. Project Leader(s): Waller, Peter, SVA – National Veterinary Institute .
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Summary in the original language of the document
Hälsa och produktivitet hos betande djur påverkas i olika hög grad av parasiter, och om infektionerna inte kontrolleras utgör de både ett djurskyddsproblem och medför ekonomiskt avbräck. Resultaten från ett nyligen avslutat SJFR-finansierat projekt visade att betesburna magtarmparasiter orsakade tillväxtförluster hos förstagångsbetande kalvar på mellan 30 och 60 kg utan att djuren visade yttre tecken på sjukdom. Vi kunde dock även visa att fullgod tillväxt uppnåddes när djuren erbjöds parasitfria beten eller då de kontinuerligt behandlades med avmaskningsmedel. Ibland är det emellertid inte tillåtet eller praktiskt möjligt att tillämpa sådana kontrollåtgärder. Sökandet efter alternativa kontrollstrategier mot betesburna parasiter måste därför ha fortsatt hög prioritet.
Föreliggande projekt syftar till att studera effekter av antiparasitära betesstrategier på produktivitet och djurhälsa hos såväl första- som andraårsbetande nötkreatur. Rotationsbete mellan dessa ålderskategorier kommer att under tre säsonger utvärderas under praktiska produktionsförhållanden på en gård i Södermanland. Studierna skall vid sidan av magtarmnematoder innefatta även effekterna av koccidier och lungmask.
Summary translation
Implementation of novel approaches to control parasites in first season grazing cattle is needed for sustainable organic cattle production. To evaluate non-chemical strategies, a 3-year grazing trial involving cattle both during their first and second grazing seasons was performed on naturally infected pastures on a commercial steer producing cattle farm in Sweden between 2002 and 2005. Two non-chemical treatments were evaluated on separate experimental paddocks during their first grazing seasons: 1) supplementation with concentrate and roughage for 4 weeks from turnout and 2) turnout on pasture the previous year grazed by second season grazing steers, followed by a move to a parasite safe aftermath in mid-July. Comparison was made with an untreated and an anthelmintic treated control group, representing minimum and maximum productivity, respectively. Animal parasitology and performance were each year monitored regularly along the grazing periods and during the subsequent housing periods. In addition, all animals were monitored during their second grazing seasons when grazing in a communal paddock. To assess the numbers of infective larvae on herbage in each paddock, pasture samples were collected regularly during the grazing seasons. In addition, worm counts from slaughtered cattle that had been grazing the experimental paddocks at restricted periods were made.
EPrint Type: | Project description |
Location: | SVA – National Veterinary Institute Parasitology department SE-751 89 Uppsala peter.waller@sva.se |
Keywords: | concentrate and roughage, parasitology monitored |
Subjects: | Animal husbandry > Health and welfare Animal husbandry > Production systems > Beef cattle |
Research affiliation: | Sweden > National Veterinary Institute SVA |
Research funders: | Sweden > Formas Sweden > Swedish Board of Agriculture SJV |
Project ID: | 2001-2523 |
Start Date: | 1 January 2002 |
End Date: | 31 December 2005 |
Deposited By: | Fredriksson, Pelle |
ID Code: | 7611 |
Deposited On: | 13 Mar 2008 |
Last Modified: | 20 Aug 2009 14:31 |
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